Lee Sin’s Bizzare Adventure Chapter 124: Change your destiny (please subscribe~)


The future is advancing according to the established route.

In the first second, the Crimson King slashed out his sword, and Li Qing slowed it down with “Heavenly Thunder Breaking” and “Breaking Bones”.

In the second second, Li Qing released the data mode and took advantage of the Crimson King’s deceleration to adjust his posture so that his right shoulder faced the Crimson King’s hand knife.

At the third second, the hand knife cut off the shoulder and cut off Li Qing’s right arm to the root.

At the fourth second, Li Qing broke his arm to survive and rolled out to the outside.

At the fifth second, the Crimson King adjusted his body shape and pursued Li Qing.

The sixth second

Facing the Crimson King who was rushing toward him, Li Qing faced the pain of his broken arm and faced forward with his right shoulder, which was still gushing blood.

The digital mode was restarted, and the blood on his right shoulder stopped instantly.

At this moment, the Crimson King was rushing towards him without any precautions.


There is no fear in Li Qing’s eyes, only the strong fighting spirit condensed in the tension:

“This is the strongest blow I have, the strongest spear that can break everything!”

The most powerful attack he has at hand is not actually a system skill, but a strange characteristic that he accidentally discovered from the “closing” and “opening” of his digitalized body.

The first time Li Qing released the digital mode and fought with his body was when he faced that undead piece of meat and had to make a choice to escape.

At that time, his body was almost only bones after being chewed by pieces of meat, and his forearm and right hand were bent back at an angle of 270 degrees.

However, at the moment when digitization restarts

The bitten flesh and blood on his body recovered instantly, and the arm bent at 270 degrees twisted forward in an instant.

Even if it is restrained by a piece of flesh, it cannot stop the arm from twisting forward.

Li Qing’s strength at that time was far inferior to that of Meatloaf.

However, in order to restore his body to a perfect state, his broken arm exploded with unprecedented strength after turning on the digital mode, easily breaking free from the entanglement of the flesh.

Since then, Li Qing has been thinking:

Since the digitalization model will ensure that his body is always in perfect condition like the 3D model in the game that will never be disabled, then

If before digitization was turned on, his arm would not only be bent, but cut off at the root

What will happen?

Can the arm be restored?

Can it still erupt with that kind of unexplainable power?

Although he was curious, Li Qing himself did not dare to try. If digitalization could not repair the detached arm, he would be permanently disabled.

But then he met Giorno.

The golden experience’s ability to easily repair wounds and reconnect the body gave Li Qing unlimited “self-mutilation” capital.

After discovering that his teammate was a powerful wet nurse, he did not hesitate to cut off his own arm with a knife to verify the idea he had been curious about for a long time.

The result of this experiment is

“Will recover!”

“Even if my arm is cut off at the root, my body will instantly return to perfect condition after turning on digitization.”

“Moreover, it is not rebirth of a broken limb, but reconnection of a broken arm”

“My broken arm is like Thor’s hammer. It will fly back to my body as soon as digitization is turned on!”

Looking at the Crimson King rushing toward him, Li Qing could not help but feel excited:

Diablo seemed to be unprepared for his true purpose. The Crimson King stood upright, standing between him and the severed arm.

And the broken arm has sensed the turning on of the digital mode:

It rose from the ground in an instant and flew straight towards Li Qing’s body in an unstoppable manner.

It is extremely fast, as fast as a phantom.

Its power is huge, powerful enough to penetrate all obstacles.

At this moment, rather than saying that it is a broken arm that wants to return to its owner, it is better to say that it is an indestructible flying sword.

This is exactly the bug caused by the system rules:

Li Qing in digital mode must have an intact body.

Nothing can stop his body from recovering, and nothing can block the arm flying towards his body!

Everything that stands in front of the broken arm will be easily pierced by it like tissue paper.


The previous attempt to survive with a broken arm was just a cover-up, this was the most critical part of Li Qing’s escape plan.

As long as the severed arm flying back to the main body can hurt the Crimson King, even just a little, it can give him time to escape with the Sky Sound Wave.


What Li Qing didn’t notice at all, and couldn’t possibly notice,

When his broken arm rose into the air with the digital restart, Diavolo had already launched a counterattack:


Diablo’s eyes and Li Qing’s eyes flashed at the same time:

“Time will begin to be engraved again”

“The Crimson King!”

The magical ability of “Time Cut” is activated, and Diavolo and his substitute become independent of the timeline.

And Li Qing

He didn’t even realize that the timeline was quietly changing.

He was still stuck in the deleted time, having beautiful but useless fantasies about the Crimson King who didn’t actually exist in front of him.

Just like that, the future was changed.

Time is moving according to Diavolo’s thoughts.

Sixth second:

Li Qing restarted digitalization and turned his broken arm into a “flying sword”.

When Diavolo is turned on, the Crimson King escapes into the “void”.

Seventh second:

The severed arm passed through the Crimson King’s body and penetrated its chest.

But the Crimson King, who had already entered the time-cutting state, was not affected at all.

Soon, the severed arm flew to Li Qing and returned instantly.

The Crimson King walked forward calmly and followed Diavolo’s instructions, staying in a special position.

Eighth second:

Li Qing didn’t even realize that his attack was ineffective.

Staying in the deleted time, he is still blasting a sky sound wave into the distance just like the future that Diavolo saw before.

“Time removed, lifted!”

Diavolo released his ability in time.

The time that was deleted was actually only two seconds, but these two seconds had already changed everything:

First of all, the “flying sword” attack that was enough to kill Diavolo did not take effect.

Secondly, the Crimson King has adjusted his position and stood exactly on the path of Li Qingtian’s sound wave.

And in Li Qing’s perception

He was just stunned for a moment, and his consciousness jumped from the “digital restart” two seconds ago to the current “Tian Yin Wave Launch”.

“Something’s wrong!”

“This is “Time Cut”! ”

Looking at his right arm that had recovered at some point, and the Tianyin wave light ball that had escaped from his hand, Li Qing felt the bone-chilling chill almost in an instant.

The next moment, Tianyin Wave hit the Crimson King firmly.

The positioning mark appeared on the Crimson King’s strong arm, and the hope of escape was instantly wiped out.


Li Qing’s face became extremely ugly:

“How is it possible, why!”

“Why did Diavolo notice my arm-breaking attack during the digital restart, and why was he able to launch the time cut so perfectly?”

“My ability to recall a broken arm has only been discovered less than an hour ago. How could he be alert in advance?”

No matter how smart and cautious a person is, it is impossible to guard against a severed arm.

But Diavolo, like a prophet, launched the time cut at the most critical moment of Li Qing’s counterattack.

Is it accidental or inevitable?

An unprecedented panic came to mind:

“Is this guy”

“What’s the ability to predict the future?”

Li Qing, who had always thought that the Crimson King’s ability was limited to Time Cut, finally vaguely noticed something was wrong.

But it’s too late to say anything now.

The Tianyin Wave, which can only be used once every seven seconds, has been wasted on the Crimson King.

And Diavolo was obviously on guard against his hidden abilities. There was absolutely no way he could hurt the opponent with a broken arm sneak attack.


Looking at the ashen-faced Li Qing, Diavolo couldn’t help laughing wildly.

The fear and depression I had developed since meeting the Rolling Stone were all vividly vented at this moment:

“I’m not dead, I’m still alive!”

“The so-called fate has been completely! Changed! Changed by me, Diavolo!”


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