Lee Sin’s Bizzare Adventure Chapter 111: Waiting for a long time


No one was spared in the face of the fungus outbreak.

Fugo lost his legs, Mista had his neck chewed open, Apaki and Nalanja each lost an arm, and Giorno and Bucciarati could only cover their chests feebly. Abdomen, watching helplessly as the spreading fungus devours his abdominal muscles.

Li Qing seems fine.

The fungal erosion seems to be simply judged as a “physical attack” by the system, and his digitalized body will recover immediately as soon as he is injured.

Li Qing has always maintained a complete body and complete combat effectiveness, but this cannot change the fact that his blood volume is constantly declining.

There is no doubt that this is a desperate situation.


“There is not much time left, think quickly!”

Li Qing gritted his teeth tightly, motivating his companions in this desperate situation:

There are natural differences in strength and natural strengths and weaknesses, but human souls must have absolute equality.

As long as you don’t stop thinking, there are endless possibilities to bridge the gap and reverse the strength.

At this moment

Seven people, including Li Qing, are spending what may be the last time of their lives thinking about that problem:

“Why are enemies immune to fungi?”

“Is it because the enemy’s ability can achieve “unharmed teammates”?”

Li Qing was the first to use in-game thinking to come up with answers.

But Bucciarati, who had dealt with various substitutes and learned many rules about the abilities of substitutes, immediately raised objections:

“I don’t think so.”

“These fungi reproduce and spread spontaneously, with an almost unlimited range.”

“If it is possible to lock a moving target within such a large range of capabilities so that it is always protected from fungal damage, how powerful is the control required?”

“Based on my experience”

Bucciarati analyzed with confidence:

“Stand-ins are like athletes in the Olympics. They each have their own areas of expertise, but they cannot do both.”

“For example, a shooter is extremely accurate, but it is impossible for him to have the endurance and physical strength of a marathon runner.”

“There may be only one or two exceptions in the world for all-around players like that who can be at the forefront in terms of strength, speed, endurance, and precision.”

“The same is true for doubles, just like Fugo’s purple smoke”

“Avatars with large-scale destruction capabilities basically do not have high precision control capabilities.”

In fact, just as Bucciarati said, the data of Chocrat’s stand-in panel is “precision e”.

This level of precision is obviously not capable of the precise operation of protecting teammates from injury in the midst of thousands of troops.

An idea was temporarily rejected.

But everyone has already started thinking in this brainstorming session.

Soon, someone proposed a new possibility:

Is it possible that the “tight-jacket” stand-in the other party wears has the isolation effect of the biochemical protective suit itself?

This conjecture was also quickly rejected, because Psycho’s “tights” were not fully covering, half of his cheeks were clearly exposed, and it obviously had no effect of isolating the air.


Did the other party inject some antifungal drugs in advance?

Has the other party’s body been modified and some antibodies against fungi have been formed in his body?

“These ideas are useless!”

Seeing that his throat was about to be eaten clean by the fungus, Mista anxiously shouted in his hoarse and weak voice:

“Even if these conjectures are true, we will never be able to replicate them.”

“If this keeps up, that guy hiding in the soil will be able to come up and collect our bodies soon.”

Even if you think about it, you can’t come up with an answer.

The atmosphere became increasingly solemn and deadly silent.

At this moment, Li Qing seemed to suddenly think of something and slapped his head suddenly:

“Hiding in the soil, hiding in the soil”

“The biggest difference between that guy and others is that he has been traveling in the dirt.”

“Could it be that the secret of immunity to fungi has something to do with soil?”


In the “liquefied” soil layer, Sai Ke was swimming happily.

Butterfly stroke, breaststroke, dog paddle. He is like a tourist on vacation at the beach, changing various positions to enjoy entertainment and relax.

Because he no longer has to worry about fighting.

The previous actions of Li Qing and others jumping from high to low had already activated the fungus infected on their bodies.

The fungus will continue to multiply and spread until it has devoured the last piece of flesh and blood of the enemy.

The enemy may seize the opportunity to counterattack if they emerge from the ground. All Psycho needs to do is wait quietly in this layer of soil, watching out for what actions the enemies on the ground will make when they are dying, and preparing at the same time. To collect the corpses of these guys who were dying soon.

What makes him worry less is that

Li Qing and others on the ground seemed to have lost the courage to resist in this desperate situation. They did not move or escape. They just took two steps in a panic, let out a few wails, and then stopped making trouble. There was no other movement.

Soon, the surroundings became completely quiet.

“No movement”

Sike listened carefully to the movement on the ground, and suddenly found that no sound could be heard anymore:

“Everyone who dies should be dead, right?”

“Hahahaha rewards, I can get Joe Krat’s rewards!”

He raised his nose and stuck out his tongue, talking to himself like a dog in heat.

But this did not affect his animal-like keen and cautious instincts.

Second first found a safe position away from Li Qing and others and carefully floated to the ground, then squinted his eyes and carefully observed their appearance at the moment:


The appearance of Li Qing and others can only be described as terrifying.

The green and white fungi had completely covered their bodies from top to bottom, making them look like rotten and moldy tangerines that had been placed improperly.

They collapsed on the ground in a mess, their eyes staring “relentlessly” like evil ghosts seeking their lives.

The breath is so weak, as weak as a candle in the wind, and may be extinguished at any time.


The health bar on Li Qing’s head is gone.

He seems to have been tortured by the fungus and lost consciousness, and can no longer activate his “substitute ability”.


Xike shouted excitedly.

Obviously, Li Qing and others have entered the final stage of being parasitized by fungi:

The skin is ulcerated and turned green, the muscles are out of control, the organs are decaying and decaying, and the consciousness is blurred. Although he still breathes his last breath, there is only one breath left.

In this situation, it is impossible for them to have any resistance.

Psycho subconsciously wanted to move forward, but cautiously stopped due to the instinct of the beast:

“Be careful if you are not right”

“Maybe they still have the energy to move, but they are just lying to me?”

“Hey hey hey”

“Then let me give it a try!”

He suddenly scooped out a gram of rock soil from the earth, and then stuffed the gram of soil directly into his mouth without dissatisfying the dirty smell, and chewed it like chewing gum.

The rock and soil became liquefied into mud due to Psycho’s stand-in ability, and became more detailed and plasticized under the friction of his teeth.


Sai Ke exerted all his strength and used his mouth that was as powerful as a pistol to spit out the mouthful of mud forward and upward.

The mud was sprayed into the sky above Li Qing and others. It soon turned from soft to hard as it was far away from Psycho, and condensed into sharp “rock needles” under the action of gravity.

Just like that, a needle rain fell from the sky out of thin air.

These hard, sharp and dense rock needles mercilessly pierced the bodies of Li Qing and others from above.

Countless holes were suddenly pierced into their bodies covered with green and white fur, and scarlet blood overflowed.

But, even so

None of Li Qing, Giorno, or Bucciarati moved due to the pain.

“As expected, hahaha”

“Are you unconscious anymore?”

Xike grinned and felt relieved immediately.

The next work is very simple, it is nothing more than finishing the blows and collecting the corpses.

He completely let down his guard and approached without any precautions.

Finally, Psycho boldly emerged from the ground and raised his feet high towards Li Qing’s face covered with green and white mold.

However, just when he was about to stomp on Li Qing’s head

“Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali!”

In front of the “dying” Bucciarati, steel chain fingers suddenly appeared.

A fierce fist shadow suddenly erupted close to the side of Zi Sai Ke’s body, which Zi Sai Ke had not noticed at all.

There is no hiding, no avoiding.

By the time Saiko realized that he was being attacked, the steel-chained fist had already hit him firmly.

Neck, shoulders, thighs, knees

Several important parts and joints were instantly unzipped, and Psycho’s figure immediately fell to the ground uncontrollably, no longer able to resist.

At this time, under his surprised, shocked and puzzled eyes, Giorno, Bucciarati and others all stood up from the ground as if nothing was wrong.

Li Qing directly entered the digital mode and showed his health bar on Xike:

After a long wait, the blood bar not only did not drop, but actually returned to full level.

Li Qing, despite the full health bar, kicked Xe Ke’s immobile body with disdain:

“You’ve been waiting for a long time, idiot.”

“How, how is it possible?”

Looking at the green and white fluff that almost covered the entire body of Li Qing and others, Sai Ke roared in disbelief:

“The fungus has obviously broken out”

“Why are you okay?!”



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