Lee Sin’s Bizzare Adventure Chapter 110: Unsolvable cooperation (please subscribe~)


Psycho sneaked back underground.

The situation of Li Qing and others has become quite passive.

Indeed, Psycho’s strength and speed are extremely strong, even much stronger than the strongest steel finger in their team.

Furthermore, his stand is a covering stand that is worn directly on the body and directly strengthens the body. This means that he is not only powerful and fast, but also does not have the fatal weakness of the body like other stand-in users.

But even so, they actually have many ways to deal with Psycho.

The steel chain fingers can lead everyone to escape and pursue, and the numerical advantage is enough to easily make up for their gap in strength and speed.

But the problem is

Now Sai is not fighting alone.

The flesh-eating fungus that permeates the air and grows on the bodies of Li Qing and others is Psycho’s best comrade.

With these fungi around, Li Qing and the others did not dare to go to “lower areas”.

This means that they cannot move to escape or pursue on the ground. They can only be trapped on this wooden platform and passively respond to attacks that the enemy may launch at any time.

Psycho obviously realized this.

Shortly after he disappeared underground, he swam to a safe location more than ten meters away, and then poked his head out of the ground, clearly revealing his position:


“It’s a bit troublesome.”

Xike was not in a hurry to fight at all, but looked at Li Qing with a solemn expression from a distance with his slightly arrogant eyes:

“You blind man’s ears are sharper than mine.”

“No matter where I swim, you will find me, right?”

“No more than hiahiahia”

He laughed so hard that his voice was distorted:

“So what if you can find me? Do you dare to leave that platform for even half a step?”

“Hahaha, hit me, do you dare to fight back?”


Mista was so annoyed by the provocation that he immediately fired a bullet at Psycho’s twisted, evil and ironic smile.

The bullet roared out, drawing a simple arc.

And Psycho is like a cunning and cunning mouse that hides its head and tail. After being slightly attacked, it burrows into the hole and never shows its head again.

This land is his best shield.

Faced with Psycho, who can sink into the earth at any time, no matter how accurate the bullet is, it will only wipe out a useless spark on the ground.

“Gone again”

Mista clutched the pistol tightly, and his scalp felt numb:

“How should we fight against such a **** enemy?!”

“He’s right, we don’t dare to go “lower” at all now. ”

“That guy who can sneak into the ground at any time is basically invincible to us now!”


Everyone frowned.

Most of them have rich combat experience, but faced with such an unsolvable situation, even these stand-ins who combine wisdom and courage cannot solve it.

No way

The combination of the stand-in abilities of Psycho and Joe Krat is really powerful.

One of them can travel in the “lower places” underground and pull people down to the “lower places”, while the other can spread fungi in a large area, causing people to die as soon as they reach the “lower places”.

This is simply an unsolvable combination.

“There is no other way”

Giorno thought hard and couldn’t figure out a way to solve it, so he had to come up with a plan to protect himself for the time being:

“I will now let the golden experience drive this wooden platform to continue to extend.”

“When these logs extend to the small buildings outside the lawn, we will jump into those buildings and climb directly to the second floor.”

“As long as there is no ground under our feet, that guy shouldn’t be able to attack us by hiding from the ground.”

This is indeed a good strategy to avoid enemy attacks.

But the problem is

Although Psycho is crazy, he is not stupid.

When the wooden platform higher than the ground began to spread rapidly into the distance, he knew that Li Qing and others wanted to escape.

“Want to run?”

“It’s useless, it’s too late!”

Saike’s crazy voice came faintly from the thick soil:

“The piece of wood you are stepping on has been transformed into a ‘liquid’ by me!”

As soon as he finished speaking, before everyone could take a few steps forward on the “wooden floor”, the hard and thick log turned into a puddle of soft wood mud.

The hard ground turned into an unfathomable swamp.

“Damn it, jump out!”

Li Qing felt the sound of mud surging under his feet, and his scalp suddenly felt numb:

“This ‘swamp’ is at least two or three meters deep.”

“If we sink, we will be completely doomed!”

The wooden platform has completely turned into a “swamp”. If they want to jump out, they can only jump to the lower lawn.

This will definitely trigger a fungal outbreak.

However, at this moment, they have no choice.

Which is the lesser of two harms, jumping onto the lawn twenty centimeters lower is better than sinking into a swamp several meters deep.


At this critical moment, Li Qing and others all jumped to the lawn outside the “swamp” with the mentality of drinking poison to quench their thirst.


Fuge soon let out a shrill scream.

Compared to others, he was the one with the worst fungal attack.

Both feet were chewed early, and he could barely keep standing just now with Apache’s support.

And now

The moment the height dropped, the fungus that was finally contained was like a powerful army that had received the signal to attack, suddenly erupting with a plundering fire.

The flesh is devoured, and the bones subsequently decay.

Fuge’s legs that had just grown out were quickly swallowed clean by the fungus.

If it weren’t for the powerful anesthetic effect of this fungus, he would have fainted from the severe pain of losing his legs.

Of course, it’s not just Fu Ge, the situation of others is not much better.

The fungus also broke out on their bodies, gnawing at their flesh.

Although it was not to the point of amputating hands and feet, it was enough to cause their skin to ulcerate and their flesh to tear.

Even Li Qing, whose physical fitness is far superior to that of ordinary people and has the strongest resistance to fungi, lost one-fifth of his health due to the small jump he just made when he went “lower”.

What’s even scarier is that this is just the beginning.

The ferocious fungus activated by the altitude change began to multiply, expand, and erode his life.

“It’s over!”

“The fungus has begun to multiply!”

Mista covered his chest and neck, whose skin had been eaten away by the fungus, and shouted in a disembodied voice:

“Giorno Kuai”

“Build another wooden platform!”

“It’s useless.” Giorno sighed softly.

Even if he is unwilling to give in, he has to face this desperate situation with no solution and no way out:

“The enemy can liquefy the ground again at any time.”

“Rebuilding a wooden platform will only cause us to experience another fungal outbreak like the one we just experienced.”

“What to do!”

Mista’s throat was almost bitten by the fungus: “Keep doing this”

“These growing fungi alone are enough to kill us!”

“No way.”

Giorno gave a desperate reply:

“The stand-in messenger who released the murderous fungus should still be on the helicopter.”

“And that helicopter”

“It is so far away from us that even Li Sin, who has the longest range, cannot reach it.”

He looked up at the sky in the distance and said helplessly:

“The guy who can escape from the ground is hiding under our feet and may attack at any time.”

“If you want to get close to that helicopter, you must defeat him.”

“What should I do!”

Mista is desperate.

After an experience, he is no longer afraid of death.

But like this, he couldn’t even fight back properly and died like a terminally ill patient on the hospital bed. It was really not the heroic ending he wanted:

“If you want to deal with the guy who released the fungus, you must first defeat this escaped mouse.”

“But if we want to defeat this escaped mouse, we must first get rid of the fungal infection.”

“Isn’t this an endless cycle with no solution?!”

Mista roared feebly.

But Li Qing suddenly turned his head and stared at Mista with his dim eyes:


“You just said you were getting rid of a fungal infection?”

He frowned tightly, and a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind.

There is one very important thing that he has always ignored:

“Everyone, have you ever thought about it”

“Fungi have no intelligence at all. They rely on instinct to reproduce, spread and infect unconsciously.”

“We are all flesh and blood, and we are all a breeding ground that can provide nutrients for fungi, so what about this guy hidden under our feet”

“Why was he spared?”

ps: The original work did not mention why Psycho was immune to fungi.

There are various folk sayings on the Internet, here “just listen to my .gif”



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