Lee Sin’s Bizzare Adventure Chapter 109: Oasis


The car drove along the sidewalk toward the depths of “hell”.

From time to time there was an indescribable crunching sound coming from under the tire, the sound was like Li Qing stepping on a cockroach.

But everyone knew that it was not a cockroach, but one of their kind.

“Isn’t it here yet?”

Everyone looked at the approaching helicopter through the window, their faces as gloomy as ice.

The air was suffocatingly silent. It was only two or three kilometers away, but it felt extremely long.

Just like that, the helicopter got closer and closer.

But at this moment, Li Qing suddenly frowned:


“I heard a slight noise coming from the ground, it seemed to be a person.”

“Someone is moving towards us in the underground soil, and very fast!”


“Will the enemy escape to the ground?”

Mista was at a loss while driving:

The enemy attacked from underground, and he didn’t know how to avoid it.

Li Qing maintained his composure and gave the order in time:

“Stop the car and get out quickly.”

“If you are crowded into this small carriage and fighting with others, it is easy for you to be beaten by others.”

“Yes.” Mista stepped on the brakes and slowed down the car in a panic, then looked around and observed the environment: “No, if you park, there is no place to set foot around here.”

The uncle driver on the roadside just got out of the car and lowered his height by twenty centimeters, and his legs were eaten away by the explosive growth of fungus.

In this case, “getting off the car” is almost a fatal and prohibited action.

But now, in an effort to curb the fungal outbreak, they have moved their cars onto the sidewalk.

The surrounding area happens to be a public green space used for playing football. As far as the eye can see, it is a vast and flat lawn, and the ground is completely flush with the sidewalk.

In other words, at this moment, this car is the highest foothold they can find.

When they get off the bus at this place, no matter where they end up, they will inevitably move towards it, causing the fungus to explode and multiply on the body surface.

“Let’s move forward!”

“If you get off the car in a place like this, someone will die.”

Mista said very nervously.

“No” Li Qing shook his head: “It’s too late, the enemy is only twenty meters away from us.”

“So Giorno?”

He turned his eyes to Giorno for help, and Giorno nodded understandingly:


“I will ‘transform’ this battlefield.”

Giorno also looked at the terrible environment around him, and a golden experience emerged in front of him:

“Wood big wood big wood big wood big wood big!”

The golden fist roared out, and the phantom-like fist continuously hit the car itself.

The lifeless metal body was infused with a huge amount of vitality, and soon stretched and deformed, glowing with endless vitality.

The seats turned into thick green branches, and the chassis turned into hard and knotted tree roots.

Under the control of Golden Experience, this big tree transformed from a car showed an unnatural growth posture. Instead of protruding branches and buds upward, it continued to extend horizontally in all directions like a liquid.


The car is gone, but the ground is covered with a thick “wooden floor”.

Although the area of ​​​​this “wooden floor” is not exaggeratedly large, it looks as big as a boxing ring from a distance, which is enough for everyone to play.

“That’s it.”

“By turning cars into trees, you can artificially create a ‘chamber’ with the same height as the original one!”

Everyone stood on the wooden platform, feeling relieved.

Only Mista was a little unhappy:

Although the important items in the car are still preserved, the car itself has a “life-long friendship” with him. How can it be said to be gone without it?

Think about it, since he met Giorno and Li Qing, no vehicle has survived for more than an hour

“Attention everyone!”

Li Qing’s reminder interrupted Mista’s resentment:

“It’s close to within 0 meters.”

“Just at my two o’clock direction, 6 meters 4 meters”

He is like an accurate humanoid radar that can accurately lock on to the high-speed moving target even though it is blocked by the thick layer of soil.

The enemy’s traces were completely exposed in this way.

Everyone summoned their own substitutes, gearing up to meet the incoming enemy.

“He’s coming!”

Li Qing shouted softly, instructing everyone to take action: “Do it!”

Just finished speaking

On the ground not far from Li Qing’s feet, a young man dressed strangely suddenly emerged from the ground like a marmot smelling the aroma of food.

His whole body was wrapped in a strange tights that resembled a diving suit, with only half of his face exposed.

What was even more amazing was that the ground around him did not appear solid and flat, but instead had rippling ripples like water waves.

This is none other than Psycho.

After he jumped off the helicopter, he used his ability to “liquefy” objects to swim and sneak in the soil, quietly approaching Li Qing and others.

Of course, this is just what he thinks is “quietly”.

The moment Psycho poked his head out of the liquefied earth, everyone who had already grasped his specific location through Li Qing’s detection immediately launched the most violent attack:

“Aviation Smith!”

“Sex Pistols!”

Machine gun bullets and pistol bullets intertwined, creating an airtight web of firepower.

“Ali Ali Ali Ali!”

“Wood big wood big wood big wood big!”

The steel chain fingers and the gold experience were flanked from left to right, setting off a storm.

“Tian Yin Bo!”

“Purple smoke!”

Li Qing struck out through the void to condense white light, and Zi Yan struck with a heavy fist to release poisonous mist.

As soon as the battle started, the scene became extremely intense.


Sai Ke was slightly stunned by such a big scene, but he reacted instantly:

“Have you predicted my location in advance?”

“Yes, I forgot that the information said that Li Qing has very good ears.”

He suddenly clenched his fists. His substitute “Oasis”, the tights that covered his whole body, secretly provided its owner with terrifying strength and speed.

“Hey hey hey”

“It’s useless even if you find it!”

“An attack of this level cannot defeat me!”

Psycho smiled nervously, and his hands soaked in the “mud” suddenly waved upward.

This is just a simple splashing action.

But with the blessing of Xike’s strange strength and speed, the “mud” splashed out by his hands was like a bullet being discharged, endowed with extremely powerful kinetic energy.

They quickly moved away from Psycho’s body and transformed from liquid back to solid.

As a result, the “mud” that was splashed out turned into clods of earth, gravel and wood chips that were incredibly fast and hard.

In short

With just the simple action of splashing water, Psycho created two airtight and powerful “bullet rains” of gravel.

A piece of rubble went straight towards the bullets fired by Aviation Smith and the Sexy Pistols, and they collided with them into a brilliant spark in mid-air.

Another piece of rubble was carried by a strong wind and hit the poisonous mist fist wielded by Zi Yan head-on.

The strong wind blew away the poisonous mist, and those powerful gravels were deeply embedded in Ziyan’s fists, arms and chest, causing Fuge, as the main body, to also shoot out A horrific **** hole.

In just a short moment, the attacks from both parties were neutralized.

At this moment, the fists of steel chain fingers and golden experience were about to hit Psycho’s face.


“A close-range power substitute?”

“Compared with me, your strength is far behind!”

Xike laughed maniacally, and punched out without fear, fighting with steel chain fingers and gold experience at the same time.

Although they were one against two, they were not at any disadvantage.

The muffled sound of the collision of heavy fists continued to roar like dense thunderclouds, and the sound was astonishing.

After just one breath

Xike knew that he could only hold on for a while under the siege of so many people. Like a slippery loach, he turned around and plunged into the liquefied ground and disappeared there. in the thick layer of soil.

“This guy”

“So much strength, so fast”

Looking at Psycho, who managed to escape unharmed from an ambush, everyone looked a bit ugly.

Especially Lee Sin.

His Tianyin Wave has successfully hit Xike, but he did not dare to use Echo Strike:

“Anyone can do more damage with a flat slash than my skills”

Li Qing couldn’t help but cursed in his heart:

“Am I kidding?!”

ps: avatar panel.

Alternate name——


Destructive power: a

Speed: a

Range distance: e

Sustainability: a

Movement precision: e


Ability: A body double worn on the body, similar in appearance to a diving tights.

It can turn objects it touches into like mud. You can use this ability on the ground to sneak through mud and rocks like swimming.


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