Lee Sin’s Bizzare Adventure Chapter 108: Psychotic duo (please subscribe~)


A few minutes ago.

Over the city of Naples, a helicopter flew quickly from outside the city.

“S-76 private helicopter, please pay attention, warning ahead, you have entered the no-fly zone.”

“The airspace ahead is subject to military air traffic control, please return in time.”

“Air traffic control?”

“Oh, I’m sorry, I really don’t know.”

While piloting the helicopter towards the city of Naples, Joe Crater replied to the radio in a very gentle and harmless tone:

“The boss of the company asked me to come here. Please forgive me, I will leave soon.”

After a brief exchange, the radio stopped.

The gentle temperament disappeared from Chokrat in an instant, and was replaced by a twisted and evil murderous intention:


“Shall I return?”

He covered his chest muscles that were hollowed out due to his trendy clothes, and his grass-green braid laughed wildly as his body trembled violently:

“Idiot! The ‘playground’ is already so close, how could I leave at this time!”

“Air traffic control haha.”

“You won’t have time to think about this kind of thing soon! Hahahaha.”

Jocrat smiled sickly, and there was no awe of the world’s first imperial navy in his smile.

He is a pure murderous lunatic.

As long as he can kill people happily, he will never consider the consequences.

When he was 14 years old, he claimed to be a volunteer and sneaked into the nursing home. By secretly replacing drugs, diet, and verbal hypnosis, he drove the elderly into desperation step by step.

After becoming an adult, Chocrat, who became a doctor, deliberately diagnosed healthy people as patients and lured them into hospitalization. At the same time, he used various means to kill these innocent people one by one during the treatment process.

Later, he joined the Passion organization and gained powerful stand-in abilities, and his desire to kill was even more uncontrollable.


Jocrat turned his head and showed a perverted smile that was twisted with excitement:

“Do you know the whereabouts of those traitors?”

“Not yet.”

The young man wearing a diving-style “tight suit” also showed an expression of excitement.

His name is Psycho, and he was once a patient of Chocrat.

Although Joe Crater is not a psychiatrist, Psycho is clearly a psychopath.

He hit it off with Joe Crater, who also had a homicidal habit and was skilled in business skills, and he was willing to be driven by Joe Crater and became Joe Crater’s assistant or, to be precise, a pet.


Xike’s eyes widened and his tone was as loyal as a dog trying to please its owner:

“The specific whereabouts of those traitors are still unclear.”

“The latest news is that they may have appeared in a shopping mall near here a few minutes ago.”


Jocrat laughed ferociously:

“The tasks assigned to us by the boss must be completed well, if we don’t know their specific whereabouts yet”

“Hahaha, then I will have to kill everyone!”

“Dear boss”

“These are all sacrifices made for you, ‘Youth Years’!”

As soon as he finished speaking, a humanoid avatar with a strange green color all over his body and stained with green and white mold appeared from around Joe Krat.

As soon as this humanoid avatar appeared, countless fungal spores that were difficult to distinguish with the naked eye were spread from its body.

These deadly fungal spores floated out of the helicopter cabin in the wind, like an invisible heavy rain, splashing down on the busy street with people and traffic.

Soon, the fungus parasitized the first hosts.

Their inadvertent actions intensified the growth of the fungus, causing the green carpet to spread on their bodies at a speed visible to the naked eye.


A pitiful wail soon sounded from the ground.

The fungus ate away the hands, feet, chest, abdomen, and internal organs of the pedestrians.

The hosts died of ulcers in an irreversible situation, and their green-haired corpses became a nutritional hotbed for fungal proliferation and expansion.

With the help of the flow of air, an increasingly large number of fungal spores rose from the corpses and rapidly expanded to farther distances and wider areas.

Just like that, a few minutes passed

This land with a radius of several kilometers has completely turned into a purgatory on earth.

Hundreds of people died in pain due to the attack of the green fungus, while on the helicopter in the sky, the instigator was taking pictures.

“Sike, have you taken the picture? Have you taken all the pictures?”

“This is the first time we have played like this in a big city. This rare shot must not be missed!”

This is also Joe Crater’s hobby:

When killing someone, take a photo of the victim’s death and save it for later appreciation.


“Those guys were all filmed trying to save their lives!”

Second clutched the camera, his face full of excitement.

“Oh oh oh”

“Very good, very good, very good, very good, very good!”

Jocrat reached out his hand and rubbed Psycho’s head excitedly.

He rubbed his head so hard that it looked like he was rubbing beads.

But Saiko is used to this.

Not only did he not feel uncomfortable, but he also let out a soft hum of comfort and contentment, acting like a domestic dog enjoying the caress of his owner.

However, at this moment


Xike’s eyes widened and he looked down carefully from the helicopter:

“There is a car driving towards us on the road below!”

Directly below the helicopter is the core area of ​​the fungal outbreak, which has now become a desert without any living people.

And now suddenly there is a car driving straight this way, obviously

“Are those traitors?!”

Jocrat’s pupils shrank:

“That’s it”

“They have figured out how to delay the onset of fungus, and they are coming to trouble me?”

When he said this, there was a hint of fear in Jokrater’s voice.

He was just a murderer who used sneaky means to kill civilians, but he was never a brave and fearless warrior.

And Li Qing’s impressive record of defeating several generals in the Guards since he arrived in the morning cannot be underestimated.


Chocrat thought for a moment, then said to Psycho with a hopeful look on his face:

“You go down now.”

“Get rid of all those traitors!”

“Wait until they are all dead and then call me to let me know.”


Xike nodded without hesitation.

Jocrat is responsible for poisoning from a distance, and Psycho is responsible for killing enemies in close combat. This is a tactic they are accustomed to.

Soon, the helicopter door was completely opened.

Wearing a grass-green “tight suit”, the weirdo Psycho jumped out of the sky more than a hundred meters high as if he were diving from a high platform, with his arms clasped together and his head downwards.

A few kilometers away, there is a rooftop of a tall building somewhere.

Diablo held the telescope and looked at the death city with a faint green poisonous fog from a distance, as well as the helicopter that had been hovering in the sky for a long time.

After knowing that Jokrater was about to take action, he was looking for a position to observe its movements.

Because Jokrater’s “taunting ability” is very strong.

Even if he couldn’t kill Li Qing and his party, he could definitely force the missing Li Qing and others out of the city, giving Diavolo a chance to take action.

The only drawback is

This scene was so big that even the murderous Diavolo couldn’t accept it:

“If the mold continues to multiply indefinitely, even me standing here will be affected.”

“Damn this mad dog”

“Does he want to kill all eight million people in Naples?!”

“I asked him to restrain himself as much as possible, but he didn’t listen at all!”

He murmured to himself, with strong murderous intent already rising in his eyes.

The explosion that occurred in the Palermo port area can also be colluded with local officials to excuse it with lame excuses such as gas explosions.

But what Chokrat is doing now is a complete bioterrorism attack no matter how you look at it.

The matter is too big, and the passion organization can’t find a solution.

So, from the moment Diavolo boldly borrowed Jocrat’s power, he had already planned in his heart to kill the donkey.

Anyway, he has a good relationship with the “specialty product suppliers” in Central and West Asia.

The favorite thing of those terrorist organizations is to jump out and take responsibility for the attack. When the incident is over, kill Joe Krat as the attacker, and then let those business partners help take the blame. This time, the incident is related to the passion organization It has nothing to do with it.

“Wait until this thing is over”

“Jocrat, just die in pain bearing the name of a ‘terrorist’!”

Diablo thought so in his heart.


Somehow, he suddenly felt a bad feeling that was difficult to erase once it appeared:

“Can this mad dog really survive until that time?”



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