Lee Sin’s Bizzare Adventure Chapter 107: Spacious sidewalks


In the car.

Li Qing and others were shocked to find that they had entered a **** on earth.

Light green fluff spread everywhere, scarlet body fluids flowed all over the place, and screams and moans were heard endlessly, mixed with many heartbreaking sobs.

“These guys” Bucciarati’s pupils were filled with blazing anger.

“It’s true” Giorno’s blond hair was windless.

“Annoy” Apaki and Nalanja’s faces were as gloomy as ink.

“It’s my turn!” Even the most cowardly Fugo and the most tender Mista couldn’t help but roared angrily.

For them, Naples is home.

They are familiar with every street here, and every corner has memories of their past.

And now, this hometown, which is world-famous for its beauty, has been ravaged into this state.

“They must be killed!”

Everyone reached a consensus.

“Li Qing.”

Everyone turned their attention to the humanoid radar in the team: “Please find out the whereabouts of the enemy as soon as possible.”


Li Qing was also angry at this inhumane scene.

He closed his eyes tightly and concentrated, paying attention to all the sounds around him.

During this short search process, Giorno and the others also took the time to study the characteristics of those murderous fungi:

“Real fungi should be spread through the air, and can also absorb nutrients from flesh and blood and rapidly multiply and expand.”


Fuge endured the pain of his feet being eaten by the fungus, gritted his teeth and said:

“This is not something that exists in nature at all, but the enemy’s substitute ability.”

“If we don’t find the enemy’s identity quickly, I’m afraid we ourselves will be eaten up by the fungus before we can kill him!”

“That’s right.”

Giorno nodded, but quickly found a place that everyone ignored:

“But, have you noticed?”

“The fungal flora on several of us proliferates more slowly than the fungus on Fugo’s body?”

“Fugo’s feet were eaten away in a few seconds, but we still only have that small piece of flora on our bodies.”

“There are also pedestrians on the road just now”

“I saw an uncle driver who was almost intact in the car, but he just got out of the car and walked a few steps, and his legs were chewed up.”

“Why are the fungal proliferation rates so different?”

“Why is this?”

Everyone fell into deep thought, and no one could answer this question.

An idea flashed in Giorno’s mind, and he immediately said to Fugo: “Fugo, please raise your feet a little and take a look.”


Fugo was puzzled, but still followed Giorno’s instructions and lifted his feet that were almost eaten away by the fungus slightly.

Just a slight lift

The light green carpet that proliferated rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye stopped expanding.

“Why is this?”

Fuge’s eyes widened.

He was confused, but Giorno pressed his knees again and pushed the raised legs down.


Fugo let out a piercing scream.

Although the sense of pain is extremely dull due to fungal erosion, you can still see it with your eyes:

His legs were only slightly lowered, and the green carpet that was originally only entangled around his ankles quickly spread to his calves like a gushing tide.

In just a short moment, his calves were almost eaten by the fungi.

“As expected”

After doing some small experiments with Fugo’s legs, Giorno came up with the answer.

He ignored Fugo’s resentful gaze and just said in a calm tone:

“These fungi can sense the “height” of the location. ”

“I once saw it in a miscellaneous book”

“It is said that there are some fungi that always want to move to “lower places”, but they are unable to walk on their own. ”

“So, they will first parasitize into the insect’s body. When the insect moves to a “lower place”, the fungus will begin to proliferate and reproduce, and kill the host! ”

“This is how the so-called Cordyceps Sinensis was born.”

“The reason why Fugo had his feet chewed off so quickly was actually because he was moving his limbs up and down, which activated the fungus’ ability to reproduce.”

“That’s it.”

After saying this, Fuge, as a top student, immediately reacted:

“With such a habit, the host will only get sick and die after moving to a “lower place”. ”

“It is through this that fungi ride on moving hosts to continuously expand their infection range farther away.”

Diseases that cause death in a short period of time will not become disastrous infectious diseases.

And those viruses with incubation periods are the real demons that are unstoppable to humans.

At this moment, the flesh-eating fungus spreading in the city is a killer who knows how to lurk.

“But it is only instinct after all.”

“As long as we ensure that we don’t forget to go “lower” and instead go “higher”, we can stop the reproduction of fungi and slow down their erosion of the body. ”

Fuge tried his best to lift his legs while explaining.

After raising the legs a little higher, the flesh-eating fungi did quickly stop.

At this time

Li Qing suddenly opened his eyes and gave the information everyone wanted:

“Found it!”

“I just carefully sensed the sounds for several kilometers around here.”

“Although it is difficult to distinguish the distant sounds clearly, you can understand it from the location distribution of the screams”

“The infection range of this fungus is as large as two or three kilometers!”

When he said this, he couldn’t help but clenched his fists tightly:

“And there are constant screams in the outer circle of this circle of death that is several kilometers in diameter, indicating that those people have just been infected and have not yet died.”

“But in the inner circle, there was no sound at all.”

“The people there have long been killed by the fungus. There are no screams or wailings. It is as quiet as late at night.”

This fungal outbreak obviously spread around the enemy stand-in messenger.

In other words

The center of the circle of death is where the enemy’s body is.

“There is no longer any living person in the inner circle of the ‘center’.”

“And I heard a voice in that desert of death”

Li Qing stretched out his hand and pointed at a small black spot in the distant sky:

“That’s a helicopter.”

“Our enemy is on that helicopter!”

Everyone unanimously turned their attention to the distant sky.

With raging anger, Mista stepped on the accelerator hard.


“Don’t drive on flat ground.”

Giorno promptly ordered: “The fungus on our bodies has begun to spread.”

“Although the speed is still relatively slow, I’m afraid it can chew us up until we can’t move without our arms and legs before we get in front of the enemy.”


Mista asked in a panic: “What should we do? Evacuate first?”


“If we delay for one more second, countless innocent people will die.”

“Keep driving forward, but please be careful and drive the car to “higher ground.” ”

“Just like Fugo’s raised foot, as long as the height is slightly raised, the fungus can temporarily stop spreading.”

Giorno reminded him this way.

But Mista is still completely confused:

“The roads around here are all flat, how can I drive the car to “higher places”? ”

“Don’t mention raising it a little, you can’t even raise it by one centimeter”


Giorno looked out the window:

On the side of the flat road, there is a sidewalk about ten centimeters above the road surface.

And on the sidewalk

The pedestrians have long since disappeared, and all that remains are the festering corpses.


Giorno sighed deeply, with a hint of unbearability in his green eyes:

“Come on, the sidewalk is quite spacious.”

ps: avatar panel.

Alternative name “greenday”

Ontology Chocolat

Destructive power: a

Speed: c

Range distance: a

Sustainability: a

Movement precision: e

Growth: a

Ability: Wide-range indiscriminate attack-type avatar.

It will emit flesh-eating fungi, which are spread through corpses and can expand indefinitely.

Because the human body that descends to lower places will rot, the only way to avoid mold outbreaks is to keep going to higher places.


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