Lee Sin’s Bizzare Adventure Chapter 1: Welcome to the wonderful world



lol, an ordinary match, the selection stage.

Instantly pick Yasuo in the middle to curse?

Assist in angrily electing toads to retaliate against society?

I hesitated for a long time on the road, and finally came the unspectacular Galen.

The game hasn’t even started yet, and they have already lost most of them in the selection stage.

This is true

“So interesting.”

Li Qing sat up straight, his eyes reflecting the white light from the computer screen, which was exceptionally bright.

Winning or losing is not important to him.

Challenging games are the ones that make him happy.

Li Qing quickly moved the mouse and found his best natal hero in the hero pool with ease

The same name as himself, blind monk Li Qing.



Player confirmed: Lee Sin.

Hero choice: Blind Sin, Lee Sin.

Random map: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure.

Game loading

At the same time.

jojo world, Italy, Sicily.

In the port area of ​​Palermo, an inconspicuous hotel along the street, a guest room on the third floor.

The room is neither spacious nor luxurious.

A European-style carved bed that was so old that its texture was cracked occupied a small half of the room, and the furnishings were so old that they looked like they were going to mold.

The worst thing is that the room is filled with a strong and extremely fishy smell.

Thankfully the windows were closed and the door was locked, so the disgusting smell did not escape from the room.

At this moment, the door was suddenly violently opened from the outside.

A tall, thin, middle-aged white man with an unshaven beard walked into the empty hotel room with four tall and strong young men.

They were wearing suits that were so black that they seemed to be able to swallow light, and they were wearing leather shoes that were so bright that they could reflect light, and their waists were so bulging that they seemed to be carrying weapons. They looked very much like the Italian Mafia in the movie. member.

The fishy smell that filled the room hit my nose, but the young men in black with childish faces didn’t feel disgusted at all.

They took a moment to look at the simple and over-the-top furnishings in the room, and then they all looked at the tall, thin middle-aged man in the lead:

“Boss Amor.”

“Is this really the room where senior cadres of our passion organization have been?”

“Is this level of frugality too much?”

“The organization rules the entire underground world of profiteering. Why can’t it even pay for the accommodation of the cadres now?”

“Stop smiling!”

The middle-aged man named Amor snorted displeasedly:

“Work hard. After you finish your work, there will be plenty of time for you to talk nonsense.”

“I remember it all”

“This is a mission urgently ordered by the ‘senior cadres’ above. If something goes wrong, not even God can save you.”

“Yes yes yes.”

The people in black responded casually, but still couldn’t help but muttered:

“What important task”

“Isn’t it still the old business of those ‘scavengers’?”

While grumbling casually, they put on work rubber gloves on their hands with ease.

Then, a man in black asked first:

“Boss Amor, where did you throw the ‘garbage’ this time?”

“Right there, under the bed.”

Amor raised his hand and pointed to the empty carved bed in the middle of the room:

“Hurry up and clean up.”

“Good luck!”

The people in black nodded slightly, and then worked together to move the big bed that was in the way.

Soon, they moved the bed out of the way.

Under the bed is the body of a woman:

A large hole penetrated her chest, and her beautiful face was extremely distorted by pain.

Ordinary people would definitely feel nauseated subconsciously when seeing this scene, but the four young men in black seemed to be used to it. Not only did they not feel scared, they even pointed at the corpse and talked about it with a smile. Tianlai:

“Tsk, tsk.”

“She was quite beautiful, it would be a pity to die like this.”


A man in black echoed his companion’s statement and carefully looked at the wounds on the body:

“Penetrating injuries and killing in one blow are really cruel.”

“The diameter of the wound was more than ten centimeters, the heart was blown into pieces, and the bones were broken into particles. This is not what firearms and ammunition can do.”

“I think this was done by the ‘substitutes’ in the organization?”

Although they are just outsiders on the periphery of the organization, they have heard a lot of gossip in the organization and know that there are many powerful beings with supernatural abilities in the upper echelons of the organization.

These superpowers are called stand-ins.

“The blood has not completely dried yet.”

The four young men began to carry the body into the large suitcase while chatting enthusiastically:

“Look at it like this, the murderer hasn’t gone far yet.”

“As for our emergency dispatch this time, it was the ‘senior cadre’ who didn’t even want to reveal his name. He personally called us and gave instructions more than ten minutes ago.”

“In other words, the mysterious senior cadre with the ability to stand in is very likely nearby!”

As they chatted, the boys’ eyes lit up.

However, before they could express their suspicions, Amor, who was smoking nearby, could no longer listen:


He pinched out the cigarette **** in his hand with his fingers and yelled angrily:

“You guys!”

“Are you here to be a ‘scavenger’ or a Sherlock Holmes?”

“If you don’t want to see God, just shut your mouth!”

Those simple-minded young people have not yet realized the seriousness of the situation, but Amor has already vaguely guessed the “mysterious senior cadre” through all the weirdness of this temporary mission. ”’s true identity:

Ordinary organizational cadres have no need to hide their identity from their superiors. The other party is most likely not an organizational cadre, but someone else

The top leader and boss of the passion organization.

Yes, as a peripheral leader of the passion organization, Amor doesn’t even know his boss’s name.

No one knows the boss’s name.

Because the boss doesn’t like others to explore his identity and his actions, not even to speculate.

Everyone who tried to find out his identity died without exception.

Every trace and every clue left by the boss wherever he went has been perfectly erased by him.

For example

This woman.

Amor glanced at the corpse with a big hole in the chest and already had some guesses in his mind:

The boss never shows his true face, and even senior cadres can only contact the boss by phone.

No one knows his face, no one knows his name, or his identity. At most, they only heard his oppressive voice.

However, some things cannot be solved by phone calls alone.

You have to go out in person.

And if some of those women are too smart, or too stupid, to realize that the boss is extraordinary, the result is self-evident.

“This is the dark emperor who rules the passion organization”

Amor was in awe of his boss’s ruthlessness, but at the same time he felt yearned for it.

Evil people always yearn for the strong.

Amor is very satisfied with following such a mysterious, powerful and vicious boss.

At this moment, the cell phone hidden in his arms suddenly rang.


Amor answered the phone and changed to a respectful tone.

A very oppressive voice came from the other end of the phone

It was because Amor heard this naturally domineering voice on the phone before that he could not help but think of the other person as the boss of the organization who has always seen the beginning and end of the dragon:

“How was it?”

“Amor, have you cleaned up everything?”


Although the identity of the “high-level cadre of the organization” who gave the order on the other end of the phone was never revealed, Amor still answered with extreme caution, caution and respect:

“Don’t worry, my boys have cleaned up the scene.”

“We are professional scavengers and we guarantee that we will not leave a hair or a drop of blood.”


The “organization cadre” on the other end of the phone didn’t know what he said, so Amor immediately replied:

“Don’t worry!”

“Our actions were very covert and no one noticed.”

“Although we are just ‘scavengers’ on the periphery of the organization, we are also warriors who are proficient in combat firearms.”

“If there is really someone coming to get in the way, please believe it”

Amor said firmly:

“I, Amor, will never let anyone live!”

Just finished speaking


“Game loaded successfully.”

“Player ‘Li Qing’, welcome to the wonderful world of jojo.”

In front of Amor’s eyes, suddenly there was an extremely shiny bald head.


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