Lee Sin’s Bizzare Adventure: 【Free Extra】Kishibe Rohan’s new work


One day in November 2011.

The world-famous manga artist Kishibe Rohan is sitting alone on his sofa, watching TV boredly.

International news is being broadcast on the TV, and the volume is turned up quite a bit.

But Kishibe Rohan didn’t really listen at all.

Driving in the car, he was thinking about his next work:

As a talented cartoonist who debuted as a teenager, Mr. Kishibe Rohan has created two full-length comic strips so far:

The original debut novel “The Red and Black Boy” has been widely praised since its release.

Based on the real-life story of Jotaro Kujo, “Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure” pioneered the superpower wit-fighting comics.

These two works established Kishibe Rohan’s unshakable position in today’s manga industry.

Completing these two works also took countless efforts from Kishibe Rohan.

“Unconsciously it has been twelve years.”

“Those two works have been officially completed, so…”

Kishibe Rohan sighed softly.

Then, he looked down at the comic outline that he had prepared:

“It’s time for you to appear, “Le Sin’s Bizarre Adventure””

This is a manga that Kishibe Rohan planned to create 12 years ago.

It’s just that the serialization period of the two previous comics was too long, so this “Le Qing’s Bizarre Adventure” has been waiting in the queue until today.

“It’s time.”

Kishibe Rouche picked up the brush and wrote the opening title of this comic on the blank paper: “Le Qing’s Bizarre Adventure”

And just when he was about to continue drawing the draft of the first episode…

The news broadcast on TV successfully attracted his attention:

“Urgent news! Urgent news!”

“A surprising scene of the split sea appears on the coast of Miami, USA——”

“God does exist, he is from the Dragon Kingdom!”


Kishan Bianlu’s brush stagnated:

What the hell? Part the sea? Isn’t that a myth?

Are you sure you are watching the international news channel?

He raised his head in astonishment and saw a live video shot by a mobile phone playing on the TV:

“The incident occurred at the U.S. State Crime Agency on Green Dauphin Street. Please see the video captured by witnesses at the scene…”

After a brief introduction, an image of a man appeared on the TV.

That was a bald young man who looked very young, he seemed to be in his early 20s.

He was wearing simple training clothes, with a gray and black cloak trailing behind his back. He looked like he had just emerged from a deep mountain forest.

“This, this…”

Kishibe Rohan looked strange:

“Isn’t this Li Qing?”

He had obviously just met Li Qing a few months ago at a gathering of old friends. At that time, Li Qing was dressed like an ascetic.

Everyone was curious, but Li Qing just said: “When your practice reaches a critical stage, you need to go to the mountains to retreat and break through.”

He was slightly emotional when he said this:

“No one in this world can take my punch, I can only practice with myself.”

The words are full of invincible loneliness.

And no one even knows how strong Li Qing is now, and they can’t understand this loneliness.

“Didn’t Li Qing go to retreat to practice…”

Kishibe Rohan looked at her old friend on TV in astonishment:

“Why did he suddenly go to a US prison?”

“And on TV?”

He was confused, but the picture on the TV suddenly became fantasy.

Li Qing could only be heard saying slowly in that deep tone:

“There is only one reason for your failure-“

“That **** me off!”

Only Li Qing was captured in this cell phone video, so the audience doesn’t know who he is talking to now.

But it doesn’t matter anymore, because the person who is talking to him will soon die without any scum left, in the true sense, there will be no scum left.

After all, the attack shown by Lee Sin is this:

“The mountains are blowing with color and the ripples are running fast!”

Endless golden light emerged from Li Qing’s body.

The golden flames are burning like a torch around the body, and thunder and lightning shine on its surface.

The ground instantly sunk for several meters under the powerful arrogance. The ground shook suddenly, and cracks covered all the scenes in the video.

And Li Qing actually soared into the sky, quietly suspended in a golden light.

“Super Saiyan?!”

Kishibe Rohan was completely dumbfounded:

This powerful power and golden energy… He gave Li Qingtori Shanming’s manuscript back then. Did Li Qing really train himself into a Super Saiyan?

Kishibe Rohan’s metaphor is absolutely correct.

Level 18 Li Qing, coupled with the ripple qigong he has been practicing and deducing, looks really similar to the Super Saiyan in the comics except that he has no hair.

And the next moment…

“The Raptor swings its tail!”

A thunderous shout.

Li Qing moved, but his movement was so fast that the cell phone camera couldn’t capture it.

Even if it is jophone 4, the most advanced smartphone in the world, this human technological creation cannot keep up with the speed of superman.

Like other viewers, Kishibe Rohan could not see anything in front of the TV.

A Category 12 hurricane suddenly blew up at the scene.

The camera shakes violently in the terrible storm.

The picture is blurry.

After the camera finally stabilized, everyone saw…

In front of Li Qing…

The outer walls of the prison have been blown away.

A fan-shaped ditch more than ten meters deep appeared on the ground.

The fan-shaped depression spreads all the way to the sea outside the prison.

The waves were stagnant, and hundreds of millions of tons of seawater were squeezed away by the divine power.

The sea is divided.

“This, this?!”

The corners of the great cartoonist’s mouth were twitching violently.

He fell into silence for a long time, and the air was as quiet as death.

Finally, after being stunned for a long time…

Kishibe Rohan silently picked up her drawing:

“Le Sin’s Bizarre Adventure”, cross it out.

New title: “Bald Cape”.

No, this title is too obvious…

Kishibe Rohan shook her head dissatisfied.

After some modifications, only a striking new title remained on the manuscript:

“One Punch Man”


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