Invincible Powers Chapter 1325: Bear’s response


   There is a heavy and oppressive force, which emerges little by little from the bottom of this cold world.

  The Zhanlong Terrace was placed outside, and Yu Yuan, who was always paying attention to the changes in the outside world, was shocked again.

  When he saw the snow bear in the cold region sank into the deep sea again, he actually passed through the dragon-slaying platform and found a scene that shocked him even more.

  The galaxy in the outside world suddenly stood still!

  He knows that what is stationary is definitely not the galaxy, because the galaxy is stationary.

  What really stops is this extremely cold world that is always moving and has no fixed place!

  A huge star is always floating. What kind of power can make the whole world suddenly change from active to static?

  What kind of terrifying power is this?

  ”Gu Xingkui!”

  Ciala screamed, and could no longer care about the relationship between him and Ji Ningshuang, so she couldn’t wait to turn into a flash of lightning and fly to the deep sea.

  Yu Yuan even saw that the “dark field cold well” suddenly went dark, and immediately gushed out space waves.

  Obviously, while still in the middle, Ciara inspired the hidden power of the “Dark Field Cold Well” to communicate with King Shura.


  Yu Yuan, who was stepping on Zhanlongtai, followed closely behind, and also headed towards the deep sea where a “Cold Abyss Mouth” was hidden.

  Boom! Boom boom boom!

Along the way, he heard the roar of the earth, and saw the collapse of snow-capped mountains and glaciers.

  This made Yu Yuan extremely shocked.

  He seems to have seen, from the “cold abyss mouth” under the deep sea, streams of sword light flowed out.

  Sword light scattered in this extremely cold world, cruising in the depths of the earth, forcibly breaking the rules of the earth with unimaginable magical power.

  As a result, the strange stars that were always drifting slowly stopped in this void.

  With such divine power and sword power, it can only be those two mythical figures who have cultivated the primordial spirit and stood on the top of the majestic peak.

  The only one who conforms to the true meaning of this kendo can only be Gu Xingkui, after all he is the “Sword of the Earth”!

   Soon, Yu Yuan came to the vast deep sea again after Ciara.

  He lowered his head to search, and vaguely saw the huge figure of the snow bear in the cold region, moving wantonly under the sea.

  ”It’s smart.”

  Yu Yuan noticed that the snow bear in the cold region was obviously on guard this time, and did not go straight to the depths of the seabed, did not come into close contact with the “Cold Abyss Mouth”, and did not face Gu Xingkui’s monstrous sword intent.

  Under the sea, there are ice and snow falling, and there are infinite ice lights and thorns flying by.

  The ice light and thorns are obviously colliding with some sword lights, creating a light so gorgeous that even Yu Yuan on the sea feels dazzling.

  Ciara cheered up, shouted with a smile on her face, and said “Okay” repeatedly!

   One sound, an earth-shattering roar, was uttered by the snow bear in the cold region.

  The infinite cold energy of the entire Absolutely Cold World, and even the entire cold energy of the Flying Firefly Star Field poured in crazily!

   rushed to the deep sea below, rushed to the “cold snow bear”, turned into

  It has the power to fight Gu Xingkui.

  Yu Yuan was secretly moved.

  Both he and Ciara had seen that it was not Gu Xingkui who was secretly swinging his sword at it, or at this side of the world.

  Instead, it has almost recovered from its injuries, but its anger was plotted against by Gu Xingkui.

  So he took the initiative to challenge Gu Xingkui!

  With its power, with this world, with the entire Firefly Starfield!

  ”As expected of a violent bear!”

  Ciara was in awe, first praised, and then silently sent a message back to the dark area, so that King Shura would not have to worry and come over in a hurry.

  ”Did you know that it was all because of you, that it was accidentally injured by Gu Xingkui because of picking those extremely cold spar? Domain, it wouldn’t be so miserable!”

  Ciara was indignant.

  Yu Yuan was silent, and sighed in his heart, knowing that what she said might be right.

  ”Sword of the Earth” Gu Xingkui, only in the vast world can his killing power be astonishing.

  And this magical “Snow Bear in the Cold Region”, in his opinion, should be second only to the real starry sky behemoth in combat power!

  Here, the true power of the “Cold Snow Bear” seems to be able to be further enhanced, possessing the terrifying blood power of a mighty demon.

  How could he be so embarrassed by that Gu Xingkui?


  The “Snow Bear in the Cold Region” beat his chest and roared. Under the deep sea, there may be tens of thousands of lights of ice and light, forming a novel ice rule, and flying together to the “Mouth of the Cold Abyss” below.

  The sword light that flew out from the center couldn’t crush those cold electricity and ice light in an instant.

  ”Gu Xingkui has offended it, so he has to bear its anger and be taught a lesson by it.”

  Ciara’s mood suddenly improved. She smiled and explained to Yu Yuan, “It is not afraid of the destruction of this extremely cold star, it is not even afraid of the disappearance of the Feiying Starfield! Gu Xingkui’s sword light consumes Yes, what was defeated should have been the cold energy that had flowed to the vast expanse!”

  ”Just watch, watch that Gu Xingkui take the initiative to retreat, and watch his sword light shrink back into the sky!”

  Having been aggrieved for a long time, this elder of the Shura clan felt elated.

  Yu Yuan was speechless.

  However, after thinking about it, he felt that what Ciara said was really reasonable.

  If the “Snow Bear in the Cold Region” is not afraid and dares to bear all the losses, then Gu Xingkui must regress!

  If you don’t retreat, this “cold abyss mouth” will be destroyed, and this extremely cold star will explode.

  Haoyu’s seven “Hanyuankou” will permanently lose one. With the power headed by the five supreme powers, for the stability of Haoyu, a new “Hanyuankou” must be rebuilt.

  Even Shenhunzong and Tongtian Chamber of Commerce have to find a way for this matter.

  ”Stormy Bear…”

  Closing his eyes, Yu Yuan smelled the tyrannical ability from under the deep sea.

   also suddenly remembered that it was above the spirit world, creating a

  Hail, snow, and cold electricity caused the flowers, plants and trees in the Yingling Realm to shatter and shatter.

  It turns out that this seemingly naive snow bear is only so kind when he is with himself…

  It is very presumptuous, venting to its heart’s content under the sea, the terrifying movements it makes, the endless cold light, ice edges, and storms, all come from this world, as well as the cold energy of the Feiying Star Field Refined.

   Sure enough.

  This battle lasted for a while, and ended with the disappearance of the “Earth Sword”.

   Gu Xingkui at the other end of “Hanyuankou” seems to know that if this battle continues, even if he wins, he will lose nothing.

   What you get is the collapse of this world, or another heavy blow to the “Snow Bear in the Cold Region”.

   But there is also a “Hanyuankou”!

  Finally, the turbulent underwater world slowly regained its calm.

  The cold snow bear is just below the sea, restraining its brutal and ferocious side, and when it emerges again, it looks simple and cute again, and smiles triumphantly at Yu Yuan with a “hehe”.

  It seems to be saying that I was injured earlier, I was careless, I didn’t expect Gu Xingkui on the other side to dare to sneak attack me.


  Yu Yuan gave it a thumbs up and sincerely praised it.

   In his heart, he was extremely shocked.

In the boundless galaxy, how many people dare to provoke the “Sword of the Earth” Gu Xingkui and make Gu Xingkui take the initiative to retreat?

  Hong Qi in the previous life, and Yu Yuan in this life are all under the shadow of Gu Xingkui.

  For the time being, this is really the case, he can’t even admit it.

  A snow bear, but because he is not afraid of anything and dares to give up everything, betting on a key “Hanyuankou” is to make Gu Xingkui resign.

  The thick white cold mist dissipated from the vast ocean, and through the field of view of Zhanlongtai, Yu Yuan saw the star sea outside, which slowly changed again.

  This shows that “Sword of the Earth” Gu Xingkui’s immovable sword power has been recovered.

  The cold stars flow freely, and slowly float in the firefly star field.


  There is no longer cold energy, pouring into this world from the starry sky of the Feiying Star Field, it will naturally not flow into the deep sea.

  The venting of the “Cold Snow Bear” under the sea not only made Gu Xingkui retreat, but also temporarily prevented the cold energy from this world from penetrating towards the “Cold Abyss”.

  This “Cold Abyss Mouth” must have been blocked.

  This seems to be its revenge on Gu Xingkui.

   Let Gu Xingkui understand what consequences he will get if he dares to provoke it.

   “Thanks for having you.”

  Ciara landed from mid-air, and landed below its neck, so that it could be seen as soon as it lowered its head.

  The elder of the Asura clan who carried a “Dark Region Cold Well” looked respectful and used their unique etiquette to pay homage to the “Cold Region Snow Bear” to show his respect.



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