Invincible Powers Chapter 1307: God’s Thing


The spirit world is collapsing!

Just because Yu Yuan summoned the dragon-slaying platform, with the muddy brilliance in it, it began to shine on this world polluted by the “source world”.

With the exception of Chen Qinghuang, no one would have imagined that Yu Yuan, who landed, would be able to play such a huge role. Just using the dragon-slaying platform, he could crush the regular avenue in the underground of Yingling Realm.

Before the realm is shattered, the Tao will collapse first!

The star and meteorite under Leo’s feet became radiant. He squinted his eyes and noticed that the branch of the “Ruoxun God Tree” closest to them, the wonderful streamer flying inside, unexpectedly became intermittent. , seems to be cut off by many invisible blades, unable to rotate freely.

“Bloodline, Xingcha!”

He secretly stimulated his innate supernatural powers, and went to investigate quietly. He was surprised to find that the cut branch was not able to absorb all kinds of abilities from the void again.

Leo’s heart was shocked, and he couldn’t help but look at Beru in shock.

The great sage, who had been aware of it for a long time, nodded lightly, his expression was as shocked as his, “It’s not your illusion, from the newborn evil giant tree in Yingling Realm, it stabs every branch in the galaxy , all stopped absorbing the power of the starry sky. That is to say…”

Beru paused, and then said: “The growth of this tree has been temporarily suspended.”


Denise, who is closest to the two of them, has bright eyes like stars and moons, as if there are many broken crystals appearing through them, bursting out a charming precious light, her beautiful face seems to be hazy with the luster of white jade, “Is it Yu Yuan, Brother Yu? He fell to the Yingling Realm, and the evil Ruoxun God Tree won’t grow?”

Denise’s voice was full of joy.

Farewell to the world of floating life, she later found out Yu Yuan’s true identity and the relationship with Elena.

Because of Yu Yuan’s concoction, her bloodline was raised to level eight, which made her have a good impression of Yu Yuan.

When dragging the Illusory Star Field, Yu Yuan was on the side of her father Geralt, the great sage Beru and Leo, which of course made her feel closer.

But she still finds it unbelievable. She never imagined that after leaving the world of floating life, Yu Yuan’s miracles will become more and more astonishing.

“It’s Dragon Slaying Terrace!”

On the other side, Xu Jingyao in the depths of the thunder vortex did not change his expression at all because of Chu Yao’s death, but when Yu Yuan sacrificed the dragon-slaying platform and the Yingling world suddenly fissioned, he screamed in shock.

Xu Jingyao looked envious, and he didn’t hide it.

He had only recently heard about the legend of the Dragon Slaying Platform. Let alone the Dragon Slaying Platform before, even the glory and silence of the Divine Soul Sect were deliberately covered up by the five supreme forces.

It couldn’t be covered anymore, and Li Tianxin was also dead, and when he was about to rush out of Haoyu, Yuan Yangzong finally told the truth.

Xu Jingyao learned from this that before the five supreme powers, there used to be the Divine Soul Sect standing on the highest peak, and he knew all kinds of rumors about Zhanlongtai.

“It’s surprising, and it’s no wonder…”

Wei Zhuo looked at Chen Qinghuang on top of the strange tree in the Yingling Realm, and Yu Yuan under the tree with complicated eyes, “No wonder she and Yu Yuan have been together for a long time. It’s just two dragon-slaying platforms, The terrifying power released can shatter the principles of the spirit world, tearing apart the spirits of the void and the laws branded by the ancestral tree of the dark spirit clan.”

Speaking in this way, Wei Zhuo couldn’t help but see the picture of the dragon-slaying platform still in Haoyu and the fusion with Yu Yuan’s hand in the future.

“Shenhun sect…”

Wei Zhuo murmured in a low voice with a serious face.

Under the emerald green tree transformed into the “Tianmu Scepter”, as the head of the clan, Brissette, who is ranked seventh in the Outland Galaxy, looked at Yu holding the Dragon Slaying Platform with horrified eyes for the first time. deep.

This patriarch of the Dark Elder Clan was deeply shocked!

At this moment, he finally understood why even the one from 100,000 years ago kept company with such a number one person as Yu Yuan for a long time.

The two, in some respects, complement each other.

He has been in charge of the “Tianmu Scepter” for many years, and now he deeply feels that when Yu Yuan summoned the dragon-slaying platform to crush the already incomplete Taoism of the Yingling Realm, Chen Qinghuang on the tree also secretly made another Give birth to divine power!

Under the ground where the green and strange trees take root, there are many microbes

Small, green light spots that imply the energy of plants and trees are coming at a fast speed.

That is, the essence of vegetation that was supposed to nourish and give birth to the filthy “Ruoxun God Tree”!

The bright green elf, as bright as stars, first merged into the strange tree transformed into the “Scepter of Heavenly Wood”, and then guided it into the body of Her Majesty the Empress, boosting her Majesty’s power violently.

In addition to destruction and death, the esoteric meaning of rebirth she had comprehended was crazily filled.

Moreover, it is still using the energy of the plants and trees in the spirit world, and the vitality that should have been integrated into the fallen ancestral tree, to feed back itself.

This allowed her to continuously attack the horrors of destruction and death towards a wider area.


Brissette lowered her head slightly, not daring to look directly at the awe-inspiring and inviolable Chen Qinghuang, but she realized in her heart that in the initial chaotic period, this divine bird that nested in the “Sacred Ruoxun Tree” , you can collect the infinite vegetation energy hidden in the sacred tree and turn it into its regeneration power.

The original sacred tree of the Dark Eldar and the phoenix believed by the Wing Clan complement each other.

Brissett had it all figured out.

The coming of Yu Yuan and the revealing of the dragon-slaying platform destroyed the incomplete Taoism, making it difficult for the newly born filthy sacred tree and the ghost of the void to firmly control the spirit world.

This gave Chen Qinghuang the opportunity to use the remnants of the original sacred tree to absorb the energy of plants and trees with the power of regeneration.

She will become stronger and stronger, and the filthy tree will gradually wither.

The only thing Brissett can’t figure out is why Yu Yuan, who is in such a low realm, is in charge of the dragon-slaying platform, so why can the filthy sacred tree and the spirit world created by the spirit of the void be destroyed, hiding The Tao is broken?

Is it all because of the power of Dragon Slaying Platform?

How can the dragon-slaying platform check and balance that filthy sacred tree, and break the intertwined laws of space that are imprinted on the ground by the spirit of the void?

He wanted to scratch his head but couldn’t figure it out.

Yu Yuan’s mind is clear, holding the dragon-slaying platform with both hands, he does not need to let the yin spirit escape, and he has a strange feeling.

Zhanlongtai seems to have become a part of his body, a muscle, an arm, organs in the viscera, and even the brain…

Soul thoughts, qi and blood, and pure spiritual power are poured into the Dragon Slaying Platform, as if flowing in one’s own flesh and blood.

No stagnation, no discomfort.

In his perception, some of the muddy brilliance released by Zhanlongtai are like distorted lightning, some are like dragon-shaped runes, some are like a complete avenue, and some are pure Golden divine light, or a sword that traverses the stars…

The turbid brilliance contains thousands of wonders, and only the creatures who have reached the peak can have a glimpse of it.

It is the dissipation of those brilliance, which is destroying the Taoism of the spirit world and destroying the underlying structure.

In the dark, Yu Yuan sensed another defect…

The dragon-slaying platform is not complete.

If the piece that was still placed in the Forbidden Land of Falling Moon and used to suppress the vast dragon clan contained a golden dragon, if it were combined with the one in his current hand, the moment he sacrificed the Dragon Slaying Platform, he would be full of energy. The laws and order of the spiritual world will be destroyed in one breath!

Void Spirit, as well as that filthy ancestral tree, will be severely damaged in an instant!

Instead of being able to resist stubbornly as it is now, it is also possible to support and mend with difficulty under the power of Chen Qinghuang’s death and destruction.

Her Majesty’s feat of resisting the two ancient existences with her own strength also shocked others.

Yu Yuan looked up and stared at the branch of the strange tree, as if he had been so proud and dazzling since he was born.

“Watch out for Diggs.”

As if sensing his gaze, a voice from Chen Qinghuang’s heart rang in his mind.

Yu Yuan calmed down his distracting thoughts immediately.

His attention was slightly diverted, and he paid attention to the older generation of Dark Eldar strongman, and found that there was no trace of this person.

In the form of Benin, standing on a leaf of the evil ancestral tree, the ghost in the void, with dreamlike eyes, gradually looks dignified.

Behind her,

The two gorgeous butterfly wings gradually reveal unknown mysterious power.

A distant, ancient, and unfathomable aura gushes out from a butterfly wing behind “Benin”.

Butterfly Wing, the so-called “Gate of the Origin Realm”, is the medium through which the evil will of the “God of the Origin Realm” can take the opportunity to touch this galaxy.

Hoo! Hoo hoo!

Colorful, taupe, jet-black ripples and ripples suddenly formed near the emerald green strange tree, intertwined with the gray-white lightning from Chen Qinghuang.

Yu Yuan suddenly changed color.

Brissette raised her head suddenly, feeling an extremely strange, but distant and terrifying unknown breath.

After a while, his green eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of taupe fuel…

“Stick to the Tianmu scepter.”

Chen Qinghuang’s low whistling sound rang simultaneously in Brissett’s mind and deep in his heart.

Brissett mechanically, woodenly, leaned towards the strange green tree with his long body.

As soon as it was close, he was shocked.

He felt that in the depths of his soul, a gray shadow suddenly left!

Just for a moment, he seemed to have fallen into the legendary “abyss”, his soul seemed to be pulled to the mysterious “origin world”, and he was about to lose his self-awareness.

It is about to suffer from the so-called filth and erosion.

Like their ancestors, the Void Spirits at this moment, like Diggs and Pei Yuling.

Chi Chi!

The emaciated man of the Moon Night Clan who is possessed by the strange demon Qiyan, his body is twisted in a strange shape.

As if there was an invisible mysterious hand, in the body of the Moon Night Clan man, seven highly poisonous streams were dragged and weaved indiscriminately.

Qiyan couldn’t even wail or cry.

The flames in its eye sockets, like candles blown by a hurricane, suddenly went out.

Yu Yuan’s temples jumped violently. He held the dragon-slaying platform tightly with both hands, and did not cling to the “Tianmu Scepter”. Affected.

He saw clearly the suffering of Brissett and Qiyan, and he knew what was happening at this moment.

But he knows better, what he really needs to do at this moment is to hold on to the Dragon Zhantai tightly and not let go!

Then, continue to maintain the close connection between spiritual energy, soul thoughts, qi and blood, and this thing, and rely on the divine power and radiance of the dragon-slaying platform to destroy the hidden principles of the spirit world!


Diggs arrived as expected.

The old and skinny old man of the Dark Eldar clan was the high priest of the previous era. He was of the same generation as Beru, and he was proficient in many bloodline secret arts of this clan, and he knew more secrets than Brissett.

At this moment, Diggs, with his emaciated body hunched over, was actually sitting on a piece of gorgeous butterfly wings.

Yu Yuan turned his head to look, and sure enough, he found that there was only a butterfly wing left behind in Benin today.

One of the two “gates of the source world” was spread out under Diggs’ body, like a colorful futon.

Also at this moment, Yu Yuan could clearly feel that the “Gate of Origin” under Diggs was constantly radiating outwards, that distant, ancient, unfathomable unknown ability.

The Void Spirit that turned into Benin, the butterfly wings displayed behind him, another “Gate of Origin”, are actually absorbing.

Absorbing the special abilities that permeate around the spirit world, deep in the ground, and even in the distance of this fragmented star field, are beneficial to the “source world”.

One close, one release.

It seems to be going on, some kind of exchange of abilities, to achieve a wonderful balance.


Diggs smiled, stretched out his hand to him, and pointed to the Dragon Zhantai he was holding tightly.

Looking at his posture, he is waiting for Yu Yuan to hand out the dragon-slaying platform, and then directly send it to the “Gate of the Origin Realm” under him, offering sacrifices to the mysterious “God of the Origin Realm” in exchange for a tenth-level bloodline The peak state, and eternal life.


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