Invincible Powers Chapter 1243: Search all over the sky


  The hinterland of the deep forest star field.

  A meteorite, which is a hundred times larger than others, floats quietly like a small world.

  Beside it, there are hundreds of meteorites that are too small and have the same color as it.

  The small meteorite seems to have been stripped from it, and now it is surrounded by stars like the moon.

  In the fragmented star field, meteorites of this size are really rare.

   “It’s here.”

  With the help of the “Xu Tianjian”, Pei Yuling, who was staying on a smaller meteorite above, threw Chu Yao aside, looked at the huge meteorite below with a deep expression, “Chu Yao, you Just stay here, don’t leave.”

  Chu Yao nodded in agreement, and also looked curiously at the huge meteorite below.

  On the dark brown land, many dead trees can be seen. There are no leaves, and the trees with no vitality are dry and need several people to hug, but they can be seen everywhere on the land.

  Chu Yao could imagine that in the long past, the trees below should be extremely lush.

   “The star field of the Dark Spirit Race should also be like this.” Chu Yao secretly thought.

  Squinting his eyes and looking again, he found that many human races, alien beasts, foreign powerhouses and big monsters, and bones that had lost their flesh and blood were also mixed among the dead trees.

  There are also some ruins, which look like dark Eldar style buildings, and they are also on the land.

  It’s just that the meteorite, which is not small in size, exudes a dead, dull, and depressing gloomy atmosphere just from a distance.

  With Chu Yao’s realm and cultivation base, looking at some traces on the meteorite, **** and cruel wars could not help but emerge in his mind.

   Staring at it for a while, a shadow was cast over his heart, and his consciousness was a little cloudy, as if contaminated with invisible evil.

  ”In the past, it was the most prosperous world in the Deep Forest Starfield. But now, no one dares to set foot in it.”

  Pei Yuling grunted, clutching the “Xu Tianjian” in her hand, and lightly fell towards the huge meteorite below.

  Then, Pei Yuling slowly disappeared under Chu Yao’s eyes like a water-soluble sea.

   disappeared into the meteorite.



  An extremely skinny old man of the Dark Eldar tribe sat upright with disheveled hair. His hair was strangely connected to the rhizome of a giant tree hanging above him.

  The roots of the giant tree are obviously dead, but they are unbelievably large.

  The hair of the old man of the Dark Eldar tribe is like a small strand of root hair hanging down from the root of a dead giant tree…

  Suddenly, the old man who seemed to have been dead for many years without any vitality opened his eyes.

  The moment he opened his eyes, the underground space here seemed to be lit up with two green will-o’-the-wisps.

  His hair connected to the roots of the giant tree regained its luster in an instant, and his whole body seemed to be absorbing, the giant tree

  The nutrients in the rhizome maintain the weak vitality.

  He can survive until now, it seems that it all depends on the roots of the giant tree, hanging his life.

  ”Are you guided by the **** of the source world?”

  Looking at Pei Yuling who suddenly appeared, his dark green pupils shone with madness and anticipation.

   “Hey! The human race is actually a human race! It seems that the influence of the **** of the source world has penetrated into the vast world! As expected of the supreme **** of the source world, I knew there would be such a day!”

  Pei Yuling held the “Xu Tianjian” and looked at the mad-looking old man of the Dark Eldar tribe, feeling terrified for no reason.

  Because he had figured it out a long time ago, the old man in front of him was the former ruler of the Deep Forest Star Territory, and he was also the first group of powerful aliens who surrendered to the “God of the Origin Realm”.

  The Deep Forest Star Territory will explode and become the most famous outer space battlefield, thanks to the old man’s contribution.

   It can even be said that, not because of the old man in front of him, the Deep Forest Starfield is still the territory of the Dark Eldar, and it is still orderly and full of vitality.

  The ambition of the old man has brought about a shocking change in the Deep Forest Star Territory, making this Star Territory what it is today.

  Pei Yuling restrained her wild thoughts and said calmly, “I was ordered to cooperate with you.”

   “Are you ready?” The old man smiled strangely.

   “Ready.” Pei Yuling said solemnly.

  ”Okay, let’s get started.”


  Yan Qiling and Yu Yiyi wandered aimlessly through the Deep Forest Starfield with a lazy expression.

  On the way, once he perceives a foreign race and a powerful cultivator, he will pull Yu Yiyi out of the way and will not take the initiative to contact.

  The policy of the two is to find Yu Yuan first.

   Within a certain range, Yu Yiyi, who is the soul of the cauldron, can sense the existence of the master.

  So, from a theoretical point of view, as long as he and Yu Yiyi’s activities are wide enough, as long as Yu Yuan is really there, they will always meet Yu Yuan.


  Yan Qiling was together, and the meteorite, which was only enough for a dozen people to fall on, stopped suddenly.

  Yu Yiyi also stopped, wondering: “What’s wrong?”

  Yan Qiling didn’t answer, his strange body was rippling with brilliant halos.

  Each layer of aperture seems to be connected to a different time and space, which makes Yu Yiyi suddenly feel that the guy in front of her is moving back and forth in the interlayer of space.

   After half a sound.

  Yan Qiling took a deep breath, looked solemnly, looked in one direction, and said: “Not long ago, there was an extra thing inexplicably in the boundary passage between the Calamity Demon Abyss and the Falling Moon Forbidden Land. Thinking of it, the Deep Forest Starfield, which has been reduced to a battlefield outside the sky, has also been noticed.”

   “What did you say?” Yu Yiyi was puzzled.

   “Tell you, you don’t understand.” Yan Qiling shook his head, frowned and thought deeply, “Things are abnormal

  There must be a demon! I just don’t know whether that thing appeared by chance or was formed deliberately. If it was deliberate, it was first in that domain passage, and now it is in the Deep Forest Starfield…”

  ”Deep Forest Starfield!”

  Yan Qiling suddenly screamed.

  He suddenly remembered the secrets about the Deep Forest Starfield that he had told him before he decided to pass through the Silver Sand Starfield and come to the Outer Space Battlefield during the tour of the Tongtian Chamber of Commerce.

  ”It can’t be such a coincidence, can it?” Yan Qiling’s lips are hard.


  Damp and cold caves.

  Yu Yuan’s Yin God returned to his place, and Zhanlongtai was thrown back into the small world of acupoints. He talked to Yan Ziyang about the current complicated situation.

  Tell Yan Ziyang that the extremely cold celestial demon clan is in the same camp as the dominant force of the outer celestial demons.

  The Divine Soul Sect and the Tongtian Chamber of Commerce, these two powerful forces, have now won the approval of some powerful clans in the outer domain with a brand new concept, and are advancing.

  Yan Ziyang was taken aback when he heard that.

  After Yu Yuan explained the new situation between Tianwai and Haoyu clearly, he signaled Yan Ziyang to follow his instructions to drive the extremely cold treasure land here to the star field of the Yi clan.

  Yan Ziyang obediently obeyed, and saw hope!

   Hope to revive the ghost sect!

  What he thinks is that even if he, Yan Ziyang, can’t use the ghost in the land of fear to be reborn and live again, he can still use the identity of a preacher to recruit disciples in Haoyu and make this destroyed sect , glow with new vitality.

  As long as the Ghost Sect is still alive, he will have no regrets, and will not feel ashamed of his predecessors and master.

  This day.

  Yan Ziyang moved, stood up abruptly, frowned and said, “Something different has come to our territory.”

  Yin **** roamed in Zhanlongtai, secretly peeping at Yu Yuan, the extremely cold sky demon, and opened his eyes upon hearing this.

   “It’s the so-called Yin Corpse.” Yan Ziyang said firmly.

  ”Infernal Corpse!”

  Yu Yuan was shocked.

  The first thing he thought of was encountering the Yin Corpse King and Lin Zhuyun, his face darkened, and he was immediately ready to fight.

  ”It’s just a corpse.” Yan Ziyang snorted disdainfully, “It’s just a dead thing, what can you feel when it moves on it?”

   “Can’t you and I be found?” Yu Yuan wondered.

   “Of course I can’t find it.” Yan Ziyang is very confident, “The corpses are not those aliens, and they will not judge abnormalities because of the flying meteorites. Things without wisdom can only search for vitality. If they can’t feel vitality, they won’t You will notice the abnormality. Don’t worry, the Yin Corpse will only treat it as an ordinary boulder that can move.”

  Yu Yuan nodded.

  What he thought was that the appearance of Yin corpses meant that the Yin corpse king and Lin Zhuyun should not be far away from here.

  Do you want to touch it?



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