Invincible Powers Chapter 1199: Look again


The five dead stars next to each other, in the dark galaxy, looked like five large meteorites.

After Yu Yuan narrowed his eyes and looked carefully, he could see the five dead stars and the broken stones on the ground, which should have been piled up as buildings and palaces.

This shows that, long, long ago, there were creatures occupying the five stars.

It was only because of the devastation that the boundary wall was torn apart and ceased to exist, and the creatures died instantly, and the stars fell to this point.

“What is she doing here?”

Yu Yuan, who flew out of the dilapidated battleship, silently performed the “Shademon Body Refining Technique”, and the ubiquitous violent and dirty abilities in the starry sky were intercepted by him to intercept the essence that is beneficial to the body.

With his combat power gradually recovering, he hovered in the void, frowning in thought.

He saw Empress Qingluan, like a beautiful elf, falling towards one of the dark brown stars with a light and erratic figure.

Suddenly, the dun stars began to burn with destructive flames.


In silence, the other four dead stars quietly disintegrated due to Chen Qinghuang’s terrifying power.

With just a few breathing intervals, the four dead stars shattered into countless stones, floating in the dark and eerie galaxy.

When Chen Qinghuang stepped on the ground, there was a sharp low whistling sound.

As soon as the howling sound came out, Yu Yuan, who was far away from there, froze in his thoughts. The spiritual power and blood in his veins and veins seemed to be infected by supernatural powers, and he felt a strange feeling that he was not controlled by his soul.

His limbs gradually became weak and weak, and a deep sense of exhaustion emerged from the depths of his heart.

His “Sha Demon Body Refining Technique” is no longer able to sustain, and the filthy ability that is harmful to the flesh and blood penetrates into the muscles and bones.

His body, as if weighing more than ten thousand jun, sank slowly.

He tried his best to keep his eyes wide open, sticking to his original heart and spiritual platform, bit the tip of his tongue hard, and when he was awake for a moment, he silently performed the “Great Yin Soul Art”.

Then, he heard the cursed hiss of the banshee.

I also saw that after Chen Qinghuang landed on the ground, the dead stars burning with destructive flames were actually shaking violently.

Countless strange curses that were previously invisible to the naked eye were formed by the energy of soul and blood.

Like thousands of tiny stars, floating up and down in those black destructive flames, confronting Chen Qinghuang’s power, being crushed from time to time, and then exploded immediately.

A short banshee with disheveled hair held a strange organ with a shrill sound, and plucked the strings in the flames of destruction.

The banshee’s long hair dragged on the ground, like a huge carpet, covering most of the stars.

With terrified and desperate eyes, she looked at the motionless Empress Qingluan standing above the dead star, slowly, desperately, trying to get close.

During this process, flames of destruction continuously entered her body, causing her to burn as well.

The despair in her eyes grew stronger.

Thousands of cursed secret words were burned to ashes by the flames of destruction. Her strength was rapidly draining, and she could no longer hold on.

When she was hundreds of meters away from Chen Qinghuang, she was completely engulfed by the fire of destruction.

The body, soul and that strange organ gradually turned to ashes.

The secret spells and sorcery she cast didn’t work immediately, and the only star that didn’t shatter just now burst into pieces, turning into countless scorched black stones.

Chen Qinghuang got up and flew back to the battleship.

The flames of destruction followed her like rivers of flames, and melted into her body one after another.

When she and Yu Yuan passed by, she left a faint sentence

,”Go back.”

“Oh, oh oh.”

Yu Yuan, who was in a daze for a while, immediately came to his senses. When he returned to the cabin, he found that Her Majesty just closed her eyes lightly and fell into a deep sleep again.

The strange demon possessed by the star beast, and Elena, took the initiative to distance themselves from her.

With a tacit understanding, the strange demon and Elena didn’t say a word, and didn’t ask why.

Yu Yuan, who is also in the cloud, doesn’t know why this unpredictable Queen, why she perceives a hidden banshee, and why she wants to kill her.

“Continue sailing.”

After a while, seeing that Chen Qinghuang was clearly asleep again, Yu Yuan ordered softly.

“Hauser is dead.”

The ruler of the Illusion Starfield, who had escaped from the main force, took out a clear and bright eyeball from his arms, injected his blood into it, and looked at it intently.

The location of the five dead stars turned into a river of meteorites, and there was also a scorched black bone that was turning into gravel.

“Hassel? The traitor from the banshee clan?”

Leo, who was blessed by the stars when he was born, changed his face, as if he couldn’t be sure easily, “Geralt, is it really Hassel? That well-known witch from the banshee clan? “

“You took her in?” Beru also asked in surprise.

Geralt was silent for a moment, then nodded, “She used to be kind to me. She had a falling out with the ethnic group, and after being hunted down and seriously injured, she secretly came to the Illusion Starfield. Yes, I took her in. , placed her in a desolate place, and made an agreement with her for three chapters, and she was not allowed to move around.”

After a pause, Geralt said again: “Over the years, she has not messed around, and she just meditates in that place.”

Looking up at Beru, “Great Sage, she was killed by a phoenix, why?”

Leo was shocked.

“Because Hassel’s ancestors participated in the siege against the phoenix one hundred thousand years ago.” Possessing a tenth-level bloodline, the curse technique that the banshee is good at slows down the bloodline of the phoenix, stagnates the soul consciousness, and weakens her combat power.”

“Hassel has the breath of her ancestors, and the phoenix must have smelled it.”

Beru first explained, thought for a while, and then asked Geralt, “Before Hassel was seriously injured, his blood was at level nine, and he still held the sacred artifact left by his ancestors. After the serious injury, the sacred artifact The damage is serious, the power is not as good as before, she heard that the blood has plummeted, after so long recovery, what level of strength is it probably at?”

“At most, it can be restored to the level of ninth-level bloodline, at most.” Geralt said cautiously.

Beru frowned.

After a while, he nodded and said, “I don’t think highly of Phoenix’s combat power. However, if you draw a line between Hassel’s position and the position where she first appeared… “

Beru stared in one direction, with a guess in his heart, his brows stretched slightly.

“She is leaving the Illusory Starfield, which is really a blessing in misfortune!”

Behind the crystal face, the strange monster possessed by the sky star beast stretched out its tall beast body.

Seven brightly colored and highly poisonous streamers shone brightly in his translucent body, and the soul of the strange demon extended out, as if silently perceiving something.

After a long time.

He turned around, eyes burning with colorful flames, pleading, “There is a small broken world, there are no aliens, but there are poisonous insects and alien beasts.”

Yu Yuan, who was sitting quietly holding the spirit stone, squinted his eyes and pondered.

The day of being possessed

The star beast took the initiative to squat down, made a docile and obedient posture, and lowered its head, “I dare not offend again. I have seen the phaseless detoxification water you refined. Also, you still understand The exquisite sword art of ‘Xingtian Nine Slashes’ can really kill me.”

He was sincerely convinced and obediently resigned to his fate.

Yu Yuan nodded slightly.

The strange demon was overjoyed, and immediately came to the cabin cautiously. After pushing open the ship door, it immediately turned into a gloomy light and shot out.

“He won’t escape, right?” Elena worried.

This strange demon was born with the poison of colorful clouds and sea of ​​miasma. After the demon soul and various poisons naturally combined, it condensed him into a strange shape, which can attach to any flesh and blood creature.

Once he is freed, Gerald will be devastated by causing harm to all beings in the Illusory Starfield.

In Elena’s mind, the ruler of this star field is still her Uncle Geralt, who cares for her a lot in private, and she doesn’t want anything to happen to the fantasy star field.

“I’ll take a look.”

Yu Yuan’s expression remained the same, he left this sentence and flew out.

In the dilapidated ship where only Elena and Chen Qinghuang were left, the girl from the Shura tribe looked at the sleeping Chen Qinghuang, her eyes filled with bitterness and fear.

For some reason, once Yu Yuan left, she really didn’t feel safe at all.

When I think of the beautiful girl who is sleeping, it is the phoenix that destroyed star fields one hundred thousand years ago. Her legs are weak, and she feels exhausted even standing up.

Under the blue-gray broken boundary wall, there is a dilapidated land of mountains and rivers. All you can see are dry rivers and cliffs.

In the boundary far from the gap in the boundary wall, there is still a boundary of plants, a small number of insects and strange beasts that have been eroded by filthy abilities and mutated to survive.

From the entrance of the tearing boundary wall, Yu Yuan, who entered this small world, smelled insects and strange beasts with the perception of Yin God, and was being eaten by the strange monster possessed by the star beast.

No reason, only instinctively killing insects and strange beasts vying for the right to survive, the blood in the body is poisonous after being polluted.

What the strange demon desires is that bit of poison.

The level is very low, and the insects and strange beasts that are not worth seeing are quickly eaten away, and the land where plants are gradually mutating gradually disappears.

Not long after, the strange demon possessed by the star beast flew over shaking its head.

With his strange eyes, he looked up at the dilapidated battleship moored high in the void, hesitated for a while, and suddenly said: “You should separate from her.”

No name or surname was named, but Yu Yuan knew in an instant that the strange demon was talking about Chen Qinghuang.

Yu Yuan signaled the strange demon to continue.

“To the ground.”

The strange demon turned its direction, chiseled the ground with its head, pierced through the hard rock, and quickly went 100 meters underground.

Yu Yuan easily followed, all the way to the ground, looked at the very careful strange monster, and said calmly: “Tell me what you think, if you want to try my method again, it’s okay.”

“No, I dare not, and I don’t want to try.”

The strange demon shook his head, was silent for a while, organized his thoughts, and then spoke: “The demon sword ‘Blood Prison’ you wield, and the magnificent dragon-slaying platform you brought out, from some kind of In a sense, it’s actually her delicacies. Especially in the Dragon Slaying Terrace, among the dragon corpses inside, there are tenth-level dragon gods!”

“She is a phoenix, a giant starry sky beast. The nature and instinct of this group is to look for powerful creatures to eat.”

“In the next moment, she may use the dragon-slaying stage and the blood prison of the demon sword in your control to use it for her own awakening and transformation!”


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