Invincible Powers Chapter 1183: A visitor is a visitor


  Denise must not die!

  As soon as she died, Docter in the ancient galaxy ship, as well as the hidden strange objects hidden deep in the castle, would be 100% sensitive, thus spreading the shocking news.

  Her father will definitely have the most intense reaction!

  Even if Chen Qinghuang was able to attack and kill Denise’s father together, killing all the alien races in the floating world, the secrets of the two of them in this star field would also be exposed.

  Chen Qinghuang represents the phoenix, which is an evil existence that spreads death and destruction in the eyes of all beings in the outer world.

   It won’t be long before the tenth-level powerhouses of the first step, plus many ninth-level blood warriors, will flood into this star field and try their best to kill Chen Qinghuang.

  And oneself may also be affected.

  Yu Yuan seemed to have seen the harsh consequences clearly, so he went to warn Chen Qinghuang immediately to prevent her from acting recklessly.

  As for Melisa, and Duck, a small person of this level, dies when he dies.

  Denise can find any reason and excuse, and she can fool it. For example, Melisa and Duck were careless and refused to listen to persuasion to hunt and kill the alien beasts in the forbidden area, but they were killed by the alien beasts instead.

  Insert a sentence, the chasing book app I am using recently, [app ] cache reading, read aloud offline!

  Yu Yuan thought secretly.

  The pampered lady of the Star Clan, who thought she could control all the situations in the floating world, was terrified when he meditated.

  For a while, Denise was so confused that she forgot who she was.

  Melissa and Dak fell to their deaths strangely because of Chen Qinghuang’s words. This scene shocked her deeply, making her hands, feet and heart cold.

  The flow of blood in her body seemed to be stagnant, giving birth to a terrifying feeling of suffocation.

  ”Who are they? What bloodline level is that woman? What kind of bloodline mystery has she learned?”

  Thoughts, like dazzling lightning, flashed across Denise’s mind.

  Her delicate body, which seemed to be paralyzed, regained consciousness little by little because of Yu Yuan’s persistent voice to comfort her.

  After a while.

  Denise, who gradually adjusted, became limp like a deflated ball.

  But when she noticed the two corpses next to her, which were very close to her, they sprang up and moved to the other side in an instant, like a cat whose tail had been stepped on.

  Looking at her posture, Dak and Melisa, who seem to be afraid of death, have the poison of death dissipating from their bodies, afraid of being infected.

   Immediately, she noticed that Yu Yuan was looking at her quietly with a playful smile.

  Denise’s heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and her whole body was cold. She always felt that Yu Yuan was like a demon who had finally crawled out of purgatory. “You, what do you want to do?” She cried out in surprise.

  In a word from Chen Qinghuang, Melissa of the sixth-level bloodline is dead, and her combat power at this level is even more exaggerated than her father.

  Denise is not stupid, she judged almost instantly that the Dark Eldar girl in front of her, although she looks weird and silly, has such terrifying power!

  Chen Qinghuang is like this, but what about Yu Yuan who has been sober?

   “I, have I never offended you two?”

  Denise slowly knelt down, turned towards Yu Yuan and Chen Qinghuang, lowered her head as if resigned to her fate, she didn’t dare to look at them anymore, “I have left the world of floating life, and I have seen people like Leo You are outstanding people, and you have also heard the legends about the strongest races in the galaxy. You two, what do you want to do in the world of floating life, I will just obediently cooperate.”

  ”Just ask for…”

  ”Please don’t create unnecessary killings, don’t let all beings in the floating world be destroyed in one breath because of your anger. Please, I am willing to cooperate with you and obey you.”

  What Denise thought was that Yu Yuan and Chen Qinghuang were at the same level of combat power. All sentient beings may be affected.

  So she obediently confessed, thinking that since the other party is a member of the Dark Eldar clan, he is not

  The demons of the five most powerful powers in Haoyu, with such a humble posture, wouldn’t they be messing around?

  The humble gesture she made made Yu Yuan dumbfounded.

  Yu Yuan did not expect that this noble lady of the Star Clan would be so knowledgeable.

  As soon as Chen Qinghuang woke up, after judging Chen Qinghuang’s combat power, she immediately let go of her noble status as a ruler, and even willingly knelt down to show her meekness and sincerity to herself and Chen Qinghuang.

  ”The world of floating life, it is a great fortune for everyone to have a ruler like you.”

  Yu Yuan nodded secretly, and had more affection and recognition for the noble lady of Star Clan, “Don’t try to contact that ancient galaxy ship, and don’t contact your father, because it’s useless. I Having said that, we won’t stay in the floating world for too long, and we won’t disturb you.”

  Enough words.

  He patted his head and smiled, “Leo and Beru, the great sage of your Star Clan, once strongly invited me to come to the world of your Star Clan as a guest. This time, I will treat it as a guest, Come to your Star Clan as a guest.”

   “You, do you know Leo? And Master Beru?”

  Denise’s eyes suddenly glowed with excitement. Yu Yuan’s words made her seem to have discovered a new world.

  Before the change, Yu Yuan said that she knew Leo and the respected nine-star sage Beru, she definitely didn’t believe it, and might blame Yu Yuan.

  It’s different now.

  In Denise’s heart, Yu Yuan and Chen Qinghuang are on the same level as Leo and Beru, and may even be half a level higher. Yu Yuan knows Leo and Beru , she immediately accepted it frankly.

   “Not only do we know each other, but we are very familiar with them.” Yu Yuan smiled slightly, “Let’s put it this way, they and I are comrades-in-arms fighting side by side. For Beilu’s sake, I won’t be in the StarClan world either. , go on a killing spree, and let the members of the Star Clan die in front of me needlessly.”

  Denise was awe-inspiring, hurriedly bowed her knees, and her attitude became more humble, “I don’t know what to call senior?”

  It is really easy to change the appearance when the bloodline reaches a certain level.

  She already thought that Yu Yuan and Chen Qinghuang were well-known figures in the dark spirit clan, so they were familiar with Beilu and had the experience of fighting side by side.

   “Hehe, don’t ask questions that shouldn’t be asked.” Yu Yuan chuckled lightly.

  ”Yes, yes, yes, sorry, I was rude.” Denise obediently admitted her mistake.

The things after  become simpler.

  Yu Yuan took out three branches with natural lightning again and threw them into the cave, triggering a thunder vortex to teach Yu Spider’s biological father a lesson.

   “Senior, I believe that with your strength, you can easily kill him, why bother?” Denise wondered.

   Judging from the terrifying combat power displayed by Chen Qinghuang, the vast and strange monsters hiding deep in the ground, unless they are the demon gods of the monster race, or the primordial spirit of the human race, are all dead ends.

  Yu Yuan used those branches to deal with the strange monsters in the ground. She always felt that this was Yu Yuan’s evil intention and deliberately tortured him.

   “Idle is idle, play with him.” Yu Yuan said casually.

  Sure enough…

  Denise thought she had guessed right, Yu Yuan was just playing with the old demon below, to torture him, so he did it on purpose.

  It’s like this, it’s another day.

  Yu Spider’s biological father, dying at the bottom of the cave, begged weakly, “Please, please don’t keep throwing the Thunder Wood down, if you do it a few more times, my demon body will explode Open. I know I was wrong, and I also know that you are amazing, don’t weaken me anymore.”

   “Can we have a good talk now?” Yu Yuan sent a message secretly.

  ”Yes! We can have a good talk!”

  The strange demons in the underground suffered repeated blows, and realized that Yu Yuan had the ability to make him shiver in the ground, and finally became honest.

  Before, he didn’t think Yu Yuan was very powerful.

  He also intentionally provoked Yu Yuan, hoping that Yu Yuan, who was out of control, would rush in, which was exactly what he wanted.

  In that case, he can completely control Yu Yuan’s body, mind and soul, make Yu Yuan obedient, and also know all the information Yu Yuan hides about Yu spider and the eight-legged spider.

  Now he knows he made a mistake.

  Yu Yuan wasn’t fooled at all, he could be killed with the existing Thunder Wood in the Floating Life Realm.

   Moreover, Yu Yuan did the same.

  Since he can’t do it hard, he can only change his mind, first give in to his softness, and then see if there are other opportunities.

  Wow! Hush!

  Four bright fluorescent pillars broke through the boundary wall of the land, pouring down like a waterfall.

  In the beam of light, four brilliant figures can be vaguely seen, clearly the body of the Yang God.

  ”Hao Man, the sun **** of the human race!”

  In the forbidden cave, Denise’s pretty face lost all color in an instant.

   Seeing the Yang God of the human race descending suddenly, this noble lady seemed to see a ghost crawling out of hell, and she trembled with fright, her legs went limp.

  There is no outstanding powerhouse in the world of floating life, and there is only one Dougt with the eighth-level bloodline, and he will definitely not be able to deal with the four sun gods in the vast world.

What about  ?

  A huge panic surged out, she suddenly noticed Yu Yuan, and Chen Qinghuang next to Yu Yuan, which immediately gave Denise courage and confidence, “Seniors?!”

  She naturally pinned her hopes on Yu Yuan and Chen Qinghuang.

  ”A mighty human race is coming!”

  ”The Yang God powerhouse of the human race!”

  ”My God! The Floating Life Realm is over, and we have to follow in the footsteps of our previous realm, destroyed by the human race!”

  The members of the Dark Spirit Clan, Moon Night Clan, and Banshee Clan living in the lower land noticed the arrival of the four beams of light. Those villages and towns were filled with mourning, and the panic of the doomsday spread instantly.

  In the eyes of those alien races, the most terrifying thing in the world is that the vast human races and big monsters suddenly touch them.

  This high probability means the end of a small world.

  Many of the homes they used to live in were destroyed because of this, and they finally came to the floating world to take root.

  They were screaming, praying desperately.

  Because the soul power of the Yin God has been condensed a lot, people in Yuyuan in the forbidden area can also hear the wailing voices of many members of the Yueye tribe in the nearest village.

   In his heart, there was a strange emotion, and then he looked carefully.

  The next moment, a smile escaped from the corner of his mouth, and he told the panicked Denise: “I promise you, send a message to Docter in Starship Wars, and tell him not to be nervous. Just say, the four who came , is actually a guest invited by you.”

  ”Guest?” Denise looked blankly.

   “Do as I say!” Yu Yuan said softly.

  ”Okay, okay.”

  Hoo! Hoo hoo!

  The thunder vortex that sank into the cave, and the thunder vortex floating further away, surged one after another, as if attracted by a force.


  Many Lightning Sables looked forward to the four beams of light in the sky.

  In two of the beams of light, Rong Xun and Xie Bin of Xiaolei Xiaozong moved slightly, they had already smelled the source of thunder and lightning, their eyes lit up, and said: “There!”

  Four Yangshen-level practitioners identified their direction and suddenly flew towards the forbidden area where Yu Yuan and Denise were.

   “Here we come!”

  Denise became even more nervous.

   “Don’t worry, with us here, you have nothing to worry about.” Yu Yuan was extremely calm.

  Squinting his eyes, he saw the four beams of light changing directions, and he also thought it was a coincidence. How did Rong Xun and Xie Bin of Little Thunder Xiaozong come here?



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