Invincible Powers Chapter 1179: Take the heavy responsibility


  The world of floating life is shaking.

   Living deep underground, many of the caves and cities opened up by the Crypt tribes were broken because of this.

  The Silverscale, Salamander, and Rock warriors on land screamed in horror, not knowing what disaster had happened.

  Similarly, the Dark Spirit Clan, Moon Night Clan, Banshee, and a small number of Void Spirits are also in constant panic, as if they have never had similar experiences.

  Since they migrated here, the world of floating life has been peaceful, and only when war breaks out with the land, there will be waves.

  For them, the floating world is a paradise, and it is also their dream home.

  Today, the paradise in their hearts is like a ferocious beast that has been sleeping for thousands of years. It was suddenly awakened by some force and exposed its sharp fangs.


  The thunder vortexes scattered all over the forbidden area, suddenly flashed and thundered, rumbled and shook, and gathered again.

  It was different before, those thunder vortexes passed over Yu Yuan’s head, like lightning **** from a thunderstorm, and fell towards the deep cave.

   One ball after another.

  Yu Yuan, as well as Mi Ting from the Dark Spirit Tribe, were dumbfounded watching from the sidelines.

  Chichi! Boom boom boom!

   Not long after, the vortex of thunder seemed to explode at the bottom of the cave, fighting with some ominous creature.

  The land of the floating world caused even greater shocks, many houses of the Dark Spirit Clan and the Moon Night Clan collapsed.

  Screams of howling ghosts and howling wolves resounded in the two continents of the floating world, and the alien races who migrated from the foreign lands were scared out of their wits one by one.

  At this time, Yu Yuan’s Yinshen was listening attentively at the entrance of the cave, and he could hear a hiss that pierced the eardrum.

  His face trembled, and the look in his eyes was as weird as it could be.

  ”What a coincidence?”

  In his mind, the image of the eight-legged spider being torn apart by the monster phoenix triggered a riot of underground strange monsters, which caused an earthquake in the floating world. No matter how stupid Yu Yuan was, he could guess the situation.

   combined with the eight-legged spider to create the spider-destroyer, which is the strange monster that is now sealed in the underground cave!

  He saw his partner being killed by the purple phoenix in the cold galaxy, and under the rage, he could no longer control his emotions, so he rose up to resist.

   also caused the thunder vortex to fall one after another, severely injuring him.

  When he traded with the giant spider back then, he knew that another source of Yu spider’s blood came from the sea of ​​colorful clouds and miasma. The giant spider didn’t say what it was.

  Unexpectedly, the strange demon who should be Yu Zhu’s real father was trapped in the world of floating life!

   According to Yu Yuan’s judgment, that strange demon should have been born in the sea of ​​colorful clouds and miasma, and refined a highly poisonous body.

  The strange demons are locked deep underground, and they dare not rush out because they are afraid of being bombarded by the thunder vortex.

  He needs to temper the highly poisonous body to protect the demon soul of the earth demon, so that the thunder vortex cannot penetrate the soul instantly.

  Since the dark depths of the cave are dense, he can only use evil thoughts to influence the crypt clansmen living below, bewitch the crypt clansmen, and find poison for him


  It’s just that once the people of the Crypt Race enter the land and land, they will definitely be cleaned.

   Occasionally, there are fish that slip through the net, so they can only come to this forbidden area and throw those highly poisonous herbs from the entrance of the cave.

  The fish that slipped through the net had to face the siege of the Celestial Beast, the Moon Swallowing Ape, and the Lightning Mink. They should have been devoured by strange beasts and monsters before they found the hole.

  This strange demon is deep in the ground, and it may be able to rely on the crypt tribes to fight each other and absorb some remnant souls to replenish themselves.

  But if you want to condense a highly poisonous body, you can only use external objects, and you need someone outside to deliver many poisons and poisonous plants to him.

   Knowing everything, Yu Yuan figured out a lot of things in a short time.

  ”Since he is Yu Zhu’s biological father, and he has seen the past about me, he should be less likely to attack me. Being able to combine with the giant spider, after seeing the giant spider being killed by the demon phoenix. Dare to be so angry, this strange monster… I’m afraid it’s not easy.” Yu Yuan said secretly.

  After a while, they escaped into the thunder vortex under the cave, and then floated out one after another.

   It can be clearly seen that the thunder vortex that flew out, the thunder and lightning energy accumulated in it, has passed away a lot.

  The strange demons below also fell silent. It seemed that the demon soul had been severely injured.

  ”Inside, what kind of monster is inside?”

  Mi Ting slowly approached a little bit, looked at the deep cave from a distance, watched Lei Zuo leave, and asked in a low voice.

  Because the “Altar of Life” no longer absorbed soul power, the Yin God gradually filled Yu Yuan, who was full, and he also learned the origin of the strange demon, and his mood improved a lot.

  What he is thinking now is how to face Denise later.

  Such a big commotion underground must have alarmed Denise, that noble lady from the Star Clan must know that it was caused by strange demons under the cave.

  I just don’t know Denise, did you see that I was quietly poisoning.

   “Don’t be nervous, have you seen these thunder vortexes?” Yu Yuan pointed to the distant thunder vortexes, “With them, no matter what evil or monsters are in the depths of the cave, you are not afraid.”

   “That, that’s good, that’s good.” Mi Ting repeated anxiously.

  Denise arrived quickly as expected.


  Condensed into a beam of star energy light, after falling from the ancient starship, she told Doggett: “Take Mi Ting and leave, there is no need to come here anytime soon, I will stay here for a while.”


  The Star Clan warrior Dougt, who came down together, grabbed Mi Ting, who was a little bit reluctant, and shot at the battleship suddenly.

  Accompanied by a deep roar, the warship that had been parked at high altitude and remained motionless, unexpectedly left.

  ”You are right, we have confirmed the news that Schwartz died in Chidori Realm.”

  There were only two people left, and after Chen Qinghuang who was in a coma, Denise sighed quietly, “Recently, I have been consoling my father and helping him come out of grief. A son is a son after all, although The talent is not good, and the brain is not good, but he is still in

  Schwartz has some things entrusted to him. “

  Yu Yuan nodded to express his understanding.

  ”What happened?”

  Denise frowned slightly, looked at the cave, and slowly regained her composure.

   “He and I also communicated for a while.” Yu Yuan already had an argument, thought about it, and said: “He did come from the vast world, and he should have been conceived from the sea of ​​colorful clouds and miasma. As I told you, he needs a lot of poison to restore his strength, so there is no problem.”

  Denise pondered, but did not interrupt him, and motioned him to continue.

   “Your Highness Denise, your brother’s death in the Chidiao Realm was not the fault of the Soul Sect and Tongtian Chamber of Commerce.” Yu Yuan said.

   “I know.” Denise replied.

  ”Many situations in the world have undergone earth-shaking changes. You should admit this, right? The Soul Sect and the Tongtian Chamber of Commerce are trying to accommodate all different races, and they are also working hard. Like the great sages of your Star Clan Beru, and Leo, Mia of our clan, all recognized the Soul Sect and the Tongtian Chamber of Commerce, right?” Yu Yuan asked cautiously.

  Denise thought about it seriously, and agreed: “Yes, your statement is fine.”

  ”Then it will be easy to communicate.”

  Yu Yuan laughed and pointed at the entrance of the cave, “He should be the opposite of the current five supreme powers in Haoyu. He was imprisoned, either by the Demon Palace or the Demon Palace. As for why the Floating Life Realm Will come here, I don’t know yet.”

  ”Since it is the enemy of the five supreme forces, it can be classified as the faction of Shenhunzong and Tongtian Chamber of Commerce. I also think it can convince him.”

  ”After all, he has been imprisoned for many years, and he doesn’t know the current Galaxy, it has changed a long time ago.”

  ”Because, we and them on the other side of Haoyu can already coexist.”


  Yu Yuan explained his thoughts.

  He felt that Yu Zhu’s biological father was unknown, so he regarded all the alien races in the floating world as enemies.

  Because in the past, the living beings in the vast world and the various races in the outer regions were enemies of life and death, and the contradictions could not be reconciled.

  It’s different now.

   After he finished speaking, Denise thought quietly, digesting the content of his words.

   Not long after, Denise’s eyes brightened slightly, and she said softly: “You mean, he still doesn’t know the situation outside. Demon, part of it is merging with each other, will he open his heart?”

   “I think we can find a way to release him, and then ask him for other rewards.” Yu Yuan suggested.

   “I’m afraid he will mess around, and I’m afraid we won’t be able to stop him.” Denise was a little worried.

   To put it bluntly, he lacks trust in the unfamiliar and powerful demon and foreign body, such as a noble lady like Denise, and is afraid that the strange demon will repent, and once he breaks free, he will slaughter all living beings in the floating world.

   “I’ll contact him first, I’m sure I can convince him to reach an agreement with us.” Yu Yuan said confidently.



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