Invincible God of War Chapter 2734: Shopping!


Qin Feiyang stood up and looked up at Bang Long.


It was only at this time that he noticed that the fire dragon also had a **** mark between his eyebrows.

But like the guardian of the temple, the scarlet mark is fiery red, and it is exuding a fiery red divine light at the moment.

“It must be the power of this mark again!”

The unreasonable power of the fire dragon must be related to the mark.

Faced with the current fire dragon, the battle spirit was sealed, and the anti-sky divine artifact could not be used due to regulations.

What means does he have to defeat the dragon?

As soon as I think of this, four words immediately pop up in my mind, three thousand incarnations!

Shhh! !

Without hesitation.

Qin Feiyang opens three thousand incarnations.

“Although the three thousand incarnations are very strong, they are useless to the emperor!”

The fire dragon swooped in, and when he opened his mouth, he exhaled a breath of dragon’s breath, instantly shattering half of his avatar.

Not only is the strength beyond imagination, but also the speed is unmatched!

Even Qin Feiyang could hardly capture it.

“Guiyuan Sword Art!”

Qin Feiyang drank violently.

As the shouting sounded, the remaining half of the incarnations started the Guiyuan Sword Art in succession, returning to one.

More than a thousand sword shadows were born, and their sharp edges destroyed all directions!


All avatars roar in unison.

More than a thousand sword shadows, madly killing the fire dragon.

Chong! !

The sword shadow slashed on the body of the fire dragon, colliding with the dragon scales to produce a dazzling flower light and a deafening metallic sound.


Such a powerful sword shadow did not shatter a single dragon scale.

That is to say!

Encountered by the frontal bombardment of more than a thousand swords and shadows, the fire dragon was also unscathed!

“How is this possible?”

Qin Feiyang looked dull.

The power of the mark of the fire dragon is too outrageous!

“Do you think you were still on the first and second floors?”

“There is no god-defying artifact, no god-defying art, you are just an ant, and this emperor will crush you to death in minutes!”

The fire dragon laughed loudly and was in high spirits. The dragon’s claws suddenly lifted up, shattering more than a thousand sword shadows.


Qin Feiyang was furious.


The dragon raised its giant tail again and slapped it **** the ground.

A deadly crisis arises.

Qin Feiyang quickly opened the armor of the gods, but even the armor of the gods transformed by the supreme **** formula was instantly shattered.

Qin Feiyang spewed out another mouthful of angry blood, and his whole body was like a cannonball, smashing into the ground.

This impact almost shattered all the bones in his body!

He was dripping with blood.

The entire body is almost deformed.


“I didn’t expect you to be so vulnerable.”

“It’s a shame that you dare to say that once you were able to kill this emperor, you can still kill this emperor now.”

The fire dragon laughed wildly, and a piece of divine power rolled out, turning into a monstrous fire wave, submerging the sky, and rushing towards Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang took out a life pill, threw it into his mouth, then slowly got up and looked at the fire wave.

The fire dragon with the power of the mark is no longer something he can deal with.

Because the power of the mark of the fire dragon is, in a sense, comparable to the combat power of the immortal realm.

Whether it is physical strength, or strength and divine power, it is impeccable.


He won’t give in!

In his life, he did not admit defeat.


Shen Long Jue, Fire Phoenix Jue, Returning Ruins Jue, Returning Yuan Sword Art, Eclipse Sun Moon, Fire Thunder God Technique…

All supreme divine arts are activated in an instant.

God mighty, destroy all directions!

“My Qin Feiyang’s will is not something you can wipe out!”

Qin Feiyang roared, and the gods in the sky rushed towards the fire waves frantically.


Dragon Art, collapse.

Feng Feng Jue, collapse!

Guiyuan Sword Art, collapse!

Fire and Thunder God, collapse!

A variety of supreme-level divine formulas are constantly disintegrating and dissipating.

No match at all!

In such a situation, if you want to replace it with someone else, you must have given up in despair.

Because the fire dragon is so powerful that it makes people look up.

But Qin Feiyang’s fighting spirit is even more terrifying!


Three thousand avatars reappear.

All supreme-level divine arts have evolved again.

This time, it’s three thousand times more than before!

Shen Long Jue, three thousand!

Feng Feng Jue, three thousand!

Fire and thunder magic, three thousand!

Guiyuan Sword Art, three thousand!

The eclipse of the sun and the moon, the decision to return to the ruins, the unicorn decision, and even the art of destroying the soul, he also opened.

Eight Supreme Killing Techniques!

At this moment, all the magic tricks add up to a total of 24,000!

This is twice as much as before, when I opened the eyes of God and copied the divine art of Wang Ming and Yang Li!


With Qin Fei’s wave of his hand, more than 20,000 divine tricks were killed in a mighty manner.

The magic trick keeps shattering!

But the wave of fire transformed by divine power is gradually dissipating.


The fire dragon looked at this scene in surprise.

Originally, Qin Feiyang was alone, but because of the three thousand incarnations, Qin Feiyang’s combat power was increased by three thousand times!

The most surprising thing is that Qin Feiyang has mastered so many supreme divine arts over the years.

Eight kills, plus the golden body of King Ming, the armor of the gods, and the nine steps of the dragon.

So now, doesn’t he possess eleven supreme-level divine arts?

It’s terrifying that one person has so many supreme-level divine arts.

And it remembers that the Sword Art of Guiyuan, the eclipse of the sun and the moon, and the decision of returning to the ruins were just battles in those days.

And now, all of them have been promoted to the supreme level!


This happened to Qin Feiyang, and it doesn’t seem to be a big deal.

Because of this man, he is full of miracles.


Most of the divine art was shattered, the fire wave was finally annihilated, and the remaining divine art drowned the fire dragon.

The 24,000 divine formulas, even if most of them are shattered, there are still seven or eight thousand!

This destructive force can be imagined.

In a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles, everything instantly turns into nothingness!


After the dust fell to the ground, revealing the figure of the fire dragon, the fire dragon was still unscathed!

On its body, there is a layer of fiery red divine light shield.

And this is the power of that mark!

That is to say.

The power of this mark helped the fire dragon block all the magic tricks!

Who is the master of this mark power?

Ice dragon?

Little beasts?

Or the God of Creation?

It’s so scary!

“Have you seen it?”

“The imprint of dragons and horses is completely different from the imprint of this emperor.”

“With this imprint, even if your means are sky-high, you can never hurt the emperor’s dragon scales!”

“You also threatened to kill the emperor? You are really daydreaming!”

“Now, this emperor will send you to hell!”

The fire dragon grinned grimly, its huge body crushed the empty land and killed Qin Feiyang.


Qin Feiyang drank violently.

Three thousand incarnations once again opened the various supreme-level divine arts, carrying a world-destroying aura, madly killing the fire dragon.

But the fire dragon didn’t mean to avoid it, and let the divine art slam on his body without leaving any scars.

As the last divine art shattered, the fire dragon swept over Qin Feiyang’s head, and the dragon’s claws protruded violently, grabbing Qin Feiyang.

The sharp claws immediately pierced Qin Feiyang’s body, bleeding profusely!

No doubt, as long as the fire dragon exerts force, it can crush Qin Feiyang.

The severe pain all over his body made Qin Feiyang’s face contort.

And the three thousand incarnations were also smashed under the sweep of the giant tail of the fire dragon!

“Are you angry?”

“The person who was defeated by you in the past can now crush you like an ant?”

The dragon laughed.

“You are too arrogant!”

Qin Feiyang roared, and the Emperor’s Divine Prison opened instantly.

The consciousness of the fire dragon is now in a blank!

“Although your physical body and strength have become stronger because of the mark, your consciousness is no different from ours.”

“The Emperor’s Divine Prison can completely deprive you of your consciousness!”

Qin Feiyang broke free from the dragon’s claws and took out a supreme artifact.

Supreme Artifacts, of course he doesn’t lack them now, he got thousands of them in the Valley of the Fallen.

And now.

The supreme-level artifact he took out was a three-foot war sword. The whole body was blood red, like flesh and blood, exuding an amazing murderous aura.


He jumped sharply and landed on the head of the fire dragon. Then he grabbed the hilt of the sword with both hands, the tip of the sword was pointing down, and the divine power rolled out, and the sword was instantly revived.



He let out a low drink, grabbed the sword shadow, and stabbed the fire dragon’s heavenly cover with all his strength!

For a fire dragon, deprivation of consciousness is fatal!

Because it is not conscious, it cannot draw upon the power of the mark.


The dragon scales on the Tianling cover immediately shattered.

The entire sword fell into the dragon’s head in an instant, and the dragon’s blood spurted out.


The severe pain awakened the fire dragon’s consciousness, and the mark on the center of the forehead suddenly burst out with a divine light, rushing towards Qin Feiyang!


Qin Feiyang didn’t dodge at all.

Because he can’t dodge, there’s only one chance!

If you don’t kill the fire dragon now and let the fire dragon take precautions, it will be very difficult to open the emperor’s prison next time.

The power of the mark slammed on him, and a blood hole the size of a head suddenly appeared on his chest, transparent from front to back!


Blood gushed from Qin Feiyang’s mouth, and a sense of weakness swept over.

The momentum is also declining!

“Death to me!”

Qin Feiyang gritted his teeth, roared, and slammed his fist into the hilt of the sword.



The entire sword disappeared into the dragon’s head in one fell swoop.

The terrifying edge shredded the sea of ​​consciousness of the fire dragon on the spot and killed it towards the soul.


The fire dragon roared, and the power of the mark poured into the sea of ​​consciousness like a tide, protecting the soul.

Qin Feiyang also fell, and the whole person fell to the ground weakly.

“The dragon isn’t dead yet, I can’t be in a coma yet!”

Qin Feiyang murmured, his mind moved, and the three thousand incarnations appeared again.


Another bunch of Supreme Artifacts have appeared!

“Quick, kill him!”

Qin Feiyang shouted weakly.

Three thousand incarnations immediately stepped forward, grabbed each piece of supreme-level divine art, and then swarmed up.


The dragon roared, and the giant tail swept away.


Three thousand avatars stepped on the dragon and nine steps, like ghosts one by one. Although hundreds of avatars were swept by the giant tail and smashed on the spot, other avatars rushed to the head of the fire dragon.


A piece of supreme artifact has been revived wildly, and its edge has been destroyed.

As before Qin Feiyang!

All incarnations, grab the supreme artifact, and stab at the broken heavenly cover of the fire dragon!


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