Invincible God of War Chapter 2727: Blood Battle (Part 1)


“It turns out that they have known each other for a long time, and they have a deep hatred.”

The Dragon Horse and Ten Beasts looked at Qin Feiyang and the white-eyed wolf with curiosity in their eyes.

I actually met this person in the temple. Who is this person and a wolf?

Although the fire dragon’s previous cultivation was not as good as them, the fire dragon can stay in the temple, and its status is naturally higher than them.

Up to now, they still remember the scene when the fire dragon descended on the Gods and Demons Forest.

The situation changed suddenly, and the fire dragon descended from the sky and had the right to use the temple.

In this case, the fire dragon must have a great background.

Therefore, they have been in awe of fire dragons over the years.

Because in their opinion, the fire dragon should be the messenger sent by a big man to guard the forest of gods and demons.

In all these years, the fire dragon has indeed been practicing asceticism in the temple.

But they thought the dragon’s penance was to convince them.

After all.

The guardians of the Forest of Gods and Demons are very powerful. If they don’t have strong strength, how can they convince these guardians?

But I didn’t expect that the fire dragon’s ascetic practice was because of this person and a wolf, wanting to seek revenge for them.

To be able to have a grudge against a character like the Fire Dragon, the identity of this person and a wolf is certainly not easy!

“Qin Feiyang, wolf cub, what do you think about this surprise?”

The fire dragon stopped laughing and asked jokingly.


“It was a real surprise for us.”

“Because I can finally fulfill my promise to Fire Python.”

“But I’m afraid this is bad news for you.”

The white-eyed wolf sneered.

“Bad news?”

The dragon laughed again.

“You did get stronger over the years, but so did we.”

“And, stronger than you!”

“We used to be able to kill you, and we can still kill you now!”

“Don’t hide in it, get out and die!”

The white-eyed wolf shouted.

“Want to fight against this emperor? Let’s defeat the ten strongest guardians first!”

“You are only eligible if you defeat them first.”

The fire dragon is proud.

The white-eyed wolf raised his brows and tried to bombard the gate of the temple again, but he couldn’t open it as before.

“Don’t waste your efforts, no one can enter the temple without the permission of the emperor!”

The dragon sneers.

“Answer my question, is this the third layer of miracles? I want to be honest!”

Qin Feiyang said solemnly.

This is his main concern.

“Don’t worry, I will tell you when I send you to hell!”

The dragon laughed.

Qin Feiyang immediately clenched his hands tightly, and the joints of his ten fingers rattled!


“What a face I haven’t seen in a long time.”

“You look the same as before.”

The dragon laughed wildly.


Qin Feiyang took a deep breath and turned to look at the ten beasts.

The eyes of the top ten beasts flickered with fierce light.

Whoosh! !

The madman and Wang Ming rushed up at this time and landed on the top of the mountain, looking very embarrassed, staring at the top ten beasts, their eyes flashing with cold light.

Qin Feiyang looked at the top ten beasts and said solemnly: “This is a personal grudge between me and Huolong, give you a chance and leave immediately!”



The top ten beasts frowned.

This arrogant tone seems to have won.

“I advise you, it’s better to listen to it!”

The madman also spoke.

The white python stared at the lunatic, and said with a sinister smile: “How dare you be arrogant with us, it seems that the lesson I just taught you is not enough!”

Qin Feiyang’s eyes filled with murderous intent, and said, “Since I’m stubborn, then I’ll fulfill you all!”

“You are courting death!”

White wolves, black wolves, and silver wolves drank violently and rushed towards Qin Feiyang.

“It’s you who are courting death!”

The white-eyed wolf stepped out in front of Qin Feiyang and summoned the golden giant wolf.

The golden giant wolf roared in the sky, waving a fist the size of a grinding plate, and punched the silver wolf three beasts with one punch.

“You really think you’re our opponent?”

The three silver wolf beasts roared furiously, and the blood-marked divine light between the eyebrows was released, and they slammed into the golden giant wolf together.

With a loud bang, the golden wolf shattered on the spot.

The white-eyed wolf spurted out a mouthful of blood and kept retreating under his feet.

“How are you?”

Qin Feiyang was taken aback.

“It’s fine.”

“Three little wolf cubs.”

The white-eyed wolf smiled disdainfully, turned around and took a stride, swept down the mountain top, rushed to the jungle below, and shouted: “Let me down and lead to death!”

“Still arrogant?”

“Look how we clean you up!”

The silver wolf three beasts were furious, carrying the monstrosities, rushed down the mountain, and killed the white-eyed wolf.


“You guys come with Lao Tzu too!”

The madman looked at the white python, the crocodile, and the dragon horse, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes, he also turned around and swept down the mountain.

Because the top of the mountain is too small, for them who cannot fly, there is no activity at all.

“One against three?”

“How often do you shop?”

“To kill you, this emperor alone is enough!”

The white python shouted angrily and charged down with murderous aura.

Long Ma glanced at the white python and said to the crocodile: “Then humans can’t look down on it, you go and help!”


The crocodile nodded and swept downwards like lightning.

In this way, Qin Feiyang, Wang Ming, and Yang Li are now left on the top of the mountain.

The guardian of the temple, as well as Ryoma, Golden Mouse, Snow Rabbit, Black Bear, and Black Eagle!

“Young Master, our ability is limited, as long as one person helps you restrain one.”

Wang Ming glanced at the dragon, horse and five beasts and said helplessly.

Yang Li also looked aggrieved.

“It’s fine.”

Qin Feiyang waved his hand.

He understands how the two are feeling now.

If there are no rules and restrictions, the top ten beasts in front of you can easily be wiped out.

After all.

They are all supreme beings of the immortal realm!

Available now.

Faced with these ant-like beasts, they only have to be beaten?

This feeling of suffocation is enough to drive anyone crazy and collapse.

Wang Ming pointed to the black eagle and shouted, “Come with me!”

“You, come with me too!”

Yang Li also pointed to Snow Rabbit.

With that, the two swept down the mountain.

“Jie Jie…”

Golden Mouse and Snow Rabbit looked at each other and immediately fell towards Wang Ming.

On the top of the mountain at this time, only Qin Feiyang, Longma, Black Bear, and Black Eagle were left.



At this time.

The battle between the white-eyed wolf and the black wolf, the maniac and the crocodile, and the battle of the white python has begun.

The battle between Wang Ming and the Golden Mouse and Snow Rabbit also began.

“Gorefiend Realm!”

“Sword Executioner!”

“Dragon Slayer!”

Faced with the strongest guardian, no one dares to take it lightly, and the first shot is a supreme-level killing technique.


Qin Feiyang scanned the four battlefields.

For now.

The white-eyed wolf and the lunatic don’t have any big problems.

Withdrawing his gaze, Qin Feiyang looked at the dragon and horse and said, “Let’s start too!”

“Tell the truth.”

“The emperor really admires your courage.”

“I think back then, when the blood demons of the Gorefiends came to the forest of gods and demons, they all took a detour when they saw us.”

“Do you know the identity of Xue Da?”

“He is the great commander of the Gorefiends, and his strength is second only to the King You of the Gorefiends.”

“Even he didn’t dare to fight with us, how dare you challenge us head-on?”

“You humans are really ignorant creatures!”

The dragon horse three beasts smiled contemptuously.


The three beasts carry the monstrous might and pounce on Qin Feiyang.


“Of course I do.”

“But blood is afraid of you, it doesn’t mean I am afraid of you too!”

Qin Feiyang’s eyes froze, returning to the ruins, the eclipse of the sun and the moon, and the sword art of returning to the Yuan, appeared in an instant.

After starting the Ascension Dragon Art, his cultivation base has already reached the Nine Heavens Realm of Great Perfection.

Under the realm of immortality, he can be called invincible!

Three supreme-level divine arts, shattering the sky, and blasting away at the three beasts.

However, even so, the Dragon Horse and the Three Beasts did not activate the divine art and use the divine weapon.

They use their fleshly bodies to meet the three supreme gods!

The eyes are full of contempt!

It seems that in their eyes, Qin Feiyang doesn’t even have the qualifications to let them use magic tricks and artifacts.

“Being arrogant in front of me, Qin Feiyang, will pay the price!”

Qin Feiyang drank violently.

The three gods slammed into the three beasts.


But even with a frontal bombardment, the three beasts did not take a step back.

The blood mark on the eyebrows exudes a piece of divine light, covering the whole body.

It looks like wearing a white armor.

The three divine arts slammed on them, but they did not break the shield of divine light, nor did they cause any damage to them!


“The power of the mark is invincible!”

“An ant like you can never understand it!”

The black bear laughed loudly, and was hundreds of feet tall. It swooped down from the sky and punched Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang’s eyes sank slightly, he took nine steps on the Tianlong and avoided it like lightning.


The black bear punched directly on the square.


The plaza shows no sign of shattering.

The temple next to it was not shaken at all.

Not even the entire giant peak shuddered.


This temple, this giant peak, was tempered by a certain peerless powerhouse with divine power, otherwise it would not be so hard.

After all, even Qin Feiyang didn’t dare to hit the black bear hard.

You can imagine how strong it is.

“Can you hide?”

At the same time that Qin Feiyang avoided, the black eagle spread its wings and swept over Qin Feiyang’s head.

The two giant claws exuded a biting edge, grabbing towards Qin Feiyang’s head!


The dragon horse also dived and killed Qin Feiyang from the side.

The black bear missed with a punch, raised a huge fist again, and killed Qin Feiyang from the front.

This is an unavoidable situation!

Qin Feiyang glanced at the three beasts, his face a little gloomy.

These beasts are actually not scary. What is truly scary is the power of the mark.

The power of this mark can not only greatly increase the strength of the three beasts, but also the physical body is almost equal to the body of immortality.

Supreme-level divine art such as Guixu Jue, Shenlong Jue, and Eclipse of the Sun and Moon can no longer pose a threat to them.

Because of the power of the mark, it has exceeded this limit.

That is to say.

If you want to defeat them, you can only do it with the God-Defying Art, the God-defying Artifact, or the cultivation of the Immortal Realm.

But Pluto Hell has rules and restrictions, which are not allowed.

To be replaced by someone else, even Ye Zhong, the great ancestors of dragons, can only escape for their lives.

No wonder, no matter what, the Beast Emperor refused to enter the forest of gods and demons.

This is the fear of beasts.


He, Qin Feiyang, is not an ordinary person. If you look at him with ordinary eyes, it will be fatal!


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