Invincible God of War Chapter 2726: Powerful!


The fire dragon is actually in the temple?

The white-eyed wolf turned to look at Qin Feiyang and said, “Little Qinzi, is this an illusion?”

“It must be an illusion.”

Qin Feiyang nodded.

How could the dragon be in the temple?

“Didn’t you hear the emperor’s order? Kill them!”

The booing sounded again.

Qin Feiyang and the white-eyed wolf trembled, they heard it right, this is the voice of the fire dragon!

Boom! !

The body of the ten major beasts also shook violently, and immediately released one after another terrifying momentum, rushing towards Qin Feiyang and others.


Qin Feiyang swept towards the top ten beasts and directly started the Rising Dragon Art.

Cultivation, instantly soared to the Nine Heavens Realm of Great Perfection!


An invisible force rushed towards the ten beasts like a tide.

——The art of destroying souls!

Since it is the subordinate of the fire dragon, there is nothing to show mercy.

The invisible force roars everywhere.

The ten beasts also felt a deadly threat.


At the center of the forehead, the white blood-written mark appeared one after another, and a divine light emerged one after another, blasting towards the invisible force.


The invisible force collapsed immediately.

But Qin Feiyang ignored it, took the opportunity to walk through the ten major beasts in one step, and went straight to the temple.

The white-eyed wolf followed Qin Feiyang with a terrifying fierce light in his eyes.

“What’s the matter with them?”

Wang Ming and Yang Li are suspicious.

The madman said: “It must have been a former enemy!”

He also recognized the dragon’s voice.

If he didn’t know the grievances between Qin Feiyang and Huolong, he would definitely be as puzzled as Wang Ming.

But before, Qin Feiyang had told him.

The fire dragon has long been on Qin Feiyang’s must-kill list.

“Hold them!”

The madman turned his eyes and landed on the top ten beasts, shouting.


Wang Ming nodded.

The cage of heaven and earth appeared, instantly covering the ten beasts.

“Beyond my ability!”

The crocodile gave a cold drink, and the **** mark between the eyebrows was magnificent.

The half-meter-long body suddenly swelled wildly.

The dragon horse, the golden mouse, the black wolf, etc… The body also grew rapidly.

But in a blink of an eye.

Ten giant beasts were born!

The body size is hundreds of zhang, like mountains, fierce and powerful!


The crocodile was covered in dark scales, raised its giant tail, and slammed into the cage of heaven and earth.

With a loud bang, the cage of heaven and earth suddenly shattered.

Wang Ming spurted out a mouthful of blood, stepped back again and again, and said in shock: “It’s so strong, at least several times stronger than that Huo Luan!”

“No way!”

Yang Li’s eyes trembled.

Even if he and Wang Ming teamed up, they couldn’t defeat Huo Luan, but now these top ten beasts are actually several times stronger than Huo Luan?

That’s not something they can beat at all.

I am afraid that even if you contain them, you will not be able to do it!

The most important thing is that these beasts are about to fly in the sky.

This is a big advantage in front of them!

“Afraid of what?”

“I’m here!”

The madman snorted coldly, and the Gorefiend Realm opened, instantly covering the top ten beasts.


The cultivation base of the ten major beasts suddenly plummeted to the half-step Nine Heavens Realm.

“Kill Lao Tzu!”

The lunatic drinks.

“Sword Executioner!”

“Dragon Slayer!”

Wang Ming and the two roared furiously, and the two big killing formations appeared in the world in an instant, killing the ten big beasts frantically.

“Sure enough!”

Ryoma looked at the three and muttered.

“So what?”

“Even if we stand still and let them kill, they can’t do it.”

The black wolf looked disdainful.


The Heaven Slaying Sword Formation and the Dragon Slayer Formation fell madly, drowning the ten major beasts.

“Why don’t you fight back?”


Wang Ming and the two were stunned.

“Who the **** is stupid?”

The ten beasts came out of the two killing formations one after another.

The three madmen suddenly widened their eyes in anger.

There is not even a single wound on the body of the ten major beasts at this moment!

How is that possible?

Be aware.

These are the two supreme killing techniques.

And their cultivation base was also suppressed by the Gorefiend Realm to the half-step Nine Heavens Realm.

In the face of such a situation, even if their bodies are made of iron, it is impossible for them to be unscathed!

Yang Li said solemnly, “It should have something to do with their blood marks!”

The bodies of the top ten beasts were all covered with a layer of white divine light.

It is these divine lights that protect them.

And these divine lights come from the blood marks on their eyebrows!

“We are immortal, protected by the power of the imprint!”

The ten big beasts let out a low roar, and at the same time, they rammed into the Heaven Punishing Sword Formation and the Dragon Slayer Formation.

The two killing formations collapsed instantly.

Even the Gorefiend Realm was shattered on the spot!

Three people spurting blood!

The strength of the top ten beasts has become so powerful that it makes people desperate.

“The emperor wants to swallow you alive!”

The white python gave a grim smile, opened its **** mouth, revealing its fangs, and rushed towards the three madmen.

“Swallow Lao Tzu alive?”

“I’m afraid your stomach can’t hold it!”

As soon as the madman waved his hand, the bloodthirsty demon king appeared, wearing a blood-colored war sword and holding a Fangtianhua halberd, like a **** and demon, and killed the white python.


“Jie Jie…”

The white python didn’t dodge at all, and the giant tail slapped the halberd toward Fang Tian.


Fang Tian Hua Ji shattered.

The giant tail rolled towards the Bloodthirsty Demon King again, and the Bloodthirsty Demon King also shattered instantly.


The big **** mouth of the white python bites at the three madmen, and a strong fishy smell hits the nostrils.



“Come and see if you are really invincible!”

The madman is furious.

A piece of blood light emerged, and a huge blood-colored field shrouded the white python in an instant.

Five Gorefiends, Blood Prison!


The white python suddenly stopped in the void, and its entire body was frozen and motionless.

“Death to me!”

The lunatic drinks hard.

In the blood prison, countless blood thunders suddenly appeared, like small snakes, rushing towards the white python.

“Blood prison…”

Wang Ming looked at each other and was shocked.

Although they didn’t know what was so terrifying about this blood prison, when they recalled the time when the giant tiger and the three beasts were shrouded in the blood prison, they immediately fell into fear.

So it’s not hard to imagine that this blood prison must be super powerful.

Perhaps a lunatic can kill these beasts!


Countless blood thunders swarmed, drowning the white python.


The painful scream of the white python also came from the blood prison.

“What’s the matter?”

The black wolf and other nine beasts watched this scene in disbelief.

Although the entire body of the white python was submerged in blood and thunder, it was impossible to see its current situation, but this scream… is obviously not good!

“Dare to shout with Lao Tzu, you are really courting death!”

The madman is filled with murderous intent, and the Gorefiend Realm reappears, shrouded in the blood prison.

The cultivation of the white python once again plummeted to the half-step Nine Heavens Realm.

The screams are even more miserable!


Ryoma shouted.

The nine beasts immediately slammed into the Blood Prison and the Gorefiend Realm. With a loud click, the Blood Prison and the Gorefiend Realm shattered one after another.

As soon as the blood prison shattered, the blood mines also dissipated, and the white python was also revealed.

But I saw the white python at the moment, all flesh and blood, especially the head, almost torn apart!

Even the power of the **** mark couldn’t help it block the blood mine, and suffered a fatal blow.

“No way!”

“What magic trick is this?”

“So strong?”

Looking at the embarrassed white python, the dragon, horse and nine beasts were extremely shocked.

If this is one step later, the white python will definitely die in the blood prison.

And watching this scene, the madman could not help frowning.

It’s one step away from killing the white python, these beasts really like to meddle in their own business!

“Human, this emperor and you will never die!”

The white python let out a roar, and the **** mark on the center of his eyebrows radiated a more dazzling divine light.


Amazing scene appears!

The injuries on the white python, as well as the almost torn head, were repaired in an instant.

“How is that possible?”

Wang Ming and Yang Li were stunned.

Even a lunatic stares in disbelief.

Isn’t this ability the same as the blood demons absorbing the power of the Evil Moon?

How could it be possible to kill these beasts with such a ‘perverted’ ability?

Unless it’s destructive, kill it in one fell swoop!


The white python growls.

The dragon, horse and nine beasts also shot.

Pfft! !

Faced with the bombardment of the top ten beasts, the three madmen were blasted away on the spot and crashed into the mountains and rivers below.

The mountains and rivers with a radius of thousands of miles were directly razed to the ground!



Let’s talk about Qin Feiyang and the white-eyed wolf.

They swept to the front of the palace, full of fire, and slammed into the gate of the palace.

But the gate of the palace is as steady as Mount Tai, without the slightest tremor.

“So strong?”

White-eyed wolf is surprised.

“Qin Feiyang, wolf cub, I didn’t expect to meet you here, it’s really fate!”

The voice of the fire dragon came from the temple again, full of hatred.

“There is a seed out, don’t hide in it like a turtle!”

The white-eyed wolf shouted.


“Come in if you have the ability!”

Fire Dragon laughed proudly and said, “But then again, when Hades **** opened, why didn’t this emperor find you?”

“You didn’t recognize us, but we did recognize your voice.”

“I was a little reluctant to believe it, but I didn’t expect that you are really in hell.”

“Answer me, are the underworld **** and the third level of miracles the same place?”

Qin Feiyang said solemnly.

“Aren’t you very smart? Don’t know how to guess?”

The fire dragon joked.


Qin Feiyang took a deep breath and said, “I promised Huo Python that I would definitely kill you.”

“Fire python?”

The fire dragon was stunned for a moment, playing with the taste: “Okay, as long as you have this ability, but to be honest, the emperor really wants to thank you.”

“What do you mean?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.

“If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have the chance to come here.”

“Do you know what’s in this temple?”

“One of them is the time circle!”

“These years, this emperor has been cultivating hard here, and now he has broken through to the Nine Heavens Realm of Great Perfection!”

“Do you know why this emperor cultivated ascetic?”

“It’s because the emperor wants to seek revenge for you!”

“Originally, this emperor didn’t know how to find you, or whether you were alive or dead, but I didn’t expect that you would take the initiative to send it to your door. Even God helped me!”


The dragon laughed wildly.


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