Invincible God of War Chapter 2724: The temple, the ten strongest guardians!


But they ignore the wounds.

Before, I was beaten up by the white-eyed wolf.


They didn’t ignore it, they knew they were hurt, just because they didn’t take a group of people seriously.

Thinking that this group of old people with straw sandals is as easy to bully as those before.


Accompanied by a cold snort, the burly man, the old woman in the green robe, and the enchanting woman rushed out like lightning at the same time.

Bang bang bang!

In just a few rounds, the giant tiger and the three beasts were beaten to the ground by three people.

“A group of ruthless characters again?”

The three beasts were a little stunned.



Huo Luan fluttered two huge wings like a streamer, shuttling in the sky above the forest of gods and demons.

Wherever it goes, the beast evades.

The white-eyed wolf glanced at the mountains and rivers below and said, “I ask you, is there really an illusion in this forest of gods and demons?”

“Of course.”

Huo Luan nodded.

“Then why didn’t we meet?”

The white-eyed wolf is suspicious.

“It can only be said that you are lucky.”

“Say more.”

“How long have you entered the forest of gods and demons?”

Huo Luan snorted coldly.

“Good luck?”

The white-eyed wolf was stunned for a moment, hehe smiled and said, “Needless to say, it must have something to do with my brother’s character.”

“What does it have to do with your character?”

Huo Luan was taken aback.

Qin Feiyang and the others all looked at the white-eyed wolf suspiciously.

“Nonsense, brother’s character is good, so good luck!”

The white-eyed wolf smiled narcissistically, looked at Qin Feiyang and the others and said, “You are all dipped in brother’s light, you know?”


Huo Luan cursed.

Qin Feiyang and several others also rolled their eyes.

They don’t object to narcissism, but can there be a limit so that this kind of thing can also take credit for it?

The white-eyed wolf doesn’t mind at all, standing on Huo Luan’s head and asking: “Then we are in the sky now, will we encounter an illusion?”

“Not at high altitude.”

Huo Luan shook his head.


The white-eyed wolf is suspicious.

“Why so many?”

Huo Luan is extremely angry, so he can’t be quiet, he keeps asking and asking, is he annoying?


The white-eyed wolf was slightly taken aback, kicked Huo Luan’s head with one foot, and shouted, “Are you courting death?”


The anger in Huo Luan’s heart!

As one of the guardians of the temple, it is really annoying to be bullied like this by a wolf!

“Answer your brother’s question!”

The white-eyed wolf said angrily.

“Good good.”

Huo Luan replied repeatedly and said, “Because the illusion is set in the forest, there is no illusion at high altitude.”

“So it is.”

“That is to say, it is because of these illusions that the forest of gods and demons is restricted from being able to fly?”


“That’s right.”

“What’s the point of setting up these illusions if you can fly?”

Huo Luan nodded.

“Okay then, after you go to the temple, you will take us to the square of the gods and demons.”

The white-eyed wolf laughed.

Flying all the way, you don’t have to worry about falling into an illusion.

“You have the final say.”

Fire Luan Road.

Not under the eaves, had to bow.

No matter what the white-eyed wolf says, it will agree now and wait until the temple.

Qin Feiyang pondered for a while and asked, “How long will it take to get to the temple?”

“Half a year.”

Fire Luan Road.

“Half a year?”

The white-eyed wolf was stunned for a moment, then frowned: “No, the giant tiger and the three beasts came to you for help, didn’t it only take two or three days?”

“Because I’m not in the temple.”

Fire Luan Road.

“What do you mean?”

The white-eyed wolf is suspicious.

“We, the guardians of the temple, each guard an area.”

“And this emperor guards this area.”

“So, the giant tigers come to find this emperor, and they don’t have to go to the temple at all.”

Fire Luan Road.

“That’s it!”

The white-eyed wolf suddenly nodded and asked curiously, “How many guardians do you have in total?”

“I don’t know.”

“Everyone is scattered all over the place, and we seldom come and go. Usually, if there is something going on, we also go directly to the top ten strongest guardians.”

“These ten strongest guardians are resident in the temple, and they are also the most powerful beings in the entire forest of gods and demons.”

Huo Luan said, his eyes full of admiration.

“Top Ten Strongest Guardians?”

Several people look at each other.

The strength of Huo Luan is obvious to all, and even it is so revered and worshipped…

How strong are these ten strongest guardians?

“Look, there’s a group of people there.”

Wang Ming suddenly pointed to a plain below and said.

“A group of people?”

Qin Feiyang and others were stunned for a moment, then looked down, and saw forty or fifty people walking on the plain in embarrassment.

There are men and women, old and young.

Everyone’s face is full of fatigue and scarred.

“It seems a little familiar…”

Yang Li frowned, suddenly patted his head, and said, “I saw them when I first arrived in the plains, which means that they are the first people to enter the forest of gods and demons.”

The white-eyed wolf joked: “It’s a miracle that I can still live to this day.”

“It seems that only a hundred people entered the forest of gods and demons that time. It has been more than a hundred years and there are still forty or fifty people left. It can indeed be regarded as a miracle.”

Yang Li nodded.


“It took more than 100 years to come here. I can only imagine that they must have been hiding in this area and have not moved forward.”

“What kind of miracle can this kind of trickery be considered?”

Huo Luan is disdainful.

“I don’t agree with your statement.”

“Although it is an incompetence to survive, as long as you survive, you will be the winner.”

Yang Lidao.

However, before the words fell, a group of people fell one after another, and died without warning!

“What’s the matter?”

Qin Feiyang and several people were surprised.

“Need to say?”

“It must be that they fell into an illusion, and their souls were automatically annihilated.”

Fire Luan Road.


Qin Feiyang froze in his heart and said solemnly, “Go down and have a look!”

“Are you sure you want to go down?”

“Maybe there is an illusion on this plain.”

Fire Luan Road.

“What would you say if there was an illusion on this plain? I’m afraid we’d like to run down immediately.”

Qin Feiyang said lightly.

“You’re smart.”

Huo Luan snorted coldly, swooped down, and landed in front of a group of corpses.

“Wang Ming, go check it out.”

Qin Feiyang.


Wang Ming jumped to the side of a group of people, checked it carefully, returned to Huo Luan’s back, and said solemnly: “It is indeed because of the annihilation of the soul.”


Qin Feiyang’s eyes trembled.

The giant tiger and the three beasts really didn’t lie to them, this is the end of falling into an illusion!

It would be hard to believe if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes.


The group couldn’t help but look up and swept around.

In this plain, and around, no traces of illusion were found.

And before.

They also saw these people walking.

That is to say.

It is indeed as the Beast King and the Giant Tiger Three Beasts said, even if you are in an illusion, everything that happens and everything you see is real.

A fantasy like this cannot be deciphered at all.

Because you don’t know, have you fallen into an illusion? When did you fall into the illusion again?


Qin Feiyang shouted.

After this, I can be at high altitude, try to be at high altitude.

It’s too dangerous in the forest.


Time flies.

Six months later.

The group has entered the central area of ​​the Gods and Demons Forest.

The mountains and ancient trees here are even more majestic.

A giant peak, towering to the sky!

A single ancient tree, dozens of people are estimated to be unable to encircle it!

A vine, as thick as a horned dragon.


The giant beasts in the mountains are also all in the Nine Heavens Realm of Great Perfection, exuding a strong aura.


When they saw Qin Feiyang on Huo Luan’s back, the giant beasts below looked surprised.

But because of Huo Luan’s identity, no giant beast came to stand in the way, or asked.



A huge giant peak entered the sight of Qin Feiyang and others.

The height of the giant peak is more than ten thousand zhang, and the peak of the mountain towers into the sky, making it difficult to see the whole picture.

But from a distance, Qin Feiyang and the others could feel the terrifying ferocity one after another on the top of the mountain!

Huo Luan said: “On the top of the mountain, is the temple.”

Qin Feiyang and others looked at the top of the mountain.

Since the temple is on the top of the mountain, the fierceness they sensed must be the so-called ten strongest guardians!

Qin Feiyang patted the white-eyed wolf and the madman, and said, “Don’t be impulsive, try not to do it if you can.”


Wang Ming and the two nodded, their eyes full of solemnity.

Because of that fierceness, they already felt a deadly threat.

However, the madman and the white-eyed wolf are both eager to try.


Huo Luan didn’t stop at all, and rushed directly to the top of the mountain.

Above the top of the mountain, clouds and mist are shrouded in mist, like a fairyland.

On the top of the mountain, stands a majestic palace!

The palace is about 100 feet high and dark, exuding an ancient and mysterious atmosphere.

Other than that, there is nothing else on the top of the mountain.

But in front of the palace, there is a square about a hundred meters.

The square is covered with a layer of black stone, flat as a mirror, with severe weathering marks.


This has been around for many years.

And just above the square, there are ten fierce beasts lying on the ground!

These ten beasts are not very big, each of them is only over half a meter long.

They lie on the ground, eyes closed, appearing to be dozing.

Among them, there are three wolves!

A black wolf, a silver wolf, and a white wolf.

The remaining seven beasts are; a black eagle, a white python, a black bear, a golden mouse, a dragon horse, a fierce crocodile, and a snow rabbit.

“The snow rabbit, the little golden mouse, is very cute!”

The white-eyed wolf grunts.


The corners of Qin Feiyang’s mouth twitched.

Have you ever heard the saying that the cutest things are more dangerous?

Huo Luan is also speechless.

Do you know how strong Snow Rabbit and Golden Mouse are? How brutal? They are even afraid of being crazy, and the word cute has nothing to do with it.

“Meet you all.”

Huo Luan stabilized his mind, crawled to the ground, and shouted respectfully.

Qin Feiyang and several others also jumped off Huo Luan’s back and stood on the edge of the square, looking at the temple curiously.

The gate of the temple is closed, giving people a sense of mystery. What treasures are hidden inside?


The ten big beasts slowly opened their eyes and looked at Qin Feiyang and his group, with a cold light flashing in their eyes.

“Don’t know where this place is? Bring them here!”

The black bear suddenly looked at Huo Luan and shouted.

Huo Luan’s body trembled, and he quickly said: “Lord Black Bear forgive me, I don’t want to, I was forced by them.”


The black bear was taken aback.

The other nine beasts also showed a hint of surprise in their eyes.


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