Invincible God of War Chapter 2496: The powerlessness of the great ancestors



Qin Feiyang sent messages to Huo Lian, Jiang Dafei, Li Changhe and Five-Clawed Golden Dragon in succession, telling them to be careful too.

And Huo Yi, Huo Lian, and Five-Clawed Golden Dragon all began to encounter the same situation.

Dragon messenger and city lord did not come.

That’s like telling them, loot whatever you want, we’re not going to die anyway.

The final choice made by the three, like Qin Feiyang, destroyed the entire City Lord’s Mansion.

It’s even funnier.

The news also spread slowly.


“Destroy the entire city master’s mansion?”

“These people are crazy!”

“No, I can’t stay in the City Lord’s Mansion any longer, lest I die when they come.”

“Quick, let me know, everyone will immediately evacuate the City Lord’s Mansion!”


As soon as they received this news, the dragon messengers and city lords of the major city lords’ mansions immediately ordered.

In some cities, not only the people from the city lord’s mansion were evacuated, but even the people in the city were all evacuated outside the city, as if it had become an empty city!

When Qin Feiyang encountered such a situation, he was quite helpless.

Over a city lord’s mansion, Jiang Dafei looked at the empty city lord’s mansion, the corners of his mouth could not help but twitch, and sighed: “The development of the situation is a little unexpected!”

“It was really unexpected.”

Fire Lotus shook her head and smiled.

Jiang Dafei asked, “What should we do now?”

Huo Lian pondered for a while and said: “There is no need to continue, withdraw!”


Jiang Dafei nodded, opened an altar, and the two quickly left.


Huo Yi and Wang Daoyuan also descended over an empty city lord’s mansion.

And not only the City Lord’s Mansion, but the city is also empty.

“This is the second ghost town we’ve encountered.”

Wang Daoyuan glanced at the City Lord’s Mansion, and then glanced at the empty city, helplessly.

“Let’s go!”

Huo Yi decisively opened an altar.


But at this moment, along with a loud shout, a sword light in the distance tore apart the sky, killing Huo Yi and Wang Daoyuan.

Huo Yi looked down and did not hesitate to mobilize his divine power to protect the altar.


Take out the broken sword and cut it with one sword.


The two sword lights meet.

In an instant.

The entire city, including the City Lord’s Mansion, was wiped out.

“As expected by the young master, the dragon clan will send people to kill us!”

Wang Daoyuan whispers.


Huo Yi snorted coldly, grabbed Wang Daoyuan, and swept up to the altar like lightning, and the figure began to dissipate.

“Where to go!”

A fourteen-fifteen-year-old boy in blood came from a distance like lightning.

In his hand, he was holding a blood-red short blade.

Huo Yi looked at the blood-clothed boy and said with a smile: “Blood Dragon Zulong, aren’t you guarding Beihai? What are you doing here?”

“You are presumptuous!”

Although the boy in the blood-clothed clothes looks young, his eyebrows are filled with an astonishing evil spirit.

“I guessed that you would come, so I won’t give you a chance.”

“Goodbye by fate.”

Huo Yi waved his hand, and the two figures completely disappeared.

“Damn it!”

The boy in blood roars.


Over another city.

The five-clawed golden dragon and Li Changhe also encountered an empty city.

Li Changhe shook his head and took out an altar.


But this time.

The image spar rings.

Li Changhe took out the image spar, and Qin Feiyang’s phantom appeared.

“I received a message from Huoyi before that the blood dragon Zulong has arrived in the north. I believe other ancestors are also here, and immediately evacuate.”

Qin Feiyang said.

“Ancestral Dragon!”

The five-clawed golden dragon and Li Changhe’s expressions changed, and they immediately recovered the altar and returned to Xuanwu Mountain.


Huo Lian also received a summons from Huo Yi.


Xuanwu Mountain!

Several people appeared over the valley one after another.

Qin Feiyang glanced at everyone and said with a smile, “It’s good that everyone is back.”

“Unfortunately, not all were killed.”

Lei Bing shook his head regretfully.

Li Changhe sighed: “This is also impossible.”

Wang Daoyuan looked at Qin Feiyang and said, “Sir, we should act quietly at that time.”

“Do you think that if you act quietly, you can kill all the city lords without knowing it?”


“There are so many people in the City Lord’s Mansion, no matter how secretive we are, it will be exposed sooner or later.”

Huo Yi Dao.

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “I have come this far, and I have nothing to regret. Tell me about your achievements!”

He was already very happy when everyone returned.

Jiang Dafei said: “Miss Huo Lian and I have killed a total of 160 city lords.”

Wang Daoyuan followed: “Master Huoyi and I have killed a total of 175 city lords.”

“I’m a little more with Lord Jinlong.”

“A total of 190 city lords were killed.”

Li Changhe laughed.

No way, the five-clawed golden dragon is too violent.

“More than us?”

Lei Bing was stunned.

“How many did you kill?”

Everyone looked at Qin Feiyang and the three of them curiously.

Lei Bing said with a wry smile: “Master Shao Zun and I, and Lord Feng Dazhi, killed one hundred and fifty city lords.”

“It’s really a bit rude!”

Huo Yi grinned.

Qin Feiyang rolled his eyes.

One hundred five, one hundred six, one hundred seventy-five, one hundred nine, that adds up to six hundred and seventy-five.

Don’t say, good record!

There are 1,200 cities in the north, that is to say, they killed more than half.

And that’s not the point!

The point is, the medicine fields of these City Lord’s Mansion!


“Go to the Xuanwu world.”

With a wave of Qin Feiyang’s hand, he led a group of people into the Xuanwu realm, and saw a complete field of medicine floating in the sky above the Devil’s Land.

This is the medicine field that Qin Feiyang looted.

Crystal veins, soul veins, none of them were spared.

Qin Feiyang looked at Huo Yi and others and asked, “Where are the medicine fields you looted?”

Huo Yi, Huo Lian, and five-clawed golden dragon looked at each other, and with a wave of their hand, fields of medicine swept out of the sea one after another.

A person who has reached their cultivation realm, the sea of ​​​​qi has been able to accommodate all things.

“So much?”

Li Changhe, Wang Daoyuan, Jiang Dafei, and Lei Bing looked at the medicine field, crystal veins, and soul veins, and couldn’t help but be in a daze.

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “It seems that there is no need to loot the medicine fields, soul veins, and crystal veins of the Dragon Temple. It is enough to make the entire Xuanwu world undergo earth-shaking changes.”

Fire Lotus nodded, also smiling.

This is the crystal vein and soul vein of the half of the north, and I am afraid it can be compared to the sum of the four domains of the Northern Territory, Western Desert, Nanhuang, and Dongling.

And the space in the Xuanwu world is not as big as the Northern Territory.

As you can imagine.

With so many crystal veins and soul veins entering the Xuanwu world, how much will the Xuanwu world change?

I dare not say anything else, but the current Xuanwu world must have surpassed the Dragon Temple.

Qin Feiyang looked at Huo Lian and said with a smile, “I have to work hard for you again.”

“It’s fine.”

Huo Lian smiled slightly and said, “The three Black Panther brothers, come out and help.”

“Here it is.”

The three Black Panther brothers ran out of the castle and were stunned when they saw the sky-filled fields of medicine, crystal veins, and soul veins.

Qin Feiyang turned to look at Lei Bing and Jiang Dafei, and said, “You go back first and contact me if you have anything.”


The two nodded.

Qin Feiyang took out the image spar, suggested the contract bridge, and then sent the two out.

Li Changhe asked, “Young Master, what about the remaining cities?”

“I was thinking about this.”

“You help Huo Lian, I will think about it by myself.”

After Qin Feiyang finished speaking, he walked towards the yard next to him.

Feng Dazhi entered the castle and continued to reshape his body.

The five-clawed golden dragon followed Qin Feiyang.

As for Huoyi, he was wandering around the medicine field all by himself.

“Make me a pot of tea.”

Sitting in the pavilion, Qin Feiyang looked at the five-clawed golden dragon and said something, then lowered his head and pondered.


Dragon God Mountains, above the plains!

The woman in white and the boy in blood stood together, both silent and their faces sinking like water.


Four more people flew over with a few bursts of air.

The woman in white looked at the four and asked, “How is it?”

One of them said, “No one was found. It is estimated that they have already stopped, but we have counted that there are more than 600 city lord mansions in total, which have been looted!”

“Damn it!”

The blood-robed boy was furious.

“You seem to have said that when you met Huo Yi, why did you let him run away?”

An old man frowned at the blood-robed boy.

The boy in blood said: “They had already guessed that we would appear, so they were already prepared.”

“Why are these people so difficult to deal with?”

Several people rubbed their foreheads.

The boy in blood said again: “Also, this Huo Yi actually knows that the deity is guarding Beihai?”


“How did he know?”

Several people were surprised.

“Apparently, they had expected that as well.”

“I’m afraid not only the deity, but even the few of you who are guarding the Inner Sea, the West Sea, the South China Sea, and the East China Sea, they know it.”

The boy in blood said solemnly.

“This deity finally understands why Long Zun always said that Qin Feiyang was a greater threat than the Dragon Extermination Hall.”

“His mind is really scary.”

“To be honest, there is nothing I can do about this deity right now.”

The woman in white sighed.

“Actually, the last time I was here, the four of them should have just released the seal of the heaven-defying artifact.”


“If the seal was released at that time, although it would affect the north, and even our Inland Sea and Shenlong Island, at least it would be able to get rid of him and wait for it forever.”

“And now?”

“Lao Hei and the other four were killed, and until now they haven’t condensed a complete soul.”

“The most important thing is that the four god-defying artifacts, the Sunset Bow, also fell into Qin Feiyang’s hands.”

“I’m afraid that these four god-defying artifact have all taken refuge in him now, or they would have been killed long ago with their strength.”

The other four also sighed.

“What’s the use of saying this now?”

“Think about it, what’s next?”

The blood-robed boy said angrily, a little impatient.

The woman in white sighed deeply and said, “Let’s ask Lord Long Zun for instructions!”

The other four nodded.

Now their minds are so messed up, it’s hard to think of an effective solution.

The woman in white takes out the image spar.


The phantom of the Dragon Lord appears.


Long Zun asked.

“I am incompetent, please forgive me, Lord Long Zun.”

The six immediately knelt in the void.

Long Zun heard the words, a biting cold current suddenly appeared all over his body, and said solemnly: “How many cities have suffered?”

“More than six hundred seats.”

The woman in white told the truth.

Long Zun said angrily: “There are more than 600 cities, that’s half of the north!”

The six were trembling and trembling as if they were in the abyss.


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