Invincible God of War Chapter 2495: Long Zun is furious!



Five-clawed Golden Dragon Road.

“You will follow me to the Dragon Temple in the future, so you cannot reveal your true body.”

Qin Feiyang said.


The five-clawed golden dragon nodded, transformed into a human form, and then the divine power emerged, condensing a mask and wearing it on the face.

Li Changhe also changed his appearance, opened an altar, and left with the five-clawed golden dragon.

As soon as the five-clawed golden dragon left, the enchantment that enveloped the valley dissipated.

Jiang Dafei also took an illusion pill, changed his appearance a little, then looked at Huo Lian and said with a smile: “Miss Huo Lian, let’s go to Xingyun City.”


Fire Lotus nodded.

After Huo Lian and Jiang Dafei left, Lei Bing also appeared with an illusion pill, which changed his appearance.

After all, I will continue to go undercover in Horned Dragon City in the future, so I can’t show my true colors.

And Jiang Dafei changed his appearance precisely because of this.

As for Li Changhe and Wang Daoyuan, they once appeared in the Dragon Temple, and naturally they cannot show their true colors, otherwise everyone will know that Li Buer of the Dragon Temple is Qin Feiyang.

Afterwards, Lei Bing also opened an altar.

Qin Feiyang took Feng Dazhi to the altar, looked at the more than 1,000 people below, and said with a smile: “You two build a contract bridge with each other to facilitate future contact, and then immediately return to your respective cities, but don’t return. City Lord’s Mansion, so as not to hurt you.”


A group of people bowed in response.

Lei Bing also jumped up to the altar.

“This young master is really courageous!”


“For such a bold plan, only the Young Master dares to think about it, and only the Young Master dares to do it.”

After Qin Feiyang and the three of them left, the more than 1,000 people sighed.

Last time.

In order to deal with Qin Feiyang, the dragon clan sacked the treasure houses of all the cities in the north.

And this time, Qin Feiyang is also considered his way, and he also treats his body.

As you can imagine.

When the dragon clan received the news, how ugly their faces were.

The Dragon City!

Crowded and crowded, it looks extremely prosperous and lively.

And the City Lord’s Mansion, located in the center of the city, is naturally heavily guarded.


The mountain behind the City Lord’s Mansion.

Over a field of medicine.

The three figures appeared out of thin air, it was Qin Feiyang, Feng Dazhi, and Lei Bing!

Qin Feiyang glanced and shook his head, then looked at Feng Dazhi

As soon as Feng Dazhi waved his hand, a line of consciousness swept out and blasted downwards.

With a loud bang, an enchantment appeared over the medicine field, and the enchantment shattered.

Qin Feiyang didn’t say a word, he immediately released his divine power and poured into the ground beneath the medicine field.


The whole medicine field rises directly from the ground, including the crystal veins and soul veins below.


This movement immediately alarmed the people in the City Lord’s Mansion.

An old man in black took the lead and swept into the back mountain, but when he saw Qin Feiyang and Feng Dazhi, his face changed greatly.

Because the two of them have not changed their faces.

And Qin Feiyang just wanted to cause a sensation.

Feng Dazhi needless to say, once served as a servant of the Dragon Clan, the Dragon Clan naturally knew him as well.

“He came to loot the medicine field of my horned dragon city again!”

“And this Feng Dazhi, didn’t he blew himself up and died? Why is he still alive?”

The old man in black was frightened and angry, but he didn’t dare to step forward.

Not only did they dare not step forward, but they ran for their lives in horror.

Feng Dazhi turned to look at the old man in black, but he had just reached the Nine Heavens Realm.

A sense of consciousness swept away, and the old man in black died on the spot.

The next moment, he recovered his true body, and it was a black dragon, which slammed to the ground with a bang.


Another group of people swept into the back mountain.

The leader is a middle-aged man, wearing a purple robe, quite dignified.

“He is the lord of the horned dragon city.”

“The people behind him are basically the minions of the dragon clan, they are all damned!”

Lei Bing transmits voice to Feng Dazhi.


Feng Dazhi opened his mouth coldly, and a piece of consciousness rushed towards a group of people like a tide.

“It’s Qin Feiyang!”


The city lord roared.

However, before the roar fell, the consciousness came crashing down.


Accompanied by screams, a group of people lost their lives and blood splattered into the sky.

At this time, Qin Feiyang took the medicine field into the Xuanwu world, glanced at the blood mist that filled the sky, and said with a smile: “Let’s go, go to a city.”


Lei Bing opened another altar, and the three of them left without looking back.


“Have you heard the movement of the City Lord’s Mansion?”

“Looks like something happened!”

“I heard some screams faintly.”

“What the **** is going on?”

At this moment, all the people in Horned Dragon City were looking at the City Lord’s Mansion, their eyes filled with surprise.

And the guards of the City Lord’s Mansion rushed to the back mountain in surprise when they heard the movement.

When I saw the looted medicine field, when I saw the corpse of the black dragon, when I saw the broken arm and the corpse all over the ground, I was shocked.

“What’s going on here?”

“Who ransacked the medicine fields?”

“Who killed the dragon messenger and the city master?”

And this matter quickly spread in the horned dragon city, causing an uproar at the moment.



Snow Dragon City, Sun Moon City, and Nebula City are also boiling.

Because the City Lord’s Mansion of the three major cities was also looted.

Dragon messengers and city masters were also killed.


“I saw it, it’s Huo Yi!”

“That’s right, Qin Feiyang’s accomplice!”

“It was he who sacked the medicine field in Xuelong City and killed the city owner and the dragon messenger.”

“My God.”

“How could he suddenly do such a thing.”


“I also saw it. It was a woman wearing a mask who ransacked the medicine field in Xingyun City.”

“She’s too strong.”

“The city lord, the dragon messenger, and the guard commanders are more vulnerable than ants in front of her.”


An unprecedented storm unfolds in the north.

The major cities are full of discussions!


Over a certain city, with a terrifying momentum, a man in a golden robe with a mask descended over the City Lord’s Mansion.

“Death to all!”

After looting the medicine field, the man in the golden robe gave a cold drink, and his divine power rolled out, directly slamming into the city lord’s mansion.


The entire City Lord’s Mansion was instantly wiped out!

“It was brutal.”

Li Changhe shook his head.

That’s right.

The man in the golden robe is a five-clawed golden dragon!

“Let’s go!”

The five-clawed golden dragon opened his mouth, his eyes extremely indifferent.

Li Changhe nodded and opened an altar.

And just after the two left, the city boiled.

“Who the **** are they?”

“I heard that more than one city’s mansion has been looted.”


These news finally reached the Dragon Temple.

“What did you say?”

The woman in white looked at a disciple who came to report, her face full of anger.

“Master Zulong.”

“This is absolutely true.”

The disciple said.

“Who is it?”

The woman in white said solemnly.

“Huoyi, there is also a masked woman and a masked man.”

“And someone saw Qin Feiyang and Feng Dazhi with their own eyes.”

The disciple said.

“Feng Dazhi?”

“Isn’t he dead?”

The woman in white was stunned.

At the beginning, Feng Dazhi blew himself up in front of her.

Why are you still alive?

Could it be that he left behind a ray of divine soul before he blew himself up?

This **** thing!

The disciple said again: “And their cultivation base seems to be very strong.”

“How strong?”

The woman in white asked.

“I don’t know, but I heard that Huoyi, the masked woman, and the masked man are all immortal.”

Disciple said.

“Qin Feiyang!”

“You are absolutely lawless!”

The woman in white was furious and waved her hand: “This deity already knows, you go down!”


The disciple respectfully responded, then turned around and left quickly.

The woman in white takes out the image spar.


A vague figure appeared, it was the Dragon Lord!

The woman in white shouted: “Lord Long Zun, the big thing is bad.”


Dragon Zun frowned.

“Qin Feiyang, Huo Yi, Feng Dazhi, as well as two masked women and masked men who jumped out of nowhere, are looting the medicine fields of the major cities in the north.”

“Our dragon messengers were all killed by them.”

The woman in white is humane.

Naturally, she ignored the deaths of the major city lords.

Because compared to the looting of the medicine fields and the killing of the dragon messengers, the deaths of the major city lords are not worth mentioning.


“Is this **** little beast endless?”

Long Zun said angrily.

The woman in white said: “My lord, how should this matter be resolved?”

“Immediately send a message to the ancestors of the various seas, let them rush to the north immediately, and kill them for the deity at all costs!”

Long Zun shouted.


The woman in white nodded.


And this time.

Qin Feiyang, Huo Lian, Huo Yi, and the five-clawed golden dragon have sacked almost one-third of the northern city.

After all, the strength is in front of us, and there are coordinates of the major city lords’ mansions.

The looting of a medicine field is just a matter of blinking an eye.

In contrast, hurrying on the road takes the most time.

Because of the distance between the major cities in the north, they are basically very far away.

Recently, several teleportation altars must be opened to reach it.

A city lord’s mansion is over.

Lei Bing and Feng Dazhi are helping to transfer the medicine field.

Qin Feiyang took out the image spar.


A phantom appears.

It is Huoyi!

“What’s wrong?”

Huo Yi looked at him suspiciously.

“I guess these things have now reached Long Zun’s ears, and she will definitely find a way to kill us.”

“So next, be careful.”

Qin Feiyang exhorted.

“Don’t worry.”

“There is no problem with the broken sword.”

Huo Yi smiled confidently.

“Not to be taken lightly.”

Qin Feiyang said.

“Got it.”

Huoyi nodded and turned off the image spar.

At this time.

The medicine field below also rose from the ground.

Qin Feiyang waved his hand and sent the medicine field to the Xuanwu world, then looked around.

“What’s the matter?”

“Why haven’t the dragon messenger and the city master come yet?”

Qin Feiyang was suspicious.

“I guess they have already received the message, so they dare not come to check it again.”

Feng Dazhi said.

“In this way, wouldn’t we be able to kill those city lords?”

Lei Bing frowned.

Qin Feiyang said: “Then kill it!”


Feng Dazhi was taken aback.

Qin Feiyang said: “Destroy the entire City Lord’s Mansion.”


Feng Dazhi was surprised.

“Why so surprised?”

“Anyway, our people have already explained in advance that after returning to their respective cities, don’t go back to the City Lord’s Mansion.”

“And now the people in the City Lord’s Mansion are almost all the minions of the Dragon Clan, and it is not a pity to die.”

Qin Feiyang said lightly.


Feng Dazhi nodded, took Qin Feiyang and the two to fly high into the sky, and a divine sense blasted into the city lord’s mansion.

With a loud bang, the entire City Lord’s Mansion was instantly annihilated.


The three did not stop and rushed to the next city.

【2 chapters today】


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