Invincible God of War Chapter 2489: The Chosen Son?


“Jealousy can only make people fall behind, and only modesty can make people progress.”

“You guys, remember this.”

Qin Feiyang looked at those people with an old-fashioned smile, and then his mind moved, and the Soul Soul Divine Pearl disappeared immediately.

Everyone stared at Qin Feiyang with gritted teeth, but still arrogantly preaching to them?

Know the sea.

As soon as the Soul-fixing Divine Bead appeared, it was suspended beside the Divine Soul, exuding rays of divine light, protecting Qin Feiyang’s Divine Soul.

This moment.

Qin Feiyang felt unprecedented security.

In the future, apart from the god-defying artifact, what else could pose a threat to his soul?

In addition, this Soul-fixing Divine Orb also has the opportunity to evolve into a heaven-defying artifact.

What is missing now is the power of the law.

It’s time.

Once the power of the law is given, and when the Soul Conditioning Divine Orb transforms into a heaven-defying artifact, then even if the opponent also has a heaven-defying artifact, it cannot hurt his divine soul.


Qin Feiyang smiled.

Shadowless is a solid guy.

I just don’t know, who is he?

Constrained, Qin Feiyang looked at the Pavilion of God Weapons, and then at the treasure house of divine art.


He decided to enter the treasure house of divine magic.

Artifacts, I have looted treasure houses before, and I have obtained a lot, but there are not many powerful gods in the Xuanwu world.

It is also time to seek blessings for the creatures in the Xuanwu world.

“He went to the treasure house of magic tricks again!”

“I really want to follow up to see how he found these magic tricks and artifacts.”

“I don’t believe that someone in this world has such good luck.”

The people around you are shaking.

No one dares to follow the treasure house of divine secrets.

Because in their eyes, Qin Feiyang is now an existence that cannot be offended.

“Go and have a look at this deity.”

The woman in white opened her mouth, and with a flicker, she landed in front of the treasure house of divine art, without using any token or merit, she walked in directly.


Qin Feiyang was walking around. When he saw the woman in white coming in, he said speechlessly, “Do you really suspect that I am cheating?”

The woman in white didn’t say a word, just stared at Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang smiled helplessly and continued to wander. After a while, he grabbed a jade box and disappeared.

“So casual?”

The woman in white was stunned for a moment, then grabbed another jade box and left the treasure house of divine art.



The two appear one after the other.

The woman in white glanced at the jade box in her hand, and then looked at the jade box in Qin Feiyang’s hand. There seemed to be a trace of expectation in her eyes, but also a trace of tension.

Qin Feiyang smiled lightly at the woman in white, then opened the jade box, and a flame suddenly rushed out.

“This breath…”

People shuddered.

Qin Feiyang grabbed the jade slip inside, checked it a little, and said with a smile: “My luck is really unbelievable, the legendary divine art, and the true power of the white tiger.”


“It’s a legendary magic trick again!”

People’s eyes tremble.

What kind of luck is this?

The woman in white was also extremely shocked. When she opened the jade box she had collected, she saw that there was only one kind of inferior divine art.

A legendary artifact, a sublime divine art, this is a huge difference!

If she hadn’t seen it with her own eyes, Qin Feiyang just took a jade box, she would really suspect Qin Feiyang of cheating.

Qin Feiyang laughed, put away the jade box, and turned around to enter the treasure house of divine art.

The woman in white immediately followed.

And the ten elders also ran in.

This time.

Qin Feiyang still just took a jade box.

The woman in white and the ten elders did not believe in evil, so they also took away a jade box.

The results come out and take a look.

In Qin Feiyang’s jade box, there is another legendary divine art.

The jade boxes that the woman in white and the ten elders took out were a kind of inferior and middle divine art respectively.

“What the hell!”

“Is he the Chosen Son?”

“The luck is so bad.”

People are incredible.

How can there be such a pervert.

Can you get one of the best magic tricks every time you go in?


“He went in again.”

Under everyone’s attention, Qin Feiyang once again entered the treasure house of divine art.

The woman in white and the ten elders are like two little followers, always following Qin Feiyang.

When Qin Feiyang walked up to the second floor and was about to grab a jade box, the ten elders stepped forward and grabbed the jade box.

“This is still robbing?”

Qin Feiyang was speechless, then under the sight of the woman in white, he grabbed a jade box.

Let’s go out and take a look, the jade box that the ten elders grabbed is just a kind of divine art.

Qin Feiyang is holding another legendary divine art.

“What’s the matter?”

The ten elders looked at the jade slip in their hands in amazement.

This is obviously what Qin Feiyang wants to take, so why is it only the Zhongyong Divine Art?

“That’s luck.”

Qin Feiyang smiled proudly and entered the treasure house of divine art again.

Finally, everyone couldn’t take it anymore.

After the woman in white and the ten elders followed, they also took out their identity tokens and swarmed in.

Although it was a bit of a waste of merit, they really wanted to know how Qin Feiyang chose the jade box.


They were disappointed.

Qin Feiyang still just took away a jade box without any choice.

However, it is a legendary artifact.

And this time, there were hundreds of people who entered. Before they came out, they all grabbed a jade box like Qin Feiyang.

But among hundreds of people, getting the best magic formula is the perfect magic formula.

“This is too outrageous!”

“There are so many of us that we don’t even have a peak-level divine artifact, and he alone, as long as he enters, he will surely acquire a legendary divine weapon.”

“Is this a hang up?”

Everyone is incredible!

Of course Qin Feiyang would not say that this is because there is a mysterious expert to help him.

And every randomness is deliberately done.

Time passes little by little.

Qin Feiyang has entered the treasure house of divine art nine times.

Nine times, all of them are legendary divine tricks.

Everyone is numb, too perverted, if it’s really luck, then this person is definitely the son of heaven.

Entering the treasure house of divine art nine times, Qin Feiyang moved to the Shenbing Pavilion again.

Because according to the shadowless people, there is no legendary divine art in the treasure house of divine art, and now the highest one is the pinnacle class.


The supreme-level and legendary-level divine arts of the treasure house of divine arts were all sold out by him.

For the current Qin Feiyang, the peak-level divine art naturally does not have much temptation, so it is better to get a few more legendary artifacts.

In addition to the Qilin Jue and the Heavenly Wolf Magic Book, Qin Feiyang obtained a supreme-level divine art and ten legendary artifacts in the treasure house of divine art.

The only regret is that after the Qilin Jue was taken away, the Dragon God Temple has not yet put the Supreme-level God Jue into it.

If you put it in, you can get a supreme-level divine art.


After entering the Shenbing Pavilion once and the treasure house of gods nine times, Qin Feiyang still has 6,000 meritorious deeds left.

You can also enter Shenbing Pavilion six times.

And these six times, he acquired six legendary artifacts.

The woman in white has been following him, watching the legendary artifacts fall into Qin Feiyang’s pockets one after another, her heart is bleeding!


Not caught.


Even if God favors, it is impossible to have such luck.

Can you see through the jade box? Iron box?

That’s even less likely.

Because, as an ancestor, she couldn’t see through the contents of the jade box and iron box.

She doesn’t understand either.

What did Qin Feiyang do?


“There must be a legendary artifact in this Shenbing Pavilion.”

“Ten elders, come and come, I will exchange some merits.”

Qin Feiyang looked at the ten elders and smiled.

The face of the ten elders turned green, do you still want to go in?


The ten elders looked helplessly at the woman in white.


The woman in white coughed dryly, looked at Qin Feiyang and said, “Just accept it when you see it!”

“Lord Zulong, what do you mean by this?”

“Isn’t this divine weapon pavilion and divine art treasure house open to us disciples?”

Qin Feiyang was suspicious.

The woman in white looked embarrassed and said, “It’s a good word, but you’ve already got so much.”

“That’s because I was lucky enough to get these magic tricks and artifacts!”

“Don’t you guys be so stingy, you won’t let me in after seeing me get the magic tricks and artifacts?”

“Let me go in a few more times while luck is on the line!”

Qin Feiyang smiled.


The woman in white didn’t know what to do for a while.

Because of the existence of the Shenbing Pavilion and the treasure house of Shenjue, it is indeed for the disciples below.


If it goes on like this, I don’t know how many artifacts and magic tricks will be lost.

This is a blood loss for the Dragon Temple!

“Li Buer, you can be content, it’s all that much.”

Some disciples were dissatisfied with Dao.

“What does it have to do with you?”


Qin Feiyang said.

“You took away all the good magic tricks at once, what will we do in the future?”

Someone said angrily.

“Isn’t the Dragon Temple going to make it up, what are you afraid of?”

“Besides, there are second islands, third islands, fourth islands…”

“In these places, there are also the God Armament Pavilion and the treasure house of magic tricks.”

Qin Feiyang smiled.

The woman in white froze in her heart, this person will not still fight the idea of ​​​​the God Armament Pavilion and the treasure house of the gods on other islands!

Qin Feiyang looked at the woman in white and said with a smile, “Sir, let’s do some meritorious deeds, I have the medicinal herbs.”

The woman in white shook her head.

“This is boring!”

Qin Feiyang shook his head helplessly and said, “It’s okay, I’ll come back when you make up for the supreme-level divine art and artifact, so I won’t bother you, and leave.”

Qin Feiyang waved his hand, then turned and walked away.

“What the hell?”

“Wait to add the supreme-level magic tricks and artifacts?”

“Is this going to drain the rhythm of the Dragon Temple?”

The crowd was speechless.

“Sir, you just let him go? This is a strange thing!”

The ten elders glanced at Qin Feiyang’s back and said to the woman in white.

“Everyone knows there’s something wrong, but is there any evidence?”

“You’ve been following him too, have you seen him cheating?”

The woman in white rubbed her forehead.

So many divine tricks, so many artifacts, all disappeared at once. The Dragon Temple has been established for so many years, and there has never been such a loss.

The ten elders were full of unwillingness.

Not only was he humiliated in public, but it was irritating to let this son take away so many divine tricks and artifacts.

“I will give you an order right now.”

The woman in white gritted her teeth and looked up at the tenth elder.


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