Immortality Cultivation Era Chapter 506: Water raises ghosts


Tang Jiusi was stunned.

Gao Ge just jumped without any hesitation.

But, he is very depressed!

When Tang Jiusi said he wanted to jump during the day, Gao Ge even complained about him.


He jumped himself.

What’s up.

If you jump during the day, your brain is abnormal.

Is it normal operation if I jump at night?

No matter how I look at this kind of operation, I feel a little confused…

After Gao Ge jumped down, his head didn’t show up for a long time.

Tang Jiusi was a little confused. He didn’t know whether he should jump along with Gao Ge at the moment. Otherwise, he would feel like a fool if he just kept doing it.

“Are you really not going to jump?” asked the golden monkey.

“Why should I jump?” Tang Jiusi began to ask this very meaningful question.

“Dance because of singing.”

“He jumped, what does it have to do with me?”

The golden monkey thought for a while and stopped talking.

The fox demon looked at them with contempt.


Two retards.

The fox demon feels that it is very dangerous for him to stay here.

What if someone sees me because this is a concentration camp for the mentally retarded?

You don’t want to lose face?

After waiting for a long time, Gao Ge did not come up.

Tang Jiusi was a little panicked.

The Golden Monkey was too embarrassed to continue sitting and smoking.

So it stood up and smoked.

“Did he die inside?” Tang Jiusi whispered.

“No.” The fox demon shook his head.

The golden monkey glanced at the fox demon, nodded, turned to Tang Jiusi and said, “If you want to know whether Gao Ge is dead, just stare at the fox demon and you will know.”

Tang Jiusi was confused for a while.

“As long as Gao Ge dies, this fox demon will also die, and they will be connected with each other.” Golden Monkey explained.

Tang Jiusi then breathed a sigh of relief: “Then I’ll be relieved.”

The fox demon was extremely angry.

Don’t worry, I can’t rest assured!

She has a headache now.

Why did the owner I found turn out to be a second-rate person?

Must you focus on seeking death?

Don’t you know that if you die now, you will lose two lives?

A while passed.

Tang Jiusi’s phone suddenly rang.

He took out his cell phone and took a look. The expression on his face instantly became a little weird, even a little scary, as if he had encountered a supernatural event that was enough to make one’s scalp numb.

He picked up the phone.

“Brother, are you calling me in the water? What kind of mobile phone is it? It’s so waterproof? Why don’t I see you blowing bubbles?”

“Stop talking nonsense, come pick me up and I’ll send you my location.”

After saying that, Gao Ge hung up the phone.

In desperation, Tang Jiusi could only continue driving. According to the location, he saw Gao Ge again a few hundred meters away, next to a small pond.

Gao Ge sat on a stone stool, his clothes having been naturally dried by the power of the stars in his body.

“Give me a cigarette.” Gao Ge stretched out his hand.

Tang Jiusi handed over a cigarette.

“What is going on? Did you teleport here?” Tang Jiusi asked.

“…” Gao Ge glanced at him and said, “Can you play less games?”

“Haha, let me guess, there are pipes down there?”

Gao Ge shook his head and looked solemnly: “To be precise, there is a passage, which should have been dug out by diggers. This passage happens to lead to here.”

Tang Jiusi was stunned and said, “Don’t you want to tell me that Wei Ming went through all this trouble just to get rid of us and even dug a passage of several hundred meters?”

“Do you think he is that stupid?” Gao Ge asked in confusion.

Tang Jiusi shook his head.

“Look carefully at this pond.” Gao Ge stretched out his hand and pointed behind him.

Tang Jiusi looked at it for a long time and even put his hand in to feel the water temperature.

After looking for a long time, I didn’t see any clues.

Gao Ge said from the side: “Look at this pond, it is big and round.”

“…” Tang Jiusi took a deep look at him.

Gao Ge smiled and said: “Actually, it’s normal that you can’t see it, but as long as you jump down, you can feel it.”

Tang Jiu thought for a moment and didn’t really jump.

After all, he is the eldest son of the Tang family.

My brain is getting better and better now.

“This is a formation.” The fox demon suddenly said.

Gao Ge glanced at the fox demon and smiled.

“The Nu family once heard from a disciple of the Ghost Sect that this is a method of raising ghosts of the Ghost Sect. It seems to be a method of raising ghosts with water?”

“So vulgar?” Tang Jiusi was stunned.

It doesn’t sound cool at all!

“As long as it’s easy to use, what do you want that sounds nice?” the fox demon said.

Tang Jiusi felt that what the fox demon said made sense, so he stopped interrupting.

“If this formation is completed, it can gather the surrounding Yin Qi and speed up the growth of the dead souls.” said the fox demon.

Gao Ge glanced at the fox demon again and said, “How can we gather the Yin energy around us?”

“Hmm…” The fox demon thought for a while.

This has been hundreds of years.

Even if the fox demon is a monster, its memory is limited!

After thinking about it for a long time, the fox demon slowly recalled it.

She looked at the calm little pond and said, “Master, have you ever heard of water ghosts seducing people?”


“About water ghosts, it is actually water that nourishes ghost hair. For example, after this formation is completed, the people of the Ghost Sect put a dead soul here, and the dead soul can make trouble with the help of this small pond. For example, someone discovered There is a big fish swimming next to the water. When he reaches out to catch it, he will be dragged down by the dead soul and drowned. Then he will eat the other person’s soul and improve his own cultivation. These are the most basic A blind trick,” the fox demon said.

“To put it bluntly, it’s killing people and raising souls?” Gao Ge said directly.

The fox demon smiled and said, “There’s nothing wrong with that.”

“So, is this formation complete now?” Tang Jiusi asked nervously.

“That’s almost it. All the dead souls have been put in. When I came here just now, I killed them easily.” Gao Ge said calmly.

“Then this formation…”

“It was also destroyed by me. There was a small jar in the pond. There was a head in the jar, and I smashed it directly.” Gao Ge said.

When Tang Jiusi heard this, he was completely relieved.

Then, he suddenly thought of a possibility.

“Then Wei Ming…”

“Let’s talk about it when we get back.” Gao Ge said.

Although Tang Jiusi just started.

But Gao Ge had already guessed what Tang Jiuxiu was going to say.

In fact, Tang Jiusi had the same idea as Gao Ge.

That is.

The purpose of what Wei Ming did before was to lure them here, and then use this method to destroy the formation laid down by Guizong.

But considering that walls have ears, what if there is something they are unaware of? So it’s better to talk about it after we go back.

After getting in the car, Tang Jiusi finally couldn’t help it anymore and cursed fiercely.

“This ghost sect spends all day thinking about how to become a monster?”

Gao Ge smiled.

Similarly, he thought so too.


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