Immortality Cultivation Era Chapter 370: The history of bitterness



“Brother Liang, you did a great job!”

“Senior Brother Liang is really mighty!”

“Junior brother, not bad!”

The disciples of Xiaoshan Sword Sect burst out into waves.

It’s like one’s own camp has taken first blood, and the remaining teammates collectively deduct 666. This is a characteristic.

Liang Qiu also had a proud smile on his face.

He turned his face and looked upward.

Zhou Zongzhu nodded slightly with a smile on his face.

Liang Qiu knew in his heart that he had indeed won this match beautifully.

Even if you don’t say anything or don’t want anything, Xiaoshan Sword Sect will not treat you badly in the next time.

Gao Ge said nothing.

He looked at the joyful Xiaoshan Sword Sect disciples with a very calm expression.


Not at all.

When the opponent wins, it is inevitable to be happy.

Just like if Li Hui had won just now, he would have jumped up excitedly at this moment, standing on the chair and dancing a C-C-C-C to Master Zhou.

He can guarantee that the other party will never be angry.

This is the privilege of the winner.

Who can say a word that is not convinced?

If you are not convinced, consider yourself the winner!

Li Hui’s performance is indeed not good.

Gao Ge suddenly realized that he had overlooked a problem.

The mentality of these people has not been adjusted at all.

And they never killed anyone.

Just like now, because of Li Hui’s death, they fell into a state of being without a master.

If they don’t take the time to adjust their mentality, then when they go into battle against the disciples of the Xiaoshan Sword Sect, the result may still not be very good.

Although he also saw that Xia Lu had talked a lot with the students of Haicheng Cultivation Academy before, he also knew in his heart that although Xia Lu’s reasoning with them was of some use, the use could not be too great.

In the final analysis, it still depends on their self-regulation.

This is something outsiders can’t help with.

At this time.

The middle-aged man from Xiaoshan Sword Sect started to read his name again.

Another student came out of Haicheng Xiuxian Academy.

Looking at the bright red blood left on the ground, his legs were shaking slightly.

What you can see on his face is timidity.

Gao Ge’s heart sank.

This situation is very bad.

“Come on, Zhang Li, you are doing well!” The students of Haicheng Xiuxian Academy began to cheer for their classmates.

In fact, the effect is minimal.

This is a psychological disorder.

Even the best psychiatrist can’t be of much help at this time.

Zhang Zhang took a deep breath.

He tried his best to calm down his mood at this time.

“What’s wrong, kid, are you scared?” The disciple photographed by Xiaoshan Sword Sect was also young, only about seventeen or eighteen years old, but he directly called Zhang Li a kid.

It can be seen that in his heart, he does not take tension seriously.

With Liang Qiu’s good start, the disciples of Xiaoshan Sword Sect also realized that most of the students in Haicheng Xiuxian Academy were little calves who had never seen blood.

A little harsher can scare them into weakness.

Before, the disciples of Xiaoshan Sword Sect were teasing about this topic for a long time.

This is the tragedy of losers.

Can only be laughed at by the victors.

“Zhang Zhang, if you don’t kill him, he will kill you!” Xia Lu said through gritted teeth.

Zhang Li turned his face, glanced at Xia Lu, and then moved his gaze back.

Look at the opponent in front of you.

The contemptuous look in his eyes made him feel uncomfortable all over.

He clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and his eyes gradually changed.

The Xiaoshan Sword Sect disciple frowned slightly.

He noticed that the aura of the other party was undergoing a subtle change.

“When I was an ordinary student, many people, like you, thought I was a softie.” Zhang Li said with a sneer.

“Isn’t it?” The disciple of Xiaoshan Sword Sect smiled and disagreed.

Zhang Li smiled: “In the beginning, it was true. During class, they tripped me and fell. When I got up to answer the teacher’s questions, they would pull my stool. When school was over, they would stop me, and then In a very arrogant manner, they asked me to borrow money, saying it was a loan, but they had no intention of paying it back.”

At this point, the expression on Zhang Li’s face already looked a little bitter.

For him.

That was obviously a painful memory.

Everyone has a painful memory of his own.

“My family situation is pretty good, so I can give them some money. But later, their appetite grew bigger and bigger. At first they only dared to ask me for one yuan, then ten yuan, one hundred yuan, and finally It’s one thousand yuan. They beat me when I have no money. In fact, they are also being bullied. They have to continue to pay tribute for the money they robbed from me.” Zhang Li sneered, “You said they are. Isn’t it ridiculous? ”

The disciple of Xiaoshan Sword Sect took a deep breath and said coldly: “How long do you want to say? To be honest, I don’t have much time to listen to your bitter history.”

Zhang Zhang laughed wildly: “Do you think I am insinuating that your life in Xiaoshan Sword Sect is not satisfactory?”

The disciple of Xiaoshan Sword Sect has cold eyes.

Zhang Li took a step forward.

“They also said that I was a softie. In the end, I couldn’t bear it anymore. I brought a dagger from home and stabbed it into his stomach. He didn’t die, but it was very satisfying!” Zhang Li sighed with emotion. Qian, “If it weren’t for the fact that I suddenly became a cultivator, maybe I would have been locked up in a cell and cried behind bars.”

“Shut up! You’d better die!” The disciples of Xiaoshan Sword Sect ran towards Zhang Li.

The tension in his eyes remains unchanged, as calm as a calm expression.

Gao Ge clenched his fists and was very excited about it.

President Zhou nodded slightly, turned to look at Fulong beside him, and said with a smile: “It seems that you, the students of Haicheng Immortal Cultivation Academy, can adjust themselves very quickly.”

Fu Long smiled and said nothing.

He saw all the changes in tension.

Even if he didn’t say anything, a blind person could tell that at this moment, he was proud to be the dean of Haicheng Academy of Immortality.

Zhang Zhang’s strength is not weak.

It can be said that he is equally matched with the disciple of Xiaoshan Sword Sect in front of him.

The two of them were fighting together.

With a roar, Zhang Zhang suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed the opponent’s sword blade.

Blood spilled.

While the disciples of the Xiaoshan Sword Sect were still stunned, a cruel smile appeared on Zhang Zhang’s face.

He raised his other hand and made it into a fist.

Smash it with one punch, break the wind, and drive straight in.

It hit the opponent’s chest solidly.


This is the sound of broken ribs.

Tension sighed at you.

This sound is not as good as the sound of a dagger breaking through flesh and blood.

The disciples of Xiaoshan Sword Sect flew out.

Zhang Zhang stepped forward and walked up again.


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