Immortality Cultivation Era Chapter 315: Gen Zheng Miao Hong


Inexplicably, he became the leader of the fourth group of Longge East China Branch.

Singing is stressful.

He doesn’t think he has such ability. This is just trying to catch up.

With the mentality of taking things as they come, Gao Ge completely let nature take its course and didn’t worry about anything.

However, Gao Ge became the leader of the fourth group, which also caused dissatisfaction among many people.

There are some veteran members among them. They have been in Longge for many years. They are good in terms of their own strength and qualifications. They have been married for ten years. When the position of leader of the fourth group is vacant, there are many people. He thought that his chance had come, but no one expected that Cheng Yaojin and Gao Ge would appear halfway through.

As a result, countless people came to challenge Gao Ge.

Although they cannot take away the position of leader of the fourth group even if they win Gao Ge, at least they can vent their frustration.

So after Longge’s appointment, Gao Ge was very busy. He basically didn’t have to do anything all day long. He just had to deal with the opponents who came to challenge him in the ring.

In general, there were wins and losses, but the few games we lost were all when Gao Ge was exhausted.

With Gao Ge’s current strength, even masters at the master level can give it a try. Those old members of Dragon Pavilion, if they have the strength at the master level, will not be buried, let alone because of a group. I am worried about the long position.

Simply put.

Anyone who wants to challenge Gao Ge is not as good as Gao Ge.

Those who are really stronger than him are not interested in the so-called position of leader of the fourth group at all, let alone take the trouble to challenge.

In the end, Shuilong came forward and stopped this endless battle.

Yue Xincheng has a bad temper and is quite vindictive.

As a die-hard fan of Gao Ge, he naturally couldn’t bear it when these people tormented Gao Ge so much.

So, when Gao Ge went to rest, he picked up the person who finally defeated Gao Ge, and used his Dragon-Slaying Sword to beat him up. Fortunately, he was still rational and did not endanger the other party’s life.

“You have to go out and take shelter.” Huolong stood in Gao Ge’s room and said with a smile.

Gao Ge coughed and whispered: “Is there some task for me?”

“You are so smart.” The fire dragon laughed.

Gao Ge didn’t feel complimented at all.

He didn’t believe that the fire dragon asked him to leave first for his own sake.

“What was the name of your previous teacher at Xiuxian Academy, the one named Liu…”

“Liu Dehua.”

“…” Huolong glared at Gao Ge, “Is your name Liu Zhongyi?”

“You still ask me if you know.” Gao Ge shook his head, “I really don’t understand your way of communicating.”

The fire dragon coughed and was so angry at Gao Ge. He took a deep breath for a while, adjusted his mentality, took advantage of this short period of time to sort out his thoughts, and said again: “Before that in Haicheng On the other side, another Immortal Cultivator Academy has been opened. There is a shortage of manpower these days, so I plan to ask you to bring four groups of people to help.”

“Be a teacher?” Gao Ge was stunned.

“Absolutely. In fact, I just teach them the Qi Guiding Technique. Nowadays, no one in the world can understand the Qi Guiding Technique that everyone is practicing better than you.”

This is quite true. After all, Fire Dragon knew that the new air-guiding technique was created by Gao Ge.

Gao Ge smiled bitterly and said: “The new Qi Guiding Technique is originally simple, who can’t figure it out?”

“Wen Yihuan, who is under your command, is also very good in metaphysics. It’s just right to start a metaphysics class.”

Singing “Yeah” loudly.

“In addition, I have also talked with Old Man Guanshan, and his formations can also be transmitted.”

Gao Ge continued to nod.

Anyway, Fire Dragon has already explained everything.

And all he needs to do is lead the team to Haicheng.

“That’s what it is, you should think about it…”

“Don’t think about it.” Gao Ge said with a smile, “I will definitely go.”

“That’s it.” Huolong said, “Besides the first time, there may be some thorns in Haicheng Immortal Cultivation Academy. You can also take care of them by the way.” Huolong said.

“Stab the head?!”

Fire Dragon asked: “Is this difficult to understand? There are many people in the academy who are cultivating immortals, some core disciples of first-rate and second-rate sects, and some people from ancient martial arts families. These people are all arrogant. It’s definitely not easy to deal with when you first enter the academy.”

“The so-called cooking, how do you make it?”

Fire Dragon Ruo has deep meaning: “This is up to you. As long as there is a suitable reason, no matter what you do, it is okay.”

Gao Ge understands.

To put it bluntly, this is handing Gao Ge a knife.

If there are disobedient students, they will be killed directly. As long as it is reasonable and reasonable, no one will come to hold them accountable.

Even if someone does come to hold him accountable, Long Ge can help Gao Ge.

Gao Ge couldn’t help but sigh with emotion: “This teaching method is really good. If every school could do this, disobedient students would be killed directly or shot to death. How many talents would China have? What 958,211 , they all have to be stuffed, right?”

The fire dragon sneered: “If that were really the case, you and Yue Xincheng would have died in the school long ago.”

Gao Ge was stunned for a moment, thought about it carefully, and thought of the situation between him and Yue Xincheng when they were in school, and instantly felt that what the other party said made sense.

After the fire dragon left, Yue Xincheng also came over.

Gao Ge briefly explained the matter, and Yue Xincheng looked very interested.

“Hahaha, this is good. If it comes like this, we are not much different from the teacher Wang Yan in the teaching office!”

“It’s much worse. Wang Yan has more rights than us.” Gao Ge said angrily.

“Hehe, but in the new college, we are the same existence!” Yue Xincheng chuckled.

In fact, what Yue Xincheng said is not an exaggeration. He even said that when Gao Ge and others arrived at Haicheng Academy of Immortality, they might be able to do more than Wang Yan could do at the teaching office of Nancheng Academy of Immortality.

It’s not that Longge doesn’t give Wang Yan rights, but Nancheng Cultivation Academy has been around for who knows how many years. It has a complete system and a good atmosphere, unlike the newly opened Immortal Cultivation Academy.

Furthermore, Gao Ge understands that most of the Haicheng Immortal Cultivation Academy are immortal cultivators selected from ordinary people.

They were just ordinary people at first. They caught up with the revival of spiritual energy and the craze of cultivating immortals, and thus became cultivators. There was a big change in their mentality. Such changes may cause a person to do some incomprehensible things. .

After all, for Dragon Pavilion, only these people are the most likely to become Dragon Pavilion’s people.

Those who are in the world of cultivating immortals may leave after coming to the Academy of Immortal Cultivation. Even if they really enter the Dragon Pavilion, there is no guarantee that they are pure in mind. Maybe they are just to gain something for their own sect or family. Self-interest. There are countless such things.

To put it simply, ordinary people transformed into immortal cultivators are the real ones!


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