Immortality Cultivation Era Chapter 1762: It’s good to be able to lie down and win


The speed of the light rainbow is not fast, because it is the flying star sword, and the song is running behind the buttocks.

An Dingyuan and Patriarch Long were even more thieves, so they simply ran behind Gao Ge.

With a strong sword qi as the pioneer, the corpses standing in front of them are completely vulnerable, at least there is no way to get close to them.

In addition, driven by the sword energy, the fog in front of them is also rapidly dissipating. Wherever they can see the city, it is obviously the mountain road they saw before.

Actually, it doesn’t matter. After all, Gao Ge has a bronze mirror and can see through these messes.

From beginning to end, An Dingyuan and Patriarch Long didn’t ask any more questions, as if they just followed Gaoge and ran.

This is a kind of trust!

But when Gaoge stopped, a vast energy rushed towards them like sea water, and it also brought great pressure to them.

In front of them, a cave appeared!

“Where is this place?” An Dingyuan wondered, “The Lord is here?”

“Yeah.” Gao Ge nodded lightly, looked directly at the cave in front of him, and sneered, “Don’t you feel a lot of pressure? The other party is anxious.”

An Dingyuan smiled.

He likes Gao Ge’s confidence.

It’s like when I was young…

“That’s right. Is that righteous lord the one we’re looking for this time?” Andingyuan asked again.

Gao looked at him in surprise.

I know because I sense the powerful blood in it.

The blood spirit unique to the vampire.

Afterwards, his divine sense followed the blood, like following a vine, and found this place.

An Dingyuan doesn’t have a powerful divine sense, so that’s just guesswork?

Seeing Gao Ge’s surprised look, An Dingyuan laughed.

“There is nothing hard to guess. Since that Besa will bring us here, it means that the person we need to look for is here, and this ghost town is naturally the most suitable place for the so-called extreme yin, What’s more, I also sensed the blood energy here, and the answer will naturally come to the fore.”

Gao Ge gave An Dingyuan a thumbs up.

From this point of view, Gao Ge felt that his consciousness seemed a bit tasteless.

That’s the truth. With absolutely powerful strength and a sufficiently agile brain, even if you don’t have spiritual consciousness, you can get the answer.

With divine consciousness, just let this

The process just got a little easier.

The cave in front of him made Gao Ge feel very uncomfortable.

Especially when he looked up at the entrance of the cave, there was a feeling somewhere.

As if in the cave, there are also a pair of eyes staring straight at him.

When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares into you.

When you urinate into the abyss, the abyss may also **** you off.


The last sentence is Gao Ge’s wild thoughts.

As they head towards the cave.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of the wing cave.

Afterwards, I watched thousands of bats fly out of the darkness.

A pair of twinkling red eyes, strange and dangerous.

The sword energy in Gao Ge’s body soared, instantly killing all the bats that approached.

Watching those bats fall down like rain, Gao Ge’s expression remained calm.

At first glance, I can’t see anything in this cave. There are many detours, just like the eighteen bends of a mountain road.

And An Dingyuan and Long Patriarch followed Gao Ge all the way, and after walking for a while, they wondered if they were lost.

In this cave, although there is also an energy that is forcibly squeezing his own consciousness.

But this doesn’t prevent the normal use of consciousness, at least for now.

Although there are many fork in the road, as long as you follow the consciousness, Gao Ge has absolute confidence.

Soon, Patriarch Long and An Dingyuan stopped asking questions.

Because at this time, they have already felt a very powerful blood energy!

“My dear, this vampire has such a powerful expert.” An Dingyuan was quite emotional.

“What’s weird about this, didn’t you hear what Beza said? This is his senior.” Gao Ge said with a smile.

“It is said to be powerful, but, looking at blood energy, at most it is only the initial strength of the vast realm.” An Dingyuan smiled, glanced at the high song with the desire to fight on his face, and coughed, “Why, this Are you planning to do it yourself?”

“I want to try.” Gao Ge did not hide his inner thoughts at all.

“Alright, the opportunity is rare.” An Dingyuan nodded.

The dragon patriarch felt a big head when he heard it.

An Dingyuan himself said that the blood race hidden in this cave has the strength of the vast realm.

And Gao Ge, this has just broken through to the vast realm.

Listening to the tone of the two people’s voice, it seems that the blood clan who appears here can only let Gao Ge practice his hands?

Do you want to be so inflated!

It can be seen that An Dingyuan and Gao Ge are both light-hearted, and he can’t say anything.

Actually, Gao Ge’s lightness and lightness are all faked.

But there is no way, even if you encounter a relatively powerful opponent, this mentality still has to be stabilized.

Continue to the depths of the cave!

However, this time they didn’t encounter any bats. Probably the other party also realized that it was a complete nonsense to attack Gao Ge and others in this way.

When Gao Ge stopped, An Dingyuan asked, “Arrived?”

Gao Ge didn’t speak, just nodded. Fortunately, everyone was a cultivator, and they could see the expression on Gao Ge’s face in the dark night.

Soon, a red and translucent coffin appeared in front of them.

The hidden red brilliance on the coffin looks like the blood of the human body rolling.

In addition, under the coffin, there are also blood vessels-like devices that penetrate directly into the ground.

“What is this?” An Dingyuan asked with some doubts.

The flying star sword in Gao Singer flashed, and a sword qi had already smashed towards the coffin.

“Whatever he is, if he smashes it, he will know?”

An Dingyuan smiled.

He likes Gao Ge’s temper!

The sword qi that flashed out of the flying star sword was stopped by a red rainbow of light.

With the sound of “Boom”, a roar resounded in the cave.

Without the slightest hesitation, Gao Ge had already rushed towards the coffin.

“You bastard…” Angrily shouted, and came out from the coffin, “I wanted to let you live, but you are courting death, it doesn’t matter, I have also killed a lot of Chinese immortals!”

After speaking, the beams of light extended out from the coffin and finally converged towards a point.

It’s the chant that rushes towards the coffin!

“Senior An…” Patriarch Long whispered.

An Dingyuan waved his hand, still calm.

“Don’t worry, this old bat will not be Gao Ge’s opponent.”

The Dragon Patriarch remains silent again.

Tsk tsk, I like the lightness of these masters.

Can lie down and win, who wouldn’t?


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