Immortality Cultivation Era Chapter 1739: Gentleman


Gao Ge finally understood. It turned out that so many people gathered inside and outside the airport to welcome him.

I originally thought that I encountered resistance from the locals when I came, but now it seems that I have thought too much.

Then the other party started asking questions again.

This time, it was a middle-aged man with thinning hair and a beard. But when he spoke, Gao Ge immediately realized why he came up for the interview.

This fluent Chinese language made Gao Ge begin to wonder if the other party had been taken away by the Chinese, okay?

Using four words to describe the other person is not enough to express the other person’s ability, and the speech is still in a childish tone.

But at this moment, some people in uniforms rushed up, dispersed all the reporters, and then formed a human wall to allow Gao Ge and others to pass quickly.

Gao Ge walked through the sea of ​​people without making any further stops. Hearing the deafening shouts from both sides, Gao Ge felt as if his heart had stopped.

After all, this time, I came to Buluo Country to deal with the strange immortals, not to enjoy the praise.

If you want to be the center of attention and feel the joy of being praised as the savior, then you might as well wander around the streets of Tsutsujiri every day. Why come to this place?

The man responsible for picking up Gao Ge looked about thirty or forty years old, but what was interesting was that the other man’s hair was also very thin.

In fact, this has a lot to do with the local water quality in Buluoguo. Haven’t you seen that many of the royal family in Buluoguo are bald at a young age?

However, the military rank on the shoulder of the man who received Gao Ge was quite scary. What surprised Gao Ge even more was that there was a surge of energy in the man’s body.

“Blood clan?”

Gao Ge looked at each other in surprise.

The other party was not that surprised.

If Gao Ge couldn’t even see through his identity as a vampire, maybe they would let Gao Ge leave now.

“Sect Master Gao, let’s arrange check-in first.” The other party said with a smile, “You can call me Taylor.”

“Okay.” Gao Ge nodded lightly.

Getting into a car, a man named Taylor sat next to Gao Ge, followed by more than a dozen cars behind them.

“Actually, it’s not necessary.” Gao Ge said to the other party, “If something happens, I don’t know who is protecting whom.”

Taylor looked embarrassed and still said in half-baked Chinese language: “Sect Master Gao, I think there may be some misunderstanding between us.”

“Is there any misunderstanding?” Gao Ge said with a smile, “Are you talking about the time when you all united and wanted to kill us on Meisu Island? Stop making trouble, I am a generous person, these I forgot about it a long time ago.”

“…” Taylor suddenly turned into a bitter look, rubbed his hands together, and didn’t say a word for a long time.

Gao Ge reminded: “Don’t rub your hands like this. I heard that if you rub your hands for a long time, they will smell like chicken shit.”

Taylor still looks quite handsome when he smiles, with a tall nose and deep eyes: “Sect Master Gao, this must be fake and unscientific.”

Gao Ge suddenly felt a strange feeling.

You are a vampire, talking about science with me?

What is the difference between this and a hanged man with his tongue hanging out lying on my shoulder to persuade me not to be feudal and superstitious?

Actually, Taylor was quite depressed.

Now, the situation of Fuluoguo has reached a critical point. Otherwise, they would not take the initiative to seek help from the Chinese cultivators.

Don’t they know that the Chinese immortal cultivators will not look good on them?

They have actually tried to seek help from others, such as the Light Knight, and even the head-dropping masters in Southeast Asia. They have contacted them, but the reply they received is: rejection!

Furthermore, the vampires in Buluo Country also have two voices.

One is that they feel that they don’t need help from China at all, nor do they need help from Yamato’s onmyoji and ninjas.

To put it bluntly, these people are die-hards.

On the other side, there are people like Taylor.

They know very well that the current strength of the Vampire Kingdom is no longer enough to deal with these troubles, so seeking foreign aid is the most direct way.

Of course, Taylor and the others were still in a tangled stage at first and didn’t know whether to open the door, but they also got a lot of news.

First of all, Tianmen, which appeared in China, has been solved by Gao Ge and others.

This gave them hope.

Chinese immortal cultivators are really very good!

Subsequently, they got the news again.


The immortal cultivators rushed to Tsutochi and successfully killed a strange immortal who appeared in Tsutochi!

After receiving this news, Taylor and the big guys standing behind him finally stopped being silent and quickly sought help from China and Yamato in an official name.

Fortunately, Huaxia was also very easy to talk to, so it was not too difficult. Gao Ge and others were already here.

In fact, after receiving the affirmative answer, Taylor was completely confused. He couldn’t believe that China would really send immortal cultivators to help.

Now that Gao Ge has stabbed him with words, in Taylor’s eyes, this is nothing at all!

If the roles were reversed, Taylor would definitely…kick the opponent’s **** with his leather boots?

At this time, they are in a wheel squat.

Halfway through the car, it started to rain lightly and the sky was gray, but the people outside were still walking, without speeding up their pace, and few people held umbrellas. Perhaps it was because Wheel squat is a rainy city to begin with. , they have already adapted.

At this time, Gao Ge suddenly saw the most iconic big clock in wheel squats, so he took out his mobile phone, took a picture, and sent it back to his circle of friends.

“If Gao Zong mainly likes to take pictures, I will take you to take a few more photos later?” Taylor tried his best to gain Gao Ge’s favor.

Gao Ge glanced at him and simply didn’t bother to answer.

“Ahem, wheel squats are actually quite interesting. If Sect Leader Gao wants to take a look around, I can take you with him.”

At this time, the fire dragon sitting in the back couldn’t stand listening anymore and said with a smile: “Tyler, stop joking. Do you think we want to walk on the street with a grown man in the drizzle?”

These words, like the dawn in the dark night, instantly brought Taylor back to his senses.

He smiled coquettishly, but his expression was a little excited, as if…

A breakthrough was found.

Gao Ge felt that Taylor’s behavior was a bit strange, but he was too lazy to find out. He might as well take advantage of this moment to close his eyes and rest for a while.

By the time the car stopped, the sky had cleared up.

The weather in London and the faces of children can change at any time. This is why many squatters are reluctant to go out and bring umbrellas. They might as well enjoy the romance of the drizzle.

When he got out of the car, Keiko Oishen suddenly smiled and handed Gao Ge his cell phone.

I glanced at it and saw a photo of Gao Ge supporting a female reporter. The title was: Gentleman from China.


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