Immortality Cultivation Era Chapter 1738: Savior?


When they are needed, everyone shirks.

Now that I need help, I start wailing at the top of my lungs.

Sometimes, Gao Ge didn’t even know what they were thinking.

You have already made such a gesture at the beginning, now you should go to the end and ask for help. Don’t you think this is a very shameful thing?

At this time, Okigami Keiko also came back.

She also heard some of what Fire Dragon said just now. In fact, the information they obtained was similar.

“It seems that Fuluoguo also asked Yamato for help?” Gao Ge asked.

He nodded at Shen Keiko, then looked at Gao Ge and said with a smile: “We all listen to you.”

Gao Ge was slightly startled, as if I didn’t understand anything.

Okigami Keiko continued: “If you think that we need to go to Fuluo Country, then I will make arrangements now. If you think that we do not need to care about their life and death, then we will first find a way to benefit Tsutsuchi. The trouble was solved.”

Gao Ge was speechless.

He felt that Okinami Keiko said that on purpose.

In fact, it doesn’t matter how many people died on the vampire side. To Gao Ge, it doesn’t matter at all.

Even if all those vampires died, he would not feel anything special.

But what’s different now is…

With one less vampire over there, the Yi Xian will be stronger.

This is not a good thing for them.

“Go ahead.” Gao Ge nodded and said without hesitating for too long.

If it had been in the past, Gao Ge might have struggled a bit.

But now, because there is another Immortal who is devouring the other Immortals.

They didn’t even have time to hesitate.

If the other party takes advantage again and lets the other party kill the alien immortals in Buluo Kingdom, the pressure on them will be greater in the future, and the crisis in this world will become more terrifying.

Gao Ge said before that they are not only racing against time, but also against the “Immortal King”.

Booking air tickets is still a very simple matter. Fire Dragon and the others were originally responsible for it, but Okigami Keiko told Gao Ge that there was no need for them because Tsutoshiji officials already knew

This matter, and we are going to send a special plane for them to use.

This is such a shame.

Only when he was leaving, Gao Ge also saw someone from the Tusotori official. He should have a very high status. There were more than a dozen bodyguards behind him. He looked like he was already in his fifties. He and I were like Gao Ge. hands, a pair of red eyes, and kept mumbling.

Through translation, Gao Ge found out that what the other party said was: Tongdili needs you, go early and come back early!


Actually, the other party said a lot, but the central idea is this, so there is no need to go into details one by one.

“We negotiated with them before, otherwise, they will probably have to deal with it for a long time.” Huolong whispered to Gao Ge.

“Huh?” Gao Ge asked doubtfully, “What are you doing?”

“What else could it be? They don’t want us to leave at all.” The fire dragon said helplessly.

Gao Ge smiled, and he could actually understand. After all, there were basically no immortal cultivators in Tsutsujiri. Even if there were, their strength was weak and not enough to deal with the alien immortals.

So, even if Gao Ge and others stayed in Tsutsuji and did nothing, these people could feel a sense of security.

But at the moment, they have no way to express their opposition. Not to mention that they are not qualified to restrict the personal freedom of Gao Ge and others. Even if they can do so, they will not be willing to do so.

No one knows better than them what the Immortal means.

After all, the country of Tsutsujiri is now at the center of the storm.

Getting on the plane, the tall stewardess had already walked over pushing drinks. The plane had not taken off yet. It seemed that this was the treatment for the transfer. In addition, the other party also handed Gao Ge a blanket and a pair of slippers. There is also an exquisite wood carving, which depicts the central city of Tsutsujiri. It is very delicate.

In addition, the blond flight attendant handed Gao Ge a business card before leaving. There was a string of phone numbers on it and one…

Lipstick marks!

“Ahem, as far as I know, this is what they were told by the above. Everyone knows that you are not married yet, although you have a girlfriend.” The fire dragon sitting next to Gao Ge said softly, “If you really fall in love with If you become a flight attendant and marry them, the officials will reward them.”

Singing loudly: “…”

Looking at Gao Ge’s head full of black lines, Huo Long laughed and said: “No way, they need a master, if you really stay here

If the location is favorable, I’m afraid the official people will be so happy that they can’t sleep for three days and three nights. ”

Then, the fire dragon changed the topic and said coldly: “But if they really dare to **** you away, I’m afraid they won’t be able to sleep every day in the future.”

After hearing this, Gao Ge couldn’t help laughing.

When did you become so popular?


It feels pretty good.

The girl who gave her the business card returned to her work station, and immediately a group of flight attendants came up to ask questions, and from time to time they even winked at Gao Ge.

“Out of sight, out of mind…” Gao Ge coughed lightly and simply closed his eyes.

The fire dragon then said: “Is it really appropriate for us to leave Kong Shanchang and Kong Li here?”

“There is no way, you have also seen that Kong Shanchang is not in very good condition now. Even if we really take him to the Kingdom of Buluo, we are too embarrassed to let him take action.”

The fire dragon sighed and nodded.

In fact, he thought so too.

“We can only hope that when we come back, Mr. Kong Shanchang will be fine.” Gao Ge said softly.

“Yes, definitely yes…”

The flight from Tsundili to Buluoguo was not very long. It took almost three hours and the plane landed smoothly at the airport.

While still on the plane, Gao Ge glanced down and saw that there were already many people standing inside and outside the airport, and some of them seemed to be holding banners.

Full of doubts, after the plane door opened, Gao Ge was the first to step out. Immediately, a group of reporters carrying cameras and microphones rushed up.

The one who rushed to the front was a girl. Her feet were unsteady and she seemed to have fallen. Gao Ge quickly supported her. Many people pressed the shutter to record this scene.

The flashing lights kept flashing, and Gao Ge had a headache. After the reporter in front of him thanked Gao Ge, he blushed and asked questions. Gao Ge’s English was actually pretty good, but the other person spoke too fast, and he could barely understand some of it. , fortunately there is a fire dragon next to him to translate.

“They expressed their gratitude to you on behalf of Fuluoguo and asked you why you wanted to feel Fuluoguo at this time. Moreover, she also said that you were their savior.”

Gao Ge couldn’t laugh or cry.

Have you just arrived and you have become a savior?


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