Immortality Cultivation Era Chapter 1737: Don’t fall, please help!


Drinking all night did not give anyone a hangover.

Some people say that not having a hangover headache means that all the wine you drank last night was wasted.

Gao Ge believed that this was purely about standing and talking without back pain. He had never experienced a splitting headache after a hangover, so he just strained his voice to be beautiful.

When he was in school, Gao Ge often took Yue Xincheng to drink. However, the drinking at that time was not because the teenager was depressed. If you imitate behavior, you may also have the illusion that you are handsome, just like some students always like to stand at the school gate after school, light a cigarette, and take a long puff as if to smoke it, when a girl passes by , a thought will burst out in their hearts:

Little Ma is nothing more than that!

After Gao Ge walked around the villa, he unexpectedly saw Okigami Keiko in the kitchen.

“What are you doing?”

Looking at Keiko Okigami wearing an apron, holding a spoon in a decent manner, stirring in a stainless steel pot, it does exude a sweet smell.

“Sobering up soup!” He smiled at Shen Keiko.

Gao Ge looked stunned.

He really wanted to take a look at Keiko Okinami’s head.

Are you and others in need of hangover soup?

Although the effect of the sobering soup was not needed, Gao Ge still washed a porcelain bowl and filled it with some.

It doesn’t really matter whether you’re sober or not, it’s just that you want to drink some soup when you wake up in the morning.

While Gao Ge was drinking soup, he sat down with Kame Keiko and said with a smile, “Why didn’t you call me when you were drinking last night?”

Gao Ge glanced at her and said cheerfully: “A group of old men are drinking, why are they calling you for something?”

Chongshen Keiko curled her lips, facing Gao Ge’s words, she was unable to refute.

Subsequently, the old abbot and others also went downstairs one after another.

“Hey, this tastes good!” the old abbot said cheerfully, “Who made it?”

“No!” Gao Ge tapped Okigami Keiko in front of him with his chin.

“No meat, right?” the old abbot asked cautiously.

Chong Shen Kezi quickly shook her head. She didn’t even need the old abbot to do it herself. She had already stood up and entered the kitchen. When she came back, she was holding a bowl of steaming soup in her hands.

The old abbot nodded approvingly and said thank you.

“The old abbot is too polite.” Chongshen Keiko smiled and said, “Were you weak before?

If you came to the rescue, the little girl would probably die in the hands of that alien fairy. ”

The old abbot laughed, and then said with a serious face: “This is what I should do. If I watch you die, my conscience will be uneasy.”

Okigami Keiko was slightly startled, her eyes seemed a little confused and a little suspicious.


Tell the truth.

Ever since becoming an Onmyoji, Okigami Keiko has never heard such words again.

For an Onmyoji, being conscientious at all times is an act of committing suicide.

Perhaps it’s because the cultivators in China are completely different from the cultivators in Yamato?


She really couldn’t think of any other reason.

If Gao Ge knew Okinami Keiko’s inner thoughts, he would definitely laugh and curse her for being naive.

In fact, whether it is Yamato or Huaxia, the world of cultivation is turbid.

Being able to maintain one’s true nature in the quagmire is the most rare thing.

Even Gao Ge himself does not dare to say that he will definitely keep his true intentions.

No way, in this world, you eat me and I eat you.

Even Gao Ge himself has struggled through countless lives and deaths.

Only by struggling out can you look at the world with a cold eye, otherwise the people you talk about are still yourself.

While drinking soup, the fire dragon suddenly hurried over, looking quite panicked, with even a layer of sweat on his forehead.

This is a bit unscientific.

After all, the strength of the fire dragon is here. Even if it runs for ten kilometers, it may not break a sweat. Therefore, this is enough to prove that the fire dragon is very panicked at this time.

“What’s wrong?”

As soon as Gao Ge finished asking, he saw Okigami Keiko’s cell phone ringing, sitting in front of him.

Taking out his cell phone and taking a look at it, he frowned at Keiko Kami and said nothing. He stood up and walked out of the house to answer the phone.

Actually, this is not to guard against Gao Ge and the others. For Keiko Okinami, it is completely polite to step aside and answer the phone.

“It seems that we have got the news.” The old abbot looked at Gao Ge and said with a smile.

Gao Ge nodded lightly, saying nothing.

“Let’s do this. I’ll call them down first, and then we’ll all talk together.” The old abbot stood up and said.

“I’ll go.” Jin Long, who had been sitting on the sofa, said quickly


No matter what, the old abbot shouldn’t do this leg-slapping thing.

Not long after, I saw Anding Yuan and the others going downstairs together.

Kong Li looked a little apologetic on his face.

“Uncle is still healing.”

Gao Ge nodded to express understanding.

In fact, when he saw Kong Shanchang yesterday, Gao Ge realized that the opponent’s injury had not completely recovered.

Gao Ge’s injury was not as severe as Kong Shan’s before, and it took him two days to gradually recover. This was because Gao Ge had Shennong’s sketch, and the power of the stars in his body itself helped to recover from the injury, and Kong Shan There are not so many plug-ins in Changke, so the recovery speed is obviously slower.

In fact, given Kong Shanchang’s previous appearance, Gao Ge even thought about whether Kong Shanchang was going to return directly to China.

But Shanchang Kong didn’t say anything, and Gao Ge didn’t mention it. There was no way. He knew very well that if Shanchang Kong really went back, when they encountered the Yixian again, even if it was the same situation they encountered in the village and town before, , they may not be able to handle it perfectly.

This is simply their main force against the alien immortals…

“Now that everyone is here, Fire Dragon, please start your spiel.” Anding Yuan said in a loud voice.

“Okay…” After saying this, Huolong turned to look at Andingyuan with an expression as if he was constipated.

Brother, if you don’t know how to use idioms, just don’t use them randomly, okay?

Looks very uneducated…

“I just got the news that it’s from Fuluo Country asking for help from us.” Huolong said.

“Not falling into the country?” Gao Ge frowned.

In addition to the Tianmen that appeared in Tsutsuchi, there were also Tianmen in Huaxia, Yamato, and Fuluo Kingdom.

However, only China solved the crisis in its infancy, while Yamato and Fuluoguo, the results were not very good.

Gao Ge knows this.

“What do you mean when they ask for help?” Anding Yuan asked, “Aren’t there many vampires in Buluo Country? Isn’t there something they can do to solve it?”

Actually, this question is just nonsense. If it can be solved, why would the other party ask for help?

“Don’t pay attention to them.” Gao Ge said angrily, “Didn’t they drag us so hard at the beginning that they didn’t think we were needed and were too lazy to cooperate with us?”

Actually, these are angry words.

No one corrected anything. The original attitude of Fuluoguo and other countries was really heartbreaking.


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