Immortality Cultivation Era Chapter 1618: Do you think I’m afraid?


That night, Yue Xincheng had to sing and drink, saying that he had just become a father and needed to celebrate.

In fact, Gao Ge knew in his heart that Yue Xincheng was commemorating this dead love.

Perhaps in Yue Xincheng’s view, Su Hui’s sudden gift meant that from now on, he would be completely cut off from Yue Xincheng.

Although Gao Ge feels that this may have different interpretations, if Yue Xincheng wants to think so, then he should think so.

With a lovelorn heart, Yue Xincheng got drunk very quickly. Perhaps for contemporary young people, not getting drunk when you are lovelorn is like taking a **** without wiping your butt, lacking some kind of ritual. feel.

This doesn’t seem to be the first time Yue Xincheng has gone to Gao Ge for a drink because of Su Hui’s affairs.

All in all, Gao Ge now feels like everything is familiar.

Just when it was about to end, Yue Tuzhi suddenly ran over.

“Take me with you. Don’t call me when you’re drinking. Are you a good friend?”

Gao Ge glanced at him but said nothing.

Yue Xincheng also snorted coldly and said bluntly: “Who is your good friend?”

Facing Yue Xincheng’s rude words, Yue Tuzhi smiled and looked completely unconcerned. Yue Xincheng’s attitude towards him has always been like this anyway. In fact, compared to what he said before, Yue Tuzhi I am very satisfied with everything now.

“Okay, I’m going back to bed. I have to take care of the kids these days.”

After saying that, Yue Xincheng stood up and left.

Looking at Yue Xincheng’s retreating back, Yue Tuzhi smacked his lips. Seeing that there was still wine on the table, he poured himself a glass, then exclaimed and continued to savor the rich aroma of the wine.

“Look at how you became a brother. He left as soon as you came.” Gao Ge said with a smile.

Yue Tuzhi doesn’t do this at all.

“Is he bothering me? He feels embarrassed. If I see him crying later, wouldn’t he even want to die?”

Gao Ge laughed. Yue Tuzhi was smart and could see through Yue Xincheng’s little thoughts. After all, he was his brother.

“Hey, actually I don’t understand. Isn’t it just some trivial matters in relationships? As for being so entangled?” Yue Tuzhi didn’t blush when he spoke, and didn’t seem to consider his current situation.

Gao Ge didn’t bother to talk to him, so he just changed


“What is the purpose of coming to Xingchen Sect?”

“Ah?” Yue Tuzhi blinked and looked at him, “What purpose can I have?”

Gao Ge said with a smile: “You want to say that the existence of Xingchen Sect has compressed the living space of your Yue family. I think it is a bit nonsense. In the past, Jiangnan City was not dominated by your Yue family, or even your Yue family. Their strength is far from top-notch. Which one, Zhao family or Ning family, is weaker than your Yue family?”

Yue Tuzhi shrugged his shoulders and did not deny what Gao Ge said now.

“Now there is nothing more than one more Xingchen Sect, and Xingchen Sect is still Cave Heaven Paradise. To be honest, it will not have any impact on your Yue family at all.” Gao Ge continued.

Yue Tuzhi curled his lips and said with some displeasure: “This Cave Heaven Paradise is so amazing, but it doesn’t take small families and sects like us seriously.”

“If you were me, would you take the Yue family seriously?”

“Actually, if I were really you, I wouldn’t let a small family still exist in Jiangnan City. It’s simply an eyesore. But, if you think about it differently, it doesn’t matter. After all, the Yue family is not worthy of being treated by the Star Sect. Eye-catching.”

Gao Ge couldn’t laugh or cry. Yue Tuzhi laughed at himself and really spared no effort.

In fact, it is definitely an advantage for people to be able to quickly recognize themselves and look down on themselves. As long as they do not underestimate themselves, it is a good thing.

Based on this alone, Gao Ge felt that Yue Tuzhi was considered a talent.

“In fact, in my opinion, it is a good thing that you can come to Xingchen Sect, but to be honest, if we don’t make some things clear, I won’t be able to believe you. Maybe you will be just a small member of Xingchen Sect all your life. Disciple.” Gao Ge said with a serious expression.

Yue Tuzhi stopped moving his hands and looked at Gao Ge in disbelief.

“What, do you think there is anything wrong with what I said?” Gao Ge said with a smile.

“Not really, I’m just a little surprised that you would be so heart-to-heart with me.”

Gao Ge had a dark look on his face, and he didn’t know which part of Yue Tuzhi was wrong.

When did I have a one-on-one conversation with him become a heart-to-heart affair?

Does this person have some indescribable misunderstanding of the four words “heart and soul”?

“Forget it, since you said so, then I will speak frankly.” Yue Tuzhi said, “I came to Xingchen Sect because I was actually forced.”

“Huh, huh?!” Gao Ge was startled.

Yue Tuzhi stretched, looked at Gao Ge, and said, “Don’t you think that my whole temperament has changed a lot since I came to Xingchen Sect?”

“Do you also have such a thing as temperament?” Gao Ge smiled. Although he said so, he also felt a little strange in his heart. The impression left on him by Yue Tuzhi in the past was that he had a lot of thoughts and a lot of words. Few, but looking at Yue Tuzhi now, he seems to be much more out of touch than before.

I originally thought it was because I had just become an uncle, so I was quite excited.

But now that Yue Tuzhi said these words, Gao Ge thought something was wrong.

Now Yue Tuzhi is not only out of touch, but also does not look as gloomy as before, as if he is more cheerful.

More like a young man of this age.

“Do you know when did I relax?” Yue Tuzhi took a sip of wine and continued to ask.

Gao Ge shook his head.

“After coming to Xingchen Sect, I suddenly realized that you have always been in contact with the Dragon Slayer, and you even met the Dragon Slayer’s boss.” Yue Tuzhi said.

This matter itself is not a secret. Yue Tuzhi is also Yue Xincheng’s eldest brother, so it is okay to know this.

Moreover, Gao Ge didn’t even think about issuing any silence order to prohibit everyone from discussing this matter.

What makes Gao Ge confused is that he has a connection with the Dragon Slayer. What does it have to do with Yue Tuzhi?

“The people from the Dragon Slayer said that it would be best for me to come to the Star Sect and gain a certain status and become the sect leader.” Yue Tuzhi said softly.

But Gao Ge noticed that when Yue Tuzhi talked about this, his eyes had changed and became a little more murderous.

“Dragon Slayer…” Gao Ge thought of what Yue Tuzhi said just now and said softly, “So, the reason why you came to Star Sect was also coerced by the Dragon Slayer?”

Yue Tuzhi said nothing.

Gao Ge continued: “But you don’t look like that kind of timid person.”

Yue Tuzhi smiled.

“There was a man who was strong-willed and said he was not afraid of death, but a bullet passed over his head and his limbs became weak with fear.” Yue Tuzhi stretched out his hand and patted his chest gently, “I am Such a person, that bullet not only passed over my head, but also killed the person behind me. Do you think I am afraid?”


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