Immortality Cultivation Era Chapter 1617: Given by Su Hui


The Star Sect has ushered in a new life.

Although he is a child of Yue Xincheng, Gao Ge is still overjoyed.

The entire Star Sect is also full of joy.

Originally Gao Ge thought of sending out invitations in the name of Xingchen Sect and holding a grand banquet in Xingchen Sect.

However, he was rejected by Yue Xincheng.

Yue Xincheng felt that it was not necessary and was unwilling to go to a lot of trouble, but Yue Tuzhi actually also held objections.

In Yue Tuzhi’s words, it may not be a good thing for too many outsiders to know that Yue Xincheng has a child and what the child looks like. After all, the Xingchen Sect, Gao Ge and others have made many enemies in recent years.

Now it is because Gao Ge is in the limelight, even Confucian Dongtian and Buddhist Dongtian have a close relationship with Gao Ge.

No matter what the facts are, at least it seems like this on the surface.

In addition, there are the Dragon King, the ancestor of the Guo family, etc.

So those powerful enemies must have withdrawn their wings at this time and did not dare to confront Gao Ge and Xingchen Sect, but this does not mean that they have no thoughts. If they find a breakthrough, I am afraid they will harm the children of Yue Xincheng. Bring trouble.

Gao Ge pondered for a long time and let out a long breath. Yue Tuzhi’s worries were not unreasonable. Not to mention some domestic paradises, plus some foreign forces, were also eyeing Gao Ge.

So it is better to keep a low profile. Even if the facts cannot be hidden, it is better than publicizing it to the outside world.

As a human being, the most important thing is to keep a low profile.

Especially when dealing with these issues, we must be cautious.

As for the name, it was Yue Tuzhi’s decision in the end.

After all, Yue Tuzhi is also Yue Xincheng’s eldest brother and the child’s uncle. Since neither Yue Xincheng nor Miss Qingrou has the talent for naming, there seems to be nothing wrong with leaving this matter to Yue Tuzhi.

“Let’s call her Yue Chan.” Yue Tuzhi made up his mind and said, “I hope we can share the beauty of the moon together for a long time. I originally wanted to call her Yue Chanjuan, but the word “juan” is a bit vulgar, so I just used a single word. .”

From an objective point of view, Gao Ge felt that the name Yue Chan sounded relatively ordinary, but when he thought about Yue Xincheng’s name, he suddenly felt that Yue Tuzhi was quite a cultural person.

If the little girl is really called Cuifen, she may even be thinking of hacking Yue Xincheng to death when she grows up.

“From today on, be a happy person, take care of the child, breastfeed, and change diapers.” Yue Xincheng sat on the chair and looked at Yue Chan lying on the small bed with soft eyes.

Gao Ge glanced at him and said with a smile: “From today on, you will be out of your comfort zone.”

Yue Xincheng smiled and said: “Boss, don’t tell me, when I was about to give birth to a child, I was almost depressed. When I thought about myself having to take care of a child from now on, my heart… It’s a little uncomfortable. It’s impossible to sleep until I wake up naturally, and it’s impossible to do whatever I want. Just like you said, I have no comfort zone. But now looking at this little one, I suddenly feel that as long as I stay with her, The people around me are my comfort zone. Is there anything else in the world that makes me happier than accompanying my children to grow up slowly?”

Gao Ge was suddenly speechless.

He has always expressed doubts about Yue Xincheng.

With a personality like this, is he really suitable to be a father?

Not to mention looking at Yue Xincheng, Gao Ge even felt that he was still a child now.

But at this moment, looking at Yue Xincheng’s expression and listening to his words, Gao Ge suddenly felt that he was still too young.

He never thought about how much change would happen when a boy really became a father.

Just like the current Yue Xincheng, Gao Ge felt as if he had a completely new look.

The whole person’s personality will undergo earth-shaking changes.

“By the way, as we said before, you have a child, and I have to be your godfather.” Gao Ge said with a smile.

Yue Xincheng glanced at him and said with a dark face: “Then don’t think about it. I’ve said it before. If it’s a son, you can be the godfather. But if it’s a daughter, you can’t even think about it. Don’t think about it! My daughter definitely doesn’t need a godfather!”

Singing loudly: “…”

Looking at Yue Xincheng’s triumphant look, Gao Ge snorted with disdain on his face.

“What’s the big deal? The worst I can do is give birth to one myself.”

Gao Ge didn’t even bother to talk to him.

Actually, Gao Ge also felt that he was not ready.

But now, he suddenly began to think deeply.

Perhaps, he doesn’t need to be overly nervous. Just like Yue Xincheng, he was not prepared at first, but by this time, everything became natural.

At this moment, a disciple of the Star Sect suddenly walked in.

“Ahem, Deputy Sect Master, I have your express delivery!”

“My express delivery?” Yue Xincheng looked stunned, “Which express delivery company is so good that it can deliver it to Xingchen Sect?”

“This me

Not sure either. The disciple said with a smile, “It was delivered by a girl. She gave the thing and left.” ”

“Girl?” Gao Ge looked at Yue Xincheng.

Yue Xincheng quickly shook his head to express that he had no knowledge. Then he looked at the Xingchen Sect disciple and asked, “Can I leave my name for the person coming?”

The Xingchen Sect disciple almost blurted out Changshan Zhao Zilong, but luckily he held it back, shook his head and said, “The disciple asked, but the other party didn’t say anything.”

Yue Xincheng nodded and took the express delivery from the other party’s hand.

It is said to be express delivery, but in fact there is not even a delivery note on it.

Looking at the box in his hand, Yue Xincheng opened it and took out a note.

“Congratulations to Mr. Yue on his daughter’s fortune.”

In addition to this note, there is also a piece of jade that is very good at growing water, and it looks very valuable.

Gao Ge picked up the jade pendant, looked at it, and said with a smile: “This jade is really good, and it has some aura. If you carry it with you all year round, it can also nourish your body. When you look back, you can find Sect Master Hu and the others in the jade.” Setting up a formation can also be used as a talisman. The person who gave this gift was thoughtful. It is very suitable for girls to wear! ”

Yue Xincheng, on the other hand, was still in a daze holding the piece of paper.

Gao Ge reached out and patted him.

“What are you thinking about?”

Yue Xincheng handed the note in his hand to Gao Ge.

Gao Ge took a look and felt that the handwriting was beautiful and must have been written by a girl.

“What clues did you see?” Gao Ge asked.

Looking at Yue Xincheng’s devastated look, Gao Ge seemed to have guessed something, and said half-jokingly: “Could it be Su Hui?”

Yue Xincheng’s reaction was to nod his head with a wry smile.

Obviously, Gao Ge guessed it right.

“This is her name, I know it.” Yue Xincheng said.

After all, she is the girl he likes, so there is no way he can’t even read her handwriting.

“What do you think?” Gao Ge asked, “We have no contact with Su Hui?”

“I would also like to hug her, but since Su Hui found out that I was married to Qingrou, she hasn’t contacted me and even changed her number.” Yue Xincheng sighed.

“If you really want to find her number, you can still find it.” Gao Ge said softly, “So, you still haven’t thought about it yourself, right?”

Yue Xincheng didn’t say anything, just looked at Yue Chan, his eyes empty and dull.


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