Immortality Cultivation Era Chapter 1611: Let’s grow lotus again!


There are more and more old monks on the back mountain.

Even some of the little monks in Sancheng Temple who are not deep in Taoism often turn their faces and look in the direction of the back mountain during this period of time.

Actually, they can’t see anything now. They just feel that, since all this time, they always feel that the mountain seems to be changing all the time.

It’s just that I put the microphone in their face and asked them exactly what has changed, and I’m afraid they can’t tell.

On the back hill.

This is the third day.

This time, Gao Ge spent a long time in the back mountain.

Under normal circumstances, Gao Ge spends four or five days in the back mountain each time.

But even so, the old abbot and the others didn’t seem to be worried at all.

Others may not know it, but they can feel that the situation in the back mountain has been getting better and better, especially the change of Fo Lian, which is even more appreciated by them.

So they don’t need to worry at all.

Even the old abbot and the others are not in a hurry, and Gao Ge himself does not need to be in a hurry.

And, in fact, what he felt was more than what the old abbot felt.

Actually, Gao Ge had a lot of weirdness in his heart at this time.

According to the feedback from his consciousness, in fact, at this time, Folian’s spiritual power has actually been paid close attention to.

You can think of Folian as a water cup, and Gao Ge’s consciousness is like water. All he needs to do is to fill the cup, but the problem now is that the cup has been filled, but still It doesn’t mean to end.

This gave Gao Ge a headache.

Is there something wrong with your own perception?

Thinking of this, Gao Ge became nervous again.

Facing this situation now, Gao Ge no longer knows whether his judgment is accurate.

However, just when he wanted to stop and rest and discuss with the old abbot, something unexpected happened!

Originally, Gao Ge poured his consciousness into the Buddha Lotus, but for a moment, his consciousness trembled, and then a surge of energy surged from the Buddha Lotus, rushing into Gao Ge’s sea of ​​consciousness like a vine.

At this moment, the old abbot and the others were all condensed.

“Abbot, this is…” Release was stunned.

When Gao Ge felt the energy rising from the lotus, Gao Ge was also enveloped in a layer of golden light.

What surprised the old abbot and the others even more was that in addition to this golden light visible to the naked eye, there was also a realistic Buddha Dharma above Gaoge’s head!

“Otherwise, what should I say, Sect Master Gao has a great Buddha affinity!” The old abbot said with narrowed eyes.

Looking at his appearance, he doesn’t seem to be much surprised by what happened in front of him.

In fact, the old abbot had already set off a storm in his heart.

Actually, he didn’t expect such a situation to happen to Gao Ge.


In the body of Gao Ge, the Dharma can appear!

Although he was very clear in his heart, Gao Ge had absolutely no intention of becoming a monk.

But now, he is thinking about whether he should stop brainwashing Gao Ge… oh no, communicate with him.

If it doesn’t work…

I can completely appoint him to become the future abbot of the Buddhist cave…

But after thinking about it later, he felt that the chips he took out were probably still difficult for Gao Ge to take a fancy to.

After all, Gao Ge is now the suzerain of the Star Sect.

The abbot of the Buddhist cave is hardly worth mentioning.

What’s more, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Gao Ge obviously gains more than he loses from such a deal.

For a time, his heart was a little uncomfortable.

It’s like being the chairman of a big company, seeing a talent, even a top talent, but the other party is already the boss of another big company.

With a sigh, the abbot’s heart is not very comfortable.

Shi Shi glanced at the abbot, and his face was stunned.

“Abbot, what’s wrong?”

“It’s fine.” The abbot shook his head, “I just remembered something unhappy.”

I still felt a little uneasy about the release, and asked in a low voice, “Is there something wrong with Folian?”

“What nonsense are you talking about, it doesn’t look good now, what could be wrong with Folian?” The abbot frowned and said a little unhappily, “Don’t think too much, we have to trust Sect Master Gao, Also, can’t you see the change of Fo Lian?”

Release gave a wry smile.

Of course he is willing to believe Gao Ge.

But at this juncture, the old abbot suddenly put on a frowning look.

Who should be nervous at this time?

And Gao Ge didn’t know what the abbot and the others saw, and it was impossible to know what they were thinking. They just entered a very mysterious environment.

The first time he saw the back mountain, Gao Ge entered the state of meditation, and now, he feels that it should not be much different from the state of meditation.

In his consciousness, he clearly saw himself, as if he was sitting cross-legged on a golden lotus.

Compared to Fo Lian, his body looks like an ant, which is too small.

At the same time, a golden light bloomed from the lotus.

In an instant, all the distracting thoughts in Gao Ge’s mind were upheld, and he heard the sound of the bronze bells in the Sancheng Temple, and the sound of the percussion of wooden fish.

Every time the bell rang, Gao Ge’s consciousness became more solid.

“Could it be that this is feeding back?” Gao Ge suddenly thought.

I don’t know how long I waited, but the sound of the bronze bell finally stopped.

And Gao Ge himself slowly opened his eyes.

His eyes are extremely pure, like a pool of water, crystal clear.

When he stood up, a vast force was still moving in his body, and it was difficult to suppress it, but this energy entangled with divine consciousness did not cause any damage to his body, just a little Feel a little depressed.

I slowly stepped forward. When I took the first step, the depression I felt at first dissipated in an instant.

Second step.

The third step.

At the feet of Gaoge, there were streaks of golden light, and when the golden light condensed, golden lotus blossoms bloomed.

“A step by step lotus again?” Gao Ge smiled.

Such a scene, he has experienced before.

And this time.

The old abbot was stunned.

“Every step grows a lotus?”


“That’s the power of Lotus!”

A group of old monks looked surprised.

The old abbot quickly realized something, turned his face to see them release, and looked serious.

“No one is allowed to say this!”

“Don’t worry, the abbot!” said the release quickly.

The other old monks also looked serious.

They know very well how important this matter is to their Buddhist cave.

“With the step-by-step lotus on the road, our Buddhist cave wants to surpass the Confucian cave, at most ten years!” The old abbot said excitedly.

Although Buddhists often say that there is no competition, but in the Paradise of Paradise, the Cave of Buddhism has always been ranked behind the Cave of Confucianism, and this has been the case for so many years, but now, they see the hope of becoming the first sect of Paradise in Paradise!

How can this not be exciting! ?


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