Immortality Cultivation Era Chapter 1594: Let’s wait until you leave


When Xia Lu confided these words, she was naturally full of resentment.

Qiu Xiyue listened with some curiosity.

“Plot? You mean, those people from Sancheng Temple plotted against you?”

“Of course!”

Actually, this is really not Xia Lu’s fault.

She would never have thought that such a powerful being as the Buddhist Cave Heaven or the Three-Cheng Temple would plot against such a dispensable person like her.

If she was a little depressed at the beginning, she became clearer when Gao Ge and Qiu Xiyue appeared.

The emotional partner regards himself as a thread and pulls out the big fish of Gao Ge.

You don’t need to think too much to know that their purpose is to sing loudly.

Think about it, with my status and strength, it is impossible for me to get into the sight of these big guys.


Xia Lu knew that she was being plotted, how could Gao Ge not know.

Although Xia Lu didn’t reveal anything in front of people like the old abbot of the Buddhist Cave Heaven, she knew with a little thought that there was something wrong with it.

But now that we are under the roof, there is no point in discussing these issues. Even if we know that Xia Lu was brought in by people from the Buddhist cave, so what?

It is rare to be confused in life.

Gao Ge didn’t say anything, but the old abbot took the initiative to speak.

“When you see the Buddha Lotus, do you realize that the story about the summer donor coming to us to find the Buddha Lotus is a complete lie?” the old abbot said with a smile.

Singing loudly: “…”

Originally, he wanted to just let it go and talk about it after he left, but he didn’t expect that the old abbot would take the initiative to bring it up.

But this is fine.

Although the attitude of the people in the Buddhist Cave towards him is quite good now, Gao Ge would not dare to say that he can truly understand his attitude.

So it was a risk for him to speak out.

Now that the old abbot has taken the initiative to mention these things, it is actually better.

“Zongzhu Gao must have some guesses in his mind, but he just doesn’t dare to say, why, you still can’t worry about us?” the old abbot said cheerfully.

Gao Ge laughed and said: “How can I! I

This person’s thinking is relatively simple. ”

“Simple thinking?” The old abbot smiled playfully, “If Sect Master Gao is really simple thinking, wouldn’t everyone else be fools? What’s more, many people have fallen into your hands over the years. Could it be that Are those people really worse than idiots?”

Singing loudly: “…”

This old abbot is really a jerk!

Originally, I wanted to pretend to be confused, but now looking at the old abbot’s appearance, it was obvious that he was not even willing to give Gao Ge a chance to pretend to be confused.

However, Gao Ge himself was not under any pressure, mainly because the other party raised this issue first.

Gao Ge doesn’t know whether he wants to dress up, but since the other party doesn’t care now, then it doesn’t matter.

“Sect Master Gao, why don’t you tell me what you think?” the abbot narrowed his eyes and said.

Gao Ge smiled softly and said: “The abbot is joking, what can I think?”

“Sect Leader Gao, have you always been so dishonest, or do you just like to be cunning in front of me?”

Gao Ge had a headache.

Why is it so difficult to be a simple fool these days?

Under the gaze of the old abbot, Gao Ge felt like there were thousands of spears above his head.

After being silent for a long time, he was forced to speak: “Abbott, actually I am not as complicated as you think, but since you have already asked me this, I still have to pretend to be confused, which is really unreasonable. Then I’ll just say a few words?”

“Tell me, tell me!”

Actually, Gao Ge didn’t know what the abbot was thinking, but the other party had already said so, and Gao Ge was put on a stand.

He simply stopped being silent and said bluntly: “Abbott, we have already reached this point. It would be a bit far-fetched to say that Xia Lu accidentally entered here accidentally and accidentally broke your Buddhist treasure. ”

The abbot nodded slightly.

When Gao Ge thought of this, it was actually not surprising at all.

“Keep talking.”

Gao Ge nodded, took a deep breath, and said all his thoughts in one breath.

It won’t change anything anyway.

“It seems that I was targeted by the abbot, and the reason why Xia Lu came here is that she got some information. It was just that the abbot specially revealed some information to her, which gave her an idea.

That’s why I came here and broke the glazed pagoda. I believe it is true, but when it comes to saying that the glazed pagoda is a Buddhist treasure, I don’t believe it. “Gao Ge said with a smile, “Also, I don’t believe that the reason why the Glazed Tower was broken by Xia Lu was intentional. ”


“I know Xia Lu’s character better than anyone. Under normal circumstances, when she finds something is wrong, her first reaction is to leave. She even said that even if she was really wronged here, she would not She wants to vent because…she doesn’t want to cause trouble for me.” At the end of the sentence, Gao Ge also had a self-deprecating smile on his face.

It seems that Xia Lu has such thoughts, which is entirely her own problem.

The old abbot sighed softly.

“Sect Master Gao does not need to put any pressure on himself. To be honest, whether it is the Star Sect or the Sect Master Gao, it is enough to amaze many people that they can reach this point in such a short period of time. If I still blame myself for being too harsh on myself.

Actually, the reason why I am talking to Sect Leader Gao about this now is just to make everything clear, to make the past a preface and the future to be a chapter.

Actually, Sect Leader Gao was right. The reason why Donor Xia came to our Sancheng Temple was indeed not a coincidence, but intentional. However, we did not have any malicious intentions. We reminded me several times before releasing him. This is inappropriate, otherwise I wouldn’t have picked you up and warned you before I saw you. ”

The old abbot also said a lot in this breath, especially the sentence “Preface the past to the future”, which sounded very sincere.

There is another question that puzzles Gao Ge.

It just so happened that the conversation was pretty good now, so he also asked about his doubts.

“Abbott, I really want to know, where did you get the news about me?”

The old abbot’s eyes were slightly stern, and his expression was a little complicated. He seemed to have guessed that Gao Ge would ask such a question, but he seemed a little surprised.

For a moment, Gao Ge was a little confused.

What does this old abbot mean?

“Ahem, that’s it! When Sect Leader Gao leaves the Buddhist cave, I’ll let you know, how about it?” the old abbot said with a smile.

Gao Ge cursed the old fox in his heart, but he couldn’t be dissatisfied at all, so he could only smile and nod.

However, the abbot’s attitude actually sent a message.

My guess is not wrong, someone else indeed raped me in the Buddhist Cave!


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