Immortality Cultivation Era Chapter 1518: Hello, human race


Because this time there was a Gu Master who followed him to the secret realm, and so did Fei Nanyuan beside him.

Gao Ge himself had a sketch of Shennong Chang, but the effect may not be very good, so he simply invited a member of the Dragon Pavilion to come over. Anyway, it was one of his own who planted the poison. If there is really no way to resist the threat of the poison, then just detoxify it immediately. , there is no danger in this process.

If there is danger, Gao Ge will not just find anyone to do experiments.

Gao Ge is not the kind of person who likes to make fun of other people’s lives.

Unless the other party is an enemy.

If you still talk about kindness when dealing with enemies, that would be pedantic.

Experiments have shown that although eating red heart fruit cannot resist the poisonous insects, it can effectively eliminate the toxins produced by the poisonous insects.

This is true for Gu worms. If you are dealing with a head-drop that has many similarities with Gu worms, it should have similar effects.

“With this Red Heart Fruit, our Dragon Pavilion will be able to save a lot of deaths in the future.” Tianlong’s eyes flashed, and his tone sounded a little excited.

In fact, this may be the difference between Tianlong and many people.

For Tianlong, even if he enters the vast realm, he only needs to bear greater responsibilities.

However, he can find many ways to prevent the sacrifice of Dragon Pavilion members, which can keep him excited for many days.

Of course.

In the Dragon Pavilion, there are actually many people who have the same idea as Tianlong.

For example, the water dragon, fire dragon and others are like this.

This is probably the main reason why Dragon Pavilion is so cohesive.

“Of course, besides these heart fruits, there are also some other good things here.” Gao Ge said, “I need to collect them.”

“Huh?” Meng Jing was stunned when she heard this, “You still want to act alone now? No, you have to take me with you!”

Gao Ge turned to look at Meng Jing, stretched out his hand and gently touched her head.

“Don’t worry, there won’t be any danger this time.”

Meng Jing rolled her eyes wildly.

Obviously he doesn’t believe what Gao Ge is saying now.

She didn’t follow Gao Ge before. When she saw Gao Ge, the man was already covered in wounds and passed out, which made Meng Jing feel bad.

Now that she wants to run after hearing Gao Ge, Meng Jing’s mentality is about to collapse.

Under Gao Ge’s repeated comfort, Meng Jing could only nod and agree even though she was extremely reluctant.

She felt in her heart that her strength was still not strong enough.

If you are also an immortal cultivator in the ancient martial arts realm, then you can definitely follow Gao Ge now.

But now, if he follows, Gao Ge needs to be vigilant and take care of himself at the same time.

If something unexpected happened, wouldn’t he become a burden?

It was precisely because of these thoughts that she could only choose to give up and follow.

Tianlong and the others were also a little worried, and Yue Xincheng stood up immediately without thinking.

“Boss, you have to let me follow you, right?”

“Forget it what you said.”

Yue Xincheng frowned.

In fact, if there was really no danger, Gao Ge would not reject them at all.

Now that Gao Ge is unwilling to take Yue Xincheng or Meng Jing with him, it shows that there are certain risks involved.

However, Yue Xincheng couldn’t say anything at the moment and could only watch Gao Ge turn around and leave.

Zhou Ju originally wanted to follow, but after looking at the Rose Fairy beside him, he decided to give up after thinking about it.

Sing along…

It’s so dangerous!

When Gao Ge left, he also told them to be careful. Although the black poisonous mist disappeared and the Black Mist Demon Lord was eliminated, the strength of those foreign forces should not be underestimated.


Hopped on the flying boat, Gao Ge controlled the flying boat while communicating with the little beast: “Is everything you said true?”

“Of course, you helped us solve the problem of poisonous fog. I won’t treat you badly in any way.” The little beast said.

Seeing that Gao Ge didn’t answer, it continued: “Actually, you don’t have to be so careful, I won’t harm you.”

Gao Ge smiled: “Stop making trouble, I don’t even trust myself sometimes, how can I trust you?”

The little beast complained: “You will be very tired living like this.”

“Then you are still alive at least.” Gao Ge said calmly, “If you feel too tired, you may never need to be tired and just lie down in the dirt.”

The little beast understood what Gao Ge wanted to express, so he didn’t say much, he just felt in his heart, or

The relationship between alien beasts and monsters is better, there is not so much scheming and speculation.

Although the poisonous fog problem has been solved, it will still take some time to completely dissipate. During this time, the little beast can still only stay in the star map space.

Calculating the time, it should be daybreak here soon, but these poisonous mist will definitely dissipate completely before dawn. At that time, the alien beasts and monsters will be able to move freely.


After controlling the flying boat for almost half an hour, the little beast said to Gao Ge.

Gao Ge pressed Fei Zhou and looked around. There were many strange beasts, but he didn’t know if there were any monsters among them.

“Let me out.” The little beast said.

Gao Ge released the little beast from the star map space, and at the same time, he was alert to his surroundings.

Although he still can’t sense anything now, the eyes of those strange beasts looking at him are not very friendly.

“This is not the place where I met you before.” Gao Ge said to the little beast.

“I didn’t say this is my territory!” said the little beast, “Actually, this is my territory.”

“Your territory?” Gao Ge was a little surprised.

“Yes!” As soon as the little beast said this, the strange beasts suddenly fell into a commotion.

Gao Ge suddenly became energetic, and began to use the power of the stars in his body, staring at the moving strange beasts.

“Don’t be nervous, don’t be nervous, we really don’t mean any harm.” The little beast noticed something and turned to look at Gao Ge and continued to communicate with his spiritual power.

At this time, Gao Ge unexpectedly discovered that among the group of strange beasts, another green strange beast walked out. It was about the same size as the small beast, but it was much larger.

When it appeared, the other beasts had respectful eyes.

The little beast immediately ran over happily, and then jumped on the big beast.

You don’t need to think about it to know that this is a larger alien beast or monster, and it is the father or mother of the little beast.


The main reason is that it is too difficult to distinguish between male and female.

Even now, Gao Ge doesn’t know whether the little beast that has been in his star map space until now is male or female.

The big beast and the small one communicated for a long time. Suddenly, the big beast turned its face and looked at Gao Ge. At the same time, another voice sounded in Gao Ge’s mind.

“Hello, human race.”


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