Immortality Cultivation Era Chapter 1466: Array Spirit


Watching Gao Ge dive into the water, Meng Jing felt curious and originally wanted to go with her, but was rejected by Gao Ge.

The main reason is that he is worried that Meng Jing will be lost if he follows him. After all, he is in the sea.

Watching Gao Ge slowly swim out of her sight, Meng Jing shook her head and landed on the shore.

The song in the water is as flexible as a fish.

Actually, Gao Ge doesn’t like swimming very much, mainly because after entering the water, his own mobility will be affected to a certain extent. For Gao Ge, what he needs to do is to keep himself in peak condition at all times, because he will always No one knows where an enemy will suddenly appear.

None of this is impossible.

After all, there are too many people in the world who want to kill Gao Ge.

If you want to live well, you must not give those people the chance to kill you.

Only now, Gao Ge has discovered something good in the sea, and that good thing is worth Gao Ge’s risk. What’s more, not many people in the world know that Gao Ge has come to Meisu Island.

If the enemy really found the opportunity, Gao Ge could only say with emotion that he should die if he was hit.

In the sea water, Gao Ge’s vision was not affected. At the same time, he was surprised to find that he could still radiate his consciousness while swimming.

This is already a great improvement for Gao Ge. If this trend continues, when his spiritual consciousness breaks through next time, it may come in handy when fighting others.

Thinking of this, Gao Ge felt uncontrollably excited.

With the help of divine consciousness, Gao Ge is like having a small radar in the water.

After swimming for almost twenty minutes, the energy Gao Ge felt before was getting stronger and stronger.

He slowly swam up to the top, took a breath, and the power of the stars in his body began to circulate. Then, like a big stone, he sank quickly. At the same time, the power of the stars formed an invisible protective cover, otherwise the water pressure would be enough. Grind Gao Ge into pulp.

The further downstream, the darker it becomes.

There is actually no light in the deep sea, because the light of the sun cannot penetrate. Fortunately, Gao Ge has spiritual consciousness. The presence or absence of light does not make any difference to Gao Ge. What is worth saying is that the further down he goes, the more he ” The more marine life you see, the uglier it becomes.

Maybe it’s because it’s too dark here and no one can see anyone, so I just grow as long as I want.

Many strange sounds can be heard in the deep sea

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, some are harsh, some are deep, seeming to symbolize various mysteries.

Some people also suffer from deep sea phobia. Gao Ge doesn’t know much about this, but in such an environment, it is indeed easy to have fear. It’s just that Gao Ge can use his spiritual consciousness to cover everything around him, which is not too intuitive. However, if you are an ordinary person, in such a dark environment, hearing all kinds of weird sounds in your ears, it is generally unbearable.

The distance is getting closer.

In front, a purple light appeared.

This is not a spiritual discovery, but something visible to the naked eye.

In this pitch-black night, this purple light looked particularly eye-catching.

And the purple light is still swimming at this time. If you observe it with your spiritual consciousness, you will find that there are dozens of small whirlpools appearing around the purple light, which are flowing rapidly. Sensing Gao Ge’s approach, the purple light group accelerated its swimming speed, like a frightened fish.

Gao Ge was not anxious because of this, but instead slowed down and began to pour his consciousness into the purple light group.

Soon, the purple light group stopped and actively approached Gao Ge, as if it was attracted by something.

Gao Ge was overjoyed when he saw the situation. In fact, he didn’t know what this light group was. It was just that when he used his spiritual consciousness to cover the sea area on the shore, he noticed the existence of this purple light group. Moreover, the purple light group After Guang Tuan felt his spiritual consciousness, he was also very excited, so he gave it a try.

Now it seems that Gao Ge’s idea was right.

My own consciousness has a unique attraction to this light group!

There is no need for Gao Ge to catch up, the purple light group quickly approaches Gao Ge, like a whale heading towards the sea, like a bird throwing itself into the forest.

When the purple light group gradually approached, Gao Ge was surprised to find that the purple light group turned out to be a strange beast.

In the purple light group, there is a turtle that is only about the size of a head. It is said to be a turtle, but it looks more like a tortoise. It is purple all over. The purple light is emitted from its body, which can make Gao Gao sing What surprised me was that the turtle’s head was a bit ferocious, looking more like…

Dragon head!

Just when Gao Ge wanted to get closer, the turtle seemed to realize something and began to evacuate quickly.

“It’s weird…” Gao Ge muttered.

He was surprised to find that he could not feel the slightest breath of life on this turtle.

I can only feel the energy contained in this turtle’s body.

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“Quick! Chase after me!” A loud voice burst out in Gao Ge’s mind.

It’s a weapon spirit!

Whenever the weapon spirit appears, it means that Gao Ge has encountered an opportunity.

“What is that?” Gao Ge asked.

“Don’t worry about this for now, catch up, don’t get lost.”

“I can make it swim back.” Gao Ge said.

“You are crazy! Why did you let it swim back? Did you take it home and stew it to eat?” Qi Ling said angrily, “This is not a living creature, this is a formation spirit!”

“Array spirit?” This was the first time Gao Ge heard such a term, and it felt fresh.

“Catch up first and then talk!”

Seeing how urgent the weapon spirit was, Gao Ge no longer hesitated and rushed towards the turtle shrouded in purple light. The speed was also unreasonable.

While chasing, singing loudly and listening to the explanation of Qi Ling.

“The formation spirit is the spirit body produced by the advanced magic formation. It is like a fairy sword, and it also has a sword spirit.” The weapon spirit said.

“So, it’s almost the same as you?” Gao Ge said.

“Shit! He’s far behind me!” Qi Ling snorted, “Although I am also a Qi Ling, I already have a living body, my own thoughts, and my own wisdom, but this time The spirit should not have been born for a long time, so it has not opened its spiritual wisdom.”

“I’m so happy to see it move!”

“This is just an instinct. If it really produced intelligence, it would not approach you before.”

Gao Ge thought about it for a while and felt that what Qi Ling said made sense.

That turtle certainly doesn’t look very smart.

“It’s strange. In this world, there are still people who can lay out advanced formations that can produce array spirits.” The weapon spirit said incredulously, “Even Sect Leader Hu of the Tianshi Sect can only lay out some at most. Intermediate formations, such as his, cannot produce formation spirits even if they exist for thousands of years.”

Hearing what Qi Ling said, Gao Ge also became excited.

Gao Ge highly admired Sect Master Hu of the Tianshi Sect, and even thought that he should be considered the number one in the formation.

Unexpectedly, in the eyes of the weapon spirit, the formations arranged by Sect Leader Hu can only be regarded as intermediate formations and are not worthy of the Dharma’s eyes.

In this way, the magic formation that can produce formation spirits must be extremely powerful. At the very least, it is something that Sect Leader Hu cannot do.


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