Immortality Cultivation Era Chapter 135: Indestructible!


A black cloud floated from somewhere, but it enveloped the tower, as if night had come.

Gao Ge looked at Qin Yan, Qin Yan had no expression on his face, his eyes were deep, as if all-encompassing.

“Gao Shaoxia, please take a good look at how this world treats me!”

Then, the scene in front of Gao Ge’s eyes changed dramatically.

Qin Yan disappeared.

The table and chairs in front of him disappeared.

The surrounding environment is no longer the room in Tongzilou.

The wind and sand covered his face, Gao Ge took two steps forward, leaving a trail of footprints and sand everywhere.

When the wind that swept up the dust swept across the face, it was like knives.

Gao Ge kept walking forward, and when he stopped, he raised his head and saw a towering tower.

Grey wall tiles, red black iron gate, towering and daunting.

Although Gao Ge doesn’t particularly like to travel, he has been to some ancient cities. He has also seen towers, but none of them can give him the shock at this time.

After all, the city tower of the ancient city has become a historical site, a tourist attraction, and tourists are crowded, but now this tower is standing here so suddenly, the gray city wall is endless, and you can see it at a glance. There is no margin, especially in this rolling yellow sand environment, it is a bit more chilling and depressing.

The city gate opened slowly, Gao Ge walked in, but couldn’t see any soldiers.

Is this a ghost town?

Gao Ge does not know what kind of environment he is currently in.

Qin Yan said he wanted to tell himself a little story, and then he came to this place inexplicably, thinking that everything was an illusion, but this illusion was too real.

He walked down the steps and up the city wall, looking at the war drums standing on both sides, with a proud heart.

Looking around, the city walls are empty.

Suddenly, there were footsteps behind him.

Neat and orderly.

He turns around and looks behind him, and all he sees is a group of soldiers in armor.

About three thousand people.

And outside the city wall, there is a large group of soldiers, rushing towards the city tower, pushing chariots in the front row, and behind them are ladders and iron shields.

“Is this going to attack the building?” Gao Ge was slightly taken aback.

Those soldiers on the city wall, he knows the armor on their bodies. After all, I only saw them last night. Not long after, Qin Yan, who was surrounded by a group of people, also strode towards this side. However, Qin Yan and The soldiers under him completely regarded Gaoge as air. Obviously, as an outsider, they would not be seen by them.

“General Qin, we only have 3,000 soldiers and horses left, and the enemy has 20,000 horses. Moreover, the supplies in the city are already insufficient. The reinforcements will arrive in three days.” A lieutenant general walked up to Qin Yan and knelt down on one knee. said.

Qin Yan’s face was filled with despair.

Fortunately, soon, he breathed a sigh of relief and was in good spirits again.

Actually, Gao Ge could understand Qin Yan’s thoughts at this time.

At present, even if the enemy cannot be beaten, they have to fight. It is impossible to abandon the city and flee.

“Defend the city!” Qin Yan roared angrily.

The drums of war were struck again.

Those soldiers began to set up bows and arrows on the city wall, waiting for the opponent to enter the shooting range, and the boulder was also pulled over.

The face of every soldier is full of determination.

They don’t seem to know that this has turned into a beast fight.

Or maybe, they know, but they don’t care about it at all, even if they die here, so what?

In China, with so many dynasties changing, Gao Ge admires the Ming Dynasty the most.

The Ming Dynasty did not have the domineering arrogance of the Han Dynasty, “Those who violate the strong Han in the Ming Dynasty will be punished even if they are far away.”

There is no such thing as the blooming of a hundred flowers in the Tang Dynasty, and the prosperity of Wending.

It doesn’t have the richness and happiness of the Song Dynasty.

But even so, the emperors of the Ming Dynasty have always abided by a principle.

The king dies, and the emperor guards the gate of the country.

In the beginning, Shanhaiguan was a land of foreignization, not the territory of the Central Plains. The tribes outside the pass were all headed by the Manchus. At that time, the north was deeply harassed and threatened by nomadic peoples. In addition, the northern Mongolian attacked from the south, it happened at this time. The Ming Dynasty set the capital of the country as the current capital, and its purpose was to guard against foreign forces. This is the so-called emperor guarding the country.

In the late Ming Dynasty, when Li Zicheng’s army attacked the city all the way and reached the capital, the Jinbing was still blocked outside Shanhaiguan. Even if the last emperor of the Ming Dynasty was hanged on the coal mountain, he would not retreat halfway. Step, this is the so-called king’s death Sheji.

This is a royal dynasty.

Probably because the dynasties were like this, so the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty were like this. In the face of a strong enemy, even if they died, they were not willing to take a half step back.

“Fire arrows!”

A roar burst out from Qin Yan’s mouth, and thousands of feathered arrows swept off the string and fell into the enemy army.

People keep falling, but the enemy is like ants, continuing to charge forward, one after the other.

As if not afraid of life and death.

The cloud ladders have been set up, and the soldiers above try to overthrow those cloud ladders as much as possible.

However, this way of defending the city won’t last long at all. Whether it’s feather arrows or boulders, these are consumables and will soon bottom out.

Qin Yan stared blankly at all of this, and finally spoke, and said slowly: “Song Yuan, Zhao Cheng, send the order down, open the city gate, kill!”


Gao Ge looked at Qin Yan with a determined face, and suddenly admired this man.

Not only because he is not afraid of death, but also because his general’s heart is very stable.

Even if they die, the three thousand soldiers guarding the city will not frown.

When the city gate opened, Qin Yan rode on a tall horse with a long knife in his hand.

He roared and rode his horse, leading the light cavalry behind him and rushed into the crowd first.

Then, the infantry rushed up together.

This is hand-to-hand combat.

The number of people on Qin Yan’s side is pitifully small, but they are extremely fierce. Even if they are at a disadvantage, they can still rush to the end.

Mainly because of Qin Yan’s terrifying strength, the sword sees blood, and his strength should not be underestimated. As the saying goes, there are no weak soldiers under the strong generals. Some individuals are slightly weaker, and they will also be infected, and they will kill them without fear of life and death.

However, over time.

The number of people on Qin Yan’s side began to drop sharply.

Three thousand, soon only a few hundred.

It may seem miserable, but it’s not.

The other party’s 20,000 people are probably only 10,000 people left at this time.

The remaining 10,000 people looked at Qin Yan and the 1,000 soldiers behind him with a look of fear on their faces.

This is a division of tigers and wolves.

“The whole army is ordered to kill without mercy!”

Qin Yan raised the long knife in his hand and roared.


Gao Ge did not speak, nor did he make a joke. Where did Qin Yan come from?

Although Qin Yan and his men are powerful, they gradually fell into a state of exhaustion after such a long battle.

They are people.

Being human will get tired.

I don’t know how many soldiers died here because of their lack of strength.

When hundreds of people charged again, the 10,000 people also charged up.

The number of people around Qin Yan is still decreasing.

From a few hundred to a hundred.

From one hundred to dozens.

Until the end, there were only a few people left by his side.

They did their best to protect Qin Yan, for fear that the Lord would fall first.

A large knife from the enemy cut off Qin Yan’s horse’s leg. Qin Yan jumped and jumped onto the man carrying the long knife. Relying on his weight and inertia, he forcibly pressed the opponent, and then the long knife in his hand As soon as it was raised, a **** arrow was splashed, and a head rolled down like a ball.

“Only I am Daming, indestructible!” Qin Yan stood up and roared.

“Only I am Daming, indestructible!” The people behind him also shouted.

There are only a few people, but they shouted the momentum of thousands of people.

A large group of enemy troops surrounded them.

Until the end, only Qin Yan was left.

His knife is still waving, and his whole body seems to be tireless.

When the sky darkened, Qin Yan stopped completely.

His body is full of minced meat.

The armor has been torn apart.

Rolling flesh.

His hair is in a mess, and his helmet doesn’t know where to go.


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