Immortality Cultivation Era Chapter 1276: ?Will he be killed and silenced


Gao Ge picked up the suit that Yue Xincheng had changed into and put it on himself. It seemed a little loose, but he was just a best man and not the protagonist today, so he didn’t care about it.

Gao Ge actually doesn’t know what the wedding process is like. After all, he has never been married.

Originally, Gao Ge wanted to hire a wedding planning company directly, which would be much more convenient. However, most of the people who came this time were people from the world of immortality. It always felt a bit strange to hire a wedding planning company, so he simply decided to do it by himself. My family planned it and just hired a master of ceremonies outside. Gao Ge really couldn’t come to do this nonsense. Although he was a good talker, it didn’t mean he would say so many auspicious words. Besides, Yue Xincheng wouldn’t feel at ease if Gao Ge did it. ah! In Yue Xincheng’s words, Gao Ge is not the kind of person who can say auspicious words, and his words are frightening.

The emcee this time was introduced by Meng’s father’s younger brother. He was relatively familiar with her and had a better business. His younger brother came to him every time he got married.

Every time this…sounds like a lot of information.

Both Meng’s mother and Song Yun had some opinions about this, feeling it was a bit unlucky. Song Yun even made some fashionable remarks about whether the emcee was “poisonous”.

Gao Ge was a little uncomfortable hearing such words from his mother, but he also found it quite interesting.

Although Miss Qingrou and the others are still in the Xingchen Sect now, the basic task of picking up the bride is still indispensable.

This process seems a bit complicated, but this is the most basic process of getting married, and now that there are so many people coming from the Xingchen Sect, the wedding should be grander. It would be good if there are no more processes. If it is reduced some As for the process, it’s really a bit unjustifiable, and besides, they don’t lack this little time, right?

“By the way, can’t I just wait for you here?” Gao Ge pointed to the holes in his clothes and said with a smile, “My clothes just don’t look good when I go out, so I might as well stay here and wait for you. .”

“What nonsense are you talking about!” Song Yun slapped Gao Ge on the arm and said unhappily, “I tell you, you are the best man and you must go there. Also, don’t forget, You’re not married yet. It seems that you and Xiaojing will get married sooner or later, so you should be familiar with the process now to avoid being in a hurry at that time.”

Yue Xincheng also nodded and said: “Yes, boss, I think what my godmother said is so right!”


“Why, it can’t be done?” Song Yun said cheerfully, “Xiaoyue is my godson, is there anything wrong with that?”

“I don’t have any objections.” Gao Ge smiled, “Is it for the wedding?”

“I can only say that the wedding is an opportunity.” Song Yun said, “That’s what I say now. There are still procedures to recognize your godfather and godmother! We will do it together after the wedding.”

Gao Ge nodded, actually feeling quite happy.

Just when we were about to leave, someone else came.


Hearing that the clan wanted to see him, Xiao Yang felt extremely uneasy.

In fact, he could have come here a long time ago, but he was dragging his feet on the road, still thinking about whether the way he handled things before was wrong, which made the sect master very dissatisfied, so he called him here now just to bring him back. Expelled from Xingchen Sect, when he thought of this, Xiao Yang felt that the sky was dark and the earth was dark, and he couldn’t stand. But in the end, he mustered up the courage to come. There was no other way, what he had to face was what he had to face, even if he couldn’t bear it, he still had to face it. There’s no way to avoid it.

With the mentality that it is a blessing, not a curse, and that it is a curse that cannot be avoided, Xiao Yang came to the door with an uneasy look on his face.

“Huh? Is it you?” Song Yun was about to go out when she saw Xiao Yang, with a little surprise on her face.

Gao Ge glanced at Song Yun and said with a smile: “Mom, have you seen him?”

“Yes.” Song Yun nodded and said, “I saw this child when I went to the kitchen to make meatballs. I don’t know what happened, but he was still crying.”

Xiao Yang blushed and felt embarrassed.

Gao Ge also had a chuckle on his face and shook his head.

Seeing Gao Ge shaking his head, Xiao Yang trembled in his heart. He secretly guessed that the sect leader must be extremely dissatisfied with him. This was true. Gao Ge was the sect leader of the Xingchen Sect, and as a disciple of the Xingchen Sect, he seemed to have been doing something embarrassing. things.

If Yue Tuzhi hadn’t come forward today, he didn’t know what would have happened in the end. It is conceivable that the Star Sect might have become a joke in the eyes of other sects, even if they would not say so. He said that, but he must have thought so in his heart. If he did that, he would become a sinner of the Xingchen Sect.

“Are you Xiao Yang?” Gao Ge said.

Xiao Yang shivered subconsciously, as if he had had a great time peeing.

“Back to the sect leader, I am Xiao Yang.”

Gao Ge nodded, coughed, and waved to Xiao Yang.

“Since you’ve come here, let’s stop inking. There happens to be a lot of stuff here, so hurry up and help carry it.”

“Huh?” Xiao Yang couldn’t believe his ears, blinked his eyes, and looked at Gao Ge in disbelief.

You called yourself here just to carry something?

It sounds a bit dreamy!

Moreover, Xiao Yang knew very well that there were countless people in the entire Xingchen Sect who were willing to carry things at this time.

But ordinary people don’t have such an opportunity at all!

Are you kidding? Who are the people in this room now?

Gao Ge, Chen Guo, Liang Bufan…

These are the groomsmen group!

“Why are you still standing there?” Gao Ge was already a little unhappy and said, “As the leader of the Star Sect, I can’t control you, right?”

Yue Xincheng smiled at the side and said: “Boss, is this kid good? Why does he not look very smart?”

Gao Ge coughed but said nothing.

Xiao Yang finally came to his senses and said in a panic: “I will do whatever the sect master asks me to do without any hesitation!”

Gao Ge smiled: “Okay, then carry those two boxes to the car outside. They are all firecrackers, so don’t smoke!”

“I don’t smoke…” Xiao Yang said quickly.

“Well… you can learn to smoke in the future. Only men are cool when they smoke.” Gao Ge said with a smile.

When Song Yun heard this, she slapped Gao Ge on the back of the head without saying anything.

“Stop talking nonsense. How old is this kid? You are inciting others to smoke. Do you believe that I will find a belt to whip you now?”

Singing loudly: “…”

When Xiao Yang heard such words, he was sweating profusely, thinking in his heart, would he be killed because he heard something he shouldn’t have heard?

So he quickly sped up and went to move the boxes.


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