Immortality Cultivation Era Chapter 1275: ?Slim fit suit


Yue Tuzhi did everything he wanted to do and said everything he wanted to say. He clapped his hands, put a smile on his face again, and waved to the people watching around him.

“I’m sorry, everyone, I made you laugh. I can’t help it. The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds. No, there are so many people in our Xingchen Sect today. There is no guarantee that some people with abnormal brains will sneak in. As long as it’s settled, please go back and sit down!”

Many people around looked at Yue Tuzhi with a little fear.

They saw very clearly how Yue Tuzhi tormented Xu Hao before.

There is a kind of pain that hurts even when you look at it.

Today they felt it.

Those classmates and teachers are now quiet.

Yue Tuzhi did not leave, but walked toward them. He first went to the principal’s teacher’s desk, picked up a teacup, and poured some tea.

This time, the tea prepared by Xingchen Sect is still very good, but it is not the Xie family’s herbal tea. There is no way. Although the Xie family’s herbal tea is good, the annual output is limited, even for other sects and families in Dongtian Paradise. , I want to go to Xie’s house to buy some medicinal tea and wine, but most of the time I return in vain. It’s not an exaggeration to say it’s worth thousands of gold. It has certain benefits for immortal cultivators. If you are an ordinary person, you will not be able to prolong your life. It’s a dream! But now that there are so many people coming from Xingchen Sect, there will definitely be no way to supply medicinal tea.

The principal and teachers sat on their chairs and looked at Yue Tuzhi, feeling a little scared in their hearts.

“Principal, teachers, thank you for your cultivation of Yue Tuzhi. I am his eldest brother, real brother. I have not seen you much before, which is a pity. Thank you for coming to Xingchen Sect and participating in Yue Xincheng’s I won’t say any more about the wedding. I’ve shocked you before, but the wine hasn’t been served yet. Even if I wanted to punish myself with three drinks, I actually don’t have the chance. It doesn’t matter, I’ll replace the wine with tea. Here’s a toast to you, as an apology!”

After saying this, he raised his neck and drank it all in one gulp.

“Okay, okay, actually it’s not necessary. Xu Hao went too far before.” The principal, who was in a high position after all, came to his senses first and quickly drank a cup of tea with Yue Tuzhi. Just when he was holding the tea cup, his hands were still shaking slightly. Even he had never experienced such a battle!

Yue Tuzhi just smiled, nodded to the people present, turned around and left. Let’s not mention that he is Yue Xincheng’s brother. Regardless of these, he is still the head of the Yue family. There is no need to waste too much time here. Much time.

After waiting for almost ten minutes, the students slowly came back to their senses.

“This…this Yue Xincheng’s brother is too scary…” a male classmate whispered.

“I want to go home now.” A female classmate said with red eyes.

This is really exciting.

Wang Ning reached out and pushed his eyes, but the eyes hidden behind the two lenses shone with a different light.

The rest of the students are still scared and worried at this time.

But his heart was filled with only two words.


So, he couldn’t help but think, is this the world of immortality?

I had a conflict with Xu Hao before. Don’t I want to be like Yue Tuzhi and use thunderous means to make Xu Hao shut up?

I wanted to, but I didn’t have the strength.

At this time.

Wang Ning looked at the disciples of the Star Sect with envy in his eyes.


One day.

Can I become an immortal cultivator like these people?

If they can do it, why can’t I? !

He is not convinced!


In the room, Gao Ge reached out, picked up a bottle of mineral water, unscrewed the cap and took a sip, then unscrewed the cap and threw it on the sofa.

A Xingchen Sect disciple stood next to Gao Ge, fearfully reporting what happened outside before. He didn’t know whether it was an accident or not.

“Okay, I understand, it’s nothing serious. You can go out first. By the way, let the man named Xiao Yang come over to see me.”

“Yes…” The disciple walked to the door, gritted his teeth, turned around and returned.

Gao Ge blinked and looked at him.

“Is there anything else?”

“Sect Master, this really has nothing to do with Junior Brother Xiao Yang. It’s the guy named Xu Hao who went too far. Moreover, he slapped Xiao Yang. Xiao Yang always had a tolerant attitude and did not fight back.”

“I know.” Gao Ge frowned and said, “You have told me these words before. Now go and call Xiao Yang.”

“…” The disciple sighed. What he just said was already a little out of order. Moreover, he also said everything he wanted to say. The rest can only be seen by Xiao Yang himself. .

Yue Xincheng walked over with a smile and said, “I didn’t expect that Yue Tuzhi is quite a man.”

Gao Ge glanced at him: “He used to be a female celebrity at home?”

Yue Xincheng: “…”

“Sect Master, why did you ask that Xiao Yang to come here?” Chen Guo asked curiously.

“Scold him.” Gao Ge said with a cold face.

Chen Guo just wanted to speak, but Liang Bufan laughed.

“Hey, little Heipi, what are you worried about? It’s not like you don’t know who the boss is. If he wants to scold Xiao Yang, he must be scolding that kid for not fighting back.”

Chen Guo slapped her head: “That’s right, our Xingchen Sect has never been afraid of anything.”

Speaking of this, he glanced at Gao Ge again and said cheerfully: “Speaking of which, if we really talk about the ability to cause trouble, a thousand Xiao Yangs tied together can’t compare to our sect leader!”

Singing loudly: “…”

No matter what you say, it doesn’t sound like you are praising yourself!

Liang Bufan approached Chen Guo and stretched out his hand to turn over the collar of Chen Guo’s shirt. In fact, all the suits this time were prepared by Xie Zhuolian and Meng Jing, because these clothes had to be prepared in advance, and they didn’t know What brand is this suit? I just feel that the fabric is very delicate and the shape is very stiff. The price must not be cheap. Of course, the most important thing is that these suits fit very well. Not only Gao Geyue Xincheng, Chen Guo, Liang Extraordinary ones too.

“Holy shit!” A scream was suddenly heard next to him. Yue Xincheng slapped his clothes desperately with one hand and blew on it.

“What’s wrong?”

“Cigarette butts fell off my clothes.”

Singing loudly: “…”

When Yue Xincheng took off his suit, there was a small black hole on it. Of course, it was not burned through.

“It’s over…” Yue Xincheng turned pale, not because he felt sorry for the money, but because he felt that if Song Yun, Meng Jing and the others found out, they would definitely talk about him to death.

That would definitely be more terrifying than being beaten by a vast realm cultivator.

“Isn’t there another Chinese style one?” Chen Guo asked.

Liang Bufan explained to him: “There are two sets, one is a suit and wedding dress, and the other is Chinese style, both must be worn.”

Chen Guo nodded.

Gao Ge thought and threw his clothes to Yue Xincheng.

“Wear mine first.” Gao Ge said.

“It doesn’t fit!” Yue Xincheng said with a sad face.

Chen Guo and Liang Bufan also shrugged their shoulders.

Among the four, Yue Xincheng is the largest. Although he has lost weight, his frame is still there.

At this time, Song Yun had already rushed over.

“What are you still doing? Hurry up! Let’s go!”

Yue Xincheng sighed and could only put on Gao Ge’s suit first.


It feels a bit like the Korean version of self-cultivation.


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