Immortality Cultivation Era Chapter 1182: Aren’t you curious?


“Eight billion?”

When they heard the numbers from Gao Ge’s mouth, Fulong and the girl were both stunned.

“How is it possible? I just saw that it was only two billion…did you make a mistake?” Fulong took the judge from Gao Singer and counted it himself, “It is indeed eight billion… …Ci’ao! Why am I only one billion? “

“Let me tell you, I think I am indeed better than you.” Gao Ge said, spreading his hands.

Fu Long was immediately speechless.

He threw the tablet to the girl and said, “Dong Yi, go and find out who put Gao Ge’s name on the killing list.”

“Yes!” The girl named Dong Yi took the tablet from Fulong and immediately turned around and left neatly.

Gao Ge continued to look at the folder in his hand.

“I said, are you not worried at all?” Fulong asked.

The entire Dragon Pavilion, not only him and the Dragon King, but Tianlong and others were also put on the hunting list. However, their bounties were not as high as those of Tianlong, the second highest in the Dragon Pavilion. The current bounty is only $5 billion.

Now, looking at the whole of China, the only one with a higher bounty than Gao Ge is the Dragon King.

When Fulong knew that he was on the hunting list, he couldn’t sleep all night long. Although he was not afraid of death, it was also a huge psychological pressure. Anyway, he couldn’t do it like that. Singing like this, so calm and calm, as if nothing had happened.

“Just do whatever you have to do, otherwise? Because I’m on the hunting list, I’ll stay here all day long and not go out?” Gao Ge said with a smile, “Everyone in the world wants to kill me. There are too many people in Dongtian Paradise? If you want to kill me, you have to queue up, okay?”

“…” Fulong wiped the sweat from his forehead.

In fact, what Gao Ge said is true.

This is the truth.

However, it took him a month to figure this out.

Is the idea of ​​singing so clear now?

He felt that there was already a big difference between himself and Gao Ge in terms of mentality.

“The methods of these Onmyojis are indeed somewhat similar to those of the Ghost Sect. If I want to deal with them, I still need Wen Yihuan’s help.” Gao Ge said after closing the folder, “Actually, with Wen Yihuan’s strength, if I want to It’s a little difficult to deal with those people.”

“What do you mean?”

“Tianshi Sect.” Gao Ge said straightforwardly.

Fu Long frowned.

Gao Ge smiled and said: “Is it difficult?”

“It’s very difficult.” Fulong said with a bitter smile, “Although the relationship between Tianshi Sect and our Dragon Pavilion has always been good, they are not from our Dragon Pavilion after all.”

Gao Ge nodded.

Fu Long’s worries are not unreasonable.

And it is so important that not too many people should know about it.

It’s just that right now, whether it’s the Ghost Sect or the Yamato Onmyoji, for them, the people of the Tianshi Sect are their natural enemies. Although Gao Ge now has the cultivation of the ancient martial arts realm, he will inevitably encounter some troubles when dealing with these people. If there are professionals from the Tianshi Sect following him, he may be able to do it much easier.

Because Fulong understood this, he did not directly reject Gao Ge.

“Let me go to the Tianshi Sect, talk to Sect Master Hu, and give it a try.” Gao Ge said, “What do you think?”

“I know that Sect Leader Hu stayed in your Star Sect for a while before, but the matter is very important, so you have to be careful.” Fulong said, “Let’s go to the Dragon King first, and then discuss this matter. How?”

Gao Ge thought for a while and nodded in agreement: “Okay.”

Just as the two were about to leave, the girl named Dong Yi also walked up to them.

“Lord Fulong, the investigation has made it clear that the person who first put Sect Master Gao’s name on the killing list was from Yamato’s side.”

Gao Ge and Fulong looked at each other.

This answer is actually not surprising at all.

Dong Yi continued: “After Sect Master Gao’s name appeared on the hunting list, there were several price increases, including people from China.”

Gao Ge and Fulong didn’t look surprised at all.

“As I said before, looking at the whole of China, the number of people who want to kill me is countless, especially those in Dongtian Paradise who are not short of money.” Gao Ge shrugged.

Dong Yi glanced at Gao Ge, coughed lightly, and said, “Sect Leader Gao, you have just been on the hunting list. You will definitely be noticed by all parties during this period, so you’d better be careful.”

Gao Ge nodded.

Fu Long continued on the side: “What Dong Yi said is true. When I first got on the hunting list, there were a lot of people who wanted to trouble me, including some from abroad who were desperate. Killer.”

“Then what?”

“Then, if one comes, I will kill one, and not many will dare to come.” Fulong laughed.

The words are also full of confidence and pride.

“That’s easy to handle.” Gao Ge said with a smile, “Then I’ll come and kill one too.”

“Well, that’s it, don’t be merciful, otherwise, they will dare to continue trying!” Fulong was like an experienced driver, imparting his experience to Gao Ge who had just made it onto the hunting list.

Watching the two people walking away from each other, Dong Yi took a long breath, tilted her neck, and looked at the two people’s backs. She said in a faint tone: “Who are these people… Could it be that you just Don’t you know what fear is?”


Get in the car and rush to the courtyard.

Seeing the Dragon King again, he sang loudly and moved forward.

“I’ll wait for you here.” Fulong said.

He was very conscious and knew that Gao Ge came all the way to see the Dragon King because of something. He could only let the Dragon King know that it was better not to join in the fun.

Seeing Gao Ge coming forward on his own initiative, the Dragon King was also a little surprised.

After sitting down, Gao Ge stretched out his hands, took the tea handed over by the Dragon King, took a sip, and felt that the taste was a bit strange.

“Cassia, wolfberry, and two pieces of chrysanthemum, how does it taste?” the Dragon King asked with a smile.

“It’s okay, but it’s a little strange.” Gao Ge said truthfully.

“Well, it’s cheap and affordable, and it’s good for your health.” The Dragon King said, “This person, as he gets older, has to pay attention to his health. In fact, the more important thing is to have peace of mind.”

Gao Ge nodded. Although he was not old enough to lament these things, he felt that what the Dragon King said was very reasonable, so he nodded first and then thought about it carefully.

“Is there anything important?” asked the Dragon King.

“The third secret realm will be opened on Plum Island in Southeast Asia, probably this winter.” Gao Ge said.

The Dragon King was slightly startled.

“Now, those people from abroad are all eyeing China and rushing in like crazy. In this case, we can lead them around China, and we can make preparations in advance. .” Gao Ge continued.

“This news is very important. Let’s do the rest. This is no small matter.” The Dragon King laughed.

Then there was a brief silence.

Gao Ge held it in for a long time and asked: “This is my last prediction, and I will never be able to make it again.”

“Well, thank you for your hard work.”

“You… are not curious at all about how I know?” Gao Ge smiled bitterly.


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