Immortality Cultivation Era Chapter 1127: It’s time to do something


After arranging for the Xia family to live in, Gao Ge was already a little tired.

“Boss, your old man is not easy to deal with!” Yue Xincheng said with a smile.

Gao Ge smiled bitterly: “It’s a little bit, but forget it, it’s all small things.”

“Hehe, it’s a trivial matter now, but it probably won’t be in the future.” Yue Xincheng said, “I always feel that after Xia Mu came to the Xingchen Sect, he might not want to be an idler.”

In this case, no one in the Xingchen Sect dared to say nonsense, but Yue Xincheng and Gao Ge had no such concerns at all, and the two were like brothers.

Moreover, Gao Ge also knew in his heart that what Yue Xincheng said now was the truth.

When I saw Xia Mu before, Gao Ge understood.

It is estimated that it will not be long before Xia Mu finds him and asks him to arrange a half-official position for him in the Star Sect.

“Boss, what do you say if your old father-in-law makes trouble in the Star Sect?”

“Do what you want to do,” Gao Ge said.

“Jing said it’s useless, you dare to beat him?”

“Then make a call and let Xia Lu and Xia Shengtang come back.” Gao Ge said.

Facing Xia Mu, he really didn’t have a good idea.

After all, the other party is Xia Lu’s father and his own elder.

At this moment, He Youniang has rushed over.

“Teacher, something happened.”

“What’s the matter?” Gao Ge was slightly startled and asked in confusion, “Someone came to ask for trouble?”

He Youniang didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, and shook her head: “That’s not true.”

Gao Ge breathed a sigh of relief: “As long as someone doesn’t come to Xingchen Sect to make trouble, then everything else is trivial.”

Since the establishment of the sect of Xingchen Sect, there have been many people looking for trouble, and even some idle immortal cultivators who want to challenge Gao Ge, just want to step on Gao Ge’s shoulder and make a name for himself , Although these people can’t possibly cause any trouble to Gao Ge, they are disgusting people!

Other than that, it’s a paradise, all kinds of tossing.

Gao Ge has already had some conditioned reflexes. As soon as he hears someone say something, he subconsciously wants to take out the Flying Star Sword.

“Cough, teacher, in fact, it’s the Xia family master…”

“Uncle Xia?” Gao Ge glanced at Yue Xincheng, Yue Xincheng laughed, his expression was clearly saying to Gao Ge, look, look, what did I just say?

Although Gao Ge also knew that Xia Mu would not live in peace when he came to the Xingchen Sect, he did not expect that the other party would start doing things when he came.

“What’s wrong with him?”

“Mr. Xiao and I were practicing swords before, and there were some other disciples, but Patriarch Xia said that our sword practice was too noisy, so let’s move to another place.”

Gao rubbed his temples.

This Xia Mu is really a pain in the ass!

I’m a cultivator myself, but do you still think other people’s swordsmanship is too noisy?

“For the time being, let’s change places, and bear with him for a while,” Gao Ge said.

“Well, good.” He Youniang nodded and went back.

Xiao Rinran’s temper was not very good, but he rarely tolerated Xia Mu, and asked He Youniang to inform Gao Ge to see what Gao Ge’s opinion was. The result was actually similar to what he thought.

If it was him, I’m afraid there is no better way.

“Forget it, since that’s the case, let’s go to the back mountain first.” Xiao said coldly.

Then, he cupped his hands at Xia Mu again: “Patriarch Xia, we disturbed you before.”

“Hmph, it’s not too bad.” Xia Mu also showed a satisfied smile on his face. The four or five Xia family members who followed behind him were all excited, as if they had won a battle.

Xiao Rinran still looked helpless, just about to turn around and leave, but was stopped by Xia Mu.

“Mr. Xiao, I remembered that you were Gao Ge’s former teacher at the Immortal Cultivation Academy. I won’t say anything extra, but I still hope you can understand your status in the Star Sect.” Xia Mu said calmly.

Xiao Rinran was slightly startled, a little unclear.

“In the future, I don’t need to ask Gao Ge at all. He still respects him. Could it be that he dares to help you to reprimand me?” Xia Mu continued.

Xiao Rinran suddenly realized when he heard this. It seems that when he asked He Youniang to report to Gao Ge, the other party also saw it, and he didn’t stop it before. It turned out that he was waiting for this time. Opportunities, certainly not willing to let go.

In this way, Xiao Rinran just can’t accept it.

He took a deep breath, looked at Xia Mu, and said in a deep voice, “Patriarch Xia, since you are the future father-in-law of Sect Master Gao, I think you should set an example rather than be proud of it.”

“Presumptuous! What did you say?”

“How can I talk to our homeowner!”

Xia Mu didn’t react yet. Instead, the Xia family members standing behind him were all blown away.

However, Xiao Rinran’s eyes are still calm, He Youniang and others are already standing behind him, and there are still flashes of coldness in their eyes, as if as long as Xiao Rinran gives an order, they will rush up and beat the person in front. After a meal, the big deal is not to beat Xia Mu.

However, Xiao Rinran is not an impulsive person, he continued: “The Star Sect has not been established very long now, plus some time ago, the Heavenly Paradise had an impact on the Star Sect. Nei will still be panicking, if you use yourself as Gao Ge’s future father-in-law to make a fortune, you will only make a mess of the Xingchen Sect, that’s all, let’s go.”

After he finished speaking, he took He Youniang and others to turn around and leave.

“Mr. Xiao, you really don’t want to beat them?” He Youniang whispered.

“Nonsense.” Xiao Rin frowned, “Didn’t the sect master say it? Let’s bear it for a while, forget it, it’s not a big deal anyway, and the back mountain is still a little more empty, plus The medicine field is more suitable for us to practice, but you have to be careful, you must not destroy the medicine field, understand?”

“Got it!”

He Youniang looked a little worried.

“Mr. Xiao, what if the Xia family goes too far?”

“These are the problems of the sect master.” Xiao Rinran said with a smile, “Don’t worry, he is your teacher, you should know him, and you should trust him, these things are actually small problems for him. .”

He Youniang pursed her lips, nodded, and stopped talking.

As for the people of the Xia family, they wanted to rush up to continue to say a few words, but they were blocked by Xia Mu raising his hand.

“Homeowner, let’s just forget about it?”

“Yes, Uncle, we can’t bear it!”

“Patriarch, this Xiao Rinran dares to ignore you because he is my uncle’s former teacher. This is too much!”

Xia Mu waved his hands to signal them to be quiet.

“I know you are unhappy, but we have just come to the Star Sect. If there is a conflict with Xiao Rinran, what will Gao Ge think of us? Don’t worry, wait until we take root in the Star Sect and become familiar with us. He will settle accounts in the autumn.”


Xia Mu snorted coldly as he looked at the backs of Xiao Rinran and the others leaving.

“Go back to rest first.”



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