Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art Chapter 6593: Arriving in the heaven, the ghost sword will take the lead!


That is the energy generated by the self-destruction of the world master avatar behind the scenes. It is impossible to imagine how tyrannical that energy is.

Lin Feng is worried that Yaojun is naturally very normal.

At this time, a figure flew out from the center of the explosion. It was the demon king.

At this moment, Yaojun is seriously injured. His body is stained with blood and his breath is turbulent. Bone-deep wounds can be seen in many places. The only good thing is that Yaojun is still alive, which makes Lin Feng grow out. in one breath.

It’s just that Yaojun’s injury is too serious, so when Yaojun entered the ancient Lord of the Rings, he fell silent, and he needed to retreat to heal his wounds.

Lin Feng wanted to escape after seeing the ancient weapon-level magic weapon of the world master avatar behind the scenes.

How could Lin Feng let that ancient weapon-level magic weapon escape?

He quickly took action and suppressed the ancient weapon-level treasure.

This is the sixth ancient weapon-level treasure that Lin Feng collected. It’s really cool to have gotten so many ancient weapons.

“Dead, this time the doppelganger’s avatar is really dead”.

“Run away, run away quickly, or you will die if you don’t run away.”

Those cultivators who surpassed the realm screamed in horror, and even the avatar of the master of the world behind the scenes, Ji Lian, was executed, and those of them who stayed behind were completely sent to death.

These people hated Lin Feng so much, because in their opinion, if it wasn’t for Lin Feng, they wouldn’t have lost so much in this battle.

Although they hate Lin Feng very much, these cultivators also admit that Lin Feng’s appeal is too powerful, and there are so many hidden methods that he can even twist the cultivators of different forces into a single rope. Lin Feng seems to have an invisible charm. , This invisible charm makes many people willing to follow him.

It’s a pity that Lin Feng and they are not monks of the same camp.

But what’s the use of thinking about it now?

Get out of here first.

After escaping, look for opportunities to take revenge.

At that time, Lin Feng must be smashed to ashes, which is the thought in the hearts of many monks.

It’s just that it’s not easy for those powerhouses who have surpassed their realm to escape. When the master of the world behind the scenes dealt with Lin Feng, they helped to involve the corpse-like old man, the Red Dust Immortal Venerable and other powerhouses.

And now that these people want to escape, the transcendental powerhouses on the Allied side can naturally hold these people so that they cannot escape.

As for the Heavenly Court cultivator army, it was already in a state of disintegration. After seeing the resurrection of the world master avatar behind the scenes, morale increased a little.

But it didn’t take long for the world master clone behind the scenes to be killed for the second time.

After being killed this time, the avatar of the world master behind the scenes did not resurrect as before, but the dead can no longer die.

The avatar of the world master behind the scenes was killed for the second time, causing a second blow to the Heavenly Court Coalition.

The monks on the side of the Heavenly Court Coalition felt like they were going crazy.

I finally raised some hope, which was instantly dashed.

And the Alliance of Heavenly Court saw that even those monks who surpassed the realm wanted to escape, what are they waiting for here?

The defeat of this battle has been decided. Run away. When you escaped before, you still had some thoughts in your heart. After all, the high-level cultivators did not escape. They, the cultivators, escaped. Sacrifice flag, who will become these unlucky **** is hard to say.

Anyone is a possibility.

And now, even the powerhouses beyond the realm want to escape from here, who can accuse them of these monks escaping?

The Allied army will not let these monks escape easily. These people are completely messed up, fleeing like headless flies, but the monks on the Allied side are still strict in formation.

The combat effectiveness of the cultivator army on the Allied side is still very strong. In addition, the morale is high, and the brave will win when they meet on a narrow road. It can be seen how much morale plays a role in personal combat power, not to mention that so many cultivators gather together. , Under the blessing of morale, the combat power absolutely skyrocketed.

Therefore, the situation on the battlefield was almost one-sided. The cultivators on the side of the Heavenly Court Coalition were massacred, and the losses on the Allied side were much smaller than those on the side of the Heavenly Court.

“Kill all these powerhouses beyond the realm!”.

After killing the avatar of the world master who was behind the scenes, Lin Feng led the army to kill the powerhouses who surpassed the realm. This tragic battle finally ended after more than an hour.

Heavenly Allied Forces:

The most powerful behind-the-scenes world master clone was killed.

Seventy-eight powerful men who surpassed the realm were executed and thirty-six people were killed.

Fourteen people were also captured.

The rest escaped.

The 560 million cultivators of the Heavenly Court Coalition were wiped out by 200 million cultivators.

Captured alive by an army of 130 million monks.

The remaining 230 million monks escaped.

Poor thieves don’t chase after them.

Lin Feng did not order the monk army to hunt down the fleeing Heavenly Court coalition.

The captives are temporarily suppressed.

Lin Feng left the monk army behind to clean up the battlefield.

As for Lin Feng and many of the powerhouses beyond the realm, they quickly flew towards Heaven with the help of Lin Feng’s Mind Gate. .

If you fly, it will take more than ten days to reach the heaven.


If you keep urging the door of the mind, you can reach it in a quarter of an hour.

Of course, the consumption of mana by activating the gate of the mind is too serious, and Lin Feng can’t keep activating the gate of the mind. He activates it three or four times in a row, and the mana consumption is almost the same.


Isn’t Lin Feng still surrounded by dozens of powerhouses beyond the realm?

Lin Feng did not use his own mana at all, but let these transcendental powerhouses bless the door of the mind.

They perform the Void Teleport.

A quarter of an hour later.

They have traveled more than ten days.

Nowadays, Heavenly Court doesn’t know the news of the defeat of the Heavenly Court Allied Forces.

After all, the defeat of the Heavenly Court Allied Forces was not too long ago, and no matter how fast the news spread, it was impossible to get the news back immediately.

To come to Heaven this time, of course, is to loot the treasure house of Heaven.

Of course, what interests Lin Feng the most is the Ancestral Stone of the Town Hall.

This thing can help Lin Feng awaken the fourth bloodline.

So now Lin Feng can’t wait to get the Ancestral Stone, and then awaken his fourth bloodline.

Lin Feng was really curious and wanted to know what his fourth bloodline was.

I hope this time, I can get the answer.

Lin Feng and others came to Nantianmen. This place should have been guarded strictly, but after Lin Feng and others came here, they found that there is no one in this place.

“Something is not right”.

A strong man beyond the realm said in a deep voice.

After seeing the situation here, Lin Feng suddenly remembered that he had contacted Ghost Sword and others before, hoping that Ghost Sword could help deal with the Heavenly Court Alliance, but Lin Feng was rejected.

Ghost Sword and the others didn’t plan to help at all. At that time, Lin Feng thought that these people were 80% wanting to loot the treasure house of the Heavenly Court when they and the Allied Forces of Heavenly Court fought to the death. Time.

Lin Feng said, “It should be the Ghost Sword and the others who are here. The rest of the people can say something. The Ghost Sword is a quasi-Creator-level weapon repairer. Of course, his power should not have returned to the peak of the past.” .

“But even if he doesn’t recover, his realm is still there. Even if he has only one-tenth of his combat power, it’s terrifying and unimaginable. Fortunately, our side has the advantage, but we don’t need to be afraid of ghost swords! “.

After hearing Lin Feng’s words, many people’s faces became solemn.

Ghost Sword is indeed a tough character, and they don’t want to offend Ghost Sword if at all possible.

It’s just that, if Ghost Sword really came here, it would only be the opposite of Ghost Sword.

Everyone finally defeated the Allied Forces of Heavenly Court, how could they be willing to let those opportunities that belonged to them be taken by Ghost Sword and others?

As Lin Feng said, there are many people on their side.

This is their advantage.

Lin Feng and others speeded up, and they flew all the way to the depths, and the interior of the Heavenly Court was a little strangely quiet.

On the way, although Lin Feng and the others did not see any trace of the monks, they saw a lot of bloodstains. Lin Feng guessed that among the monks who came to Heavenly Court this time, it is estimated that there are creatures who are good at devouring.

All the dead monks were swallowed by this creature, right?

The heaven is big enough to fly from one end to the other for three days and three nights.

Fortunately, the temple of God that Lin Feng and the others went to was not too far from Nantianmen.

An hour later, Lin Feng and others came to the Temple of God.

The Temple of God is very huge, covering an area as large as thousands of acres of land.

The Temple of God is the place where the Lord of the Thirty-Three Days practiced.

The treasure house of heaven is also located here.

When Lin Feng and the others came to this place, they saw from a distance a dozen figures floating up and down, besieging the Temple of God.

Lin Feng saw the ghost sword glowing green.

And Mo Tong Yi, Mo Tower, Ling Muhua and others are also here.

These guys really want to come here to take advantage.

Lin Feng really had the urge to kick them to death.

Among the dozen or so powerhouses, most of them, Lin Feng, do not know each other.

I don’t know what kind of power those monks are.

But no matter what power they are, these people are now very close to Ghost Sword.

It seems that Ghost Sword’s appeal is still very strong, and it is normal to think about it. Although Ghost Sword has not recovered its quasi-Creator-level combat power, given him time, he will definitely be able to recover as before.

A strong man like him is too much attention.

There are definitely a lot of strong people who want to have a relationship with a strong person like him.

This is the powerful appeal of a quasi-creator-level monk.

The offensive of Ghost Sword and others was extremely violent.

The prohibition on the Temple of God will not last long.

Lin Feng and the others had never seen anyone in Heaven before. The monks in the Temple of God were the first monks from Heaven they saw.


There were still many monks who guarded the Heavenly Court before, but after being attacked by Ghost Sword and others, the losses were extremely heavy. Except for those who died, many people had already escaped during the war.

There are also some people who have retreated to the temple of God. These people are loyal to the Thirty-Three Lords, and they want to protect the temple of God. After these people retreated to the temple of God, they opened the temple of God. prohibition.

The prohibition in the Temple of God is very powerful, but the cultivation of people like Ghost Sword is even more terrifying.

Especially this guy, Ghost Sword, is extremely powerful.

The Temple of God persisted for a quarter of an hour.

Finally destroyed by Ghost Sword.

The ghost sword shook lightly in the void, and countless sword qi flew into the interior of the Temple of God. The terrifying sword qi instantly killed all the monks in the Temple of God.

Lin Feng flew over with a large number of masters.

Lin Feng said, “Ghost sword, I haven’t seen it for a while, and my skill has increased.”

Ghost Sword had already discovered Lin Feng and the others. After seeing Lin Feng and the others flying over, Ghost Sword said with a sneer, “I never thought that you would solve those masters of the Heavenly Court Alliance so quickly. It really makes me feel a little bit. Incredible”.

Lin Feng said, “Hehe, don’t make a fuss, for me, this is just a routine operation.”

“This is a big blow.” The magic tower sneered.

Lin Feng scolded, “I call you numb! Since I am here today, if you want to get the things in the treasure house, you must first ask us if we agree.”

“Hehe, it’s just a bunch of people who want to stop me from waiting for the treasure here? It’s ridiculous, Lin Feng, I didn’t deal with you because of the face of the first ancestor. If you are interested, how far is it? How far away, instead of trying to catch death in front of this seat,” Ghost Sword said coldly.

This guy’s strength is really terrifying, so he does have the capital to be proud of.

Lin Feng said coldly, “After the battle, I know who gets out and who stays!”.

Actually, if Lin Feng’s Black Dragon Sword is restored, he won’t be afraid of Ghost Sword.

Unfortunately, Lin Feng’s Black Dragon Sword was not restored.

Only after finding the Hei Jing, can Lin Feng’s Black Dragon Sword be restored to its original state.

But for now, Lin Feng has not received any news from the Hei Jing.

The Black Dragon Sword is naturally unusable.

However, Lin Feng has enough ancient weapons. To deal with ghost swords, he can rely on the treasures of these ancient weapons.

With a big wave of Lin Feng’s hand, all the eleven ancient weapons that Lin Feng had sacrificed and refined flew out. , there is no sacrifice, so here Lin Feng only sacrificed eleven ancient weapons).

Ten ancient weapons of pure attack type formed an ancient weapon array? As for the treasure of the Soul Requieming Bell, which was also activated by Lin Feng, the Soul Requiring Bell shook out a terrifying soul-type attack supernatural power. This is a group attack. It can affect the soul of the monks here in Ghost Sword.

Lin Feng knows that with his means alone, he is definitely not the opponent of Ghost Sword, and he needs some help.

Lin Feng looked at the mummified old man, the Red Dust Immortal, and the ancestor of the undead family named Yuwen Siji.

These three people are the most powerful among all the monks. Lin Feng sent a voice transmission to the three of them. He intends to unite these three powerful men to besiege the Ghost Sword.

The remaining transcendental powerhouses are besieging the rest of the powerhouses, but there are several extremely terrifying cultivators on the side of Ghost Sword, and the breath is extremely terrifying. .

The top three masters on Lin Feng’s side will be besieging the Ghost Sword together with Lin Feng. Lin Feng has no cultivators who are close to immortality or immortality.

The most powerful one is the Great Prison Demon Sage. He is in the Heaven-Defying Realm, but there is still some gap between him and the top experts in Ghost Sword.

So Lin Feng doesn’t know if the Great Prison Demon Saint and the others can handle the monks on the Ghost Sword side.

Fortunately, they have the upper hand, so even if they can’t deal with each other, it should be no problem to hold the other party for a while.

The key is to see if Lin Feng, Hongchen Immortal Venerable, the mummified old man, and the four powerhouses of Yuwen’s four poles can defeat the Ghost Sword.


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