Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art Chapter 579: Fierce fighting


“What kind of magical power is this?”. The woman’s face was very ugly. She probably couldn’t believe that Lin Feng knew such a terrifying magical power.

Lin Feng sneered, “It’s the magical power that will kill you!”.

The four large characters of God’s Talisman are shining brightly and continue to be suppressed.

It is as if it can collapse the void of eternity.

However, this woman is also very human. When she was killed by the Heavenly Talisman, she patted her jade hand lightly, and endless golden light rose into the sky, turning into countless mysterious runes, which were the same as the four words of the Heavenly Talisman. They collided hard together.

The Heavenly Talisman had just broken the woman’s magical power, and its power had dropped a lot. Therefore, facing the woman’s new attack, the Heavenly Talisman was finally broken.

But Lin Feng still has a backup plan.

Lin Feng had already used twenty-four stone swords and went directly towards the woman to kill her.

Twenty-four stone swords have great destructive power and restraint effect on such strong men who have spanned more than one era. Using twenty-four stone swords to deal with this woman is really the best.

But this woman shouted coldly, “The realm of soldiers!”.


The next moment, a special domain world condensed, directly shrouding Lin Feng in it. As mentioned before, there are some similarities between domain-type existences and domineering magnetic fields.

But it is definitely not as high as the growth potential of the Domineering Magnetic Field.

But it should not be underestimated. It is not a method that a monk can master if he wants to. Especially in this extremely high-level field, it is even more difficult to master it. Monks who can master this extremely high-level field , among the top powerhouses, they are probably rare.

And this field of military affairs is indeed dangerous.

Because Lin Feng discovered that his twenty-four stone swords fell to the ground as if out of control. This was the first time that this happened. Even if Lin Feng moved the soldiers’ tomb, Lin Feng only got He regained control of the twenty-four stone swords, but was unable to release the power of the twenty-four stone swords.

“With your realm of weapons, can you deprive monks of their control over magic weapons?”. Lin Feng’s face was gloomy.

The woman said coldly, “To be more precise, it can make all magic weapons lose their divinity!”.

“Huh! I can beat you to death without using any magic weapon!”.

Lin Feng replied coldly and put away the magic weapon.

“Speaking without shame”.

The woman looked at Lin Feng coldly. She was chanting a spell gently, and seemed to be performing an extremely powerful skill.

Lin Feng felt that he could not let this woman succeed, otherwise it would be terrible, so Lin Feng used the God-Splitting Technique to deal with this woman. This is a soul-type attack activated by a spell.

You can kill the opponent’s soul silently.

Once successful, he will definitely be able to successfully stop the woman, and may even cause her to suffer some backlash.

Once, failed.

Twice, failed.

Three times, failed.

However, what makes Lin Feng a little depressed is that he used it many times in a row, but in the end it all ended in failure. This shows that the woman in front of him protects her soul very well and does not give anyone any chance to attack her soul.

This is a pretty bad situation, because it means that Lin Feng can no longer stop her from using her new secret skill.

“I came from the Immortal Palace, and I will live forever in the Immortal Palace!”.


As the woman’s voice fell, a palace that looked a little ethereal was condensed in the void. The palace didn’t know how many tens of thousands of feet high it was, and it didn’t know how many tens of thousands of feet it was. Width, unimaginably huge, eternal and immortal.

This woman entered the palace directly, and she became an immortal existence in the palace.

“What kind of palace is this? It has an aura similar to that of the Supreme Court of God. Could it be a palace inside the Supreme Court of God?”.

Looking at that palace, Lin Feng felt a huge shock in his heart.

There was even an extremely strong sense of fear.

Suddenly, Lin Feng knew that the power carried by that palace could threaten his life.

Lin Feng felt a little emotional. We really should not underestimate the monks in the world, especially the strong men of these ancient forces. They all have the most top-notch inheritances, and some of the inheritances are really terrifying and shocking.

Lin Feng felt that facing such a terrifying attack from the other party, one should not go head-to-head and temporarily adopt defensive measures as the best strategy.

Because the opponent’s attack is powerful, but the consumption is also serious, just like the heavenly talisman that Lin Feng used before. What a terrifying method, but it took away one-third of Lin Feng’s mana. The magical power used by this female monk The same is true. It was so terrifying that Lin Feng felt horrified, but her consumption must also be extremely serious. After Lin Feng resisted several times, the opponent’s magical power was seriously consumed, and the power of her magical power would also be greatly reduced. At that time, it was Lin Feng’s perfect opportunity to fight back.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng directly activated several defensive magic weapons, and a powerful defensive light shield suddenly formed outside his body, protecting him within it.

When the Immortal Palace bombarded him, Lin Feng was immediately blasted away. The defensive light shield outside Lin Feng was strong enough and was not destroyed, but the powerful force still knocked Lin Feng away. Going out, no matter how powerful the defensive light shield is, it can only resist part of the attack. Some of the power is transmitted into the interior through the defensive light shield, but it is resolved by Lin Feng using the indestructible power of the Vajra and being as solid as a rock.

But the Immortal Palace’s attacks were continuous, hitting the defensive light shield outside Lin Feng again and again, and blasting Lin Feng away again and again.

Even with Lin Feng’s strong body, he couldn’t bear it. He was shocked and his mouth and nose were bleeding.

And the outer defensive light shield began to show damage after resisting six or seven attacks.

The woman said coldly, “Even if you are wearing a turtle shell, it is of no use. In the face of absolute strength, there is only one end for you, and that is death!”.

The woman continued to control the Immortal Palace to attack Lin Feng.

Bang bang bang!

There were three more violent collisions, and this time, Lin Feng’s protective shield completely shattered.

Several defensive magic weapons cannot be activated for the time being.

And Lin Feng was once again blown away.

Lin Feng stabilized his body.

Facing the Immortal Palace that continued to attack him rapidly, Lin Feng did not feel any fear.

On the face, there was an extremely cold smile.

Because, that woman had already mobilized the Immortal Palace to attack him nearly ten times in a row.

The consumption is already very serious.


It was his turn to show off his power.

Facing the crushing power of the Immortal Palace, Lin Feng began to use the unique skill of hitting the head. ()


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