I’m Really a Superstar: 【I want to be a star! ]


Zhang Ye felt that his life was very exciting.

Last month, he opened his thirty-second solo concert.

A few days ago, the United Nations Secretary-General Lao Pan invited him to dinner.

Yesterday, the American Hollywood 3D sci-fi blockbuster “Railway Guerrilla” asked him to play the leading role.

As an excellent artist, Zhang Ye has always been sighing with emotion. Does he have any regrets in his life? No, it’s just perfect. If there are any flaws in life, um, it may be that his bragging problem has not been corrected.

The front is bullshit.

Zhang Ye is actually a fresh graduate. He is an ordinary little person in the big world. His dream is to become a star, no matter whether he is a host, a singer, or a writer, as long as he Just be famous. His vision is still quite high. It not only wants to become a star, but also wants to become the top star in the world. This is his lifelong goal, and he has never given up the idea. Tomorrow is the day to go to the radio station for an interview as a broadcast host. He is still very uncertain, and he doesn’t know if he can succeed.

Maybe it was because he slept late last night. He had a dream in which a few lines of three-dimensional small characters flashed.

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【Confirm player…】

[The game has been installed, you are the only player in this game, this is a game that helps players realize their dreams, the player’s dream goal has been detected, the game is planned to end, and the ending of the game’s main line has been set – helping players become The greatest star in the world. ]

[Game Difficulty: The highest. ]

[Please wait, the novice reward package is being randomly drawn. ]

[Get the reward ‘Randomly modify the real world background’. ]

[Countdown, five…four…three…two…one…the game begins! ]


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