I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: Unity)


[Chapter Series・Young Hunter 3・『…………』]

[Western Sea, Rath Gap Island. A figure held a newspaper that published news about the young hunter “Giorno” and slowly came to the hillside outside the town where birds were singing and flowers were fragrant. The wind is blowing slowly. ]


Merchant ship, deck.

A tall and thick man was wrestling shirtless with a black-haired boy of half height. Some sailors gathered around to watch the excitement.

“Come on!”

“Don’t lose to a little kid!”

“Giorno is awesome! Come on!”

Lin Qi fought against the sweaty and smelly big man in front of him. His seemingly delicate arms bulged out with clear-cut muscles, and his entire upper body seemed to expand in a circle, increasing in strength.

Especially under his feet, the wooden deck creaked.

This kid has such amazing strength… The big man struggled to hold on, but in the end he was unable to hold on and was thrown out by Lynch. Boom! The deck trembled.

“Okay!!” “Oh~~!!”

The onlookers either applauded, or booed, or exchanged money with each other, seeming to place bets on who would win the wrestling…


Lin Qi let out a long breath of hot breath. After relaxing, the muscles in his limbs became sore.

He casually sat on the deck leaning against the cabin wall, taking a rest in the sea breeze.

The ghostly “B.I.B” appeared behind him and beside him, constantly massaging the body’s limbs, shoulders and back.

It has all the memories and experiences of the main body, and naturally knows better than anyone else which parts of the main body need massage and relaxation.

Lin Qi closed his eyes and took long breaths, as if he was entering a deep rest, and his physical strength was rapidly recovering.

Intentionally or unintentionally.

Lin Qi could vaguely feel his limbs, shoulders, back, head, feet…even his internal organs, the rushing blood in his blood vessels…the pacing and beating of his heart…and even his thick hair, The soft hairs on the skin and the hair seem to be flowing with some kind of breath that belongs to the essence of life…

The accumulated fatigue and pain in the body is like red snow everywhere. As his long breathing rose and fell, under the scorching spiritual sun, the red snow melted rapidly…


“Ahead…there is a pirate ship!”

Lin Qi was awakened by the exclamations on the deck. He opened his eyes and yawned. He looked around refreshed and saw a pirate ship passing by about a few hundred meters in front of the merchant ship.

“They are coming this way!”

“Damn, did you notice us?!”

Experienced sailors quickly identified the movement of the pirate ship ahead. Many sailors drew their weapons and stood ready.

Merchant ships walking on the sea naturally have escorts accompanying them.

“The flag of the pirate group…” Lynch raised his hand and looked at the skull and crossbones flag on the pirate ship. The “B.I.B” on the side quickly compared it with the “Pirate Encyclopedia of the Western Sea” in the “memory bank” and told the main body the corresponding information. “The captain only has a bounty of 1.4 million Baileys…” He smacked his lips and smiled, “The captain belongs to me, and the rest belongs to you, how about that?”

Old Henry also came out, his originally solemn brows relieved slightly, “Then I’ll leave it to you.”

He knew that this boy was the rumored Devil Fruit user.

In addition, it has considerable power. The three-legged rough guys on my ship are probably not enough for this young man to fight against.

This can be seen by comparing the shocked expressions of the sailors around him after the young man said these words.


The sky is dim and it is evening.

The two-masted merchant ship docked slowly at the port of the next island.

The sailors of the merchant ship unloaded the ship with various cargos. Lynch put on his backpack, carried a large box in one hand, and a pirate captain worth 1.4 million Baileys in the other hand, and jumped off the ship. .

“If you have a chance, take our ship~!” Someone on the merchant ship waved goodbye.

Lynch grabbed the pirates’ claws and waved to them.

“What a strange and powerful young man!” Old Henry on the merchant ship murmured to himself.


Enter the island’s town.

Walking on the street, pedestrians looked at Lynch one after another.

This young man’s behavior is really too unique. He is carrying a big bag, a big box in one hand, and dragging a big man who seems to be unconscious with the other hand… Looking at his appearance, he must be a strong man. Pirates? !

Lynch was walking as if no one else was around and saw a group of people in black suits. He politely asked: “Which direction is the naval base on this island?”

“Ah?” A question mark popped up on the heads of the men in black suits. Where did such a short-sighted boy come from? “Get out of here, dare to block the way of our ‘shotgun’? Boy, do you want to die?”

“Shotgun”? Lin Qi pondered and listened intently, and a dark armor appeared in his ears. The latter reminded: “One of the five major gangster forces in the West Sea has recruited “Jotaro Kujo” before…”

“What are you looking at!” The man in the black suit cursed at the passers-by who were standing around, “If you don’t come here to stop this kid, are you with him, a guy who wants to provoke our ‘shotgun’?”

The passers-by were shocked, could this be a disaster? !

At this time, Lynch passed between several black suits.

“Kid, who allowed you to leave?!” The men in black suits were angry, reaching out to grab Lynch’s hair, backpack, and box, “Stop, let me check your kid’s…ah!!”

With a whoosh, the man screamed and disappeared on the spot.

Lynch walked from the front to the end of these black suits, and the black suits said “ah”, “ah”, “ah” one by one… and disappeared on the spot.

Many passers-by opened their mouths in shock.

Some people wiped their eyes, and those with better eyesight were also wondering if they had seen it wrong… Just now, with every step the child took, there was a member of “Shotgun”, and a black hole appeared on the ground under his feet, and he lost his footing and fell. Go down.

But what about the hole?

Where is the hole in the ground? ?

“I hope there are caves, underground water or something down there…” Lynch said to himself insincerely. “I hope you’re okay!”



The door of the bar was kicked open.

The noisy bar was quiet for a moment.

This scene seems to be similar…Lin Qi put down his feet, gestured to his full hands, and said with a smile: “I can’t free my hands, it’s okay, you continue.”

As he spoke, he came to a table and sat down, put down his backpack and box, threw the dead pirate to the ground, and stepped on it with his feet.

“I’m so hungry, let’s get something to eat!” Lin Qi pulled out a wad of banknotes.

In the bar, many pairs of eyes looked at the intruding young man intentionally or unintentionally.

Someone saw the banknotes in his hand, the bulging backpack, and the big box.

Some people carefully looked at the young man’s facial features, as if they had seen him somewhere.

Someone… looked at the pirate under the boy’s feet with surprise. Damn it, that’s not… This is a pirate with a bounty of 1.4 million Baileys. Did he fall at the feet of this kid? !

Where these people couldn’t see, a pitch-black mask with white eyes glowed, floating and flying around the bar, observing the drinkers with different expressions.

The food was served, and Lin Qi ate happily. He even stepped on it when he was happy.

Poof! The pirate at his feet was half awake and was about to struggle. But no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn’t get up from one of Lynch’s feet, and his face turned red.

More than…more than one of his feet! ! The pirate roared in his heart.

What he couldn’t see was that next to Lynch’s foot that was stepping on his chest, a faceless black armor was sitting. “B.I.B” noticed that the man had woken up and casually punched him in the head.

Woo! The 1.4 million pirate’s vision went dark, and he fainted again in frustration.


Lin Qi had enough to eat and drink, and soon found out the location of the naval base easily in the crowded bar.

Looking at his leaving figure.

“It turns out that he is the young hunter mentioned in the newspaper recently…”

“What’s it called?”

“Qiao…Qiaoqiao or something?”

The drinkers in the discussion glanced at the place where Lynch asked just now. A drunk man was knocked unconscious. “Forget it, never mind it, keep drinking!”


Naval base.

“Are you that Giorno?”

“You are indeed as young as the newspaper said…”

“Verified, the bounty of 1.4 million Baileys is correct.”

Lynch threw the half-dead pirates to the navy with ease and skill, turned around and left with his backpack and suitcase.

On the other hand, there was a navy man who looked at Lin Qi’s back with a thoughtful look on his face.

“What’s wrong with you?”

“The boy’s appearance and features look like he is from that country…” The navy quickly shook his head, “But the name is not similar. Forget it!”

“That country?”

Other colleagues, the sailors, all thought of their other weird colleague. The voice and smile of that person appeared in the bubbles above their heads, and they couldn’t help but shudder.

“He has been gone for several days, why does he remind us of bad scenes!!”



“How many shop windows have I wandered into, how many hotels have I stayed in…”

Lynch put the key in his pocket, directly opened a hole in the hotel room door and walked in.

“Uh, what’s the next sentence about?”

Lin Qi threw down the salute, fell onto the big bed, looked at the ceiling and asked, “Hey, brother, there is a date in One Piece, right? What is today’s date?”

“B.I.B” in jet black armor appeared on the floor, his eyes glowing white, and announced a date.


Lynch muttered to himself. “It’s strange. I couldn’t remember their birthdays before, but now I suddenly remember them so clearly!”

『…』The armor accompanied the silence.

Lin Qi patted his belly and said with a smile: “It’s a pity that I’m full, otherwise I should have had a bowl of longevity noodles!”

He allowed himself to lie down for a while, then quickly patted his cheeks, jumped up and down from the bed, and stretched his arms, “Let’s go outside and continue practicing!”

He looked at the window, took a few steps back, then sprinted forward, hitting the window and the wall directly.

Hey, he “bumped” a big hole in the wall and window and jumped out of the hotel.



Lynch put the green phone bug on the ground and practiced the youth version of shaving and iron with it for a while.

He looked at the surging sea water, touched his chin, and snapped his fingers.

“Unload equipment!”

“B.I.B”, who was silently training on the side, disassembled his left arm covered with blue flame patterns, flew to the back of the main body, and took out the chip of Guangguan Fruit from his body.

Lin Qi looked at the sea and geared up.

Swinging one foot at a time, he took off his shoes and stepped on them with his bare feet.

“Wuhu! Take off!”

Lynch jumped down.


The green phone bug that was dozing on the ground suddenly started to wake up.

It looked back and saw that “B.I.B”‘s left arm clicked back and continued to exercise, seemingly not caring about Lynch jumping into the sea.


With a swipe, Xiao Lu jumped to the shore and looked down at the sea.

Lin Qi jumped in the air, concentrating on using the “Moon Step” among the six moves, ?_, ?_, ?_… His two bare feet kept kicking in the air.

The explosive power of shaving…the continuous hardening of the iron?

Suddenly, there seemed to be a gust of wind beneath my feet.

Lin Qi showed a hint of joy. It felt as if what he was stepping on was not air, but soft balloons.


Before Lin Qi could continue to think about it, others had already fallen freely into the sea.


During the process of sinking in the sea, Lynch puffed up his cheeks, folded his arms, crossed his legs, lost in thought, and let his body tumbling in the water.

Soon, he held his arms and held his breath while keeping other parts of his body motionless, stepping on the water with only his feet.

Wow, wow, wow…

The water flow under his feet became heavier and heavier, and the thrust force became stronger.


“Wow”, “Wow”……

The black-haired boy stepped on his feet and “stood” on the sea. The water surged, never reaching the knees.

“…” Lin Qi’s face was filled with astonishment.

My feet are obviously trying to do a cool and cool mid-air walk with the Moon Step, but why do they make it… seem like they are just treading water? !

This is not a moon step at all!

This is Langbu!

“Tsk, my legs are still not strong enough!”

Lynch is not discouraged. His current physical strength is not enough, which is expected.

If it’s not enough, then keep practicing.

Lin Qi stepped on it hard.

I don’t know how long he had been treading water, but just when he was exhausted, he was about to go ashore.

“Huh? Why have you become more relaxed?”

Lin Qi felt a rising current rising from the waves under his feet. He touched his chin and muttered to himself, “Am I really such a genius, am I making such rapid progress?!”

At this time, he had almost stopped his “waving steps”, but there were still waves of water rising up, dragging him back from sinking.

A question mark slowly appeared on Lynch’s head.

He looked down and saw a huge black shadow rising rapidly from the water! Soon, “crash”, the sea surface broke open, dragging Lin Qi up.

Lin Qi’s feet swayed and he fell to the “ground”.

Hearing the abnormal sound of huge waves, “B.I.B” immediately stopped moving and flew towards the shore. The green phone bug was also shouting “bulu” and “bulu” right at the sea.

“B.I.B” flew down, his eyes glowing with white light, and he immediately saw that there was actually a giant floating on the surface of the sea where there was nothing at first… a giant with a strong build, and even a simple visual inspection was more than ten meters tall!

This giant has black hair and a beard, round eyes, long eyelashes and thick lips. Judging from the proportions, he has a short figure. He wears a huge navy shirt uniform, which is unbuttoned, revealing thick chest hair… What’s even more frightening is that, He was not wearing a navy uniform, but a strange huge pleated skirt…

At this time, Lin Qi in his true form was sitting on the belly of this giant floating on the sea.

“…?” Lin Qi and the giant looked at each other. The latter’s mouth was tightly closed at this time, and his slightly fat face was bulging. “What are you doing? Are you holding your breath?”

Papa, he patted the bulging fat belly under the seat.

“I hate it! Don’t take pictures of me!” The giant man with beards all over his chin said in a thick voice, “Do you like me?”

When he opened his mouth, he sucked in a lot of air and let it out.

“Ah, crap…” the bearded giant muttered. Soon, just like he had floated, Gululu sank again and was immersed in the sea.

Lin Qi used “Wave Step” to step on the turbulent sea surface and whistled towards the shore.

Chiff—the arm armor covered with blue lines flew over, entered the sea without causing any splash, and quickly caught up with the giant who was unable to sink. In comparison, an arm armor as big as a mosquito entered the giant’s hairy body, and soon, a triangular chip glowing with white light was taken out.


The giant who could only spit bubbles and sink in the water suddenly changed his eyes, and he felt that his limbs were full of strength again.


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