I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 851 Inhuman


The dripping hot water sprinkled from the sprinkler head and poured on the four people.

The spacious bathroom is filled with heat and some views are looming.

Robin created two extra flower clones, each holding a towel and gently scrubbing his and Lynch’s backs.

The amount of water in the shower not only prevents her from using the Flower Fruit ability, it also does not affect her control.

Of course, this is nothing compared to the fact that Lynch was able to swim quickly in the sea while carrying the Piao Piao Fruit.

“So, how is it done? Is it by covering the whole body with ripples, isolating the influence of sea water?” Robin’s closed eyes opened as Lynch’s big hands rubbed the foam of shampoo on his head. He opened one, raised his eyes and asked curiously. The flower clone behind Lynch whispered: “Arm.”

“Not with ripples.” Lynch raised his arm and let the flower clone behind him scrub his armpits and ribs. Even with one hand, he could dribble and rub Robin’s head with one hand. It didn’t take much to scrub his hair. It took a lot of trouble, but he rubbed it vigorously, and was scolded by Robin. Then he grabbed the nozzle, rinsed the foam from her hair, and smiled casually: “Miss Robin, man, can I still be considered a human being now? I guess I have no idea.” I have to put a question mark.”

Robin was surprised, looked at him up and down, and confirmed: “Are you talking about humans in a broad sense, or in a narrow sense? In the narrow sense, it refers to non-long-hand tribe, non-long-legged tribe, fish-men tribe, and giant tribe. Wait, ordinary humans like us.” She reminded the flower clone behind Lynch.

Lin Qi spread his legs carelessly, thought for a while and said: “Well, it’s hard to say! It’s the latter for now, I won’t know in the future.”

So, he briefly explained to Robin what happened during the battle with the Golden Lion outside the atmosphere.

“Autonomous modification of bloodline factors…” Robin thought of this immediately, grabbed Lynch’s hand, unconsciously rubbed his fingers, and muttered, “Will commanding the body, this is essentially the category of return of life. . You used to compare the return of life with domineering, but this time it is more like the ‘awakening’ in the Devil Fruit ability system… Well, according to Dr. Vegapunk’s information, Devil Fruit was originally the result of research on blood factors. The result is that a specific demon factor is combined with the bloodline factor to permanently activate a certain segment of the bloodline factor, which manifests as various devil fruit abilities of the superhuman, animal, and natural types. In terms of examples, that means…”

She raised her head and looked at Lynch, “You used your own will to replace the role of the demon factor in it.”

Lynch smiled and said: “If it’s the same thing, then didn’t I have two devil fruit abilities at that time? My body should have exploded.”

“It’s just an analogy.” Robin said angrily, pressing his palm on Lynch’s little face, “Devil Fruit is after all a ready-made ‘product’ made by others, and the transformation of one’s own bloodline factors is mechanical. It is incompatible with variables. When two demonic factors with such characteristics enter the same bloodline factor, it will obviously tear the person’s bloodline factor apart and collapse on its own. But with your… ‘Life Return Awakening’ level bloodline factor transformation. , but it is conscious, with the ability to adapt and self-regulate. It is the result of the transformation based on the fact that your bloodline factor has been combined with the Piaopiao fruit factor at that time. This will certainly not cause factor conflict and make the bloodline factor The collapse of the level.”

Lynch rubbed Robin and said with a smile: “I’m so stupid.”

Robin laughed, but his smile gradually faded, and his fingertips slid across Lynch’s cheek.

“What’s wrong?” Lynch asked.

“Don’t get too weird.” Robin said softly, grabbing his big hand and putting it on her body, with a rare playful touch, and smiled, “In that case, we won’t be able to play together. Gone.”

“Hey~” Lin Qi grinned and looked disgusted, “You are so pornographic! Sister Robin!”

Robin still held his hand tightly without letting go, looking straight at him.

Lin Qi smiled and held her in his arms, “Don’t worry, I can’t bear to leave you.”

The two flower clones also came close to each other and hugged each other.

White hot steam filled the air, figures swayed, the sound of water dripping suddenly became intense, and the nozzle was knocked over by something, turning it into a strange shape.


After cleaning up and changing clothes, the two of them went to Sonny’s library quiet room.

The three walls are filled with bookshelves. On the cushion in the middle of the empty room, the energy ball suspended above the head of the black armor is similar to the energy ball that was able to fill the entire phone bug castle when Lynch left the prison a year ago. Comparing the quantity, it is now only half the size of a fist, wrapped in colorful light, floating trickling, and the bottom turns into pure gray energy, which is integrated into the body of “B.I.B”.

Feeling the arrival of the main body, the narrow eyes on the visor shimmered.

“Then the question comes now.” Lin Qi touched his chin and said, “Can I still take out the Piao Piao Fruit chip safely?”

After hearing what he said, Robin realized that such unknown risks did exist.

Lynch’s stand-in’s ability is to seize and bestow the Devil Fruit factor, and it is extremely perfect, without damaging the blood factor of the target whose ability is taken away. This is probably also the so-called Im The reason for being so obsessed with Lynch’s stand-in.

However, can “B.I.B” take away the Piao Piao Fruit Factor from Lynch’s body without any harm?

Lin Qi said: “It’s OK to take it after it becomes one.” “B.I.B” said: “It’s OK to take it after it becomes one.” 』

They spoke almost in unison. Lin Qi and the substitute shrugged each other’s shoulders. Soon, the black ghost-like armor calmly walked towards the main body, overlapped with Lin Qi’s figure, and blended into it.

Robin put his hand on Lynch’s arm, feeling the slight twitch of his muscles.

Even if he is so powerful, he still feels uncomfortable every time he becomes one with his substitute. After all, the strength of his stand-in completely follows his body. The stronger the body is, the stronger the stand-in will be. The stronger the stand-in, the stronger the fatigue will be after each recovery. Lynch is now released as a substitute for a day, even if he does nothing but hangs up. If he were to recover it by himself as a teenager, or even just by himself ten years ago, he would probably be crushed to death by unimaginable horror.

“Huh!” Lin Qi breathed out, raised his palm, and a colorful energy ball appeared in his palm, “There is only so much left, keep up the good work.”

Following his words, a dark phantom came out of the body. While taking the energy ball in his hand, he raised his left hand covered with blue flame patterns, pressed it into the chest of the body, and looked at Robin’s eyes. Next, he slowly took out a unique Piaopiao Fruit Chip. Lin Qi said: “It seems there is no impact.”

“It’s amazing.” Robin commented, “No wonder it’s so coveted.” Of course she was referring to Lynch’s stand-in ability.

“B.I.B” floated back and sat on the cushion in the middle of the room again. The narrow eyes on the visor extinguished the light, and there were small colorful **** spinning and spinning above his head…

Robin can easily think of why Lynch didn’t take back the substitute a second time this time: when Lynch had the ability of the Piao Piao Fruit, he took back the substitute and then released it. At this time, the “B.I.B” was loaded with information from Lynch. According to Lynch’s past habits, those who have the ability of the Piao Piao Fruit reproduced in their bodies will try their best to make “B.I.B” not carry the ability of the Devil Fruit to adapt to various emergencies…

But now, even if Lynch is an esper, he will not be affected by the sea water. The same is naturally true for the “B.I.B” that copied everything about Lynch in this state. Even though it now has the ability of the Piao Piao Fruit, it can still travel freely under the sea, and it will not be affected by the Devil Fruit factor in it. and be disturbed.

“If you think about it from another angle,” Robin suddenly said when leaving the quiet room, “Aren’t you now equivalent to Hancock’s ‘fusion’ situation? The difference is that you have not removed the ‘ability user’ ‘The identity can still be chipped by your stand-in.”

Lin Qi put his arm on her shoulders and closed the door and walked out, smiling: “So there is still a difference.”

“Yeah.” Robin nodded.

The two walked out of the cabin and stood by the railing on the second floor. They saw Luffy, Chopper, and Sanji kneeling three times on the deck, bending forward in frustration, with a black line of low pressure hanging on their heads.

Even Zoro was squatting on the side of the ship holding three knives, his face full of displeasure.

“You really can’t learn…”

Looking at the group of people muttering emotionally to themselves, Usopp and Brooke each moved a chair from somewhere and sat with their legs crossed in the same posture. They also picked up a cup of coffee and took a sip in sync.

Usopp raised his orchid fingers, covered his mouth and smiled: “I don’t know what you think. Instructor Lin even said that we shouldn’t be able to learn, but we still don’t believe in evil? Yohohoho…”

“Mr. Usopp, that’s my laughter.” Brooke was shocked, “My characteristic…”

Nami stretched out her finger and poked the foreheads of these two guys, “Why are you gloating? You didn’t try to learn it because you haven’t practiced ripples yet, right? Cut!”

“Nami, why are you so angry?” Usopp suddenly realized, “Oh, you also tried, but you didn’t learn it, right?”

“I’m from the natural system. I can fly. I don’t need to learn any dance skills!” Nami blushed and turned her back on the spot.

“Help! Nami is so angry!”

“Stop! Let me electrocute you!”

“Who will stop if you say this!”

“Oh, I really can’t learn it…” Luffy sat on the deck, “Forget it, if you can’t learn it, you can’t learn it! Hehe.”

Chopper rolled over, stood up with his hands stretched out, touched his chin and muttered: “If you want to learn this dance technique, you must practice the ripples to the point where you can clone yourself outside the body… This is so difficult ! Just mastering the ripples is not easy. ”

“Don’t think about it, this path is not suitable for us.” Sanji twisted his tie at the side, “For Lynch, a genius who returns life, and is the founder of the ripples, it is very difficult to separate the ripples. The clone may be extremely simple, but we need to spend a lot of energy to get there…”

Zoron held the three swords and said: “Instead of doing this, it is better to focus on improving your own strength. The time spent on the ‘Ripple Clone’ is enough for us to break through the fighting methods and skills we are good at. Several times. Mastering ripples is enough for us at this stage, there is no need to sacrifice the basics. ”

“That’s the truth.” Lynch snapped his fingers.

“Sanji! I’m hungry!” Luffy started shouting after finishing the trouble.

“Okay, I’ll go get ready…” Sanji rolled up his sleeves and walked to the cabin kitchen, “Where are the others?”

Zoron said: “As long as I have wine.”

“Meat!” Luffy yelled.

Usopp and Chopper raised their hands and said, “As long as it’s sweet!”

“Are there any pastries?” Brooke said, “Ah, Mr. French is not here.”

“Anyway, he must want Coke!” The thunderclouds hovering in the air said with a smile, and the Thundercloud World Tree looked at a loss. This is the line I want to complain about my boss! Mellie, who was sitting on it, covered her mouth and snickered.

Nami smiled and said: “Let me order some salad. Where is Sister Robin?”

“A cup of coffee.” Robin turned to look at Lynch.

Lin Qi waved his hand, “As long as you can eat it!”

Everyone was ashamed. With this man’s current level of monster, he could probably digest even iron pills and copper juice. What else could he not eat?

Robin smiled and shook his head, suddenly catching a glimpse of a news bird wandering in the sky.

She waved, and the hesitant news bird boldly flew over, flapped its wings and landed on the railing of the ship’s side.

“Wow~” the news bird saluted with its wings.

Nami said unexpectedly: “You have a good attitude, what’s going on?”

Usopp wiped his nose, hummed and laughed: “It must be that my heroic deeds as Captain Usopp have made people scared, and they dare not come near! Hehe, hahahaha!”

“Hey, is that true?” Chopper was startled, “Usopp is so powerful!”

Zoro said: “It should be because of the incident in Wano. Wherever we go, the four emperors will die. It will indeed make people very scared.”

“Why are you smiling so evilly?” Nami glanced at him speechlessly, “Do you think of yourself as a villain so consciously?”

Over there, Usopp got the newspaper and asked Newsbird for the latest bounty orders. He flipped through it excitedly, and when he turned it to his own, he let out a miserable cry that made the sad listeners cry. Call.

“My bounty…hasn’t increased at all?! This is impossible!!!”

Usopp bent forward in frustration again, and knelt on the deck with his **** stuck out, tears streaming down his face, “Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, I can’t accept it!”

Chopper came over and patted the back of his head, comforting: “Usopp, it’s okay, it must be because of your transparent fruit. It’s probably because no one saw what you did…”

“Are you trying to comfort me?!” Usopp fell down, holding his head on his hands and crying.

Lynch glanced at the newspaper in Robin’s hand and said, “The World Conference is not over yet? Haha, even if Kaido is killed, he can still grab the news page of the World Conference…”

There are indeed only news events related to Kaido and the founding of Wano, but not the matter of the last Yonko, red-haired Shanks, on the Elbaf Island they just left.

Think about it, from the time they arrived at Elbaf, to the duel between Red Hair and Luffy, and the battle between Lynch and the Golden Lion, they all happened ten thousand meters or even outside the atmosphere. They started unknown and ended too. Quietly… Although the red hair is very popular, it has indeed not occupied the recent news page like Kaido, Big Mom, and Blackbeard.

The Sonny continued to pass towards the Suixian Island, the intersection point of the Great Route’s magnetic routes pointed by the permanent pointer. On the other side, on the distant red earth continent of Mariejoia, the long-lasting world conference was actually gradually coming to an end. At the end, the royal family reached a consensus and began to disperse.


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