I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 848 The fourth red stone


“This is my…last ripple, Shanks!!!”

“Don’t talk like you’re going to die! Stupid boy!!!”

With the fierce roar on the sky island, the violent energy field was filled with red and black ripples, pitch-black domination, dancing lightning, bursting flames, and chaotic white steam flowing vertically and horizontally. The intertwined sword energy, and the blood melting in the heat… Two figures, one clenched a fist wrapped in crimson flames, and the other slashed out a blade that split mountains and split seas, like two meteors and meteorites colliding horizontally, a few seconds apart from each other. At a distance of meters, the fists and swords burst out with brilliant light, and then drowned everything.

At the foot of Sky Island Cloud Mountain below, chaotic light and shadow swayed on the faces of Zoro, Beckman, Lackey, Sanji, Nami, and Brooke, who were drinking and watching the battle.


The sky is wailing and has already been torn apart. After the collision and explosion, two figures flew out of the air, one on the left and the other on the right.

Luffy’s arm was hot and red, his shirt had been burned, and his face was covered in scars, but he grinned and fell from the side of the island with a puff of hot air.

Shanks also looked uncomfortable. His clothes were in tatters and there were many injuries on his body, but he had a smile on his face. He seemed very pleased with Luffy’s growth, but when he was about to fall from the other side of the island When I went down, I looked at each other with my friends on Cloud Island. Those guys were drinking and blinking at him. Shanks also blinked. You just **** watched me fall? !

“It’s so unloyal……………………”

With a whoosh, Shanks fell from the sky island like Luffy. The sound gradually faded away and even echoed.

Beckman and the others glanced at the wine gourd on the cloudy ground next to them, which was still shaking slightly because it was put down in a hurry. They couldn’t help but look at each other and shrugged.

Soon, there was an approaching explosion sound from the direction where Shanks fell. Soon, Zoro was seen jumping up and carrying the injured Shanks on his moon steps. Come up.

Zoro stepped on the ground of Shimagumo and glanced at the side. The sword Shanks was carrying was the famous sword Griffin, but now the blade had a slightly twisted arc.

“Oh? Did you see that too?” Shanks touched Griffin’s slightly curved blade with a distressed look on his face and sighed, “Luffy is too cruel.”

Zoron smiled and said: “Who can blame this?”

Shanks yelled: “It’s Lin Qi’s fault! Can’t you teach me more slowly?” As he said that, he gave a **** to the brothers in his pirate group, “What a bunch of bastards! They let outsiders rescue them?” Your captain?”

“Haha.” Beckman blew out a smoke ring, “You haven’t reached the point where you can’t move at all, have you? Why are you pretending to be pitiful in front of your brothers…”

“Haha, you trust me as a captain so much!” Shanks laughed, patted Zoro on the shoulder, and gave his second-in-command the **** again, who also smiled back.

Fat Lucky Lu gnawed on a big chicken drumstick, took a sip of wine, and said with a smile: “However, the swordsman did not go to save Luffy, but went to save our captain, which is very surprising!”

“Didn’t he say that they didn’t fight to the point where they couldn’t move at all.” Zoro rubbed his shoulders and exhaled, walked over and picked up his wine bottle and took a sip, “Luffy can walk on his own. ”

He glanced at the side where Luffy fell. Shanks came back with his suit pants pocket and stepped on the golden Frisbee in a circle, giving him a don’t worry look.

Shanks laughed loudly and patted Zoro on the back wildly, “You also trust your captain! Luffy’s taste in choosing partners is indeed as good as mine!” As he said this, he raised his hands with both hands. He gave Beckman and Lackey the middle finger, and the rest of the red-haired pirate group neatly gave the red-haired one a thumbs up. It was really a happy pirate group.

“Besides, it seems…” Beckman looked to the other side with a smile, “There is already someone on Luffy’s side to help.”


A big rock flew up from under the clouds on the empty island over there, and sitting on it were Lynch, Robin, Chopper, and Luffy, who was giggling and waving to everyone.

“Sister Robin! Lynch! Chopper!” Nami waved her hand and turned into lightning, teleporting as if she were on the flying rocks. She lowered her head and saw the pile of research materials, “What is this? Bloodline factor…”

Luffy stood up and shouted: “Lynch took care of that golden lion or something! Isn’t he very powerful?”

“Does it need to be mentioned that he is very powerful?” The red-haired man couldn’t help but feel ashamed.

“The Golden Lion is dead too…” Beckman took a puff from his pipe and blew out smoke rings.

“I see.” Shanks looked at the floating stone that carried Lynch and others up. Lin Qi and the others stepped off the stone one after another. Shanks raised his voice and asked: “Hey! Lynch, didn’t you say you’re not interested in Devil Fruits?”

“Huh?” Lin Qi asked doubtfully, “Can’t I use it if I’m not interested?”

Shanks smiled: “Cunning boy.”

Lin Qi looked magnanimous, “The Piao Piao Fruit is very useful, let me borrow it for fun. Besides, even if I don’t need it, after you beat me to death, this ability will be convenient for you to carry down…” …”

Shanks led the team members to give Lynch a middle finger.

“How rude.” Robin shook his head.

Chopper pointed to the side, and Lynch also gave Shanks and the others a middle finger. Not only that, the green and black iron rod also floated in front of Lynch’s **** and stood upright, as if it turned into a magnified rod. Enhanced version of the middle finger…

Robin stretched out his hand and turned the mechanism of the “Ding Hai Shen Needle”. With a click, the green and black iron rod quickly enlarged and turned into a green and black iron pillar more than ten meters high.

While Shanks and others marveled at the towering green and black iron pillars, they said “Hey!” to Robin dissatisfied.

Even Chopper was shocked. Is this the so-called double standard? Robin.

Shanks smiled and said: “Lynch, you just said it wrong. You didn’t say ‘wait for you…’. Luffy and I have already finished fighting.”

“Is the fight over?” Lynch looked at Shanks in confusion, and the knife was a little crooked; then he looked at Luffy, one of his arms was slightly injured… Lynch shook his head and said, “It doesn’t look like it. Ah. I don’t think so!”

“Do you really think Luffy and I are going to fight to the death?!” Shanks screamed with fangs.

Luffy also widened his eyes, “How cruel! Shanks and I are friends! Not enemies!”

Lin Qi said modestly: “I don’t want you to know whether you are alive or dead. It’s okay to beat him half to death. After all, Chopper can be rescued, right?”

“Are you modest?!” Beckman, Lucky Road, Zoro, Brooke, and Sanji said angrily.

“You can’t beat them to death!” Chopper said angrily, crossing his arms, nodding and sighing, “But yes, even if they are half dead, I can bring them back… Hehehe, you don’t have to do that. Praise me, I know I’m great, hehehe…”

“Humph, you have become very arrogant in recent years, kid.” Shanks walked over and bumped the sides of Lin Qi’s head with his fist, “Back then, I was riding a small boat in the West Sea and it was floating well. I don’t know who shouted ‘Help! The navy is arresting me!’”

“Is that a ‘small boat’? How about a piece of broken wood? Your memory is very problematic.” Lynch said in disgust, pointed at Shanks, and said seriously, “I advise you to show some respect to me. Point, what is in front of you is the ripple messenger, the eight-armed demon, the guardian of the historical lights, the protector of the Pirate King, and Big Mom’s terminator! I have killed several admirals and marshals…”

“The pirate queen’s man.” Robin added. Nami held her shoulders and buried her head in laughter. Shanks’ face turned sour.

“Okay, that’s right.” Shanks shrugged, looked at each other with Lynch, laughed at the same time, and put their arms around each other. Lin Qi said: “Now that the fight is over, let’s go down and have a drink.”

“Let’s go!” Shanks laughed, “Let’s go to Elbaf!”

“Oh oh oh oh!” The red-haired group began to roar and scream, Luffy also raised his fists, laughed and shouted: “Let’s have a party~!!!”

Zoro, Nami and the others said with smiles, “Let’s go.”

Brooke followed the flying rocks brought back by Lynch and the others. Everyone crowded in a circle. The afro-headed skeleton said thoughtfully: “Mr. Lynch, Miss Robin, Mr. Chopper, why do you feel that there are so few Who? ”

“It’s Usopp and his father…” Sanji said with embarrassment, “They’re not still on that floating island on the Golden Lion, are they? Wait, is that island still ‘floating’?”

Robin analyzed: “They have been put on the sea by Lynch. Maybe because the landing was not stable, they accidentally fell into the sea… Usopp is an esper and may have been bitten by the Neptune class. It was broken into pieces… Judging from the size of Elbaf’s giants, the people living in this sea area are probably giant sea beasts…”

“Is it necessary to say it so horribly?!” Sanji and Nami broke out in a cold sweat.

Luffy and Shanks hugged each other and smiled: “Oh, don’t worry about them! They are very powerful, they will be fine, and we can attend the banquet together later! Hahahahaha…”

Lin Qi smiled slightly, raised his hand and swept away, and the flying rocks carrying everyone floated and left the sky island.

“You forgot this.” With a casual move, he sent a straw hat flying from the direction of Sky Island, chased it down through the clouds, and floated in front of Luffy and Shanks.

“Ah! I almost forgot about it!” Luffy and Shanks covered their heads in unison and said in fear.

Nami, Lucky and others each punched Luffy and Shanks in the back of the head and said angrily: “Can I forget this?”

Shanks held the bag on the back of his head, smiled slightly, grabbed the straw hat floating in front of him, and pressed it on his head, “It’s back to its original owner. Hiss…”

“Hey.” Luffy wiped his nose proudly.

“Although you communicated well,” Robin reminded them at this time, “Luffy and Nami, you should not have forgotten. The duel between Luffy and Shanks is not the point. The key is the intelligence of that thing.”

“What are you talking about, Robin!” Luffy shouted angrily, “Dueling is very sacred! Why isn’t it important?”

“Yes, that information!” Nami suddenly woke up, held down Luffy’s head, stared at Shanks and the others, and asked a little nervously, “The last historical text of the road sign, Shanks, what are you doing… A Yonko-level pirate group should at least have its whereabouts, right?”

“Little girl, you just wanted to say something like ‘you are the last Yonko’, right? It must be right?!” Lucky Lu and other members of the red-haired group raised their hands to complain.

Nami waved her hand, don’t care about such details!

“Without that thing, we wouldn’t be able to reach Rafdru.” Nami said seriously, “I wouldn’t be able to be a complete world Luffy, and I wouldn’t be able to become the Pirate King!”

Chopper complained: “Nami wants to say that without Rafdru, you can’t draw a complete world map?”

Nami waved her hand and said: “It’s all the same!”

Luffy said seriously: “It won’t work if we can’t reach the final island!”

Lynch crossed his arms and asked: “So, Shanks, what’s your answer?”

Robin, Nami, Brook… and even Luffy, all eyes were focused on Shanks.

“The last ‘red stone’…” Shanks sighed with stubble, looking up at the sky on the falling flying stones, and recalled with a smile, “Yes, I got that thing from Whitebeard. .”

“Whitebeard gave you such an important thing?” Nami was shocked.

Shanks said dissatisfied: “What do you call this? I am a pirate, of course I robbed it!”

Beckman silently complained: “We didn’t know at the time that it was where Whitebeard stored the red stone. This guy was drunk and wandering around, and met Hawkeye who was in a bad mood. The two of them couldn’t even say a few words. He started fighting, but he accidentally hit the rock…” He hit Shanks on the head with the **** of his gun.

Nami said speechlessly: “This is not robbery, but stealing, right?”

Shanks said dissatisfied: “Did I say I snatched it from Whitebeard? Didn’t I **** it from Mihawk?”

Zoron analyzed: “But that guy doesn’t seem to care about this kind of stone…”

Shanks smiled and said: “I want to become famous. Whitebeard didn’t want the red stone incident to cause a fuss, so he didn’t say anything. He probably wanted to add fuel to the flames and make me famous.”

Laji Lu and the others lamented: “Since then, there have always been inexplicable guys who come to us and then get beaten up…”

Robin said calmly: “So, where is the red stone?”

Lin Qi looked at the receding sky and said, “Time waits for no one, Shanks. We already have information about three red stones, and we only need the last one in your hand.”

Shanks pressed his straw hat, smiled handsomely and said, “I lost that red stone.”

The rapidly falling stone was silent for a few seconds, and then an astonishing electric light appeared, and Nami’s roar echoed through the sky, “What did you say?!”

In the light of tingling electricity, Shanks explained: “Little girl! Don’t be impulsive! I mean, it’s so numb!! I mean, I put that thing somewhere else! Wait a minute. ! Stop calling! ”

“You talk so loudly that you want to make people angry! How about this, you and Luffy are shocked together, and whoever can’t hold on loses?”

“Ah?! Luffy is rubber, you think I don’t know!!!”


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