I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 818 The Disappearance of Momonosuke (Part 2) (5800 words)


Nine miles, west of the depths of Toushan.

The fat Asura boy scooped up a ladle of sewage from the river, his face as gloomy as the water. He is a samurai. Drinking such poisonous water will only cause abdominal pain, but ordinary civilians in Wano will be poisoned and even life-threatening. And this is just the daily life of people all over the country of Wano these years…

“Speaking of which, this year should be…” Asura said to himself expressionlessly. Suddenly, a subordinate in tattered clothes rushed over excitedly holding a piece of paper, “Boss Shutenmaru! Look at this. ! ”

“The pursuer is here?” Asura boy, whose pseudonym was Shutenmaru, frowned. After taking the note, his expression quickly changed. In the midst of disbelief, there was a hint of uncontrollable excitement, and So a little pathos.

It’s been nineteen years, Kinemon, have you really come across nineteen years?


“As an actor without an audience, is there any need to act?”

In a deserted village away from the abandoned Oden Castle, Kanjuro used his ability to draw an ink bed and lay down on it leisurely.

Ask him to inquire about news in the area north of Jiuli and Ximei, but it would take so much effort to do it alone.

Kanjuro showed an indifferent smile. Anyway, even if he wanted to go out to investigate, he would have to pretend to hide his whereabouts. In this case, why not hide it more thoroughly? Wouldn’t it be perfect if he didn’t go out at all? Hahaha… He lay on the ink bed with his legs crossed and continued to focus on the clone of Mo Fu Lu Shou that he had released before. He rushed to the Flower Capital to visit Lord Orochi with a secret letter containing Momonosuke’s whereabouts.


Nozomi. The white field is vast. A group of extremely desperate ronin, thieves, and warriors gathered together, with a hint of excitement on their skinny faces.

Nineteen years have passed, and the heart that I thought had long been reduced to ashes has actually ignited with sparks again.

This is a note found in a village near the outskirts of the Flower Capital. This note is still very new… The marks drawn on it… are definitely them, the five people who disappeared from the world nineteen years ago! This is Toki-sama’s prophecy… and in addition, there is also a very convincing evidence: this kind of code pattern that requires a certain amount of cultural knowledge and insight to be written down can only be written by those samurai under Kozuki Oden’s sect. You can draw it!

Rural civilians, a bunch of illiterate people who can’t read Chinese characters, have no sense of elegance to make such a bad joke.

“The time…the place…should be right there!”

The fat bald man who looked like a large Maitreya Buddha squinted his eyes and asked his extremely miserable companions, “Do you want to go together?”

“Is there anything else we can do?”

The wanderers laughed one after another, “It’s been such a long time, I always feel like this heart hasn’t beat for a long time.”

Looking at each other, they couldn’t help but laugh loudly.

“Keep your voice down! If exposed, let Orochi’s people know…”

“Don’t worry, the big snake lives in the General’s Mansion in the Capital of Flowers, how could he pay attention to such a trivial matter in the gutter…”


“There has been no news about Jiro, Kawamatsu and Asura. It is not an option to continue like this.”

In a remote village on the border between the Flower City and Kuri, Kinemon hunted an animal and roasted it with the Fox Fire Style Swordsmanship. He tried it himself and found that it was not too toxic, so he gave it to Momonosuke for consumption. .

Momonosuke was very hungry and wolfed down everything.

After several days of scattered marks, Kinemon was still worried. He held the mark paper in his hand and muttered: “Kawamatsu is a fish man. He might be hiding at the bottom of the river. I have no way of finding him. Asura was a bandit in the beginning. Once he hid in the mountains, he could hide in seclusion for three to five years without coming out… Denjiro was smart. His hiding place was probably in the most lively Flower City, right under the eyelids of the Orochi. Bottom…”

Kin’emon’s eyes became firm, even if he had to take some risks, he would not care about it in order to contact Denjiro.

If Denjiro has a safe hidden identity, he might be able to entrust His Highness Momonosuke to him for the time being… huh?

“Your Highness?!”

Kinemon looked up, but Momonosuke was nowhere to be seen. Kin’emon was anxious and rushed out of the door. He almost blacked out on the spot. In the middle of the small village road that was supposed to be deserted, a burly man and a ronin with an old-fashioned face were talking to His Highness Momonosuke.

“Kin’emon, look at this!” Momonosuke turned around and pointed at the two people, but in their hands was the note that Kin’emon had scattered.

Señor met a child and just asked a few questions casually. He didn’t know what was going on here, but at this moment he was secretly alert, but his face remained calm, and he raised his head towards Kinemon through his sunglasses. Lifting his chin, he said calmly as if he knew everything well: “Want to help?”

Even if you don’t know the details, you can’t go wrong by saying this.

When these words fell in Kinemon’s ears, it was like hearing the sound of a fairy, almost making him cry. Nineteen years have passed, but I didn’t expect that there are still samurai loyal to the Kozuki family in Wano!

“Okay, okay!” Kinemon patted Senior on the shoulder with emotion and said with emotion, “Well done to you! Of course we have to help, the more people the better! But you have also seen that, It’s not yet the meeting time agreed on the code…”

“Huh?” The buffalo was confused. What did this man suddenly say? What did he mean?

Password? gather? Senior held the note and nodded slightly, “You have to find something to do.”

“Of course!” Kinemon said, “I am about to take Momo and Inuko to the Flower City to distribute the notes and gather more colleagues with lofty ideals to join in the cause in the future.”

A dog? ! Kinemon, you are so brave! I can… Momonosuke took a deep breath, but he also knew that today is different from the past, so he could only lower his head and acquiesce to Kin’emon’s statement.

Oh…are these people going to be enemies with Kaido? Senior guessed that although he felt that the local warriors were a little overestimated, he personally would only take this bite.

He is a tough guy. So if such a tough guy is sent to Kaido in exchange for information on Lynch’s whereabouts, it shouldn’t be too much, right?

“In that case, let’s go without further ado.” Senior nodded lightly. Originally, he and the buffalo had been waiting for several days on the coast closest to the entrance of the waterfall in the south of Jiuli, but they didn’t even wait for the Straw Hats and his party. As soon as there was no trace of her, she had already planned to go to the Flower Capital to find Sister Sugar to discuss countermeasures, and she actually happened to be on the way at this moment.

His behavior unknowingly deepened Kinemon’s trust. He couldn’t help but feel ashamed that he had concealed His Highness Momonosuke’s identity just now, and said quickly: “You’re right, let’s get started without further delay.”

So the two people in a group turned into a group of four people and rushed towards the Flower Capital.

On the way, Kinemon asked Senior and the two about the changes in Wano Country over the years, especially where the samurai were and why it was so difficult to find their whereabouts.

Senior doesn’t know, but they have been in Wano Country for a while, so they know who General Orochi has been hunting for, and the recent hunt has been particularly intensive.

“The search has been intensified recently?” Kinemon was surprised, why is this? It’s impossible for Orochi to already know the whereabouts of himself and others, right?


Fu Lu Shou shaped by the Mo Mo fruit enters the flower capital. Naturally, Kanjuro recognized the location of the General’s Mansion, and after entering the city, he quietly headed there.

When you arrive at the General’s Mansion, with Fu Lu Shou’s face, you can naturally alert Lord Orochi. Even if it doesn’t work, you can also attract Fu Lu Shou himself. Anyway, you can definitely pick up the head. If you hand over the secret letter, you can Mo’s clone was released and he continued to hide his identity, acting as his own “Guangyue retainer” and “Red Scabbard Warrior”…

Mo’s clone, Fu Lu Shou, is far away. On the streets of the Flower City, Sugar is teaching her sister Monet a lesson.

She picked up five grapes on her sugary fingers like a little girl, ate them one by one, and licked her white fingertips after eating.

She held Monet’s collar with her other hand, glanced at the dazzling white, and scolded angrily: “What are you doing dressing up so coquettishly? Don’t you know we can’t attract attention?”

Monet squatted down, grabbed his sister’s little hand, and said with a wry smile: “You have to ask for information, sister. Compared with the trouble that can easily be caused by taking action, wearing something cooler is actually a trivial matter.”

“Show it, don’t show it in front of my eyes.” Sugar chewed the grapes expressionlessly.

Monet smiled, hugged Sugar and said softly: “If my sister hadn’t eaten this fruit, she would definitely be older than me…”

“Humph!” Sugar stuffed her mouth full of grapes, her cheeks bulging, her expression disdainful, but her eyes said “What else?”

Monet held his sister’s little hand and said to himself: “Wano Country is a place where people dress too seriously and it’s difficult to act. If you say a few more words, you will be misunderstood that you are interested in them, or even more exaggerated. He asked me for my address on the spot, as if he was proposing to marry me and giving me gifts…” She couldn’t help but shake her head.

The two of them walked around twice more, and suddenly saw a familiar figure from the corner of their eyes. They looked for it quietly and came to a room in the corner of the alley. The owner of the house had been knocked unconscious and was leaning on the corridor outside.

“Who are they?”

Sugar spit out the grape skins and looked at Kinemon and Momonosuke with a frown.

Senior just said: “Samurai.”

Before he finished speaking, Kinwei stared at Monet with a red face and lowered his voice: “It’s too, too slutty! As a woman, how can you dress like this?!”

“Shut up!” Sugar’s eyes turned cold, “What she wears is her business. Who do you think you are?”

Kin’emon was startled at first when he was scolded like this, and suddenly he had a creepy feeling, no, these people… aren’t from Wano? !

Señor took his hands out of his kimono arms, ready to take action at any time.

But just when Kinemon commented on Monet’s cool dress and Satou scolded him, everyone soon heard Momonosuke’s laughter…


“Who are you?!”

In the Orochi General’s Mansion, Fu Lu Shou, the leader of the Imperial Court Fans, stared at the identical “himself” in front of him.

But this “self” smiled strangely, took out a letter from his arms and gave it to him, saying only: “If you don’t want Lord Orochi to execute you, just give this to him intact. .” Then the whole person turned into a ball of ink out of thin air, and black ink splashed all over the ground.

“What kind of ninjutsu is this…”

Fu Lu Shou held the secret letter in his hands and was stunned for a long time. Finally, he was startled, stuffed the secret letter into his wide sleeves, and hurriedly entered the house to find General Orochi.


“Hey hey hey…”

Momonosuke originally wanted to pretend to be pitiful and throw himself into the arms of this **** big sister for a good nuzzle. After all, in this cold and cruel world, there is only this… huh? No, although it is indeed soft, why is it so cold? ? ?

“Hahaha, he is a little pervert.” Monet smiled and rubbed Momonosuke’s head. Since the eldest sister is so gentle, Momonosuke planned to temporarily forgive her for having such a cold heart. Just when he was about to enjoy it first, suddenly, there seemed to be a colder flame rising into the sky next to him, and an air-conditioner that seemed to be mixed with underworld. The sound is approaching my ears:

“Little bastard…what are you doing?!”

“What did you call me?”

Momonosuke was stunned for a moment, thinking he heard it wrong, and then he got furious. He turned around and saw the little girl who was about the same age as himself, and scolded, “I just endured it and didn’t teach you how to be disrespectful.” Humble, do you know that I am the general…”

Before Kinemon could cover His Highness’s golden mouth, he saw the little girl with an extremely ugly face slapping her hand towards His Highness Momonosuke who looked unhappy.

The little girl’s little hands didn’t have any strength at all and looked light and airy, so Kin’emon naturally didn’t take it seriously. Momonosuke didn’t take it seriously either. Even if Kikinochō, Kanjuro and Raizo were called together, no one would take them seriously. They would just think that His Highness Momonosuke really inherited Oden-sama’s bloodline of attracting women easily, and he actually attracted them like this. Girls of the same age flirting and scolding…

Suzu’s little hand fell on Momonosuke’s shoulder.

Monet looked on with a smile. The buffalo gloats. Senior was indifferent.

The moment Satou’s little hand fell, Momonosuke, under Kin’emon’s gaze, quickly shrank his body from the original image of the Tsukiyo-tai young samurai to all fours at a speed visible to the naked eye. His body was shaped like a baby, and soft fake fur grew on his body… In the blink of an eye, he became a fluffy toy puppy. At the same time, the name, image and all the memories related to the person “Kozuki Momonosuke” were wiped out like a tide as the light in Kinemon’s eyes gradually dimmed…


“Secret message? A person transformed by ink ninjutsu?”

In the General’s Mansion, Orochi took the secret letter from Fu Lu Shou and waved him away. The Heitan family placed an undercover agent in the Kozuki family, and he didn’t want anyone to know about it.

However, Kaido, who is in the same room, is naturally not among “just anyone”.

Kaido drank wine and said with a smile: “Did the little bug you raised really travel through time nineteen years ago?”

“Do you think you can stay out of the matter?” Orochi opened the secret letter tremblingly, and read it at a glance. He was completely confused. “What did Kanjuro write? Momonosuke? Momonosuke Who is it?”


At the same time, on the Onigashima Island, after Kaido left, Yamato made several ups and downs, and came to the top of the huge horned skull, and took out from his arms the voyage diary of Kozuki Oden, which he regarded as a bible. . She has read this diary countless times, but no matter how many times she reads it, the things recorded in it about the first child named Kozuki Momonosuke between Kozuki Oden and his wife Amazuki… are all impacting Yamato. mind.

Who is Momonosuke? Kozuki Momonosuke?

This person has never existed in Wano Country! Kozuki Oden has only one daughter, Kozuki Hiyori, who has disappeared for nineteen years!

That Oden… wrote lies in the diary?

This was the first time Yamato was shaken like this. Holding the old Oden diary in his hands, he felt very depressed inside. She felt that today, she should face this problem squarely: Since Kozuki Oden would fictionalize a non-existent eldest son in the diary, does the credibility of other parts of the diary also have to be questioned?

Is it Kozuki Oden that I admire…or am I just worshiping a symbol named Kozuki Oden that embodies my desire to rebel against my father?

Yamato, who had never been to school for a day, was a little confused at the moment.

It would be great if Ace was here. I really want to have a drink with him at this time, so I don’t have to worry…


“This idiot! Write me the whereabouts of Hiyori Kozuki!”

Orochi angrily threw the secret letter on the tatami, “The woman who disappeared for nineteen years is the only heir to the Kozuki family. As long as she is alive, I will not be able to live in peace for a day! What **** Momonosuke? This guy has been undercover for a long time, his brain is broken, etc. Could it be that this ‘Momonosuke’ is the nickname of Hiyori Kozuki among Oden’s cronies?”

Kaido raised his head and took a sip of wine, and said with a smile: “Your own cronies wrote secret letters to inform you, why do you beat around the bush?”

The big snake recovered and became furious.

Kaido sneered: “It’s easy to find Hiyori Kozuki, just give all the women in the Flower City to Black Maria, and make sure none of them can escape!”

“Are you crazy!” Orochi said as if he was being stimulated, “All the women in the Flower City? Doesn’t that include my dear Xiao Zi?!”

Kaido said coldly: “They are all **** anyway, so what does it matter?”

“Xiao Zi is an oiran!” Orochi held back his anger, “She is different.”

Kaido drank wine nonchalantly, “Then let’s change the method. Find all the women and kill them. Just go outside and bring women in to fill them up.”

“Isn’t this even more feasible?!” Orochi was indignant.

“Oh?????????, you are such a waste, Orochi!” Kaido’s wanton laughter echoed in the inner chamber of the General’s Mansion.


The banquet was over, and the oiran Xiao Zi’s gorgeous cheeks were flushed, “Crazy Death Man… tell me, would it be better for me to die?”

“You’re drunk, Xiaozi.” Kuangshilang was walking beside her. There were many people nearby, so he couldn’t call her by her real name, so he called her Hiyori-sama.

Denjiro smiled meaningfully and said: “A unique woman like you is a rare treasure of the country of Wano, how can you give up so easily?”

“Hehehe…” Xiao Zi breathed out the smell of alcohol and her eyes wandered, “Isn’t it okay for the little girl to give birth to a more precious child?”

Kuaishilang said: “You are drunk.”

“Hahaha… are you excited?” Xiao Zi swayed and did not look back, “It’s really useless, Mr. Kuangshilang, you taught me all this.”

Until Xiao Zi left, Kuang Shi Lang stood there, stunned and speechless.

A question vaguely emerged in his heart… Since Mr. Kozuki Hiwa is the only bloodline of the Kozuki family, what has he been doing all these years, and why did he shape her into an oiran? He rubbed his forehead and soon sighed to himself, Toki-sama, you should send Hiyori-sama to the present nineteen years later with Kinemon and the others, instead of letting her stay in Wano Country for the past nineteen years. Suffering…

Carrying a bottle of wine, Kuangshilang was walking on the streets of the Flower City when he suddenly looked sternly and stepped on a piece of paper.

Opening the marked note, Kuangshilang suddenly woke up from the drunkenness in his eyes, and his breathing became slightly rapid! You are finally here, Kinemon!


Why did Kinemon become so stunned?

Momonosuke looked up strangely…Hey, no, why am I raising my head higher than before? No, no! How…how did I land on all fours? !

A sudden panic surged in Momonosuke’s heart. He wanted to stand up, but staggered and fell to the ground again. Only then did he see that his hands were covered with Neko Viper and Inuarashi. Their kind of fur…but, compared to their soft and beautiful fur, this fur feels more inferior.

Almost at the same time, Momonosuke heard a cold voice: “Contract: 1. You are not allowed to speak human words in the future. As a dog, you are only allowed to bark and bark…”

Talking to me? Momonosuke was puzzled and angry. He opened his mouth to scold the little girl, but instead he screamed “woof”…

Monet observed with great interest that the pupils of the stuffed toy dog’s eyes seemed to dilate in horror at the moment the “woof” was spoken.

Sugar continued to use the ability of the Childlike Fruit without expression, giving the plush toy dog ​​she made “factory settings”, and coldly read out the contract she made: “Two, any woman you see in the future will be Give me ten kowtows twenty meters away! And finally, three…”

Su Tang raised his foot and stepped on the worried face of the stuffed toy dog. He suddenly smiled, but his eyes did not mean to laugh at all. Looking at the crushed stuffed dog’s face, he was full of disgust and annoyance. She said coldly: “As a dog, all you have to do is eat shit. This shouldn’t be difficult, right?”

As soon as her voice fell, the childlike fruit ability took full effect.

While the existence of Kozuki Momonosuke was quietly hidden from the awareness of everyone in the world, the three imposed rules were also stamped on his new body plush toy like a stamp of thought. In the dog’s body, it becomes an unshakable instinct.


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