I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 817 The Disappearance of Momonosuke (Part 1)


Let’s move the time forward a little…

Push back to the time when Lynch and his party had not yet arrived in Wano Country, or even before the final battle that killed the two Four Emperors of the Sea had taken place.

Sunny day, gentle breeze. The country of Wan, Jiuli.

Oden Castle, which had been turned into ruins and a dead city in the flames of war, suddenly appeared out of thin air. Five figures staggered and fell down in shock. Their bodies even still retain the heat from when Oden City was turned into a sea of ​​fire by the pirates led by Kaido nineteen years ago. There are traces of oil foam and scorch on the corners of their clothes, and the blood and wounds on their faces are all… Not done…

“Is this a dream?”

Kinemon, Kikunochou, Kanjuro, Raizo, and Momonosuke, who was pulled out from the cracks in the ruins by Kikunoshi, all five of them looked at everything around them in shock.

“Here is…”

A group of people from nineteen years ago climbed to the high ground of Oden City. The once bustling place was now extremely desolate, with only a few tombstones standing alone.

“The Tomb of Kozuki Oden”, “The Tomb of Kozuki Toki”, “The Tomb of Kozuki Momonosuke”, “The Tomb of Kozuki Hiyori”, “The Tomb of Kinemon”, “The Tomb of Raizo” Tomb”, “Kikunochei’s Tomb”, “Kanjuro’s Tomb”, “Denjiro’s Tomb”, “Neko Viper’s Tomb”, “Inuarashi’s Tomb”…

A very familiar name. But the tombstones are decayed, telling what they feel is a long time that has passed away from the outside world in just a blink of an eye. It was as if an invisible hand had cut them out of the nineteen-year river of time and sent them to this place.

“This is Oden Castle nineteen years later!?”

“Master Shi’s ability… is real…”

Momonosuke knelt in front of his parents’ tombstone with a bang, tears streaming down his face. When he saw the tombstone with his name written on it, he felt a shocking sense of fear, huge pressure and a kind of time and space confusion. The sense of absurdity made him burst into tears, with tears and runny nose streaming down his face.

While Kinemon and the others were comforting Momonosuke, Kanjuro quickly smeared the dead plum on the ground with his giant brush weapon and saber, and activated the superman-type ink fruit ability to quickly draw two birds.

Two ink birds surfaced from the ground, flapped their wings and flew away.

Kinemon wiped the blood and tears from his face and said sternly: “In short, we have to figure out the current situation first.”

A few people stood on the high ground of the ruins of Oden City, looking at the entire Jiuli vista. The countryside that was once as beautiful as a peach land is now extremely desolate with not a few living things visible as far as the eye can see. There are many factory-like buildings in the mountains and along the river. The tops of several towering rows of chimneys emit streams of black smoke that look disgusting.

“Toki-sama must have deep meaning in sending us to this day nineteen years later.” Kinemon looked around his three companions and said firmly, “We must inherit Oden-sama’s last wish and let Wano Country Founding of the country! ”

“Yes!” Kikunoshi and Raizo burst into tears, while Momonosuke wiped away his tears. As the undercover agent sent by the Black Tan Orochi, Kanjuro was very into the drama, and he was also in tears at this moment.

“Kanjuro, you are active near Kuri Oden Castle and Nozomi area. Xiaoju, you and Raizo go to Rabbit Bowl and the south side of Kuri to check the news. I will take His Highness Momonosuke Suzugo and Hakuwu to check , If Mr. Shigetsuki Yasujia is still talking…” At this point, Kinemon paused, feeling sad and heavy in his heart.

For them, nineteen years is just a blink of an eye, but Denjiro, Kawamatsu, and Ashura Doji endure it day by day. Also, Your Highness Hiyori, are you okay? If something goes wrong…

“Are they all going to various places to inquire about information?” Kanjuro raised his hand and asked doubtfully, “I’m afraid the old dog and the old cat have returned to Zou a long time ago. Besides, nineteen years have passed, and it will be even harder to defeat Kaido and Orochi. It’s difficult, now that we don’t have Lord Oden, it’s just us… Kinemon, should we go to sea to find more help?”

Kinemon shook his head and said: “It’s not that easy to go to sea! It’s even more difficult for us to break the sea ban and leave Wano Country alive… It’s not a pity to die for a few of our lives, but Tao His Highness Nosuke cannot let anything go wrong. Mr. Shi managed to retain the fire, how dare he let it down in the slightest?” He murmured to himself: “There must be some reason why Mr. Shi would rather sacrifice himself to send us to this day. …”

“In short, try to get in touch with Denjiro, Kawamatsu, Ashura Doji, Neko Viper, and Inuarashi as much as possible.” Kin’ue Gate took Momonosuke, who was still in shock and in a low mood, into his arms and put one hand on his waist. He picked up the hilt of the knife and looked back at the group of corrupt tombstones with a sad expression, “Success or failure depends on this one move. I won’t have a second chance. Remember, we must hide our whereabouts and be careful! We must not reveal our identities. We will meet again in seven days…”


Swish, swish, and a few times, the group of five people was divided into three groups.

Kikunochei and Raizo left for the southern part of Kuri and Rabbit Bowl. Kinemon took Momonosuke straight to the Flower Capital, Hakumai, and Suzuo.

In front of the deserted graves, Kanjuro stayed here. A weird smile appeared on his kabuki face with white pink cheeks, “Don’t reveal your identity? A bunch of idiots. Now Orochi-sama, you should have received the signal I sent… Hahahaha!”


The capital of flowers, the General’s Mansion.

“Someone broke into the country of Wano?” Orochi was slightly drunk, and angrily smashed the document on the head of the minister, “I am bothered by the matter of catching wind and shadow! Wait until the intruder is caught!”


“Hahaha, don’t pay attention to them.” The big snake hugged the gorgeous oiran and laughed wildly, “Keep going!”

Suddenly, two black birds flew in from the window and landed on the big snake’s shoulders very affectionately.

Xiao Zi raised her eyes and looked over curiously. She noticed that the expression on the big snake changed suddenly when the two birds landed. Even she pushed him aside. He rushed back to the screen in a hurry and opened the inner room. The door disappeared.

Counting the time… Oiran Xiaozi was still laughing and talking at the general’s banquet, but she clearly remembered in her heart that this was the year her mother had predicted. Just this year, his brother will be sent across time and space by his mother nineteen years ago using the power of Devil Fruit. If everything goes as smoothly as predicted, brother Momonosuke will resume his position as a general, and the country of Wano will be founded…

“Xiao Zi.” Kuang Shi Lang’s voice brought Xiao Zi back to her senses.

She covered her face with a fan, and her beautiful big eyes suddenly met the slender sight of the Kuangshilang who was hidden under the wig. She shook her head slightly to indicate that she was fine.

As soon as last year’s fireworks display was over, she knew that Kuaishourou wanted to live with his fingers pinched, appearing calm every day, anxiously waiting for Kinemon and others who might come from nineteen years ago…

At this time, Orochi was in another room, looking at the birds that turned into two pools of ink patterns on the table, he couldn’t help but turn blue and shuddered hard.

They are really here! Kinemon! The most important thing… Kozuki Momonosuke!

That son of Kozuki Oden! The one who is most likely to threaten his position as general is the last bloodline of the **** Kozuki family!

His cronies disappeared with Kinemon, Momonosuke and others nineteen years ago. Now, after nineteen years of absence, Orochi once again saw the ink bird made by Kanjuro’s ability. Do you understand what’s going on?

“Check! Check it for me!”

The big snake felt chills all over his body, but he was also furious. He overturned the low table in a rage, “Even if we have to rummage through every inch of Wano Country, we must find a few of them! All of them must be punished.” Capital punishment! They… died nineteen years ago!” General Heitan roared, “Also, tell Kaido that Kozuki Oden’s son has really appeared again!”


“What’s going on? The atmosphere has been so tense these two days.”

At the junction of Guri and Tuwan, in a certain town, the four people, Monet, Senior, Buffalo and Sugar, disguised as husband and wife, bodyguards and daughters, had already changed into local Wano costumes and gathered in an empty place. In a dilapidated house.

Wano Country is a hellish place. Sugar has not had fresh grapes to eat for several days. Her mouth is extremely dull and she is in a bad mood.

Senior said: “It seems that we are searching for someone.”

“Could it be us?!” The buffalo was surprised.

Monet said: “We flew out directly on a buffalo and were not discovered at all.”

“There’s no other way to stay here,” Satang was very irritated. She dragged her patched kimono that was too long and refused to wear the clothes of a little girl “of the same age” she had snatched. “Looking at the only waterfall here in Jiuli. Entrance, Buffalo, just you and Senior. Monet, come with me to the Flower Capital. The information there should be better.”

On the way to the Flower Capital, Monet smiled and said: “Sister, you just want to go to the Flower Capital to find grapes to eat, right?”

“Shut up!” Sugar scolded, and then said angrily, “It’s so annoying! If that **** Lynch doesn’t show up again, we might as well join Kaido’s banner together. They probably know Lynch’s whereabouts.”

Monet smiled and said: “In this case, I am afraid that Kaido will have to know your abilities, sister, before they will accept us favorably.”

“Isn’t it enough to have a natural system?” Sugar glanced at his sister and sneered, “If I tell them about my abilities, I’m afraid many people will be so scared that they will come over and strangle me to death in the middle of the night…”

“…” Monet was silent for a long time and murmured dullly, “After all, not everyone has the magnanimity of Dover.”

“Sister, can we really avenge him?”

“Shut up!”


I am Kanjuro Kuotan, an actor who was born on the stage and longs to die on the stage… With a relaxed smile on his face, Kanjuro sat in an abandoned village in Kuri and unfolded a picture with great difficulty He found scraps of paper, with ink hanging from his fingertips, and scribbled down confidential information on the paper: “General Orochi is here… Kozuki Momonosuke is also waiting with me…”

Time was in a hurry just now. As an excellent undercover agent, Kanjuro is now free. Of course, he must report the information he can provide to the contemporary head of the Kuotan family in detail. He is also his de facto Loyal Lord, Lord Orochi. That idiot Kinemon, when he split up, he actually just let himself act alone! However, this is also the reason why his acting skills have been superb for so many years. Ha ha ha ha.

After writing the secret letter, Kanjuro wrapped it up, and then splashed ink with a brush to draw a lifelike portrait of the leader of the imperial clan, Fukuro Shou, with a bald head and long earlobes. Fu Lushou, who had transformed into ink, picked up the secret letter, hid it in his arms, and raised his palm in salute to Kanjuro who smiled evilly. Kanjuro, an accomplished actor who has played many roles, returned the favor in a similar way, and finally watched Mo Fu Lu Shou heading towards the Flower Capital.

As long as he receives the secret message, Orochi-sama will be able to capture Momonosuke soon! Catch them all!

Kanjuro looked at the sky and thought to himself, Kinemon, I proposed to go to sea before, but I really thought about you! The best actor is not what he acts like, but what he acts like. When I played the role of Kanjuro, one of your companions “The Nine Red Scabbards”, I really thought about you completely new and completely… And when I returned to the identity of Kanjuro Kuotan, I also really thought about it. I want you to die!

Hehehehaha… Kanjuro, who was covered in white powder and blushed, showed a narcissistic smile.


“Hey, thank you, thank you.”

Kinemon in disguise gave a fake smile to the passing pirates of the Beasts Pirates and walked away dejectedly. After running out for a few miles in a huff, Momonosuke’s head squirmed in his arms, and his “disguised” face painted with ink by Kanjuro turned red, and he let out a breath as if he was alive. , “I almost died! Kinemon!”

“I deserve death!” Kinemon apologized hurriedly.

“Forget it, it’s not the time to care about it…” Momonosuke dusted off his clothes and coughed lightly, “The most important thing now is our plan.”

Kinemon sighed gloomily. Along the way in the past few days, they saw factories standing everywhere, spewing thick black smoke. The river water had been polluted to the point of being undrinkable. All the daimyo except the Flower City were Destroyed, the land is depleted, and the area that can be used to grow crops is less than one-third of what it was twenty years ago… These are the next ones. The most hateful thing is Orochi’s **** slander of Mitsuki’s name!

The people of Wano today only know about the Black Carbon Orochi, but they don’t know about General Kozuki!

“Hey hey hey…”

Kin’emon was walking depressedly when he suddenly heard Momonosuke’s laughter in the distance and was shocked, “Momonosuke-sama, why don’t you leave the lower body crane easily?!”

He looked up and saw that on the side of the road in front of him, Momonosuke, with a face that had been “made up” by Kanjuro, fell into the arms of a woman who still had charm. bursts of laughter.

Kin’emon felt like he was struck by lightning. This woman was none other than his own wife, Crane!

Nineteen years have passed by in a hurry, but she is still so beautiful, gentle and plump…

“Hehehehehe…” Momonosuke arched and arched. In this cruel world, only this warm heart can give him a trace of warmth.

“Whose child is this, separated from his family?” The beautiful woman had no idea that her husband, who had disappeared for nineteen years, was secretly looking at her, pitying her unrecognized young master. Nosuke comforted him by pressing his hand on his chest. “Good boy, don’t be afraid. How about going home with your aunt and eating some adzuki bean soup?”

Momonosuke shook his head vigorously, bowed his head after retreating and said: “The person you are waiting for will definitely come back!”

After saying that, regardless of how the crane reacted, he turned around and ran away, leaving the crane standing there blankly, wanting to scream but not daring, covering his mouth tightly and staring wide-eyed.

The boy fled not far away, and the tall figure waiting at the corner clearly looked like…

Crane. Kinemon looked away with nostalgia, now is not the time for us to recognize each other! Kozuki Oden’s number one retainer Samurai took Momonosuke away reluctantly.

It really hurts!

The way Momonosuke was twisting in his wife’s arms just now was like a nail piercing his heart. Kin’emon didn’t know if he had seen it wrong. His Highness Momonosuke seemed to be showing such… Such a smile… No, it’s impossible, His Highness Momonosuke is only eight years old, he is just an eight-year-old child!

“What’s wrong with you, Kinemon?” Momonosuke raised his head and asked.

What am I thinking? This is Lord Oden’s son! Kinemon shook his head and said seriously: “I think we should make a secret code. If Denjiro sees it, he will definitely be able to understand it…”


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