I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 800 is settled


[Chapter Series·Mother Burial 2·”A Big Dream”]

[Twin sisters Charlotte Lola and Qifeng couldn’t help crying when they heard about their mother’s death. The other Charlotte children on the island were walking away and scattered, and some were planning to form their own sea. The pirate group set sail to sea, and some planned to stay away from the pirate life incognito. They also divided up the few remaining inheritance of the Charlotte family. Qifeng and Laura’s father, Auntie’s 25th husband, the big-headed Wunu held the newspaper, looked at the news of Auntie’s murder, and silently lamented. ]


Lynch’s blood?

Hancock was enraged, and his black hair turned into snakes and flew into the air. His face also became seductive, showing a Medusa look, and his fierce killing intent, wrapped in an almost overbearing look, exploded out.


The tall figure with a high crown on his head and a flowing robe was scattered by the overlord color in the air, turning into mist all over the sky.

Even the Homiz Poison Cloud Athena made from Hancock’s soul was intimidated by the domineering power exuded by the empress, and quietly shrank back, hiding behind the thunder cloud Ymir.

I’m scared too! Ymir’s glasses slipped and he opened his mouth to speak.

Wow – the scattered water mist in the sky condensed again under the gaze of several people.

“Who are you?” Hancock yelled, “What did you mean by what you just said?”

The tall-crowned figure transformed from the seawater stood on the shore with hands behind her hands. She did not look at Hancock who attacked her. She seemed to be dismissive of the so-called empress and turned a deaf ear to her questions.

Hancock was about to have an attack, but Lynch grabbed his hand and comforted him.

Lin Qi smiled and said, “Sister Yi is here in person. Do you have any advice?”

The incarnation of the sea water turned around and glanced at him with indifferent eyes, “Aren’t you muttering and making a lot of noise?”

Huh? What’s the meaning? Lin Qi was speechless. If I ask you to come, you will come. You are so free!

Lin Qi said: “You just said that my blood is very useful, do you mean that it is because of me that you can do what you are doing now?” He gestured to Im’s seawater incarnation at the moment.

If Im could do this kind of thing before, then Im would have known that just grabbing Lynch’s body would not necessarily lead to Lynch’s substitute. When he caught Lynch, he tortured him over and over again about where the substitute was – in Lynch’s words, he was neither willing to kill himself nor could he ask anything, and he looked very angry.

In response to his words, the incarnation of the sea water did not answer, but just snorted lightly.

Lynch hooked Hancock and Robin’s shoulders, and asked with a smile: “I have always had a question, why don’t you take away their devil fruits?”

“Is it because you failed to take Hancock’s fruit that you gave up the attempt?” Lynch said, “But later Robin and Hancock separated, and my stand-in couldn’t take care of two people scattered around the world. .”

The sea water turned indifferent and said: “What does it have to do with me whether two ants gather or disperse?”

Hancock was so angry that he wanted to kick this guy to pieces ten thousand times.

Robin held Hancock’s hand tightly, but stared unblinkingly at Im, who was transformed into sea water. The opponent either put his hands behind his hands and looked at the sea, or glanced at Lynch or the stand-in armor next to him. His indifferent eyes never glanced at her or Hancock from beginning to end.

“That’s not right,” Lynch said with a smile. “If you don’t care at all, then why did you take Hancock’s fruit again in the first place? If my stand-in hadn’t been there at the time, she would have been really dangerous. ”

In fact, there are only one or two answers to this question. Either Im was acting on a whim at that time, or…

“The five dogs raised outside the yard are begging for help at the door. It’s hard to ignore them.” The tone of the incarnation of the sea water did not change.

Lin Qi smiled and said: “Jian? Sister Yi is still a dog lover!”

The incarnation of sea water showed no reaction. He looked at the sea quietly, not knowing what to see.

“They asked you to take action to kill the empress, but you failed.” Lin Qiqi asked, “Won’t this diminish your image in their hearts?”

Holy Land, Pangu City, among the flowers, the sun shines through the skylight. Under the shadow of the high crown, those ripple-like pupils are still the same as before. She raised her hand, and a plain white butterfly fell on her finger. He said flatly: “This is not about whether I successfully killed the ant next to you, but whether… these five old dogs have the courage to question me.”

“Or do you have the ability to resist me?” The incarnation of sea water glanced at Lynch.

“Ah, if you say that, I will understand.”

Lynch nodded and said, “You can destroy them and take away Mary Joa with just a flip of your hand. There may be other reasons for failing to destroy Hancock, but the power right in front of you is real. ”

“What about Whitebeard?” Lin Qi asked again, “Just a year ago, the Five Old Stars also begged you?”

The incarnation of sea water said calmly: “There is too much movement and it is very noisy.”

Lin Qi was dumbfounded. No wonder Whitebeard had told Marco before not to fly directly above Mariejoia – this was probably what Whitebeard had learned from Roger.

You have a bad temper! Not allowed to fly over your head, nor shake the red earth continent to disturb your purity?

Lin Qi said: “Then let me ask another question.”

The sea water has turned into sorrow. I have tormented you for ten years and you haven’t come up with much. Why are there so many problems now?

“Why do you want my substitute so much?” Lynch tapped the arm armor of “B.I.B” with a snap of his fingers, “You may already know, maybe you don’t know yet, but I can now make others awaken the substitute – ―It may be very risky for ordinary people, but Sister Yi, you will definitely be fine.”

The incarnation of sea water sneered: “Why, are you finally afraid of me?”

Lin Qi smiled and said: “It seems that he must be my substitute.”

The incarnation of the sea water was noncommittal and continued to turn its head to look at the sea.

“You said before that this sea is very small, and I can’t help but look for you.” Lynch smiled and pointed behind, where a banquet was being held in the clearing of the woods on the other end of the island, “That boy I will definitely become the new Joyboy, reach the final island, find the great secret treasure, and become the Pirate King. At that time, all the fates will eventually converge, and I will also go to Mariejoia to find you.”

These words that Lynch said, the previous ones, Joey Boy, the Great Secret Treasure, and the Sea Incarnation were all indifferent. Only when Lynch finished speaking did she look back.

Lynch’s eyes with golden lines and powerful spiritual power seem to be able to convey real auditory hallucinations: “When the time comes, I guarantee that only one of us can come out alive! How about it? Before that, , you’d better not mess with other people’s devil fruits…”

As for the first half of Lynch’s sentence, Seawater Incarnation sneered, seeming to be very disdainful.

For the second half of Lynch’s sentence, Master Yimu among the flowers continued to sneer, still very disdainful.

Lin Qi smiled and said: “So calm? Is there no secret in the secret treasure that can kill you? Oops, it seems I made a mistake!”

Im grasped the butterfly tightly and said calmly: “If there is, why does a new Joyboy need to appear?”

“That makes sense!” Lynch nodded, “Is that settled?”

He grabbed the green and black iron rod and walked towards the sea water substitute. He grabbed the stick twice, made a fist and stretched it towards the opponent.

The sea water turned into a puff of sleeves and opened Lynch’s fist holding the bat.

Lynch laughed.

Im was about to release the clone when he heard that so-and-so urgently ask: “Who are you? Eight hundred years ago -“

Too lazy to pay attention to such ants, Im dismissed the seawater avatar projected in the sea of ​​the new world with just one thought.

She let go of her hand, and the butterfly swayed twice, fluttered its wings and flew away, drowned by the bright sunshine.


The incarnation of the sea water was lifted, and all the invisible pressure disappeared. Poison Cloud Athena and Thunder Cloud Ymir quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Robin frowned and relaxed. It seemed that only when he arrived at the final island could the questions that O’Hara’s scholars were pursuing be answered.

Hancock was very dissatisfied and confused at the same time, “What is ‘decided’?”

Lynch’s repeater said the same way: “‘That boy will definitely become the new Joeyboy, reach the final island, find the great secret treasure, and become the Pirate King. At that time, all the destinies will eventually converge, and I will also go to Mary Qiao Ya is looking for you’…”

“That’s all?” Hancock looked at him suspiciously, “Why do I feel something is wrong?”

Lin Qi reminded: “The final battle. Fight the BOSS!”

Hancock rolled his eyes.

As for Ayu, who was preparing to leave for Marigio to attend the World Conference, and there were some risks, Lynch did not mention it to Im during the entire process. Hancock didn’t take it to heart at all, but Robin guessed Lynch’s intention – what if Im just didn’t notice Ayu, so he didn’t target her? Lin Qi reminded Yi Mu that Ayu’s existence was actually a bad thing.

Lynch smiled and patted Hancock, “Anyway, feel free to go to the World Conference with Ayu. As long as you don’t get mad and tear Mary Joa apart, you’ll be fine.”

Robin, who was thinking, heard this and glanced at Lynch.

On the way back to the place where the banquet was held, Lin Qi asked “B.I.B” to take out the soul fruit in his body, “Time waits for no man, Lao Hei.”

“B.I.B” nodded, and said nothing about the tacit understanding with its main body. It floated up, glanced at the sky, found the location of Sonny and Rab, and flew over.

The black armor returned to the Sonny, sitting cross-legged in the air, the light in his narrow eyes extinguished, and he devoted himself to practice. A ball of colorful energy surged out of his back, with wisps of gray at the bottom. Energy slowly merges into its body, growing its own power bit by bit. When it becomes one with the main body, these increased powers will also be reflected in the main body.

Over there, Lin Qi, three people and Eryun quickly returned to the banquet location. Everyone’s laughter had stopped and they were listening to what Sanji and others were saying.


“I’ve heard of the Vinsmoke family too.” Marco touched the pineapple head of his Fire Cloud Susano’o, “That’s the surname of a royal family in the North Sea!”

Brooke said: “Jelma Kingdom, that evil kingdom, ah, sorry, Mr. Sanji.”

“It doesn’t matter,” Sanji shook out a cigarette from the cigarette case, “It is indeed an evil country. And I happened to be born in that place.” He lit the cigarette with a lighter and took a puff, “But when I was a child, I was with My father broke off the relationship. He doesn’t recognize me as his son, and I don’t want that kind of father.”

When he said this, Ace patted him on the shoulder with an expression that said, “Everyone has a scumbag father, so it’s not easy.”

“Then I ran to the East China Sea, and then I met old man Zhepu, and then I worked in the Haihai Restaurant… and then I met you.”

Sanji smiled and smoked, “Okay, the story is over.”

“No.” Usopp reminded, holding up Sanji’s bounty order, “Your name has changed to your full name, and the usual no matter life or death has been changed to as long as you are captured alive.”

Frankie said: “Does this mean that the Vinsmoke family has discovered Sanji and wants to take you back?”

“What? How can this be done!” Luffy, who was chewing meat, said displeasedly, “Sanji, do you want to go back?”

Sanji said: “No.”

“That’s enough!” Luffy shouted angrily, “If they dare to come and rob people, I’ll beat them all away!”

“Hehehe…” Sanji chuckled, “Don’t bother, I will kick them away myself! – Hey, Sister Robin, Lady Empress, are you back?” Sanji’s eyes lit up, After quickly delivering the prepared desserts and cold drinks, Zoro, Nami and others couldn’t help but shake their heads and sigh.

While Lynch was enjoying the desserts and cold drinks brought to his lips by Robin and Hancock, he looked at the frustrated Sanji thoughtfully.

What’s going on? Auntie has already died, why are you still here?

Is there a wedding of all nations waiting for Sanji?

Don’t make trouble, I’m afraid the Charlotte family has already disbanded… What does Vinsmoke Gaji, that strange bird, want to do?

After a short gathering, the three Boya sisters left again.

Sanda and Mary sat on the fire clouds Artemis and Ares respectively, looking at the other three people on the ground with smiles.

Robin smiled and said: “Just like he said, don’t lose your temper and tear Mariejoia apart.”

Hancock rolled his eyes and let go of Lynch.

Lin Qi kissed her on the forehead, and Hancock’s cheeks immediately turned red. He cast a sideways glance at him, then turned around and jumped onto the purple poisonous cloud Athena.

Robin leaned against Lynch and waved to the three Hancock sisters.

Three clouds soared, Hancock looked down at the woods and crowds getting smaller and smaller, turned back to face the wind and said: “Let’s go.”

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Poison cloud Athena, fire cloud Artemis, and fire cloud Ares carried them away quickly, crossing the boundless sea, leaving behind a series of laughter of Mary and others…

“2 billion!! Hey hey haha…”

At the banquet in the woods, when everyone was talking about the bounty, Luffy proudly showed off his bounty order, raised his head and laughed, “Already surpassed Robin! The next one is Lynch! Hahahaha… ”

“It’s very early!” Ace put his fist on Luffy’s head and said with a grin, “You’d better pass me first!”

“Tomorrow…I will…” Luffy glared and said, “To pass you…why do you use Haki!! It hurts!!!”


Everyone toasted and laughed, but Usopp looked at his bounty from time to time, drinking silently and crying. Is this the loneliness of a stealth sniper?

Lynch and Robin also rejoined the party.

“Do you have a way to Wano Country?” Lynch and Marco hooked up.

“Of course.” Marco smiled and couldn’t help but sigh, “Izo always wants to go back to Wano Country to visit…”


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