I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 799 im im im im im im im im


[Chapter Series·Mother Burial 1·”Suddenly”]

[New world, a certain sea area, a certain island. The girl from the Three-Eyed Clan was sitting alone on the beach, and she kept pulling out film-like things from her temples very cunningly. There were already a lot of messy stacks around her, and she kept searching for what she wanted to find in these films. Remember, the older it goes, the more time it takes to find it. Suddenly, there was a burst of bird song, which made Bryn tremble in fright. She turned around and saw the news bird tilting its head and looking at her in confusion. ]–

Over the banquet, the Empress made a shining appearance, which immediately caused everyone to cheer.

“Hancock Sister” Sanji immediately put that little worry behind him, his eyes were full of love and he was infatuated.

Ace and others are not very familiar with Kuji, but the pirates’ banquet welcomes all comers. As long as they are friends, they can sing, dance, and laugh together, so they are naturally welcome.

Hancock rolled his eyes and didn’t show any respect. After riding the flying snake down, he walked directly to Lynch and Robin.

She raised her chin proudly. Robin stepped aside with a smile and patted the ground in the space between Lynch and himself.

Seeing that it was the C position in the middle, Hancock didn’t show it on his face, but he was happy in his heart. He tossed his cloak and sat down gracefully.

Sanda and Mary smiled and said hello to Lynch and Robin, and then their attention was attracted by the spiritual clouds lingering above Sauron, Ace and others, with different expressions and postures. I wandered over curiously, touched that one, touched this one, and after asking, I learned that it was my brother-in-law Lynch who used Auntie’s soul fruit to make everyone’s own Homitz. Magical clouds that can carry people flying.

“Sleeping Beauty, be good.” Perona happily continued to create mini explosion ghosts one after another and sent them into her own explosion cloud.

She is a ghost fruit user and has the ability to levitate and fly, but after all, she is flying after her soul leaves the body, so her body needs protection.

It would be very convenient to have a cloud to place the physical body. And the clouds are so soft and so cute.

At the same time as the explosion cloud made a soft roar, the Sleeping Beauty in her arms also burped, and made a majestic voice like a bell: “I am so good!”

“…?” Perona was confused by the powerful voice. Her face quickly changed and she said angrily: “Why is it such a voice! This is not cute at all!”

This is actually normal. Homitz itself has no gender. For example, Big Mom’s Emperor Sword Napoleon tends to be more male and king-like.

The characteristics displayed by Homiz, taken from a fragment of the soul, are naturally closely related to the personality of the soul subject. Perona is essentially a unruly princess who lacks love, and is very attached to Moria, who is actually her adoptive father. This kind of personality is reflected in Homiz, creating this explosive cloud named “Sleeping Beauty” with a rich voice and a fatherly voice…

Perona was so angry that she grabbed Sleeping Beauty and shook it, telling it never to speak casually again, which made everyone laugh.

“Miss Sanda~Miss Mary~” Sanji jumped up and showed his courtesy.

He delivered each piece of delicious food to Sanda and Mary, who had just joined the banquet. His feet were a little lighter as he hummed a song, and next to him, there was a white thunder cloud with gold on the cloud. dinner plate.

“Miss Hancock”

Like a little golden whirlwind, Sanji politely placed each piece of delicious food in front of Hancock and Robin, completely ignoring Lynch.

Lin Qi didn’t care, because soon his left and right hands handed the food on the plate to his mouth.

“Thank you for your hard work, Miss Sif~” Sanji held his suit trouser pocket with one hand and placed the gold dinner plate on the thunder cloud next to him. He loosened his tie and bowed elegantly. Lei Yun, who had beautiful facial features, snorted, “If it weren’t for you being the master, I wouldn’t be too lazy to help you.”

“Sanji and even Homitz are feminine…” Over there, Chopper, Luffy, Nami and others who ate melons, meat, and drank drinks were eye-opening.

Usopp even slapped his palm, “Even his own Homitz ignored him, Sanji really has a true character!”

“Oh.” Merry, who was lying on Sol Cloud and playing with Chopper’s thundercloud Mjolnir, looked shocked.

“Haha!” Frankie laughed, “What a loser! I appreciate it very much!”

“Mr. Sanji…” Brooke looked worried. Oh, yes, he is a skeleton, and there is no worry at all on his face! Yo ho, yo **** ho ho…

While eating happily, Lin Qi said with a smile: “It has only been a few days, but the Empress has already missed us?”

“Who misses you!” Hancock refused to admit it, took out a piece of paper from his arms and stretched it in front of Lynch.

With so many people here, Lin Qi showed respect to the Empress. He took the note and looked at it with surprise on his face. Isn’t the World Conference next year?

It’s not that Lynch pays much attention to the current political affairs of this world. In fact, when he time traveled, the comic plot was almost around the time of the World Conference “two years later”, so he was deeply impressed.

Robin came over to take a look, and quickly smiled and said: “It seems that you have formed a Three Kingdoms Alliance and shocked the World Government.”

“Me?” Lin Qi raised his eyebrows.

He just thought it would be fun to create a new circular ocean current in the new world, and it would also satisfy the vision of Fishman Island living under the sun. Moreover, this can reconnect the Kingdom of Flowers and the Nine Snakes. Why not do something that achieves multiple things with one stone?

Robin said: “Even the Nine Snakes Empress was invited together. This in itself is a release of goodwill.”

“Going down the stairs, right?” Lin Qi muttered, “Do you still want to restore Hancock’s title of Shichibukai? Don’t tell me, is the latest Shichibukai not full?”

Hancock rolled his eyes, “Who cares about the Shichibukai!”

Robin smiled and said: “Perhaps I will ask you to restore the sailors you petrified back then, and take the opportunity to restore your position as the Shichibukai. With the name of the Shichibukai, at least Nine Snakes will form an alliance with the Kingdom of Flowers and the Dragon Palace. The world government will not be disgraced.”

“What are you dreaming about?” Hancock continued to sneer.

Lin Qi guessed: “Or maybe ask Ayu at the world conference whether Nine Snakes is a satellite country of the Kingdom of Flowers?”

Hancock continued to sneer: “It’s even more of a dream!”

“You are very arrogant, Xiaobo.” Lynch put his arms around her shoulders and looked at Sanda and Mary, who were laughing and having a feast with Luffy, Zoro, Ace, Marco and others, “I want to take it out. As for the devil fruit, why didn’t Ayu come along?”

Hancock looked away, then quickly looked back. “If there is a situation that may trigger Im’s “sanctions,” she hid the words that may trigger Im’s “sanctions,” immediately open the ‘Hailou Stone’ cage.” While trapping yourself, block the escape of the Devil Fruit Factor, and then use the golden badge to call you over for rescue.” Before, Lynch asked Kizaru for the Sea Tower Stone they wanted, except for a small amount that Franky added to his own transformation. It was put into use for this purpose.

Lynch reminded: “It hurts a lot.”

“It’s not me that hurts!” Hancock said matter-of-factly. Her Medusa Fruit has long been integrated into her blood, and even Lynch’s stand-in cannot take it out, so there is no risk.

Robin shook his head helplessly and waved to Sanda and Mary over there.

Sanda and Mary flew over on Chopper’s Thundercloud Mjolnir and said excitedly: “This is so interesting!”

Robin smiled and said: “You guys want to make one too? It’s just right. After I take out the fruits for you later, you can use them to go back.”

“Can we do it too?” Mary patted Mjolnir happily and jumped down with Thonda.

“But we don’t know how to generate electricity, nor do we burn fruits or anything like that!” Sangda obviously already knew a lot.

Hancock scolded: “What’s so difficult about fire? Just burn something and you can do it?”


This is because I have fallen into a fixed mindset. Because Ace and Nami are used as power banks over there, I think they need corresponding Devil Fruit ability users to be convenient.

Natural lightning is hard to find. Isn’t it easy to light a fire on the spot and let Huo Yun have a feast?

Soon, Lynch followed the same method, taking “half a day” lifespan from the souls of Sanda and Mary, and then combined them with the two groups drawn from the bonfire at the banquet, and turned them into fire clouds, Homitz.

When it was Hancock’s turn, she didn’t intend to use flames.

“Use these.”

The empress’s waist-length black hair instantly transformed into thousands of slender black snakes, which opened their mouths and hissed, and soon spewed out a thick purple poisonous mist.

Lin Qi reached out to grab these poisonous mist, and the power of the Soul Soul Fruit absorbed them, combined with Hancock’s soul fragments, and turned into a noble purple cloud, with elegant and delicate facial features condensed on the face.

It’s obviously a cloud, but it’s so beautiful that it makes people’s hearts flutter.

Anyway, Sanji in the distance started to twist his body with his heart-eyed eyes again. Nami and Usopp, who looked to the left and right, had black streaks on their heads. Thunder Cloud Sif looked at the purple cloud next to Hancock. He stared angrily.

“Just call…” Hancock thought for a moment, “‘Athena’!”

Lin Qi said: “I thought it was ‘Medusa’.”

Robin smiled and said: “She is Medusa herself.”

“That’s right!”

Sanda held up his fire cloud enthusiastically, “If you say… let’s call her ‘Artemis’!”

“Yeah.” Artemis rubbed Sanda’s cheek.

Mary “fist-bumped” with her fire cloud and said with a smile: “‘Ares’.”

Phew! Ares burst into flames with excitement.

“The goddess of hunting and the **** of war really fits the style of Nine Snakes.” Lynch smiled and pawed, then stood up and reached out to hold Robin and Hancock’s hands, “Athena is even more so. Well deserved.”

Poison Cloud Athena smiled reservedly.

Lin Qi summoned “B.I.B” and took out the Devil Fruits from Sanda and Mary respectively. He found two fruits in the fruit basket at the banquet and stuffed them in. They immediately turned into illusions of flying snakes and power snakes. The Beast Devil Fruit was given to the two sisters to keep separately.

“Let’s go,” clapped his hands, and Lynch left with Robin and Hancock. “In the end, there’s no point in guessing. It’s better to ask her directly.”


The three of Lynch left. Sanda and Mary collected the fruits, sat on their respective fire clouds, played happily, and continued to join everyone in the banquet.

Labost, Jozi and others were talking about what happened on Fish-Man Island and Thor Island respectively, but Sanji bit his handkerchief and his eyes almost turned into lemons as he watched Lynch and the others go away. Direction, “Woooooooo…”

“What’s going on?” Nami was surprised.

Zoron drank and said, “You still have to guess? You’re a perverted cook, your head must be full of yellow waste now!”

Sanji glared at Zoro.

Nami felt very speechless and gave Sanji an electrotherapy treatment.

Usopp reminded: “How is that possible!”

Sanji thought he was a confidant, but saw Usopp continue: “They have Xiaolu. If you want that, you don’t need to go so far… let’s go to the opposite coast!”

Boom, as if his heartstrings were broken, raging fire surged from Sanji’s body, “Ooooooooooo!”

“What’s wrong?”

The Baituan side was shocked, eating and drinking well, what’s going on? Luffy waved his hand, indicating not to worry, Sanji has always been so weird.

“Hahaha.” Usopp laughed happily, the prank was a success.

Ace looked at Sanji, who was covered in fire, and couldn’t help but be speechless. Luffy’s Fire Fist Gun, Zoro’s Flame-plated Knife, and it is said that Lynch can also use Fire Fist…how come two of them can use fire moves? ?

Is it shameful for me to burn the fruit?

“Ask her, who?”

As Lynch led him all the way to the coast opposite the island, Hancock was still confused.

Poison Cloud Athena hovered reservedly and followed Hancock. Also a type who doesn’t like to talk, Robin’s Thundercloud Ymir appears to be quiet and calm compared to Athena’s elegance, which may be due to the pair of glasses that have the temperament of a female monitor.

Lin Qi said: “Of course he is the one who can’t even mention it.”

Both Robin and Hancock were stunned, then speechless.

You are obviously a top-notch figure behind the scenes, but why do you make it sound like you are chatting with your next door neighbor?

“Just going to Mary Joya?” Hancock asked.

“Isn’t this skipping class? The map hasn’t been finished yet, so I’m not going!” Lin Qi shook his head and smiled, “There’s no need to go. Didn’t I just say that it’s for people who can’t even mention it? Isn’t it obvious how to find her?”

Could it be that… before Hancock and Robin could say anything, they saw Lynch shouting to the vast blue sea and sky: “Work hard! Fight!”

Hancock, Robin: “…”

“Ahem, you said it wrong, try again!” Lynch shouted, “Im-Im-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-E-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-we-I-we-we-reserved   ourselves we’re I’m Im  I                                                                   

You really “mentioned” the other party!

Even Robin was so shocked by his operation that he could not help but lean back slightly. It was so simple and straightforward…

Just, will it be useful?

Hancock looked at the sky. She remembered that a year ago in the Chambord Islands, mentioning that existence had led to “divine punishment” sanctions.

When Lin Qi called Sister Yi by her maiden name, Zhenghuan, there was nothing unusual in the sky, but the sea in front of them changed.

“What is that?” Poison Cloud Athena was surprised. The quiet Ymir’s eyes widened and he quietly hid behind Athena.

Wow! The waves became turbulent, and the entire offshore water rose with a thunderous momentum. A pair of eyes with a cold glow appeared in the waves that were more than ten meters high.

Is this the person?

Hancock and Robin held their breath, staring unblinkingly at the huge eyes in the waves. These eyes, which were not like human beings, were looking down at them on the shore indifferently.

This is the man who took Lin Qi away…

Hancock’s anger level was rising, but the huge eyes in the sea didn’t care about her, but looked at the black shadow next to Lynch.


An arm of condensed sea water emerged from the huge waves, and the big hand of the current grabbed Lynch’s stand-in “B.I.B” on the shore.


Thunder and lightning exploded, and the burst of light swayed. It turned out to be Robin’s thunder cloud Ymir suddenly attacked, and swung a bucket-thick thunder and lightning strike at the big hand of the sea water that was grabbing the stand-in armor.

Puffy! The seawater was electrified so that white smoke billowed out, and it continued to evaporate, but it did not stop.

The double armor’s narrow eyes shimmered, but he did not avoid it.

Lin Qi did not move, but the green and black iron fist suspended behind him took the initiative to protect the master. He circled around, wrapped the end of the stick with domineering force, and drew it with a stick, beating the half-broken seawater hand into a spray of water all over the sky. .


The arm disintegrated, huge waves surged, and those eyes stared at Lin Qi indifferently.

Lin Qi smiled and said: “I don’t believe you can keep turning your eyes like this 24 hours a day. Isn’t that awesome? Sister Yi, you can actually launch a clone from such a distance?”


The huge eyes on the waves more than ten meters high suddenly disappeared. Soon, a wave of white waves hit the shore. Robin and Hancock looked in surprise. A figure in a high-crown robe condensed by the sea water actually stepped onto the shore. Those open eyes were exactly the same as those on the huge waves just now!

The eyes looked at Lin Qi and said calmly: “Your blood is indeed good.”


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