I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 787 Ending Battle 13——Rotten Tooth Boy, gravity is mutual!


[Chapter Series·Three Kingdoms 18·”Moving the Sea”]

[The Kingdom of Flowers is at the outer entrance of the windless zone, and Fishman Island and Nine Snakes Island are within the windless zone. The three can be connected to form an isosceles triangle. The distance between Fishman Island and the Twin Islands of Nine Snakes is slightly closer. In this isosceles triangular three-island ring sea area, large sea kings are as densely packed as the tide, shuttling in circles at the fastest speed, creating an almost permanent fast ocean current channel… And among these large sea king communities , the mermaid princess Poseidon White Star was swimming comfortably in the rolling sea currents, chatting and swimming with the Neptunes. ]


The shadow of the long-haired woman lurked like a fish in the chaotic crowd, and there was a faint sound of gnashing teeth, something like a cry, or a muttering in the shadow.

“Where is it…”

A pale white ghost wandering on the edge of the chaotic battlefield murmured to himself, and soon many identical negative ghosts gathered from different directions on the battlefield, condensing into a ghost clone of Perona.

“The guy who stole Lord Moria’s Shadow Fruit…”

Perona frowned and flew around angrily, not bothering to pay attention to the melee pirates. She only wanted to find out the shadow fruit user who controlled the zombies.

Suddenly, from the shadow of a long-haired woman, as if emerging from the water, the head of a woman with long gray hair appeared.

Perona almost bumped into her and was so scared that her eyes almost popped out, “Old witch!!!”

“Who is the old witch?!” Charlotte Bray also screamed, and she and Perona looked at each other, and at the same time their hearts thumped.

“Come out!”

Perona shouted sternly and waved her hand, and a negative ghost muttering “negative, negative” passed through Bree’s head.

“…?” Bree was initially shocked, but nothing happened.

“…?” A question mark appeared above Perona’s head. What was going on? Why did this happen again? She couldn’t help but turn her head and look at Nicole Robin, who was suppressing a snake-headed woman wearing a big hat. The last time she dealt with her on the devil’s three-masted sailboat, the Negative Ghost also returned without success!

Bree gritted her teeth suddenly, not knowing who she was talking to: “If that’s the case, what about this?”

Perona was startled and drifted back. After waiting for a while, there was no movement. She looked at herself and at Bree who appeared in the shadow. What on earth did she do?


There was a muffled sound nearby, which seemed particularly abrupt, followed by the strange smile of the afro-headed skull: “Yo **** ho **** ho ho,”

Perona, Robin, and Chopper all turned to look and found that not only Brooke was back, but also the zombie Katakuri appeared out of thin air.

It’s just that zombie Katakuri now looks more like corpse Katakuri. Lying on the ground motionless.

“I didn’t expect that I could use this method to crack the ability of “Knocking on the Door of Heaven”! It’s really surprising…” Brooke shook his black knife and autumn water, and in the green energy beside him, a muscular man The ordinary substitute “Knocking on the Gate of Heaven” was also looking up at the dense, ink-like black shadows flying out of Katakuri’s body.

“Hey, your ‘sidewalk’ ability has been cracked?”

At this moment, after Lin Qi whipped the aunt back with a stick, he happened to be passing by and took a look here.

Brooke said: “The ‘sidewalk’ of ‘Knocking at Heaven’s Door’ can only deal with living creatures. After the shadow in this zombie’s body was taken out, it became a completely dead thing, so he left directly from the ‘sidewalk’ …”

“Lin!!! Qi!!!!!!”

At this moment, there was a scream that was extremely sad and angry not far away. Lynch looked over and saw that it was Charlotte Bray – oh, the sister who has the best relationship with Katakuri. The original owner of the Mirror Fruit – with long hair flying, stared at Lynch with hatred in his eyes, and shouted sternly: “I want to avenge Katakuri brother!!!!”

Bree screamed, her whole body trembled, and countless shadows, densely packed like a black tide, surged out of her body. She didn’t know whether there were hundreds or thousands of shadows, she couldn’t count them!

Countless shadows were poured into Katakuri’s body lying on the ground by Bree.


As if his heart had been pacing, Katakuri’s body suddenly jumped up from the ground. His skin turned a strange purple color, and his body swelled abnormally, reaching a height of fifteen meters.

“Lynch, you deserve to die…!!”

The monster-like zombie Katakuri grabbed the three-pronged spear and stabbed Lynch next to Brooke…


Lin Qi shook his head, “Old elite monster, I don’t have time to play with you!”

He raised his hand and grabbed the spikes of the spear that was wrapped around Haki. With a roar, the huge impact raised smoke and dust in the sky, and black Haki lightning burst out at the intersection… However, the zombie Katakuri’s feet scoffed at him. He moved back, causing the ground to become as cracked as a spider web, but he was unable to move Lynch even an inch. Even the spear held by Lynch did not move at all.

Armand, Compert, the dying eldest son Perospero, and many of the Big Mom pirates who noticed this scene couldn’t help but feel despair in their hearts.

Is this Lynch still a human being?

“If you let Katakuri come to life and fill in so many shadows, it might be a little bit interesting…”

Lynch grabbed the spear and picked up the giant Katakuri zombie.

“You… hateful…” Zombie Katakuri gritted his teeth. His expression was exactly the same as that of Bree, who had a shadow over there. They were both gradually stunned, unable to believe this cruel reality. The revenge that I have kept in my heart day and night, but this is the result?

Lin Qi shook his head, without thinking too much, and flicked it, whoosh!

Zombie Katakuri grabbed the spear and was thrown out like a meteor.

However, before flying a few hundred meters, the zombie Katakuri collided with a large group of black shadows flying towards him!

Bang! ! ! !

Zombie Katakuri collided with the opponent, bounced off each other, spun rapidly and rolled to the ground. The one flying from the opposite direction rolled closer to Lynch and the others, while the zombie Katakuri rolled to somewhere in the night ahead.

“It hurts so much!! It hurts so much!!!”

Blackbeard covered his face that was about to be hit by a punch and rolled on the ground in pain.

“The ripples on the fist mark…” Lin Qi couldn’t help laughing when he saw this, “Haha, was it Luffy who beat me?”

“Huh?” Blackbeard heard the laughter and sat up suddenly. He looked at Katakuri’s zombie next to him, then looked at Lin Qi. He suddenly smiled evilly, showing a mouth full of rotten teeth, and jerked towards Lin Qi. Qi stretched out his palm and said, “Dark Water!”

Wow! Tides of darkness surged out of Teach’s hand, but Lynch, who was aiming, stood motionless.

“Damn it!!” Blackbeard said angrily, “I understand, your kid doesn’t have any Devil Fruit abilities at all now, right?!”

In this case——

Blackbeard was about to aim the dark water in his hand at Brooke, Nicole Robin and others, but he heard Lynch shout: “Wait a minute!”

“Huh?” Blackbeard glared at him.

Lin Qi said unhappily: “What do you mean? If I have a devil fruit, can you deal with me? Huh?”

“Arrogant.” Armand stepped back and took a breath.

“Isn’t he handsome?” Robin looked at Lynch with a smile.

“…” A smile slowly appeared at the corner of Blackbeard’s mouth, he opened his arms and laughed, “Hahaha, what else? My Dark Fruit is the nemesis of all Devil Fruit users! Lynch, how dare you Put on your devil fruit and fight me?”

“Come on.” Lynch nodded his black beard with a maniacal laugh and raised his finger to the side, and soon “B.I.B” stuffed a Devil Fruit chip into Lynch’s body.

Peng…In an instant, one of Lynch’s arms turned into molten lava, and half of his body was dripping with hot magma, burning the ground under his feet into billowing white smoke. The astonishing heat made everyone present feel thirsty. dry.

Former Admiral Akainu’s lava fruit? !

Damn it, it’s really fake! !

Blackbeard’s eyes suddenly widened. He stretched out his big hand towards Lynch without hesitation, and activated the power of the Dark Fruit at full strength, “Hahahaha! It belongs to me! Dark Water!!!”

Bang! ! ! ! !

An astonishing gravitational force wrapped around Lynch’s body through the black tide, as if grabbing the molten fruit factor in his bloodline factor inside him, trying to pull him over.


Lin Qi, however, remained motionless, looking at the black beard opposite him with a kind face.

Blackbeard’s expression suddenly changed.

Then, Blackbeard started to move on his own…

“Idiot, the effects of force are mutual!”

Lin Qi was shocked, and with the help of the strong gravity of the dark water, he grabbed Blackbeard and stepped on the rotten tooth boy’s flat face.

“Are you kidding me?!” Blackbeard’s cheek slowly deformed.

Bang! Blue-black domineering burst out, a few rotten teeth flying with blood, Blackbeard was kicked hundreds of meters by Lynch, and then… collided with the zombie Katakuri in mid-air again!

“Eh? What’s the matter?” A familiar voice came from the direction where the zombie Katakuri flew, and soon Luffy walked over with the straw hat on his head, “I just met this strange big zombie on the road… Oh , isn’t this Lynch, Robin, Chopper and Brooke?”

“How is it possible…” Over there, Bree muttered to herself in despair. Even if she couldn’t beat Lynch, why couldn’t Brother Katakuri, who had so many shadows, not even be able to beat that straw hat boy?

On the ground, there was Luffy’s fist mark on the left side of Blackbeard’s face, and Lynch’s footprints on the right side of his face. His mouth was full of blood, and he was lying on the ground rolling in pain.

Luffy smiled and kicked the zombie Katakuri to Lynch, “I’ll give you the small one, I want the big one!”

Bang, bang, Lin Qi dusted the lava stars on his shoulders, patted aside the flying zombie Katakuri with the green and black iron rod, and reminded Luffy: “No one will fight with you! But! , this rotten dog is very lucky, and his life is very tough! We must make sure to kill him!”

Luffy asked curiously: “How hard is his life?”

Lin Qi thought for a while and said: “It’s almost the same as you.”

Luffy exclaimed: “That’s how awesome he is!”

But he quickly smiled, rubbed his fists and said, “Hehe, even if I’m not careful, Ace won’t let him go!”

They were chatting here, but over there, the eerie voice of the aunt came from the rubble of the ruins: “Soul Fruit, awakening…the gods are coming!!”

In an instant, the entire island seemed to come alive. Faces sprouted from the mountains, giants emerged from the ground, and even the air everywhere screamed like ghosts…Densely packed monsters with awakened souls surrounded them like a tide. Lynch raised his voice and said: “Brooke, come to life. ! ”

“Yo **** ho ho,” Brooke drew the knife, and the green stand-in “Knocking on the Door of Heaven” next to him made a strange pose of flexing his muscles, “I am just right, I think so too!”

“Wow! You look so awesome!” Luffy marveled and said with a smile, “Then I’ll leave this to you!”

As he said that, he dragged Blackbeard away.

Of course Blackbeard had the strength to resist, but he didn’t struggle – he finally figured it out. Instead of confronting Lynch head-on, he might as well go back and fight with Straw Hat and Ace!

“It’s getting late…ah, no, it’s almost dawn.”

” It’s almost time to finish! My Miss Robin can get some beauty sleep early.”


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